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Crusader Central Command Base, Heretic's Folly

"Got you this time old man." Lacen Bradley said to his father with confidence, moving a small plastic game piece across a gaming board. "I win this and you owe me a beer." Isaac however, had far more experience with the game, along with beating his son in almost every round since he was young, and today wouldn't be any different. "Boy, you win this, beer's on me for life, and I'll even give you half my field rations."

Lacen's expression quickly turned sour at the thought. "Eck, no thank you Pop." He quickly replied. "Tastes like rotten Garrim shit." Isaac's ears perked up from his own son's foul mouth. "Watch that mouth of yours boy." he mildly scolded him. "Your poor mother would faint hearing you talk like that."

"Yeah yeah, sorry pop.." Lacen said, almost dismissively as he begun moving another piece. "But by the Gods, I'm a grown man, and we're in a middle of a war. A little swearing here and there is warranted."

"That may be." Isaac replied as he moved another piece, victory for him was once more nearing. "But you're still that little boy we know and love." He said with a wide, caring smile. "Gotta set ya straight on the right path."

"Yeah yeah..." Lacen replied, his cheeks clearly blushing from the mild embarrassment, he looked up, seeing the small moment of worry in his father's eyes, the dreadful, lingering thought that one or both of them will never return home. "We're gonna get through this." Lacen reassured his father, blindly moving another piece, not realizing he was close to defeat. "I promised Ma we'd both come home from this, that we'd come home Heroes." His father smiled once more, nodding to his son. "We can't leave ya mother all alone like that, it'll just break her heart even more." Lacen nodded back, looking at the board, his eyes widening from the stupid mistake he just made. "Aw shit.." he cursed one more.

"Language." Isaac said as he placed the winning piece. "And that's a checkmate my dear boy."

"Your days are numbered old man." Lacen jokingly said to his father as both men laughed it off. "Good game." He smiled, however their small time of bonding would soon end as duty calls, a trooper clad in the new Crusader combat armor approaching the two from behind. "Lacen." The trooper called out his name. "Lord Idris wants you in the briefing room, something important."


Lacen, along with the rest of his squad stand around the Briefing room, taking whatever seats they saw fit as the Supreme Commander of the Agdemnar Crusade walked into the room. He was a tall, imposing figure, clad in antiquated armor fashioned after the ancient knights of Earth. Idris Gallant or as he's known by his troops and chapter brothers alike, the Ashen Wolf, Grand Master of the Banner Brothers to the Lord of Fury. The squad almost immediately stood at attention as he entered. "Reporting for duty, sir!" They declared in unison. "At ease." He ordered with a gravelly tone to his voice. They relaxed and took their seats once more.

"I've summoned you here for your particular skills in reconnaissance and pathfinding." Idris said with praise.

"You honor us, my lord." The team Sargent, Alice Cortez spoke. Idris nodded and then continued. "I need those skills for a rather dangerous assignment."

"Just point us the way and we'll find the target milord." Another spoke up, an Rolvian called Raxal Tham. He nodded in agreement, in that moment a holo-projection manifested in the center of the room in the form of the region surrounding Point Jakurna. "For the last few months, we've been monitoring New Roman positions in the mountain range surrounding the Sacred Artifact." On Que, blurry, distant images of the New Roman stronghold materialized. "This is all we could manage to obtain in all these months, and every attempt to get in closer was met with lost drones, the Romans would shoot down any that would be within kill-range of their sentry guns."

"And this is where we come in." Lacen interjected. Idris nodded. "Correct, we plan to launch an assault on the Romans, and I need your team to scout out the enemy base, do what the drones couldn't."

"We're on it, sir." Alice spoke up.

"Good, you leave within half an hour."


Ascendant Palace
The Oracle's Office

"The nerve of it of all.." Oracle Lassnia Drass spoke bitterly as she read the inquiry from the Lokoid Council and one could easily tell she was none too pleased with what was written down. Standing before her was another member of the Ascendant Council, Apostle Loc Haran, a fellow Dathir like herself. Apostle Haran had just arrived the moment Oracle Drass completed the inquiry, taking note of her angered expression. "Troubles your Grace?" He spoke with great elegance and a certain level of posh to his tone, fitting for one of Noble blood. Lassnia Drass drew her eyes to meet the Apostle's, her mood changing as she gave him a a subtle grin. "It's the damned Lokoid, Haran." She replied to him. "A small detachment of Gallant's crusaders had staged an unsuccessfully attack on an Lokoid staging point." Lassnia paused as she took a brief breather. "They say what they attacked was one several of their "Exploratory Zones", but they think us fools, not knowing any better." She pulled a small holo-projection device from her desk, activating it to reveal looping images of the Lokoid "Exploratory Zones" and their dirty secrets that they hold within.

