Avatar of SirBeowulf
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    1. SirBeowulf 11 yrs ago


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10 yrs ago
Current It might be three inches, but it smells like a foot.


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Do different types of metal not exist in this world then? Like by lightly I meant manoeuvrable, very thin armour. I can change it to studded leather if that works better? Just don't see her armour as a massive deal given that there's also dragons and other mythical beasts roaming about (in fact I think people who don't wear armour are unprepared and likely to die if confronted with said beasts) and as I said I'm struggling to find what sort of clothing young, medieval, elf women would wear whilst out climbing historically.
Mythrilitaniumdiamidiniumlureriansilveriron. Best metal.
@Narayan, such modesty is completely unnecessary. And I mean that--a person named Stella once tried to apply, then did what can only be described as a self-pity tantrum after I gave her sheet some criticism. Don't give a proverbial rat's ass about if your work makes someone comfortable; just keep around, keep improving, and everything will be fabulous.
oh and I gotta compliment your avatar for being extremely related to what you said oh and how the hell did you show up show quickly? ARE YOU STALKING US?
That squirrel has obviously been tampered with. Post 300, bitchazzz
Except for the rainbow ones. Those are fake. Maybe the green too. A man can dream, though.
I don't really understand why people are adding separations between theirs and an others collab. While it makes sense and is fine for PM's, a collaboration post is meant for two people to write together. Two viewpoints can combine in a collab. Adding in a bunch of clarifications and pauses between the two is just jarring. Collab 4 Lyfe.
YEAH WELL WHAT IF I DON'T WANT TO HAVE A NICE DAY? I'll have the shittiest day ever. You can't tell me what to do.
Sorry I'm being an unposting bitch guys. Its a long story but basically I don't have a laptop again. If it comes down to it I'll either try one on my phone or borrow someone s computer to get one going. Thanks for trying to stay active while I sort shit out.
Fun fact, your post was about three minutes before I woke up this morning and checked the thread on my tablet. Hooray for differing time zones! As for the whole no computer thing, that sucks a lot. We really don't mind waiting for you, Zeph. This is a story we're building together and if it takes longer? Who cares? The major thing is that you're giving us updates instead of just throwing this out to die. This rp is gonna last a long time if we work together and stay active, and computer troubles aren't gonna stop that.
Well, I'm off to bread. Ferdinando is now Fernando. And his brother's name is Fernandino.
I've changed it to Ferdinando. ;___ Ferdinand is best name.
I said Fernando, not Ferdinando. Ferdinando is only one letter different.
Ferdinando might be only one letter different, but its a very large difference when it comes to the speaking of the word. Fur-did-nand is different from Ferr-di-nan-dough
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