"Sometimes the hardest, most important thing one can do, is find a reason to smile.
A smile can make all the difference in the world."
A smile can make all the difference in the world."
Name: Snow Sparrow
Age: 35
Gender: Male
- Scroll containing a more liberal interpretation of the Immaculate Text, with case.
- Incense.
- A silver bell.
- A pouch of salt.
- A healer's kit filled with herbal salves, bandages, and acupuncture needles.
- Coin pouch containing one quian five siu and ten yen.
- Journal with charcoal stylus.
- Walking staff.
Snow is a man of temperate discipline. A man that tries to find order, reason, beauty, and hope in an insane and chaotic Creation that teeters on the brink of darkness. Against all wisdom and all sense, Snow is a man of optimism, mercy, and forgiveness. He tries to bring peace and wholeness to whomever he meets. He is detached from things like anger though his heart weighs heavy with regrets. He was once, stubborn, resolute in his convictions, but the pillar he once stood for has crumbled. He now attaches himself to whatever good he can find and holds onto it, for his own sense of stability. It has taught him to be versatile, be pure in thought and deed. One can always find a friend and helping hand in Snow.
"What a shame."
These were the words he has heard many times in his life.
He has always been touched by fairness and beauty. A shame he was an orphan and joined the Immaculate Order rather than the brothels, shaving his head and taking the vow of chastity, and thus never knowing a woman's touch.
He was always a peaceful, polite, a good child that always hated fighting. What a shame that his own spiritual piousness had him marked to be a traveling monk that dealt with unruly spirits and exorcising ghosts, and thus he had to learn the mortal forms of of the Martial Arts Five Dragons and (thankfully) Crane styles.
He was the perfect Immaculate Monk. Offering enlightenment, peace, words of relief and comfort to the commoners of the Realm. A shame he was called to duty and left the shores of the Blessed Isle to the Threshold where he would help bless the legions that would be sent into grizzly deaths, and do battle with the undead himself on occasion.
He always had the scriptures of the Immaculate Order to remind him that with the Immaculate Dragons and the Dragon Blooded Host would always be victorious against the enemies of Creation. A shame that he would see the Perfect Terrestrial Exalts fail and fall, some leaving hundreds to die to save their own skin. How shameful that his life was saved by a Golden Demon, an Anathema who displayed such Compassion, such Valor that Snow himself was filled with renewed vigor and followed this Devil towards victory and life, shirking off his life's teachings to fight at the Golden Devil's side.
And with the knowledge that he wasn't pure enough to resist the Anathema's magic, and that these beings, thought monsters beyond evil, were stepping on the Blessed Isle as warrior kings giving the people strength and hope, and that the Immaculate Order and their scripture was being exposed as lies, his faith finally broke. He let his hair grow out, broke his vows, and became a shell of a man without faith or purpose. What a shame.
A shame that the alcohol and whores didn't give him happiness.
A shame that the people cried out for relief, for hope in these dark times.
A shame that he still had the skills that people required.
But that was his life. He never would get what he personally wanted. His fate is to serve. His fate is to be where he's needed to be. He's grown to rather enjoy his lot in life, despite everything. There was no shame in helping others after all.
Other: Snow knows Thaumaturgy of Spirits, Alchemy, and Binding. He is no where near as skilled as a proper Thaumaturge but he knows how to appease the gods, how to excorcise ghosts, and make a few poultices for healing if he has the ingredients.