Avatar of shylarah


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6 mos ago
Current The way some people spell makes me wonder about their pronunciation.
6 yrs ago
They say it's about the journey, not the destination. This is true of many things. Pizza delivery is not one of them.
7 yrs ago
TFW you know what you want to happen but the words aren't cooperating. Why is plot suddenly so much harder to write?
7 yrs ago
You can't fix a blank page ~ Neil Gaiman
7 yrs ago
Neil Gaiman on Friday. Neil Gaiman on Friday. NeilGaimanonFriday NEilGaimanonFridaYNEILGAIMANONFRIDAY NEILGAIMANAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH


I am an adult, though I don't usually act like it. I'm a voracious reader, and not overly picky about books. I am artistic in a variety of areas, including music, drawing, writing, and sculpting. I have a minor obsession with dragons, and love the color violet. Fantasy is my preferred genre, be it past, future, urban...as long as it has a fantasy flavor to it. I also like scifi, mystery, and some horror. I am crazy, and I like tormenting my characters. But I don't bite...much. ^.~

Color Sergeant in Bot Killer Squad

Most Recent Posts

[ Jareth ]

Fixeon Municipal Recycling Plant

The sound of Chimera shooting a terrazard warned Jareth and the group that they were coming. There was no more time to plan. Luna was off, and Ardent as well. The main bulk of the terrazards were coming straight for them, with just a few off to the sides. Time for some earthworks to slow them down!

Jareth tapped into his power, and the ground trembled, then began to move. He fashioned outward angled walls to the front of their battlefield, making sure to leave a couple gaps in the defenses to funnel the 'zards to those points.

And it worked...sort of. 'Zards still climbed over the walls, but they were slower than the ones that took the pre-prepared openings. But since all the terrazards couldn't fit through the openings at once, that slowed them down too overall.

With the 'zards clustered in the two openings Jareth had left in the walls, it was time for a sinkhole or two. Reaching out a hand, he opened a large hole beneath a group of the Leftover lizards, catching maybe six or seven of them in it. Then as quickly as he could, he filled in the hole again with dirt and rock, which would hopefully suffocate the 'zards to death. At the very least, they would have difficulty moving.
@Eviledd1984 We have one person pending, if you count Wayward. I wouldn't mind moving to the main thread, though!
@vietmyke I can't take credit. This is from an old rp I was in several years ago, with some edits to fit this rp. ^.^;;
@vietmyke yeah, there could be a message board and forums and stuff, I'm sure. a video chat would be interesting too.
@Eviledd1984 a social media platform would work!
@vietmyke Hm. I suppose? That means we're probably based in/around Chicago, though. Emma is a Chicago-area native.
@Eviledd1984 North America is still a pretty big place. I have rp buddies I've known for fifteen years that are american like me, that I've never met because we live SO FAR APART. Emma's not likely to go to a meetup unless it's in her general area. She runs a dance studio and that's a full-time job.

That said, I'm not adverse to in-person interaction. I just don't know how the logistics will play out.
@Eviledd1984 Are there guns in this universe?
@vietmyke Oh, hey there!
@imia@RoseKnightJason Izurich's own post mentions Bone Chime's knee, and Iava getting skewered (which happened simultaneously?), so Liz's actions probably come after.
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