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"L U C K Y" & G I A N N A

Location; Dancefloor
Interacting With; Each other (@lovely complex @BeastofDestiny)

Gianna: Humane → Like shit
Elijah (Lucky): Loving → Emotional → Like Shit

Carefully he took Gia’s hand as she reached out for his, and as he expected of how a male should perform he lead her towards the dance floor, moving in between the crowds of people that had formed. When he felt they had reached an appropriate spot, he turned and faced the woman, and pulled her close to him, and began lightly dancing. Despite the way the music sounded, and despite the fact he couldn’t see her, he knew she looked absolutely beautiful, as her aura radiated with the same old energy she used to display. It was a far cry from how she had been recently acting, especially when she decked him that one night. ”You know, I’ve never had a chance to dance with such a beautiful woman before.” His smile was true and genuine, and he hoped that it reflected on her just as much as she had reflected on him this evening.

You flatter me.” Gianna’s warm, brown orbs deeply observed his face as their dance contrasted their chaotic surroundings. She couldn’t help but feel a sense of familiarity with this boy. Why did he feel so… comforting? The feud didn’t matter. Her future plans of finding answers and getting justful vengeance didn’t matter. Even, Vince’s death didn’t matter. For a moment in time, she felt okay. Everything was going to be okay. Why did he make her feel safe? Was it the way he held her? How close they felt even though they’ve known each other for less than thirty minutes? She couldn’t be falling for this complete stranger, could she? Resting her head on his chest, she asked, “Tell me a bit about yourself, I don’t think we’ve… ever had a chance to talk.

A thought briefly flashed that maybe Gio had known that Eli was disguised from the beginning, that maybe he was fucking with him when he said that Lucky and Gia had met. That thought had vanished the moment Gia rested her head against him, could she feel how warm he was? Could she hear his heart racing in this moment? Despite the drink talking, he still kept relatively in character, trying to be as vague as possible while still giving satisfactory answers.”I couldn’t possibly begin to describe myself in such a short amount of time, just know I’m the guy you’re dancing with, the guy who’s showing you a classy, but good time.” That much was true anyway, at least from the way her aura shined, drink or not, he knew she was having fun, she just felt so vibrant.

She kept quiet after his reply and closed her eyes, enjoying this moment with him. Everyone saw her as the enemy and perhaps, she was, but tonight she felt worth someone’s time. Something she hasn’t felt in a long time. Sure, she had Lucas and Brenna, but their admiration was completely different than what she felt right now. Heh, I’ve always been… kind of needy and pathetic. As much as her drunk mind could go in a dark place, she didn’t want it to. Gia was going to live for the moment. Live for tonight. “Thank you, Lucky. This is…” She pulled away from resting on his chest and glanced up at him, “Really nice.” Her smile was weak but she was happy. A girl who's lost everything and still tries to persevere in her own… fucked up way.

”I’m glad I can be useful for something,” it was meant to be a compliment, but it was sort of degrading Elijah’s worth. The irony was not lost on him, how he was meant to protect this woman, to make sure she didn’t fall down a dark path, and the only way to do that, was to not be himself. Ironic, funny, but despite all that, he couldn’t be happier in this moment, she certainly seemed to be, even if there were lingering thoughts emanating from her. She truly was a beautiful woman, and he couldn’t help but raise his hand to brush some hair from her face. Though his faux eyes stared into hers, he himself was really staring into her soul, how could he have not noticed this? Something seemed to overtake him, and slowly he began leaning towards her face. A thousand thoughts flashed through his mind, was this right? Would she reciprocate? What if she didn’t want this? They all passed through helplessly as suddenly his lips pressed into hers, a warm heat radiating gently as he endearingly kissed Gianna Daniels.

The warmth of his breath lit Gianna up like a candle and a rush of heat came from him, slowly spreading throughout her own body, reaching every last limb. Her eyes did reveal that she, out of all people, did not expect to be kissed this fine night… but… she wasn’t going to refuse him. As she breathed, her shoulders rose and fell and she took in his fiery kiss. Her heart swelling with this surreal feeling he gave her. Moving her lips in concord with his, she closed her eyes once more and allowed him to take the lead. Woah, Gianna giving someone power over her? That has to be a lie! It wasn’t, though. Pressing her chest against him, she brought herself close and let his protective hold sweep her off her feet.

