{"A villain is just a victim whose story hasn’t been told."}
-Chris Colfer

| Full Name |
Mitchell Landon Danford.
| Nickname |
Mitchell likes to be called Mitch because he feels like Mitchell is just too much to hear someone say. He’ll only accept Mitch from anyone and everyone – That’s it.
| Birth Date |
September 23, 1993.
| Age |
| Classification |
| Gender |
| Sexuality |
Bisexual – Likes both genders equally.
| Alias |
The Influencer.
| Role |
| Loyalty |
| In Depth Appearance |
Standing at an impressive height of six foot two and weighing one-hundred and fifty-seven pounds of pure muscles, Mitch’s sculptured body is quite noticeable by everyone that crosses his path. He’s handsome like features are definitely charming and enchanting at a first glance. Mitchell’s skin complexion is tanned and slightly sun kissed. He has chestnut brown colored eyes. Mitchell’s clothing style consists of nothing but cargo shorts, some form of a t-shirt and Nike tennis shoes. He hates dressing up but usually will whenever the occasion calls for it. He has a tribal tattoo on his upper left arm. He has no scars and no piercings.

| Habits | Quirks | Oddities |
• Constantly licking his lips • Doesn’t like stepping on cracks • Is a hand talker •
| Hobbies |
• Photography • Video Games • Collects old and out of the country coins •
| Likes |
Playing Video Games
Late Afternoons
Guys & Girls
Messing with the Mayweather students
| Dislikes |
Cute & Pet Names
Candy – Especially Chocolate
Being at Mayweather
Staying inside all day
Not being able to play video games
| Fears |
| Dying young and dishonorably | His father disowning him | Commitment |

| Personality Traits |
Adventurous → Blunt → Intelligent → Flirtatious → Quick Witted → Selfish
| Personality |
Mitchell’s personality is definitely shown throughout the day as he doesn’t hesitate to hide it from anyone. He’s a very blunt and straightforward type of person and doesn’t beat around the bush from nobody. If you want someone’s honest opinion then Mitchell’s the guy you come to and you will definitely get it. Mitch will flirt with almost anything that walks, guy or girl. Most people thinks that it’s a little bit too much but he thinks that it’s just to get him what he really wants – And no, it’s not to get into someone’s pants. It’s pure domination.
He has wide range of intelligence and it definitely shows as anything he talks about, he gets from sources and will give you the facts. If Mitchell is engaged in conversation about something that he likes or knows so much about, he’ll go over and beyond the actual conversation and break things down a bit – Again, with facts. To get into an argument with him, might not be the best idea because he’ll go to town on a person with words. He is a very quick witted individual and will snap a comeback at someone within an instant.
Overall, Mitchell is not a bad guy. Well, if you’re a Delphina he’s not.
| Abilities |
Mind Control – Something that he was born with is the ability to control people’s minds. With this, Mitchell can compel almost anybody to do whatever he wants them to do and even a little bit more.
Telepathy – Something that Mitchell is still learning though he can read people’s mind but only one person at a time. He can even communicate a little bit with someone within their mind but he has to really concentrate and be focused for that to happen.
| Limitations |
The only limitations to Mitchell’s mind control ability is that in order to compel someone underneath his control, he has to touch them in some way, shape or form. Plus, he can only compel three people at a time. He also cannot make a person do something that is against their nature.
The only limitations to his Telepathy are that he sometimes becomes overwhelmed by too many thoughts. He may even have nosebleeds or loses his conscious for a brief moment.
| Place Of Origin |
New York City, New York.
| Family |
Headmaster Logan of Delphina – Father – Advanced Intelligence & Telekinesis.
Melinda Danford – Mother – Deceased. She was killed during his birth.
| History |
Mitchell grew up an only child to a villainous father really changes a person. When he was born, his mother died about thirty minutes after his birth. Growing up without a mother, you’d think he would be such a hard ass though he is a little bit. His father was working alongside the Headmaster of Delphina at the time and took a mini vacation to recess the damage done to him and his son. Mitchell learned about his abilities at the age of five when he touched his father and said a command, and his father did it. Of course, they were both shocked and surprised so his father immediately started him at Delphina Learning Center.
