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7 yrs ago
it's the unspoken rule of the internet that whenever you got Rick rolled, you must finish the entire video.


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Robert Reese

"Play nice okay hun?"

"Yeah, whatever mom. I still don't get it tho, why should I go to school? I mean i'm doing fine on learning stuff on my own. I doubt I'll learn anything new here." Robert pouted. The young artificer speaks simply not out of arrogance.

He's a bit disappointed on why he has to trouble himself learning the basics again. Seems like a waste of time. Based on the given powers of hyperintellect he possesses and the ability to create advanced tech and such, He feels like he should be at college level at this point and not some kid attending grade school.

"I suppose..but do remember that knowledge isn't everything, son. I choose this school for a reason." Ms. Reese sighed.

"I know you may not like it.. but at least do it for me? ~Pleasee" His mother smiles beamingly at him. so much so that Robert becomes flustered.

"Tch.. fine.." Robert reluctantly said with a bit of annoyance in his voice.

He stepped out of the car and went straight at the sea of students and numerous people alike. Robert was surprised the academy is a lot bigger inside. He went to the pavilion to get some idea of what extracurricular activities this school has to offer. But so far non interest him.

The delinquent can feel the glancing looks behind his shoulders, whisper and judging stares of humans and non-human creatures alike. With all of the piercing, tats, and that resting intimidating look Robert has, it's no surprise some people are trying to avoid him. Not that it matters to him. Robert is used to his infamy by now.

Robert continues his solo tour of the academy, finding himself in the halls where out of nowhere a small fire breaks out at the science lab. Smoke raises from the door as people inside started to exit.

Without a second thought, He rushes in and extends his hand. With a flick of his fingers, The artificer bends every technology equipment in the room to his own will, salvaging what needs to be saved and overriding the school's fire sprinkler system, putting it into overdrive, dousing the flames even faster.

Surely, this little display of minor hacking of the school system would get the security's attention.

The smoke clears and fire is put out. The science lab was mostly singed but still intact.

"Yo, What's the deal? you nerds making some indoor explosives?--- sounds fun..." Robert said with a mischievous smile.

"Well not exactly, one of our first years had a little mishap on his tinkering, causing it to malfunction and caught fire." One of the students said with a downcast expression.

"Say, that's a neat trick you got there.. I haven't seen you around these parts, have you ever tried joining a club? We would love if you join ours.. -- or at least help us clean up, if that's too much to ask. Hate to see the science club looking like a mess before the school year starts." Another student steps in and asked.

"Eh, sure.. why not.." Robert simply shrugs. He got nothing better to do on this first day, The young artificer decided might as well hang around here and burn some time.

I'm not really verse about the deep lore of jujutsu kaisen. nevertheless, I'm interested!

Saffron village: South gate
Interacting with: Anyone at the south gates, @Rethel34
Moves use: Ryuji: Acrobat/Mori: Mean look

This has to be one of the worst mornings Ryuji had in his entire life - And boy, he had plenty.

Everyone near the south gates is either food or a chew toy for the feral Persian that appeared out of nowhere. The village is under siege by this beast.

Mori can't sit idly any longer knowing that his master is now in grave danger. Quickly thinking, the blackbird swoops in and snatches the keys of one of the soldier's side pockets in one fluid motion and hands it over to his trainer.

"Took you long enough," Ryuji smirks and freed himself from his cuffs and bailed at the last second where his cage got destroyed and everyone got swatted by the rampaging feline.

The ronin scoots away in the line of fire between the beast and the saffron's soldiers. He should run, he really should but instead, he's contemplating about it. Ryuji can't help it but there's a nagging feeling he should help. Perhaps his past samurai teachings are getting the best of him.

"Eh, fuck it.." He muttered.

Ryuji searches around from the debris of his former decimated cage and found his trusty Naginata beneath the weight of the injured Tauros on the ground. He focuses and sets his sight on the rampaging cat.

Being a former member of the "Brave Bird" samurai faction. It's only fitting Ryuji uses flying-type techniques and speed to match the towering Persian.

With nimbleness and finesse, Ryuji uses acrobat: He dashes and a flurry of strikes from the tip of his spear hurled at the feline's limbs and torso, bobbing and weaving as he gains momentum from each of his attacks.

"Mori, use mean look" He commanded while striking fast. The crow flew right behind him, leveling itself in front of the cat's head.

Upon getting the Persian's attention, The cat and the blackbird met their gaze for a brief moment. The murder of one emits a dark chilling aura that would instill fear to those who stare back at its cold yellow eyes. Taking away its agility and the ability to flee.

A deadly combination of locking the beast in place and away from the village gates.. Hoping to maim with each strike, mowing it down, just enough to get some reinforcement to fend off this feral foe.

Saffron village: South gate
Interacting with: @Rethel34

A new dawn arrives.

The warmth of the morning sun was in full display.

A company of foot soldiers cast a tall shadow upon the land coming from the south road.

