V I C T O R S A G E ♦ J O U R N A L I S T ♦ H U B C I T Y , I L L I N O I S ♦ I N D E P E N D E N T
C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T:
"I think it is more likely you are the butterfly, dreaming you are the man."
- Richard Dragon
- Richard Dragon
You know the gist of it.
Charles Victor Szasz was born into poverty, the son of a prostitute. His mother died; he was raised in a home for problem children and kicked out when he was old enough. Taken in by chemist-turned-university-professor Aristotle "Tot" Rodor, Charlie was cleaned up, given a second chance at life. Going by Victor Sage now, he went to college, fell in love with a woman named Myra Fermin, and became a journalist for the Hub City Gazette.
Myra's brother, Wesley, was a corrupt politician with mob ties who became Mayor of Hub City in a landslide (read: rigged) victory against any and all opposition. Victor used some favors to squeeze an article he had written onto the front page of the Gazette's website. "Mayor Wesley Fermin: Incompetent, Ignorant, Or Insidious" was the title of the article that nearly got the Gazette sued for all they were worth, ended Vic's relationship with Myra, and cost Vic his job.
Blacklisted from every major media outlet in Hub City, Vic found work as a freelance writer for Starrstruck, a website and monthly magazine covering the latest scandals in Hub City's political scene. But he was not content, and so along came Tot, who needed help. Tot and his old colleague, Arby Twain, created Pseudoderm back in the 80s; a skin-like bandage bonded to the skin by a binary gas. The gas, however, was poisonous when exposed to the bloodstream, and so the pair abandoned the project. Twain, however, was planning on selling it. That couldn't happen.
And so, Tot created a mask for Vic using Pseudoderm to take on Twain's operation. The rest, as they say, is history. After bringing Twain to justice, Vic became The Question, Hub City's protector, taking on everything from petty crooks to mob families to attempting to expose and unravel the web of corruption that plagued the city. But one night, The Question vanished. Vic Sage stopped coming into work. Life continued on in the Hub as it so often did.
Now, a year later, he makes his return because some questions remain unanswered.
Charles Victor Szasz was born into poverty, the son of a prostitute. His mother died; he was raised in a home for problem children and kicked out when he was old enough. Taken in by chemist-turned-university-professor Aristotle "Tot" Rodor, Charlie was cleaned up, given a second chance at life. Going by Victor Sage now, he went to college, fell in love with a woman named Myra Fermin, and became a journalist for the Hub City Gazette.
Myra's brother, Wesley, was a corrupt politician with mob ties who became Mayor of Hub City in a landslide (read: rigged) victory against any and all opposition. Victor used some favors to squeeze an article he had written onto the front page of the Gazette's website. "Mayor Wesley Fermin: Incompetent, Ignorant, Or Insidious" was the title of the article that nearly got the Gazette sued for all they were worth, ended Vic's relationship with Myra, and cost Vic his job.
Blacklisted from every major media outlet in Hub City, Vic found work as a freelance writer for Starrstruck, a website and monthly magazine covering the latest scandals in Hub City's political scene. But he was not content, and so along came Tot, who needed help. Tot and his old colleague, Arby Twain, created Pseudoderm back in the 80s; a skin-like bandage bonded to the skin by a binary gas. The gas, however, was poisonous when exposed to the bloodstream, and so the pair abandoned the project. Twain, however, was planning on selling it. That couldn't happen.
And so, Tot created a mask for Vic using Pseudoderm to take on Twain's operation. The rest, as they say, is history. After bringing Twain to justice, Vic became The Question, Hub City's protector, taking on everything from petty crooks to mob families to attempting to expose and unravel the web of corruption that plagued the city. But one night, The Question vanished. Vic Sage stopped coming into work. Life continued on in the Hub as it so often did.
Now, a year later, he makes his return because some questions remain unanswered.
C H A R A C T E R M O T I V A T I O N S & G O A L S:
Personally, I've been reexamining myself over the last few months, what I want to do, what I believe in, etc., etc.. I won't bore people with stuff about myself but I feel that I'm finally reigniting that spark I haven't felt since Ultimate One Universe all those years back and I'm excited to show you all what I can do now that I have both that spark back in me and five more years of writing experience since the last time I was really into these kinds of roleplays. If I flake out again, then please kill me.
Victor has technically been active as The Question for two years. However, after the first year he was forcibly removed from Hub City and planted into the woods to train with Richard Dragon, only now finally returning to his hometown to take on the faceless visage of The Question again. During his time with Dragon, he was trained in the martial arts and opened his mind up to the man's Zen philosophy, though that isn't to say that he experienced an overnight transition from a violent and self-righteous vigilante to a wisened protector of the weak; it was a slow and gradual process, one he is still undergoing. He is not perfect, nor will he ever be, but over the course of his journey he hopes to become the best man that he can be and to alleviate the suffering that permeates Hub City and its inhabitants.
I'll be taking a bit more of a self-contained approach to this, reimagining and recontextualizing some of my favorite Question stories (as well as writing new ones) in this modern day shared universe that the RP has established. I'm open to crossovers, of course, but I would have to really hash it out with whoever I want to work with (or who wants to work with me), as what has killed the little motivation I had in past Hype style games has been my overeagerness to commit to a crossover with absolutely no idea what I want to do with it. Feel free to pitch something to me, and I will hope that if I pitch something to another player that they are open to my ideas.
I don't know how long this roleplay will last, whether it be a few weeks or a few months or even a few years, but I hope to be able to write some cool stories and get to know you all better (or, in many cases, reknow).
Victor has technically been active as The Question for two years. However, after the first year he was forcibly removed from Hub City and planted into the woods to train with Richard Dragon, only now finally returning to his hometown to take on the faceless visage of The Question again. During his time with Dragon, he was trained in the martial arts and opened his mind up to the man's Zen philosophy, though that isn't to say that he experienced an overnight transition from a violent and self-righteous vigilante to a wisened protector of the weak; it was a slow and gradual process, one he is still undergoing. He is not perfect, nor will he ever be, but over the course of his journey he hopes to become the best man that he can be and to alleviate the suffering that permeates Hub City and its inhabitants.
I'll be taking a bit more of a self-contained approach to this, reimagining and recontextualizing some of my favorite Question stories (as well as writing new ones) in this modern day shared universe that the RP has established. I'm open to crossovers, of course, but I would have to really hash it out with whoever I want to work with (or who wants to work with me), as what has killed the little motivation I had in past Hype style games has been my overeagerness to commit to a crossover with absolutely no idea what I want to do with it. Feel free to pitch something to me, and I will hope that if I pitch something to another player that they are open to my ideas.
I don't know how long this roleplay will last, whether it be a few weeks or a few months or even a few years, but I hope to be able to write some cool stories and get to know you all better (or, in many cases, reknow).
C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:
Taking all inspiration from Dennis O'Neil's seminal The Question comic run that ran from 1987 to 1990, forever shaping the character as we know him in the comics and inspiring my lifelong love for Buddhist Zen philosophy.
S A M P L E P O S T:
P O S T C A T A L O G: