The way some people spell makes me wonder about their pronunciation.
6 yrs ago
They say it's about the journey, not the destination. This is true of many things. Pizza delivery is not one of them.
7 yrs ago
TFW you know what you want to happen but the words aren't cooperating. Why is plot suddenly so much harder to write?
7 yrs ago
You can't fix a blank page ~ Neil Gaiman
7 yrs ago
Neil Gaiman on Friday. Neil Gaiman on Friday. NeilGaimanonFriday NEilGaimanonFridaYNEILGAIMANONFRIDAY NEILGAIMANAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH
I am an adult, though I don't usually act like it. I'm a voracious reader, and not overly picky about books. I am artistic in a variety of areas, including music, drawing, writing, and sculpting. I have a minor obsession with dragons, and love the color violet. Fantasy is my preferred genre, be it past, future, long as it has a fantasy flavor to it. I also like scifi, mystery, and some horror. I am crazy, and I like tormenting my characters. But I don't bite...much. ^.~
@AngelofOctober OH hello. I was reading through things again. You're a professional editor? That's super impressive. I lack the self-discipline for it. I get attached to my own writing, and I'm too busy enjoying the story with someone else's. <3
@BrokenPromise We need more voters. I mean, can you even call it a win when it's one vote each? *tilt head* I'm tempted to try to drag people over here, but that'd look a lot like gunning for popularity. It's also awkward when one out of two/three voters couldn't even consider their own work (I mean, obviously I get why, but it's still unfair to them).
@Scout yeah, I was about for some rp or other. Something from the sonic group, I think. And then Pach's one I think was here for a while? Maybe? I can't remember. But I'd totally forgotten this place when you and Vena mentioned it. I didn't realize I'd been here preFall until someone from one of those rps mentioned it.
I am an adult, though I don't usually act like it. I'm a voracious reader, and not overly picky about books. I am artistic in a variety of areas, including music, drawing, writing, and sculpting. I have a minor obsession with dragons, and love the color violet. Fantasy is my preferred genre, be it past, future, long as it has a fantasy flavor to it. I also like scifi, mystery, and some horror. I am crazy, and I like tormenting my characters. But I don't bite...much. ^.~
Color Sergeant in Bot Killer Squad[/center]
<div style="white-space:pre-wrap;">I am an adult, though I don't usually act like it. I'm a voracious reader, and not overly picky about books. I am artistic in a variety of areas, including music, drawing, writing, and sculpting. I have a minor obsession with dragons, and love the color violet. Fantasy is my preferred genre, be it past, future, long as it has a fantasy flavor to it. I also like scifi, mystery, and some horror. I am crazy, and I like tormenting my characters. But I don't bite...much. ^.~<br><br><div class="bb-center"><img src="" /><br>Color Sergeant in Bot Killer Squad</div></div>