Avatar of Simple Unicycle


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7 mos ago
Current If they added downvotes to posts I would methodically go through and downvote every single post you've ever made.
1 yr ago
My source is I made it the fuck up.


An absolute clown with a fixation on faceless men who punch criminals.

Guaranteed to flake out of RPs at least 99% of the time.

Most Recent Posts

This shitpost took too long to not share it outside of Wraith's Discord.

<Snipped quote by Simple Unicycle>

I'll do you one better: Brother Power The Geek and Grak as buddy cops.

I'll take "Something I Didn't Know I Needed" for 500, Alex.
Only way to not get into a bind by using a character from another character's supporting cast is to only use the really obscure ones no one would ever use.

Space Canine Patrol Agents when?
Ya boi Uni's back after a long (see: not at all long) absence.

Oh and since I don't wanna double post I'll just edit this in here...

Well we're almost a week into the IC and already on our third page so out of curiosity, what are the driving factors and influences in your story?

If you read my sheet then you already know that I'm inspired by Devil May Cry (more specifically the third game), though of course I'm taking some things from the Blade movies and a few from suggestions I got from people (see: Frank Drake being introduced in this post thanks to Ink suggesting I use him as a supporting character). I'm also tapping into my Punisher run in UOU for all that action and shit.

Anyway, think of it this way: if everyone else's posts are TV dramas that you tune in every week to see what happens to the characters, then my posts are that goofy action anime you tune into when you wanna turn your brain off. I'm not trying to reinvent the wheel or whatever, I'm just looking to give you all entertaining posts.
I'm positive all of us here want to see that Shazam concept in action and would be sad to see you drop it, so I hope you manage to get your problems with finding a voice sorted out.
Gonna try and get a post up tomorrow.
Shit I forgot about a lot of live action DC shows. I don't deserve those two laughs.
Well, I completely forgot about the CW shows... Then again, those aren't exactly top tier either.
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