Her body complied and her lips moved in coordination with this, that natural human instinct that took over and knew just which way to position oneself to maximize the pleasurable experience. She was warm, dare he say even warmer than him? It didn’t matter, the auras and clusters of noise that surrounded the two suddenly fading to black, the bright and shining aura of their two bodies the only relevance in his mind. He could say he felt like he was on fire, but the combined heat generating between the two made that thought null and void. No the two of them were like a blazing inferno, one fire meeting another, combining and sharing the heat. That’s when he broke the kiss, looking deeply into her once more, ”Sorry, couldn’t help myself,” he grinned somewhat bashfully, almost stupidly.

I’m glad you did, I haven’t been kissed like that since...” Gia stopped herself from saying anything more. Tonight, it seemed harder to say his name. She was in his family’s establishment, after all, but she thought she was fine with saying it. Vincent Hart. After both Elijah and Mitch had cornered her and used him against her, she thought she could handle saying his goddamn name. Why did she feel more vulnerable tonight than she’s ever been in a long while? Maybe, she should end this… whatever this kid was giving her. She couldn’t afford these feelings. They were too real. Something this real could easily be ripped away from her. “Lucky…” she whispered. However, immediately after she said that, her head went into a tilt while she witnessed something strange with his face, even in the darkness, “You look… sick?” She didn’t know how to describe it but he seemed to be…

Sick? What was she…? And that’s when it happened, that same pain was coming to him as he had felt it just hours ago; he was changing back into Elijah. Grunting and panting heavily he pulled himself away from Gianna, holding his hand out he shouted, ”Stay back! Don’t come near me! I…” The pain, it was too much, even in his inebriated state it was too much, ”I have to go!” Hurriedly he shoved his way through the crowd of people, dissatisfied shouts and cussing following in his wake. He barely made it outside before he felt his body being ripped apart, the bouncers even giving his curious looks as he rushed his way through the streets, making it nearly a block before diving into an alleyway. On his hands and knees he screamed into the night, a much more unsightly display than what was earlier produced as started changing back. The process itself didn’t take long, but the pain felt like it was going on for hours.

Prone on the ground, breathing heavily, panting furiously, he tried to recuperate himself. He felt so weak, so devastated, he felt so pathetic, he felt so...so angry. Weak at his physical form, devastated from such a spell, pathetic that he lost control over himself, over how he felt for Gianna, angry..that he left her in such a sorry state. Slowly, carefully he picked himself up, and limped his way over to the alley, he felt like he had just run a marathon...while completely wasted; his muscles were screaming. Using the wall for support he made his way back towards Mayweather, never looking back, but in his heart, he felt pained, ”Gia...I’m so sorry.” First thing he’d do when getting back was burn the clothes, then he’d need a nice, hot shower.

Tears ran down Gianna’s face. W-what just happened? Her heart felt ripped to shreds, why did she allow herself to feel? When the fuck was she going to learn her lesson? She needed to leave… and so she did.

"L U C K Y" & G I A N N A

Location; Gio's bar
Interacting With; Elijah Lucky, Gianna (@lovely complex @BeastofDestiny); Giovanni & "Mystery man"

Gianna: Curious → Intrigued → Playful/Flirtatious → Frustrated → Enjoying herself and having fun (for once)
Elijah (Lucky): Surveying → Out of Place → Trying to Fit in (Friendly) → Surprised (Playing it off) → Unsurprised (Excitable) → Aware (Interactive) → Shocked (Calm & Cool) → Annoyed (Mischievous) → Playing Along (Flirtatious) → Enjoying himself → Completely Shocked → Confident & Inviting

Surprisingly enough, it wasn’t as difficult to locate the individuals Elijah was after as he thought it would be. Will and Avalon stuck out like a sore thumb in this place, and it seemed that Will had already made his move on Eliana, he’d have to keep a close eye on them as the two cut a rug across the dance floor. Avalon herself seemed to be making her way into the crowd as well, her destination not really clear yet. Lucas himself was at the bar, chatting away with a woman he had not seen before. The Ice Queen had also made her way to the bar, but it wasn’t long before the dogs came out, ready for a meal, they’d not find it so easy though.