The sound of synchronized marching along with a rickety old wheel wagon and the clomping of a Tauros' hooves was fast approaching.

The Bannermen on each side hoist their flags signaling their lavish arrival into the village.

"Look lively men, were about to approach the village" The night patrol has returned, ending their shift, and was about to turn in led by their Captain, a minor character vaguely known as the "Chief".

The vehicle halted for inspection. The Chief looks straiight ahead and gave a sharp salute to his higher-ups in front of him as the other footsoldier did so as well.

"Morning Captain Shinobu and Captain Jiro, I-i didn't know you were scheduled here at this post...." The Chief fumble upon his words upon seeing the son of the most respected samurai in their village.

"Err anyway, we finished our daily patrol, so far no incident of pokemon attacks within the locals has been reported within our reach." The chief wasted no time to deliver his report - Straight to the point as always.

"As for the distress call of one of our scouts in Vermillion port, well here are the apprehended lawbreakers who were involved in the bar fight last night.." He tilts his head, pointing in the direction of the indisposed bandits inside their cages.

"From the looks of it, they're a new generation of bandits, one being with the red cape as their leader.. I suspect we are dealing with the rising of a new bandit lord." The chief pointed out the ronin. "He put up quite a fight amongst the rest, I have to call in two of my best guys just to restraint him." He added.

"B-b-bandit lord? Oy, You can't just throw slanderous names like that, I barely know these guys, let alone being a bandit...so how about you free me from these cuffs and discuss this over some breakfast- ya?" Ryuji can't help but intercept in their discussion, rattling his shackles with a smile, making them notice his presence, trying to lighten the mood.

It's bad enough being thrown into a cage for the things he didn't commit but being falsely accused as some sort of a tyrant menace. That's just too much. And where is Mori in all of this? well, the blackbird was in no rush in rescuing his master. Quite the opposite really, the mischievous Murkrow finds it amusing and was enjoying every second of it, perched high above somewhere near the saffron gates.

"So what you wanna do these thugs? I request we seek passage to have the all-mighty shogun in our audience to deal with this, if necessary" The Chief simply ignores Ryuji's remark and continues to do business, hoping to get some resolve.

"Finally awake, huh?"

A voice greeted Ryuji. It was the one driving the carriage. It was a big gruff-looking man with a well-polished chainmail with an embedded crest of their village's symbol in the middle of it.

"Uh, my head." Ryuji slowly opens his eyes, feeling a bit groggy, aching in pain every time he moves, hands tied up, still processing what happened last night.

The last thing he remembered was a night of booze and gambling then everything got fuzzy. The next thing he knew he was sitting beside some group of beaten-up bandits inside a cage, all tied up with a Tarous pulling it, and a bunch of samurai escorts on each side, slowly traveling in a path road god knows where it's heading.

Bewildered, the ronin looks around in search of answers.

He looks up to the clouds only to see his Pokemon companion Mori circling above the bright blue sky, surveilling the wagon as it travels.

"Caw caw caw caw" The black bird screeched loudly in the air as if it was laughing. Ryuji can tell that his mischievous partner in crime is mocking him for his misfortunes way above the sky.

Rightttt.... I remember now. I was in an inn last night, about to get compensated for a job well done by my employer. We had booze and were about to call it a night until a group of bandits shows up trying to rob the place. To make matters worst, their rival was there.

...and so was the bandit's rival's rival. There were 3 groups of low-live scums inside, sharing the same room! Talk about unlucky, what are the odds of that ever happening?

Things got intense and quickly turn into an all-out brawl. Bodies flying everywhere, pokemons and human alike. it was utter chaos! The night ended with the shogun's military force showing up to break up the mess, arresting most of the ones involved. To make matters worst, my employer fled with my money and didn't get paid in full. Ryuji sighed as he recalls the event last night and the shitshow he had gotten himself into.

"So..uhmm.. have any of you seen my spea.. i mean fishing rod?" The ronin spoke, awkwardly breaking the silence around him.

"Can it worm! you're not allowed to talk!" The one driving the carriage yells. From the way he carries himself and the way he dresses, He must be the head chief of this division of samurais.

"I think you got it all wrong, I'm the victim here, they're the ones who tried to rob me, so if you could just lemme go, I'll understand this must be a huuuge misunderstanding.." Ryuji said, trying to weasel his way out.

"Not the way we see it when we arrived, you were enjoying beating one of the bandits to a pulp, I must admit you got some fancy move for a common troublemaking bandit." The chief spoke.

"I'm telling you I'm not a bandit." Ryuji said.

"Yeah, yeah.. tell em to the shogun in Saffron village, He's the one that will decide your fate, You'll be lucky if he decides to clean out the dojo there as your punishment." The chief scoffs as the carriage approaches the village.

Ryuji deeply sighed and didn't talk to avoid digging his grave any further. The wandering ronin always wanted to visit Saffron village and meet the Shogun, but not in the way he'd least expected it.

Yep still here. Probably will get my char going hopefully this weekend.
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