Avatar of Sir Lurksalot


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2 yrs ago
Current I am going to smuggle wholesomeness into your RPs and there's not a damned thing any of you can do to stop me.
2 yrs ago
"Bud, you're like a pizza cutter; All edge and no point!"
2 yrs ago
Habanero ain't the spiciest pepper but it's pretty tasty on things, ya gotta admit.
2 yrs ago
And in addition to boneless wings being overrated; Anybody who looks at sauced and tossed wings, lovingly spiced and perfectly crispy and says; 'I'mma dunk that in blue cheese' has missed the point.
1 like
2 yrs ago
Boneless wings are overrated.


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Hey now, if Duncan's dropping the super strength, Vivi's dropping the magic. Gotta have a level playing field after all. :p

Edit: But in all seriousness, Duncan is kind of a walking encyclopedia of modern murder. Between a mix of defendu and krav maga he might actually make a decent teacher.
Addy and Hama? The two she was trying to help not die? <.<

Or... have Duncan take her out into the woods and put her through the same balls-out-insane commando training his grandfather put him through for a few weeks.

That'll toughen her up.
Honestly, after seeing Aleph alive and well, there'd probably be less surprise and more 'Fuck it, guess this is just gonna be a recurring theme now...' on Duncan's part. Though it may lead to some awkward dialogue;

Vesta: ...So what ever became of those two, anyway?
Duncan: *Troubled, uncomfortable stare*
*Eats grandma's fish and chips with a madman's glee* >:D
I just don't understand why everyone and their grandma wants fish for christmas.

...I'mma just sit here and not bring up my tiny Scotch grandma and her diet of a metric shittonne of fish every single day. <_<
Hey, why not?

Or maybe the smiling mug of the Lugnican equivalent of Santa Claus. Spread some joy and cheer to all the bad guys... MANUALLY.

...I could make a crack here about abusing some tuna, but I'm above that.
@Spriggs27, Read Zin's CS; she's Bi? If so, would she be willing to have a one-night-stand with Alexander?

Miiiiight not be a great idea...

Somethin' gone wrong?
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