Avatar of Sigma


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@Voltus_Ventus Ah, sorry to hear that man but thank you!
@Voltus_Ventus Callisto is free if you're still interested.

Claimed Locations
Pluto(and moons)
Eris and Dysnomia
Saturn(and moons)
Uranus(And its moons)
Ishtar(Planet Nine)
Neptune(And its Moons)
Earth is contested between the powers of Sol and local forces.

Earth Claims

RP's theme
The moment the first jump gate was built, it had opened a new chapter in the history of mankind. The next several hundred years would see human expansion, an interstellar gold rush for hundreds of star systems. It was an age of exploration, expansion, and countless wars. However, one such war would bring about the rise of tyranny for a millennium.

The Terran Empire, a despotic regime on the fringes of human space, had set on a campaign of total conquest, seizing the opportunity as the other nations squabble and war amongst themselves. Over a decade of war led to an unexpected terran victory.

Now all of humanity had fallen under the thumb of the Terran Empire, ushering a millennium of hardship, tyranny but also of strange and new innovations. One such was the creation of the Demihumans, an umbrella term for a vast array of human- derivative races and species. Some designed to survive on worlds too extreme for baseline humans, some designed to be soldiers and so on. To be human had quickly been broadened as humanity continually altered itself.

The Terran Empire’s reign, however, would not last forever. The last Emperor, Jarus Augustus IV, would die an unfortunate death due to a tragic accident, leaving no heir to claim the throne. It was then this would spark the Empire’s downfall.Nobles would bicker amongst themselves, who was to claim the throne? One would say himself; another would say he ought to claim it, the Empire soon shattered as civil war engulfed it, the Great Collapse to follow.

Dozens of factions formed, some claiming to be the rightful successor, others simply taking advantage of the chaos to finally break free. Regardless of motive, there was one target all factions would deem a significant prize. The Throneworld of Earth. Armies from across human space all converged In the Sol System, fighting a fierce campaign to take the Imperial Capital for themselves.

The free for all would last several years before a great catastrophe struck. The Sol Jump Gate, along with the entirety of the Jump Gate network, had been destroyed, all parties blaming the other for this act of terror. Nonetheless, the armies sent to Sol knew of the futility of carrying out the war, and simply stopped, an unofficial armistice called into place.

Over two centuries later, Sol has long recovered from the war, new nations rising from the ashes the Empire. However, conflict is still an all too familiar fact of life as the nations of Sol struggle for resources and territory. A cold war stirs on Earth as the forces of Sol converge once more to reclaim the throne of a long dead empire. A New Tomorrow dawns on both Old Man and New Man.


Welcome to New Man's Tomorrow, an Solar NRP set in the far far future after the fall of an interlinear empire. We not only will get to play as humans but a whole assortment of demihuman races(think of all those rubber-faced aliens or odd-colored humans and you get a general gist of it.). Hope to have some fun!

Nation Sheet
Nation Name/Flag:(Flag is optional)
Government Type:
Economy:(Can as brief or as detailed as you wish, could even be a simple list of resources you have and don't have.)
Your sheet can be as detailed as you wish, there's not really a set way in preparing it. And you're welcome to add new bits to your sheet if you wish to share more about your nation, I don't mind customized sheets too much. You also have the option of playing as non-national organizations if you so wish.

Organization Sheet
Organization Name/Emblem:(Emblem is optional)
Military/Civilian Assets:
Budget:(Can as brief or as detailed as you wish, could even be a simple list of resources you have and don't have.)
Welcome aboard!

RP's theme
The moment the first jump gate was built, it had opened a new chapter in the history of mankind. The next several hundred years would see human expansion, an interstellar gold rush for hundreds of star systems. It was an age of exploration, expansion, and countless wars. However, one such war would bring about the rise of tyranny for a millennium.

The Terran Empire, a despotic regime on the fringes of human space, had set on a campaign of total conquest, seizing the opportunity as the other nations squabble and war amongst themselves. Over a decade of war led to an unexpected terran victory.

Now all of humanity had fallen under the thumb of the Terran Empire, ushering a millennium of hardship, tyranny but also of strange and new innovations. One such was the creation of the Demihumans, an umbrella term for a vast array of human- derivative races and species. Some designed to survive on worlds too extreme for baseline humans, some designed to be soldiers and so on. To be human had quickly been broadened as humanity continually altered itself.

The Terran Empire’s reign, however, would not last forever. The last Emperor, Jarus Augustus IV, would die an unfortunate death due to a tragic accident, leaving no heir to claim the throne. It was then this would spark the Empire’s downfall.Nobles would bicker amongst themselves, who was to claim the throne? One would say himself; another would say he ought to claim it, the Empire soon shattered as civil war engulfed it, the Great Collapse to follow.

Dozens of factions formed, some claiming to be the rightful successor, others simply taking advantage of the chaos to finally break free. Regardless of motive, there was one target all factions would deem a significant prize. The Throneworld of Earth. Armies from across human space all converged In the Sol System, fighting a fierce campaign to take the Imperial Capital for themselves.

The free for all would last several years before a great catastrophe struck. The Sol Jump Gate, along with the entirety of the Jump Gate network, had been destroyed, all parties blaming the other for this act of terror. Nonetheless, the armies sent to Sol knew of the futility of carrying out the war, and simply stopped, an unofficial armistice called into place.

Over two centuries later, Sol has long recovered from the war, new nations rising from the ashes the Empire. However, conflict is still an all too familiar fact of life as the nations of Sol struggle for resources and territory. A cold war stirs on Earth as the forces of Sol converge once more to reclaim the throne of a long dead empire. A New Tomorrow dawns on both Old Man and New Man.


Welcome to New Man's Tomorrow, an Solar NRP set in the far far future after the fall of an interlinear empire. We not only will get to play as humans but a whole assortment of demihuman races(think of all those rubber-faced aliens or odd-colored humans and you get a general gist of it.). Hope to have some fun!

Nation Sheet
Nation Name/Flag:(Flag is optional)
Government Type:
Economy:(Can as brief or as detailed as you wish, could even be a simple list of resources you have and don't have.)
Your sheet can be as detailed as you wish, there's not really a set way in preparing it. And you're welcome to add new bits to your sheet if you wish to share more about your nation, I don't mind customized sheets too much. You also have the option of playing as non-national organizations if you so wish.

Organization Sheet
Organization Name/Emblem:(Emblem is optional)
Military/Civilian Assets:
Budget:(Can as brief or as detailed as you wish, could even be a simple list of resources you have and don't have.)

So any takers?
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