Avatar of Sierra
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 639 (0.25 / day)
  • VMs: 1
  • Username history
    1. Sierra 7 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current For those wondering where I fucked off to ... the apple iphone 14 pre-order launch is this thursday and I work software dev for a cell carrier. Been a lil slammed.
2 yrs ago
As someone who once unironically used grey-on-black text .... don't. Its impossible to read on OLED screens, which include most modern phones.
1 like
2 yrs ago
Sometimes I feel like this site is a Thai buffet. I'm sure there's delicious things here, but for the life of my I can't find anything that really speaks to me right now.
2 yrs ago
When not prepping for my D&D table, I should spruce up some of my stuff here. Not all of my old content is the garbage I presumed it was. But some things I wrote we won't talk about ....
2 yrs ago
Reflections on characters past: "Adi really was a spoiled brat. How did I ever think her motivations were compelling?"


Peace is a lie. There is only passion.
Through passion, I gain strength.
Through strength, I gain power.
Through power, my chains are broken.
The Force shall free me.

Most Recent Posts

@rocketrobie2 I would uh, not have done that if I were you. Standard current-gen consoles are apparently hit the worst with the performance issues borderlining on unplayability. Godspeed comrade.

@LetMeDoStuff You should be in a half-decent spot. I'm running on some pretty beastly hardware. 1650 Super ought to do 1080p60fps with good stability. The framerate stability is definitely the biggest issue right now, backed up by micro-stuttering on some hardware configurations (I suspect this has to do with insufficient VRAM).
I don't know why they published the min/recommended specs they did. I feel like most of us knew that was going to be woefully insufficient.
- 0 7 -
The deadliest weapon is information, but bullets make a damn fine backup.


- S T A N D A R D C A R R Y -
Sarva Armories G33 N.O.M.A.D. - 10mm handgun
Versatile, flexible, concealable: the weapon of a street operative.

- S P E C I A L P U R P O S E -
Modular Weapon System: readily configurable to operational parameters. With weighty 6.8mm high-power rounds, well-adapted to conventional military & clandestine operations alike.

- A R M O R -
Knight Systems polymer-ceramic composite bodysuit
Durable segmented plating able to stop intermediate cartridges past 200 yards, all in a slim formfitting package wearable under plain clothes. "0-7" is stenciled onto both shoulder plates, the left breastplate, and right shoulder blade area in the style of air force tail numbers.

Gadetry/Ability ideas:
Low hanging fruit: cloaking, thermal sight.
Exotic: sensor pods linked to optic implants, neurocontrolled drones.

I thought about using an adaptation of Takeda Kirido for this but she has a fair bit of lore behind her I wasn't comfortable throwing out. So instead, I took the opportunity to try and play a male character without falling into the gender roles trap.

The whole not having a background is ... decidedly outside my usual comfort zone, but the rest of everything actually looks nice & well-written & well-managed. I think this might just be something I'd really enjoy exploring. I should partake in mysterious stuff more often after all. If, that is, you are willing to take one more. I know you want to keep the player count manageably small.
Jeez do I include my D&D table stories here or not? That is the question. I have stories from both my own and an outsider POV for both here and some other places, plus my 5th edition campaign table, but I usually make it a point not to drag out the buried history of other forums I've been on.

Just from this place from a GM perspective, the two things that have killed my stuff is 1) too much lore, not enough plot, and 2) being too slow to convert interest to action. Honorable mention to struggling to find a balance between rails & player freedom, since it seems like every group has a different ideal balance and I can never quite nail it down.

As a player, I'm entirely too uncompromising probably from having been burnt a few times in the past. I'm very quick to pass on something from a relatively minor issue unless I'm actively committed. I tend to assume it will become a major sticking point, even though statistically it isn't likely to, and don't like taking the chance. I really need to let things slide more easily.

@fledermaus I'm pretty sure I remember reading the main post for that once a good while back actually.
Hmmm ... I lurked my way through the URL so that's +1 for likelyhood of sticking around. I was thinking about pulling an old concept from archive, but that may need photonic entanglement to fly. That uhh ... "revises" some laws of physics and has the potential to power scale to the ridiculous if not handled carefully. I traditionally balance it out by putting it with a generally harmless character, i.e. some naive do-gooder with limited knowledge of the ability's true limits. Plus I should have a pyromancy concept in the vault too if hardlight opens far too many cans of worms.
@Heat you stalking me kid?

So what are people thinking power wise. As I finish up the OOC I'm curious what direction people are going in.

Well I dunno. There's a lot that goes into that question, namely three things:

1) Will availability actually permit me to be sufficiently consistent on here? (very uncertain question given my course load + D&D)
2) Are you wanting to lean more into the comic book style of superpowers or was there the intent to give a rigorous application of realism?
3) How grounded or outrageous are you willing to let people get with power? It could stay thoroughly grounded or go all the way to absolute sorcery.

And I can't figure out where for the life of me I've seen you before. There was some place other than SW: Galaxies at War.
I'm not really an anime guy, Mechwarrior and Pacific Rim are usually my giant robot fix, but I'll admit I enjoyed Aldnoah Zero. It respected the principles of inertia 90% of the time. I have a spare eye to keep pointed this direction.
Quick update on this, since I've totally missed my promised deadlines. My next semester starts up this coming week (which I knew about and was prepared to work around) and have also been getting pestered by IRL friends to DM for them (which I was not expecting to get or to take seriously). I've not played D&D in years, played 5th edition at all, or DM'd ever, and they want me to run a campaign ...

I would much rather do this right than do this fast, and that means right now it needs to sit on ice for a few weeks, until I'm in a more stable position to give it the attention it demands. The first week after throwing up an OOC thread is the most demanding time and sets the pacing for the rest of the RP. I would be remiss if I attempted to push forward knowing I couldn't keep up with that. I expect this hold to last between two to three weeks in order to stabilize and prepare.
@Torack Based on my experiences as both GM and player, I tend to prefer to keep one hand on the wheel when running an RP. There is an end goal to be strived for, and there is only so far off the beaten path people can get. That said, I don't have a strict definition of the beaten path nor am I looking for it to be walked exactly. The misadventures had along the way and the pace of pursuing that end goal are somewhat flexible.

That's all to say that I'm not planning on pre-writing a completely linear story to railroad people into, but I do have a general idea of where the story needs to go and will keep it relatively on that track. Its not a railroad so much as it's a road trip. I'm happy as long as some progress is generally being made, and compelling stories are being told along the way.

For everyone,
I finished sprucing up some additional lore bits and added them. I'll be working on some preliminary feedback, some FAQ stuff, and a formal thread (plus some expanded interest checking in other locations) next. I should have at least one of those things going up by tomorrow afternoon. Not sure if that's gonna be the thread or a comprehensive feedback round, TBD.
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