{"“Bitterness is like cancer. It eats upon the host. But anger is like fire. It burns it all clean.” "}-Maya Angelou
| Elijah Jameson Masterson |
| Nickname |
Eli - Only some people refer to him by this name, he doesn’t particularly care though.
Eric - He's only ever heard a couple of people call him this, though he believes it's because they don't know how name.
| Birthday |
April 21
| Age |
| Classification |
| Gender |
| Sexuality |
| Alias |
| Alignment |
| Loyalty |
| In Depth Appearance |
Stands at 5'11" and weighs 172 lbs. His skin is fairly pale, which stands out further with his raven black hair and fairly consistent dark clothing. Tends to wear loose, cotton clothing (almost as if it should be worn in another age/time) with a shawl/cloak/hood adornment. Clothing is usually colored in reds, blues, browns and blacks. Is always seen wearing sunglasses, regardless of whether he is indoors, what time of the day it is, or type of weather outdoors. For those who have seen him without sunglasses, his eyes are shut tight and cannot open (Pray they do not open). No one has ever seen the color of his eyes, not even himself.
| Habits|Quirks|Oddities |
Wears sunglasses at all times, can see things others cannot (people sometimes see him staring at things or looking right through them), usually seen by himself or with a giant of a man.
| Hobbies |
Meditation, study of arcane lore/knowledge, martial arts training.
| Likes |
Tranquility and Peace
Open spaces to practice move sets
Relaxing music
A good book (usually that of arcane lore)
Full Moons (even though he has never seen one)
| Dislikes |
Loud noises
Crowded rooms (too much mana pollution can cause similar symptoms to an auditory processing disorder)
Pranksters and Tricksters
Bullies (He believes everyone should be on an equal playing field in a fight)
His Past
The elemental within himself
| Fears |
Losing control, The potential power caused by his rage
| Personality Traits |
Generally cool, calm, and quiet. Speaks with honesty and truths. His rage is that of an inferno.
| Personality |
Elijah is seen as a loner type, the kind of person who doesn’t interact with anyone and whose emotions are suppressed to a T. No one ever really sees him smile or frown, always with the same neutral expression on his face. He speaks with facts and honest opinion, usually to the detriment of his own existence at times. Despite these circumstances, he’s practically unafraid to speak his own mind, usually with brutal efficiency.
His emotions can affect his powers, as he becomes more angry, his skin begins to heat up. Most of the time, his powers are kept in check by suppressing said emotions, though he is generally warm to the touch regardless. To further suppress his powers though, a magical seal was placed over him to bind the elemental spirit within him. Despite these safety measures, he can lose control of himself and become a raging inferno that destroys and kills all in its path. Most of the time though, his loss of control is by choice rather than an overwhelming feeling of negatives, and he only ever does this if he is desperate enough to do so.
| Abilities |
Pyromancy - his powers are based over the control of fire, everything from projectiles to shields.
Elemental Avatar - Can temporarily break the seal that blinds him and unleash his true form as an elemental avatar of fire and rage. His powers increase exponentially, at the cost of all self control, but this ability has a limited time frame.
Detection of Mana - Since he is blind, he uses this ability as a ‘sixth sense’ to detect the mana of those around him and everything affected by their mana. Think of this power as a sonar ability.
| Limitations |
The flow of mana and his link to his elemental give him his powers. If either of these things were cut off from him, his powers would be disabled.
| Place Of Origin |
Portland, Maine
| Family |
Father: Kenneth Masterson - Powerful mage, control over the arcane, especially that of conjuration and plane shifting.