Once there, his teacher had found a little comfort in him but more importantly, his father. Mitchell didn’t like that at all. Not really sure what his ability was, he asked his father one day and he explained it to him and even broke it down to him. A slight smirk came across his little dimpled cheekbones and the next day in class, he touched his teacher and implanted a command into her mind, which was for her to leave his father alone or the next thing that was going to happen was something that even she could explain.
A few years past now and he had confessed to his father what he had done at the age of fifteen. His father told him that he’d never remarry and that’s why he keeps the ring on his finger. Mitchell was relieved to hear that but felt kind of bad. He is now a junior and even though they are at Mayweather, he still pledges his life with Delphina. Mitchell tries his best not to think about the night of the fire even though he did lose his best friend, Cameron.
| Extra |
X-Men more preferably Jean, Professor X & Storm!

{"I pledge Delphina - Always have and always will."}
⚜ Acquaintances || ☯ Neutral || ☮ Friends || ♫ Best Friends || ♥ Love Interest || ⚤ Boyfriend/Girlfriend || ☠ Enemies
☯J A M E S . S P I N N E☯
"Watch it or else I'll crush you like the little spider you proclaim to be."
Mitchell is pretty cool and easy going with James but they have had their little spats over his ability. Most people hate mind control, yes but Mitch doesn't use it for flirting - That's a natural ability.
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⚤M I L O . U S H K O W I T Z⚤
"He may be a Freshmen but he is my moon and stars."
Their first real interaction was when Mitch was playing Truth or Dare with some Delphina friends and Milo walked by. Someone dared Mitch to go and kiss him and Mitch did so but who knew that he'd actually enjoy it and continue kissing him. A few moments later, he caught up with Milo and shared his feelings for him and they've practically been dating ever since. Of course they had to establish some form of bond first so they went out on a few days, sat on the rooftop(one of their special places) to watch the stars or even hang out in the old theater room, just chatting about whatever. Mitch really loves Milo but is in somewhat of a compromised position in regards of their relationship considering he's Delphina and Milo is Mayweather. Mitch doesn't let that bother him though because love is love.
☯C A R M E N . C H A V A N A☯
"I got the feeling she hates me and I have no idea why."
Mitch and Carmen hasn't really interacted that much for him to have an opinion on her.
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♫E L I A N A . L O V E L A C E♫
"This is my true competitor right here but I honestly and genuinely like even though she is Mayweather."
Mitch and Eliana met so many years ago and they've been friends ever since. They both have the ability to be mind fuckers but unlike Mitch, Eliana can mind fuck you to the extreme and that's one thing he loves about her. They compete to win other people's faovrs, well, they practically compete in just about anything that can. They both have parents that work on campus and their bond seems to be unbreakable at the moment. Eliana knows the true person that Mitch really is and sees him for him. Mitch loves having Eliana around and hope that she continues to be around him.
"Watch it or else I'll crush you like the little spider you proclaim to be."
Mitchell is pretty cool and easy going with James but they have had their little spats over his ability. Most people hate mind control, yes but Mitch doesn't use it for flirting - That's a natural ability.
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⚤M I L O . U S H K O W I T Z⚤
"He may be a Freshmen but he is my moon and stars."
Their first real interaction was when Mitch was playing Truth or Dare with some Delphina friends and Milo walked by. Someone dared Mitch to go and kiss him and Mitch did so but who knew that he'd actually enjoy it and continue kissing him. A few moments later, he caught up with Milo and shared his feelings for him and they've practically been dating ever since. Of course they had to establish some form of bond first so they went out on a few days, sat on the rooftop(one of their special places) to watch the stars or even hang out in the old theater room, just chatting about whatever. Mitch really loves Milo but is in somewhat of a compromised position in regards of their relationship considering he's Delphina and Milo is Mayweather. Mitch doesn't let that bother him though because love is love.