Others stood out to him as well, that hippie Hugo with an aura he had not seen for quite some time. Leon and the Wardens were here as well, he seemed rather enraptured with...that girl from the other night...she seemed out of place here, and her aura was screaming with lust, a rather unusual and disturbing sight as the two became rather intimate in public. Minako was out on the dance floor, with some woman he hadn’t seen before, they seemed interested in one another, the Asian girl’s aura seemed different as well, a complete 180 from the intellectual and timid girl he had met before. That Cara girl was here too, Elijah was fortunate enough to not be visible to her, lest he send her into a panic at the very sight of him. Certain members of the Hart family stood out to him as well, even Cousin Virgil, how quaint.

The rest of the party he was able to block out fairly consistently, but he couldn’t help but notice the amount of looks he was getting. Not enough to raise a red flag, but enough that he knew he was looking out of place here, skulking around the dance floor with a focused look would be suspicious to anyone, especially after Gianna let off her pheromones. Everyone was clearly feeling it then, but Eli was stronger than that, Gia’s powers could only affect those who would let it affect them, and he was one of the few who didn’t let it. That being said, perhaps purchasing a drink at the bar would help to shy away some of the looks he was getting, better to blend in not as sober as intended, than to remain completely sober in a drug and drunk filled environment.

Approaching the bar he managed to get Giovanni’s attention, ”Hey there stranger! Can you mix me a whiskey sour?” Louis ‘Lucky’ Peters, aka ‘Magic Mirror’, had the uncanny ability of illusion and creating after images of objects, people, you name it, he can make it. Personality always came off as bubbly and charming, something along the lines of James Spinne, but less annoying and more friendly; he was certainly outgoing and caring enough. Despite his reputation of being a Delphina villain, most actually respected him, and those that did try to come after him, usually found themselves soaked in a fountain thinking whatever was there was him. While Eli didn’t have the same powers, he at least had the attitude, and unless someone asked to show them a trick or two, none would be any the wiser.

Hey stranger, indeed.” Giovanni apathetically stared at the newcomer, with his amber eyes. Like he did with every customer he had time to strike a conversation up with (this was one of those times), he gave his oh-so-charming smile and asked, “What brings you here tonight, Lucky? I haven’t seen you in, hm, a month now. I’d remember that hair anywhere.” The mysterious bartender started getting his ingredients ready (whiskey, lemon juice, and simple syrup). While he was pouring 2 ounces of whiskey from his jigger to the shaker, his amber eyes glanced up at his guest. Man, he was itching to smoke (his break was soon). “You can’t possibly be here for Gianna. If I do remember correctly, she was the reason you stopped coming here. Shame, really. You’re one of the good ones.

Lucky had a relationship with Gia? That wasn’t part of his intel? No it probably wasn’t that deep… Still, Gio wasn’t lying, his aura would have given that away. He couldn’t let his guise slip now, not at the first bit of banter, ”I’ve just been a bit under the weather, but Gia’s old hat, I’m a new man, got new plans,” Eli pulled on his shirt as if he were popping a makeshift collar, ”and what better place to relax than Delirium? Maybe score a lady or two, you know what I’m saying? Besides, I got the invite, it’d be rude to decline it.” Giovanni was certainly giving Elijah quite a look, could his disguise have gone to waste already? He might as well keep up the act, better to let no one know than to let anyone know. ”Either way, how you been mate? Long time no see.”

By now, Gio had already put in 3 quarters of ounce of lemon juice and simple syrup into the shaker. He kept quiet while he listened to the young blood talk. He loved this part of his job. And the fact that people loved to talk to him made his life have some kind of meaning. After putting ice in the shaker, he started to do his magic and mix the liquids together before answering, “Y’know how it is. Just keeping up the business for people I owe my life to. Did you know that at least five people are added to their shit list a day? And that’s only for one single Hart. I’m sure Bianca has found new toys to play with tonight.