Mother: Eva Masterson - Abilities are unknown, deceased.
Butler: Reyes - A golem made by Kenneth Masterson to serve the family. Has the appearance of a human, though his size is entirely abnormal as he stands about 10 ft tall and is as wide as the broad side of a barn. If Reyes had a power, it would be unnatural strength.

| History |
Elijah’s journey began at a young age when his father, Kenneth Masterson, bound a fire elemental into his only son. The results of the bonding unleashed a tremendous amount of power from the boy, destroying their homestead and killing his birth mother, Eva, in the process. Realizing the terrible amount of power (and potential) within the boy, Kenneth placed a magical seal over Elijah, binding the elemental being and restricting his sight, effectively making him blind. Having lost both his home and his wife, Kenneth took his son and found a new home, there he trained Elijah on how to better control his powers and helped to give him a better understanding of the arcane.
For years he practiced hard, meditated daily, and learned to control the raging inferno within him, knowing that it could cause the deaths of those around him. Knowing this fear, he secluded himself from almost everyone except those closest to him (ie his father and servant), and rejected the companionship of those who came to seek it. Though now older, wiser and in better control of his abilities, he still chooses to sequester himself away from others, perhaps out of fear, perhaps out of a commonly practiced method since childhood. Despite his practiced methods, he did choose to go to Delphina Academy to continue honing his abilities and build a network that he could tap into in the future.
When he learned of Delphina’s burning to the ground, he wasn’t particularly distraught over it. This attitude, including the rumors surrounding his past, powers and tendencies, spawned a particularly nasty rumor that he was the one who destroyed the school. Though Elijah knows this to not be true, some are unwilling to see through the lies that veil him. When given the chance to attend Mayweather academy he considered it another opportunity to network, and just perhaps learn of exploits in those that he may fight in the future, those that would call themselves ‘Hero’.
| Extra |
Will be added as character progresses
Beta Ray Bill

{"There is a sacredness in tears. They are not the mark of weakness, but of power..."}
-Washington Irvine
| Full Name |
Kayla Melissa Styles
| Nickname |
Kay - just a shorter abbreviation for her name
| Birth Date |
December 2
| Age |
21 (looks 17)
| Classification |
| Gender |
| Sexuality |
Hetero (Bi-Curious?)
| Alias |
| Role |
| Loyalty |
| In Depth Appearance |
Kayla is bright eyed and the look of blissful innocence, standing at a short 5’3” weighing at less than 140 lbs. Her hair is long and sraight, sometimes wavy, usually untied, but she does wear it up in a ponytail every so often. Her clothing options usually consists of a pair of skinny jeans, looser fitting plaid shirts and either a jacket or shawl. Has her ear lobes pierced and an upper ear cartilage piercing.
| Habits | Quirks | Oddities |
Daydreaming (sometimes caught staring out the window), nail biting (when she’s nervous), has an odd obsession with guacamole
| Hobbies |
-Runs every morning
-Sketches in her notepads
-Experimenting cooking food
| Likes |
-The sounds of rain and thunder
-Romantic Comedies (the tear jerking kind)
-The smell of incense
-Spicy Food
-Guacamole (She can’t get enough)
| Dislikes |
-How young she looks
-When people bring up how young she looks
-Cheeseburgers (had a bad experience with them once)
-Cigarette Smoke
-Her normalcy
| Fears |
-She’ll never have any real powers
-She’ll never be as great as her family and their legacy
| Personality Traits |
Kind hearted and whimsical, subject to low self esteem in her lack of abilities and depressed from consistent harassment and bullying from her peers.
| Personality |
Kayla is your average, everyday, young adult trying to fit in with the big bad world around her. With her heritage, however, she feels that could be difficult. She’s the type to not be afraid to stand up for someone else, but can’t stand up for herself. The one who’s always there for someone when they need it, but never feels she has anyone around when she needs them. At the best of times, she feels like an outcast, at her worst she feels like absolute trash and complete letdown.
Despite all her adversities, her biggest dream is to become a hero like her parents before her. Most days are hard, but she puts on a smile when she can, and avoids most individuals at the academy, choosing to only hang around the select few that haven’t completely shunned her. She’s the normal girl, the powerless, the flawed. Her parents reputation precedes her, and she feels she has to work twice as hard as anybody else just to keep up. At the end of the day, all she wants is to be a hero.
| Abilities |
No naturally occurring powers
QuikSilver Armor - A suit of power armor designed by her father, features include enhanced strength, speed, agility, and reaction time, along with a wide array of offensive and self-sustaining measures. The suit also contains a grappling hook in the right wrist and a pair of booster boots for higher jumping and safe landings, but not for sustained flight. The suit is also airtight to prevent poisonous gas or any kind of toxins from entering it.
QuikSilver Rounds - A pair of wrist mounted plasma launchers drawing from the suits’ power source. The rounds are non-lethal, but they’ll feel like a swarm of angry wasps firing at 3200 rounds per minute.
Grenade launcher - left wrist houses a grenade launcher mechanism. Fires non-lethal concussive shots, flash bangs, and smoke grenades.
| Limitations |
Kayla has absolutely zero powers, if she’s not in her suit she’s helpless. If she is in her suit, it can be disabled or have its power lost, though not through traditional EMP methods.
| Place Of Origin |
Toronto, CA
| Family |
Father - Dr. Brennan Styles, a very intelligent scientist in the field of robotics and cybernetics. His power is Ionikinesis, the ability to manipulate plasma, in both its purest form of energy and in ionized gas. He was the designer and engineer for Kayla’s suit, which is powered by his own power.