☯C A R M E N . C H A V A N A☯
"I got the feeling she hates me and I have no idea why."
Mitch and Carmen hasn't really interacted that much for him to have an opinion on her.
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♫E L I A N A . L O V E L A C E♫
"This is my true competitor right here but I honestly and genuinely like even though she is Mayweather."
Mitch and Eliana met so many years ago and they've been friends ever since. They both have the ability to be mind fuckers but unlike Mitch, Eliana can mind fuck you to the extreme and that's one thing he loves about her. They compete to win other people's faovrs, well, they practically compete in just about anything that can. They both have parents that work on campus and their bond seems to be unbreakable at the moment. Eliana knows the true person that Mitch really is and sees him for him. Mitch loves having Eliana around and hope that she continues to be around him.
☯S A M U E L . K E A T S☯
"I promise, I do not get in your head - Well, there was that one time and that was it."
Mitch and Sam are cool towards one another but Mitch knows that Sam hates the idea of someone inside of his head. Honestly, it makes Mitch laughs and he likes to toy with Sam just based on that simple fact.
⚜H A R O L D . J E F F E R S O N ( I I I )⚜
"Dude, if I wasn't with someone already, I'd definitely be with you."
Mitch and Harold know each other through Harold's sister, Stephanie, who unfortunately died in the fire. She was one of Mitch's best friends and losing her hurt him deep. Mitch would go over to the Jefferson's residence and hang out with Stephanie but give the flirty eye to Harold at times. If Mitch wasn't dating Milo, he'd be on Team Harold for sure - Even if Harold didn't know which team, or gender he likes the most.
☠W I L L . B L A K E☠
"I am not the one to fuck with, Willam."
Their hatred for each other is based upon the fact that Mitch pledges and bleeds Delphina while Will, the bitch, pledges and bleeds Mayweather.
☮B R E N N A . L A N C A S T E R☮
"Such a sweetheart this girl is. How can anyone hate her?"
Mitch and Brenna are definitely friends. Though for some reason when they're alone in a room, she wanders off and he thinks it has to do with the fact that he can get inside of someone's head but is not entirely sure.
☠A V A L O N . M I D D L E T O N☠
"So, you may look like a television actress but I cannot stand you!"
Mitch has tried flirting with Avalon before but she has turned him down many, many times. His attitude has changed and now, they can't fucking stand each other.
[color=???]Symbol Here[/color]B R O O K L Y N . M C K E N Z I E[color=???]Symbol Here[/color]
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"I promise, I do not get in your head - Well, there was that one time and that was it."
Mitch and Sam are cool towards one another but Mitch knows that Sam hates the idea of someone inside of his head. Honestly, it makes Mitch laughs and he likes to toy with Sam just based on that simple fact.
⚜H A R O L D . J E F F E R S O N ( I I I )⚜
"Dude, if I wasn't with someone already, I'd definitely be with you."
Mitch and Harold know each other through Harold's sister, Stephanie, who unfortunately died in the fire. She was one of Mitch's best friends and losing her hurt him deep. Mitch would go over to the Jefferson's residence and hang out with Stephanie but give the flirty eye to Harold at times. If Mitch wasn't dating Milo, he'd be on Team Harold for sure - Even if Harold didn't know which team, or gender he likes the most.
☠W I L L . B L A K E☠
"I am not the one to fuck with, Willam."
Their hatred for each other is based upon the fact that Mitch pledges and bleeds Delphina while Will, the bitch, pledges and bleeds Mayweather.
☮B R E N N A . L A N C A S T E R☮
"Such a sweetheart this girl is. How can anyone hate her?"
Mitch and Brenna are definitely friends. Though for some reason when they're alone in a room, she wanders off and he thinks it has to do with the fact that he can get inside of someone's head but is not entirely sure.