"Reconnaissance prior to the attack has reveled to us that the Lokoid have established several staging points for military build-up, and have already transported a significant amount of military hardware, as shown in the footage they've provided." Loc smirked at this discovery. "We've caught them in their lie." He said."

"That we have." She said in great satisfaction. "Which is why I have summoned you here my friend." She paused once more as she leaned forward from her seat ad onto her desk. "I want you bring this to the Lokoid for our little "summit" in Rolvian Space, I've already made the necessary arrangements and have alerted the Rolvian Government of your impending arrival, you leave within the day." She gave the device a small push as it slide over, nearing the edge of the desk as Haran grabbed the device. He looked upon it, his smirk remaining as he turned his gaze back to the Oracle. "I will not fail you, your Grace." He said as he made his leave and carried out his assignment without delay, exiting the sliding doors. Leaving the Oracle to bask in her possible triumph over the Lokoid. However, the Oracle's part of the plan was still in motion, her reply to the Lokoid was yet to be sent.


Agdemnar System
Deep Space
An two hours after the battle.
In close proximity of the FRCHS Hermione

The battle between the Crusader fleet and the 8th fleet was a fierce one, however, Garza had severely underestimated his foe, and in the process had lost a handful of ships, many of the surviving crew fleeing to other vessels for safety. The sheer number of wounded and dying proved too much for all sick bays within the fleet combined, resorting to a true blessing of the Gods. The Federation had managed to park a hospital ship deep in the system, acting as a sort of neutral safe harbor for the wounded of all participants of the Agdemnar conflict.

Garza was looking out the window in his personal quarters, observing the void, his battle-harden and scarred ships surrounding the federation vessel, transports ferrying the wounded, at least those that couldn't be serviced within the sick bays of their own ships. Truly this was a disastrous operation to begin with. He let out a deep, somber sigh at the sight beholden to him, tears even running down his cheeks. He was knocked out of his trace as he heard several pings from the door. "Come in." He spoke, turning to face whomever was entering. It was his XO, Selena Hanu. "I'm sorry, sir, if I came at a wrong time.." She apologized, taken notice of the tears running down. Garza wiped his face clean of any streaks of tears. "No, no, it's fine." He said. "What do you need, Captain?"

Captain Hanu cleared her throat as she stepped forward. "We've received a message from an approaching vessel. It's Kadathi in origin." Garza an eyebrow, intrigue what he just heard. "The Kadathi? Here? They've haven't made a move since this whole war started."

"Exactly my thoughts, sir." Hanu replied. "They've come to request a parley."

A spark of hope lit within the Admiral, another ally in this conflict would do wonders for the crusade, he couldn't, no, can't turn this offer away. "Let's hear them out." Garza eagerly said. "Did they provide coordinates?"

"That they have, sir." Hanu replied. "We are to meet them in orbit of Agdemnar VII."

"Good, alert the Captain of the Hermione, tell 'em we'll be off on patrol." Garza ordered. "Have the fleet remain here, we're going in this alone."

"As you wish, Admiral."
Expect my IC post either sometime today or tomorrow.
I would see a map as a fun little side thing to have, but yeah, we've done good so far without it. But if there is a need one one, I wouldn't be against it.
@KaiserElectric Well as long as they're not literal giants and have a reasonable height. :P
@KaiserElectric There was, yes, but we're past it and we can hopefully move forward from it :)
@Sierra A real shame it ended up this way. Was fun while it lasted thought! :) Hopefully we can rp again in the far future.
Looking forward to see what you got :)
@Predawnia Definitely more on the softer/Space Opera side of things. So you can get a bit wild(within reason that is). Legion's nation is pretty much made up of psionic space wizards for one example.
Nice, hopefully you'll get hooked! But if you feel for whatever reason you can't, not a problem :)
Welcome aboard! Looking forward to see what you'll make :)

Was reading your post and there's a bit of an error. It was the Arsians that conquered Manir in the war. My nation wasn't formed back then. Nothing too major though :)
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