Mother - Elizabeth Styles, kind hearted mother, owns and runs a flower shop in the city as a hobby. Her power is Ferrokinesis, essentially she’s a metal bender.

Brother - Ezekiel (Zeke) Styles, younger brother to Kayla, his power is shapeshifting, so long as he has seen a creature, real or not, he can turn into it. It really helps that he’s still in the cartoon phase (his parents would disagree).

| History |
Kayla Styles comes from a long family line of super powered individuals. Some of them famous, others not so much, her father is a well respected scientist and hero, her mother is a professional hero. Kayla, however, was born without powers, her parents, believing their daughter to simply be a late bloomer, waited to see if her powers would show up. As the years went on, and Kayla grew older, it became more and more apparent, that despite having been born of two super powered parents, she was completely normal.
The news was rather distressing to the young girl, her only dream, to become a hero like her parents and their parents before them. She felt like an embarrassment to her family and the feeling only grew stronger when her brother suddenly popped up with powers of his own. Seeing the distress in his daughter, Dr. Styles immediately set upon a personal research project, to create a suit for his daughter, to give her a power that no one else had. Many restless nights of labor and weeks of research, he was ready to unveil his creation for her.
Looking upon the suit, Kayla’s feelings were mixed; she could finally aspire to her dream of becoming a hero, but she felt like using the suit would be cheating, like she would become a fraud. Her family line was full of hero’s blood, of powers from the genetic to the arcane, but this...this was different. Nevertheless she accepted the suit gratefully and her parents enrolled her into Mayweather Academy to begin her training as a hero. Since her enrollment she’s been questioned and bullied by a number of peers, and her feelings of contempt only grow stronger. She donned the name Silver, foregoing the Quik that her father prefixed to the suit; because if she can’t be first, she’ll certainly be last.
| Extra |
I’m also a fan of Iron Man