☠A V A L O N . M I D D L E T O N☠
"So, you may look like a television actress but I cannot stand you!"
Mitch has tried flirting with Avalon before but she has turned him down many, many times. His attitude has changed and now, they can't fucking stand each other.
[color=???]Symbol Here[/color]B R O O K L Y N . M C K E N Z I E[color=???]Symbol Here[/color]
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☠J A C K S O N . H U N T☠
"Honestly, you hardly even know me to hate me."
Mitch knows that Jackson only hates him because of the fact that he can get inside of his head.
M I T C H E L L . D A N F O R D
"How can anyone hate me? I am completely harmless."
No comment.
☮L U C A S . F A R W E I G H T☮
"Isn't New York the best, dude!"
Lucas and Mitch. Both from New York City, both love Manhattan and both are Delphina. Sum it all up, they're friends. Mitch likes having Lucas as a friend and not because he's an asshole but because they obsessively talk about all things New York. Whether Lucas knows it or not, Mitch knows that he is trying to uncover who started the fire but honestly, Mitch doesn't even care since the past is in the past.
☠J E S S I C A . S T E R L I N G☠
Mitch and Jessica hasn't really interacted much but she has a resting bitch face and he tends to stay away from her.
[color=???]Symbol Here[/color]E L I J A H . M A S T E R S O N[color=???]Symbol Here[/color]
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"Honestly, you hardly even know me to hate me."
Mitch knows that Jackson only hates him because of the fact that he can get inside of his head.
M I T C H E L L . D A N F O R D
"How can anyone hate me? I am completely harmless."
No comment.
☮L U C A S . F A R W E I G H T☮
"Isn't New York the best, dude!"
Lucas and Mitch. Both from New York City, both love Manhattan and both are Delphina. Sum it all up, they're friends. Mitch likes having Lucas as a friend and not because he's an asshole but because they obsessively talk about all things New York. Whether Lucas knows it or not, Mitch knows that he is trying to uncover who started the fire but honestly, Mitch doesn't even care since the past is in the past.
☠J E S S I C A . S T E R L I N G☠
Mitch and Jessica hasn't really interacted much but she has a resting bitch face and he tends to stay away from her.
[color=???]Symbol Here[/color]E L I J A H . M A S T E R S O N[color=???]Symbol Here[/color]
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☠S A M A N T H A . Y O U N G B L O O D☠
"Watch it or else your crown will get burned."
Mitch sees Samantha being the somewhat Queen Bee of Mayweather but now that Delphina is there, that's all about to change, whether she knows it or not. Mitch doesn't hate Samantha but since she's god's gift to Mayweather, he has no absolute choice but to.
"Watch it or else your crown will get burned."
Mitch sees Samantha being the somewhat Queen Bee of Mayweather but now that Delphina is there, that's all about to change, whether she knows it or not. Mitch doesn't hate Samantha but since she's god's gift to Mayweather, he has no absolute choice but to.

{"Be more concerned about your character than your reputation."}
-John Wooden

Samantha Elizabeth Youngblood.
| Nickname |
Samantha likes to be called Sammie more than her own name simply because it’s easier to say and less syllables. When she’s angry, most people call her Hurricane Samantha, which is something she hates.
| Birth Date |
November 22, 1994.
| Age |
| Classification |
| Gender |
| Sexuality |
| Alias |
Mother Hurricane.
| Role |
| Loyalty |
| In Depth Appearance |
With bright blue eyes and luscious locks of blonde curls trailing upon her shoulders and back, she is the sort of female that guys are absolutely taken by. She stands at an impressive height of five foot eleven and weights about one-hundred and forty-two pounds. Samantha has a slender body along with a petite frame. Her skin is sun kissed from her joy of being outside in the sun, just having a good time. Her clothing style consists of cute clothes such as dresses, both long and elegant and short. She even has short shorts. Samantha also usually wears flats or heels. Plus, she only has her lower earlobes pierced.