”Damn! Sounds like business is really booming then!” He gave a little shiver in enthusiastic excitement. Bianca, he hadn’t seen her in quite some time, she’d always had given off a very strange aura, that pure excitement for the dead. Despite her necrotic quirks, she was actually quite a sweetheart, if not somewhat of an annoyance to her family, yet they always kept her around, a Hart was a Hart after all, and family meant everything to them. Awaiting the finished product Elijah took a quick peek across the dance floor, it seemed Ellie and Will were having a rather decent time, that Hugo guy had disappeared long ago though, that woman with him two, he could only imagine what they were doing. What really surprised him was Avalon and Brenna dancing together, but with Minako and the mystery girl. He already knew Ava and Brenna hated each other, so the fact the two were dancing together, made it all the more strange. Could they have a connection with Minako? What possible threat could she hold that would make two of the most hated enemies/top lieutenants on campus, dance with one another and with such fierce lust. He’d have to keep an eye on that, especially Minako who seemed to be the direct attention of all three.

Bartender! Hit me up with the special.”A man that stood at 6’0”, with fair skin, a scruffy beard, ruffled hair, and an absolutely ridiculous outfit on sat beside the strange boy with bleached hair. He had blue shades that hid his eyes and a suit (sorta?) that glowed in the dark. Without a doubt, this man stood out, but no one cared to stop, look, and talk to him or even question his attire. They were at Delirium, after all. A raver probably could be found wearing this get up. The mysterious man suspiciously looked around him like he was hiding something and then he looked back at Giovanni, “A kid-size… my wife would kill me but goddammit I need a drink!

Giovanni played along, acting like he didn’t recognize the mysterious figure, as he slid the Whiskey Sour to Lucky and gestured for some form of payment. The eccentric man beside Lucky glanced over and stared at him, shades and all. There was a moment of silence before the man slapped the blonde boy’s back, “Good choice, my man!

Elijah looked over as the new person sat beside him, there was no mistaking that aura, Leonardo Hart, eldest son of the Hart family, successor to the mafia gang. It was rare for him to be out in the open like this, but judging by Gio’s reaction to his practical boss sitting at his bar, perhaps this was a special occasion? Something like Elijah was doing perhaps? It didn’t really matter, to Leo, he didn’t know Lucky, or if he did, he wouldn’t show it. As his whiskey sour was slid in front of him, Gio extended his arm, most likely asking for payment. ”Ah ah ah, gotta make sure it tastes right first,” he flashed the bartender a grin as he picked up the drink, ready to take a taste test; until a hand smashed into his back of course. Startled, Eli nearly dropped the alcohol, but looked over and flashed the man a cheery smile, ”Course! Thanks man!” Taking a small sip Eli attempted to savor the flavor. Not one to drink, the flavor was...not in his best interest, despite his disgust he maintained composure and gave Gio a thumbs up to show the drink was in good measure.

Placing the drink down he reached into his back pocket to grab some money to pay the hard working bartender his due share. ”Here ya go, take a few extra bills will ya? You’re good at what you do.” Giving Gio a small wink he turned to face his new companion, ”Come here often to drink behind your wife’s back pal? Don’t worry, your secret's safe with me.”

Ah, you know how it is. Dee can’t get off my dick.” Leonardo’s drink was already made and he guzzled it down in seconds - obviously not having many opportunities to drink like this.

Meanwhile, Giovanni had already pocketed the money and was nonchalantly rolling an object on his knuckles.

Whacha’ got over there?

Oh nothing, just this sick ring.” The bartender gently flung a silver band to his boss that he did not have in possession before.

The eldest Hart brought his hand to the side of his face without flinching or even moving much of a muscle besides his arm and caught the heirloom. Scanning the ring, the Hart noticed inscriptions, most likely in the language of ‘magic’, and he attempted to put it on his ring finger, along with his wedding band, and muttered, “Damn, it still doesn’t fit.

What doesn’t fit?” Gianna sat on the other side of the bleached haired boy and leaned on the bar, her attention on the Hart struggling to put “Lucky’s” ring on.

Speak of the devil.

Present!” the villainess chuckled in amusement before bringing her attention to the cute blonde boy. Bringing her face awkwardly close to the stranger, Gianna surveyed his face and subtly took in his scent before whispering, “You look familiar.”Not letting him get too uncomfortable with how close she was, she turned her body toward Giovanni and ordered a shot for her, Lucky, and Leonardo (regardless if she knew who they were or not). “You’re all here to have a good time, right?

Ring? Eli scanned his hand and realized something was missing. He had forgotten to take off his ring as himself before coming and at some point, Gio snatched it; looks like the jig was up, and Leo knew it too. Before he could say anything Gianna suddenly snuck up behind him and commented instead. Were Eli a weaker man, he might have recoiled in shock, however when she leaned in close to him, he knew he’d have to make ‘Lucky’s’ reaction believable. Face flushing, he nervously replied, ”Well what can I say? I’m a familiar guy.”