{"“You can't go back to how things were. How you thought they were. All you really have is...now.”"}
-Jay Asher
| Full Name |
Hugo Norman Moreau
| Nickname |
| Birth Date |
April 23rd
| Age |
| Classification |
| Gender |
| Sexuality |
| Alias |
| Role |
| Loyalty |
| In Depth Appearance |
Standing at a slightly shorter 5’8”, weighs 154 lbs. Hugo’s attire consists of jeans, shorts, hawaiian shirts, flannels and drug rugs. He always wears sandals, summer or winter, rain, sleet and snow. He changes his hair style often enough between long and straight to a man-bun, but somehow always manages to grow it out very long in a short amount of time. He’s also often seen wearing different forms of hats from simple beanies and skull caps to wide brimmed hats like fedoras and boonies. He has a tribal tattoo on his shoulder and his right upper ear has a piercing in it.
| Habits | Quirks | Oddities |
He’s always got something in his mouth, whether its a piece of straw that nobody has any idea where its from, or some type of hand rolled joint (usually tobacco in public and weed in private, though he sometimes likes to mix the two into spliffs)
Has an pretty bad short term memory and an extremely terrible long term memory
Carries around a sake jug on his waist, though no one has ever seen him drink from it.
| Hobbies |
Enjoys playing his acoustic guitar, public or private, alone or with an audience. It doesn’t matter to him.
Talking about life, love, philosophy, and everything inbetween
Smoking among friends
| Likes |
Rastafarian lifestyle
Chill, down to earth people
| Dislikes |
People who take themselves too seriously
When people try to force out the past from him
Yelling at him for his forgetfulness
| Fears |
Forgetting about those around him, those closest to him
Forgetting who he is, and changing for the worse
| Personality Traits |
Happy, carefree and loving the moment, yet forgetful and often scratching his head at something that was asked five minutes ago.
| Personality |
Hugo is your typical kind of Rasta, the one that lives in the moment and only for the moment, for that is the best he can remember. His carefree attitude has brought smiles and laughter and joy to those around him, and his kind of attitude can be infectious to the right people. He spends his days lounging in the sun, playing music to himself or those that will hear, and spends his evenings loving those who desire his company and speaking on matter of life, love and the like.
Though he’s made many friends over the years, there are those more ‘suit’ like types that don’t take kindly to his personality. Despite all of this, he’s more than happy to embrace the here and now, and though he can’t remember his past as well others he’s still happy with his life. He knows that eventually, everyone around him is going to hurt him, but in the end, there are plenty of people that are worth suffering for.
| Abilities |
Major: Dimension Hopping - more commonly known as teleportation, Hugo has the ability to go inbetween dimensions to hop from one spot to another.
Minor: Dimension Cutting - Hugo can manipulate certain objects such as his katana to cut a hole in dimensions and have the blade effect slash from one location to another. He can apply his sake jug to to the blade to actually give his cuts a fiery aftereffect.
Non-Powered ability: Has training in the art of Iaido.
| Limitations |
Hugo only has the ability to hop and cut through dimensions that he can clearly and visibly see. If he were to jump through a wall, there is a very strong possibility that he could hop into the wall. Also while he does have the ability to hop objects through dimensions, they have to be touching his person otherwise they will disintegrate into a smoldering flame (You wouldn’t believe how long it took him to just master wearing clothing while hopping through dimensions. The neighbors weren’t too pleased with him).
| Place Of Origin |
Avignon, France
| Family |
If he has a family, he doesn’t remember them
| History |
Hugo’s past and background are shrouded in mystery and shadow, that’s literally because he doesn’t remember it. To him, his memories are just images and pictures, like how he popped up in one place and moved on to another, spoke with one individual only to forget them the very next day, or in a special case how one day he was normal and the next he jumped into his neighbor’s garden, in the nude, with singing flames covering his skin. Despite having visited several different supers with telekinetic abilities, his past alludes even the most powerful. He does remember bits and pieces, but his strongest memories reside with those that cling to his natural lifestyle.
To the best of his ability, Hugo is at least able to recall the moment and his way of life and living it. He remembers that one day he learned the path of the Rasta, to live in the moment, for the past is dead and the future has yet to come, so why not live for now? This is the way he lives his life and thus he began to travel and documented his travels on a map that he holds onto for dear life. Though he doesn’t remember everything from them, he at least knows where he has and hasn’t been. He traveled all across Europe, through the Middle East and through Asia where he believes he learned his training and received his sword from. He briefly spent time in Australia and traversed the oceans to Central America and eventually Jamaica where he felt truly at home with his Rasta brethren.
Though he doesn’t remember why, he did know that he wanted to master more of his super powers and eventually traveled to the United States where he currently resides at Mayweather Academy to continue his training.
| Extra |
Even though teachers have told him not to (not that he remembers), he’s usually seen carrying his katana made from red damascus steel though it's always sheathed unless provoked to draw the blade.
He also carries a rather large travelling backpack at all times with the things that are most important to him, the things he doesn’t want to forget, or at least try to remember.
Nightcrawler is pretty okay I guess