| Habits | Quirks | Oddities |
• Occasionally applies makeup on her face at least two times a day • Twirls the end strands of her hair when flirting or in deep thought • Is a little superstitious • Quotes movie phrases sometimes •
| Hobbies |
• Writing in her journal • Learning new languages • Flirting with any passing guy • Photography •
| Likes |
Disney and romance movies
Television shows such as Teen Wolf, Pretty Little Liars, Game of Thrones, Ridiculousness, Real World and many others
Anything coffee flavored
Bad boys – Well, any boy for that matter
Social Gatherings
| Dislikes |
Her emotions
Watching Horror movies alone
Not getting enough sleep
Pessimistic people
Negative environments
Being bored
| Fears |
| Losing someone she loves | Losing control of her abilities |

| Personality Traits |
→ Motherly → Flirtatious → Adaptable → Cunning → Clever → Witty → Blunt ←
| Personality |
The somewhat bringer of light to the campus of Mayweather, Samantha has been around Mayweather Academy for quite some time now and people have grown quite fond of her. Samantha has what most people would call a motherly nature vibrating off of her. She is always there when people need her, to confide in her or just need a place to hang out, or someone to hang out with. Even with this, she is often cooking or baking for others, too. She is a very clever female and nothing can get past her. She often observes a situation or even someone before interjecting herself into something. Samantha is willing to make friends with almost anyone.
She is a very cunning person but only towards a select few of people – People that aren’t in her little circle. She doesn’t con people into hurting others or into something that might cause themselves. Samantha is a blunt type of person, as well. She doesn’t hold her tongue for anyone that steps in her way. Samantha is kind of an emotional person but it never gets to the point as to where she is unstable. Overall, Samantha is someone that anyone can befriend weather you’re from the Delphina Academy or Mayweather. She honestly doesn’t care. She just wants to get through her last year unscathed.
| Abilities |
Atmokinesis – The ability to manipulate the weather. Samantha can create meteorological weather patterns with her mind such as rain, hail, sleet, snow and fog. She can even create thunderstorms, light and severe.
| Limitations |
Her emotions may take over and cause a natural phenomenon such as a hurricane, earthquakes or tsunamis. Otherwise, she cannot create natural phenomenon with her mind. In order for her ability to work, she must be outside or somewhere where there is air and space. She has limited control over the weather that is already set in place outside though she has to concentrate hard enough to do so.
| Place Of Origin |
San Francisco, CA.
| Family |
Marigold Youngblood – Geokinesis – Alive. Stay at home mom.
Stephen Youngblood – Chronokinesis – Missing.
| History |
Samantha was born in the sunny side of California to two wonderful parents. Growing up, her parents always told her that she was different but she never knew what that meant until she turned four years of age. It was a beautiful Sunday evening and her parents took her to the park as always and there were other people there with their kids. Samantha ran around with them, laughing and just having fun until a kid came around, making trouble and pushed her to the ground. Angry and upset, storm clouds quickly rolled in with thunder booming and lightening lighting up the sky. Her parents knew what was happening as the other kids went running for their lives but not Samantha, considering she was the one controlling the atmosphere.
Her parents taught her how to hone her abilities over the years until she mastered them under her own control. Samantha never showed her ability to anyone with the fear of being captured and experimented on or worse, killed. She went through the years timid and afraid but her mother always told her that she had nothing to fear and to trust her. Samantha adored her mother and even looked up towards her in many ways than one. She continued her life fearless and worriless but that was until her father came up missing. No one knew what had happened to him but her mother had a plan to keep her safe. She had sent her to Mayweather Academy.
Ever since there from the start of a little Freshmen, she has quickly rose up the ranks and even promises people that she shall remain on the top until she graduates. With this being her last year and the entering of Delphina students, she might be knocked down a few pegs but she won’t hesitate to knock down people a few pegs neither.
| Extra |
I also like Magneto, Emma Frost & Psylocke.

{"Darling I am a nightmare dressed like a daydream."}
⚜ Acquaintances || ☯ Neutral || ☮ Friends || ♫ Best Friends || ♥ Love Interest || ⚤ Boyfriend/Girlfriend || ☠ Enemies
☯J A M E S . S P I N N E☯
"The Modern Day Spiderman? I honestly do not know him."
Samantha hasn't really interacted much with James to have an opinion on him. Though he is cute.
[color=???]Symbol Here[/color]A L L E N . H O P S[color=???]Symbol Here[/color]
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☯M I L O . U S H K O W I T Z☯
"I've seen this kid around campus and he's so adorable. I just want to pinch his cheeks."
Honestly, Samantha has only seen Milo around campus and just thinks that he is so adorable. They really haven't interacted much though.
☠C A R M E N . C H A V A N A☠
"I cannot help that I have had a privileged life while you didn't."
Samantha knows that she's not going to like Carmen. Carmen gives Samantha certain glares that make her feel uncomfortable, honestly. Though after hearing about Carmen's past from others, she can understand why Carmen probably doesn't like her.
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[color=???]Symbol Here[/color]E L I A N A . L O V E L A C E[color=???]Symbol Here[/color]
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"The Modern Day Spiderman? I honestly do not know him."
Samantha hasn't really interacted much with James to have an opinion on him. Though he is cute.
[color=???]Symbol Here[/color]A L L E N . H O P S[color=???]Symbol Here[/color]
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☯M I L O . U S H K O W I T Z☯
"I've seen this kid around campus and he's so adorable. I just want to pinch his cheeks."
Honestly, Samantha has only seen Milo around campus and just thinks that he is so adorable. They really haven't interacted much though.
☠C A R M E N . C H A V A N A☠
"I cannot help that I have had a privileged life while you didn't."
Samantha knows that she's not going to like Carmen. Carmen gives Samantha certain glares that make her feel uncomfortable, honestly. Though after hearing about Carmen's past from others, she can understand why Carmen probably doesn't like her.
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[color=???]Symbol Here[/color]E L I A N A . L O V E L A C E[color=???]Symbol Here[/color]
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☯S A M U E L . K E A T S☯
"Just because I pledge Mayweather, you should really get to know first."
Samantha and Sam hasn't really interacted much to have strong opinions towards one another but she can already tell that they're not going to like each other.
☮H A R O L D . J F F E R S O N ( I I I )☮
"Little brother from a different Mother!"
Samantha honestly likes Harold and enjoys being around him. Samantha is sort of a big sister towards him and often comforts him whenever he is down or feeling blue. She enjoys his company and will always be there for him.
♥W I L L . B L A K E♥
"I'd love to get to know you more but when I come around, might want to try actually speaking to me. Yeah?"
When Samantha first caught sight of Will, she had always thought that he was cute. Samantha had walked up to him and Will didn't say anything but stammering words and walked off. Samantha thought it was cute and walked up to him again just so that she could him get nervous and flustered then walk away again. Samantha would definitely be up for getting to know Will a little bit better and maybe actually form a relationship with him, even if he is only a Sophomore.
☠B R E N N A . L A N C A S T E R☠
"Oh, my goodness. Get a clue."
Samantha doesn't honestly know why Brenna hates her but maybe she'd just hate her back for the fun of it.
☮A V A L O N . M I D D L E T O N☮
"Love this girl right here!"
Samantha loves Avalon and their the best gal pals on campus. She doesn't want their bond to break because she'd generally be sort of lost without her. Avalon is someone that Samantha knows that she can trust and vice versa along with being a great friend to.
[color=???]Symbol Here[/color]B R O O K L Y N . M C K E N Z I E[color=???]Symbol Here[/color]
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"Just because I pledge Mayweather, you should really get to know first."
Samantha and Sam hasn't really interacted much to have strong opinions towards one another but she can already tell that they're not going to like each other.
☮H A R O L D . J F F E R S O N ( I I I )☮
"Little brother from a different Mother!"
Samantha honestly likes Harold and enjoys being around him. Samantha is sort of a big sister towards him and often comforts him whenever he is down or feeling blue. She enjoys his company and will always be there for him.
♥W I L L . B L A K E♥
"I'd love to get to know you more but when I come around, might want to try actually speaking to me. Yeah?"
When Samantha first caught sight of Will, she had always thought that he was cute. Samantha had walked up to him and Will didn't say anything but stammering words and walked off. Samantha thought it was cute and walked up to him again just so that she could him get nervous and flustered then walk away again. Samantha would definitely be up for getting to know Will a little bit better and maybe actually form a relationship with him, even if he is only a Sophomore.
☠B R E N N A . L A N C A S T E R☠
"Oh, my goodness. Get a clue."
Samantha doesn't honestly know why Brenna hates her but maybe she'd just hate her back for the fun of it.
☮A V A L O N . M I D D L E T O N☮
"Love this girl right here!"
Samantha loves Avalon and their the best gal pals on campus. She doesn't want their bond to break because she'd generally be sort of lost without her. Avalon is someone that Samantha knows that she can trust and vice versa along with being a great friend to.
[color=???]Symbol Here[/color]B R O O K L Y N . M C K E N Z I E[color=???]Symbol Here[/color]
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☯J A C K S O N . H U N T☯
"Hm, what to say? What to say?"
In all honesty, Samantha hasn't really talked to Jackson but has seen him around campus. She might make an effort to talk to him this year though.
☠M I T C H E L L . D A N F O R D☠
"I am the wrong person you'd want to make mad."
Samantha hates this little fucker here. Just because his father is the new Headmaster doesn't mean that he'd can come in and rule a school that Samantha knows like the back of her hand. Mitch just better stay out of Samantha's way.
☠L U C A S . F A R W E I G H T☠
"You should run and take as many Delphina idiots with you!"
Samantha honestly doesn't like Lucas. She sees him as someone very devious and very manipulative with their words and actions. Samantha will cause a hurricane on Lucas if he steps towards her the wrong way - And that's literally.
☯J E S S I C A . S T E R L I N G☯
"Do you remember that one party where the guy did that? And then he did this? Do you remember?!"
Besides seeing each other at parties, Samantha and Jessica hasn't really interacted with one another. Sad really because Jessica looks like the type of girl that Samantha needs to be around.
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"Hm, what to say? What to say?"
In all honesty, Samantha hasn't really talked to Jackson but has seen him around campus. She might make an effort to talk to him this year though.
☠M I T C H E L L . D A N F O R D☠
"I am the wrong person you'd want to make mad."
Samantha hates this little fucker here. Just because his father is the new Headmaster doesn't mean that he'd can come in and rule a school that Samantha knows like the back of her hand. Mitch just better stay out of Samantha's way.
☠L U C A S . F A R W E I G H T☠
"You should run and take as many Delphina idiots with you!"
Samantha honestly doesn't like Lucas. She sees him as someone very devious and very manipulative with their words and actions. Samantha will cause a hurricane on Lucas if he steps towards her the wrong way - And that's literally.
☯J E S S I C A . S T E R L I N G☯
"Do you remember that one party where the guy did that? And then he did this? Do you remember?!"
Besides seeing each other at parties, Samantha and Jessica hasn't really interacted with one another. Sad really because Jessica looks like the type of girl that Samantha needs to be around.
[color=???]Symbol Here[/color]E L I J A H . M A S T E R S O N[color=???]Symbol Here[/color]
"Thoughts on relation."
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S A M A N T H A . Y O U N G B L O O D
"Stay out of my way and no one gets hurt. Okay? Okay."
I am honestly a bowl full of sunshine but just do not piss me off and everything will be okay for you.
"Stay out of my way and no one gets hurt. Okay? Okay."
I am honestly a bowl full of sunshine but just do not piss me off and everything will be okay for you.