When the shot was thrown in front of him, Elijah’s stomach might as well have dropped. Another drink? Straight alcohol? If there was one person tonight he did not want to have his presence known to, it was Gianna, and declining the drink she generously offered would make him suspicious...If only burning alcohol with his powers worked the same way as it did with cooking. Happily he raised the shot, ”Sure am! Cheers, to the best night of our lives!” Downing the shot in one go and slamming it down, Elijah used all of his willpower to not spit the liquid out. He managed to swallow it, if not letting out a few harsh coughs as the drink burned his throat, ”Damn!” he wheezed a little, ”Wrong pipe.” He feigned a smile, and within seconds, he was already feeling the drink take effect.

He’s cute, can I keep him?” This caused the bartender to let out a snicker as he cleaned up the empty glasses. Leonardo was leaning in his seat, after he had slammed his shot glass upside down on the table (of course, shooting it up first).

This is some good shit.” Leonardo wasn’t one to let loose, nor curse often, but tonight was his exception. Pulling out his phone, he checked the time, “Rats. The lady calls.” Hopping off his seat, he rested his arm around Lucky, slipping two things in the palm of the boy’s close hand: his ring and the King of Spades card, with a date, a time, and a place, for them to catch up. “You young folk party hard! Oh, and before I leave. Put them on my tab.” He let go of his late brother’s best friend and turned to face the crowd of drunkards, “God, I miss this.” and with that the Hart walked deeper into the wolf's belly, leaving Elijah with Gianna and Giovanni.

You heard the man, drinks on him. So what else is it going to be? Why don’t you choose, lad?

Elijah flashed Gio a glare after Gianna’s comment, he thought this was hilarious huh? It seemed that Leo’s time here was done, not before slipping him a couple of things though, the ring and a card it seemed. Quickly he pocketed the items and waved, ”Thanks ‘boss’, we’ll be sure to have a good time.” Bastard, the two knew who he was and were playing him for a fool, but if he had Leo’s drink tab, and Gio was gonna give him the choice, oh they’d most definitely pay for it. ”I get to choose huh?” he smirked, this time, it was for real, the drink definitely taking effect. Looking to Gia, then back at Gio he said, ”Two shots of Pasión Azteca, Platinum Liquor Bottle by Tequila Ley, and put a lime in each, you know what, make it a double.” Elijah had never felt so devilish, even he knew a single bottle of that cost somewhere around $3 million, and it wasn’t even because of the alcohol; but when you line each platinum bottle with that many diamonds…

Turning to Gianna he said, ”I hope you have expensive taste.”

With intrigue in her eyes, Gia scooted her herself closer to the handsome boy and pushed her hair behind her left ear, “Mm. I’ll have it tonight, now won’t I?” Giovanni narrowed his eyes at Elijah (did he forget that Leonardo owned Delirium at that the money he was spending would return to his account?) before going to the locked up stash. Leonardo did give Vince’s best friend permission so there was no arguing. Well, two can play at that game.

Gia-baby, why don’t you and your new friend play a… get to know each other drinking game? You two can’t possibly have just two shots of this Tequila, it’s too fine. Too divine. My good friend would not allow it. Three times a charmer, don’t you think?” Within seconds, Giovanni prepared six shots, three for “Lucky” and three for Gianna.

Oh man! I don’t know anything about this kid besides maybe, he might not like me? But I’ll play along! Two truths and one lie. If you can pick out my lie, I’ll drink.” Gianna grabbed onto her first shot glass and gestured for Gio to give her some salt before she started the game, “I have a tattoo on my back of wings, my dad is a detective, a good one at that, and I absolutely adore the ocean. I love just staring out at the water, especially when the stars are out.

So Giovanni was gonna play it that way huh? Fine, he’d go along with it. He listened intently to Gia’s truths or lies, Eli knew about the tattoos, even if he had never seen them, and the ocean was an easy enough guess, but she never mentioned her dad before. Scrunching up his face he started, ”If I had to guess….the lie is about your dad, I mean come on, the queen bee of Delphina having a daddy detective? I don’t believe it.”

Without answering yes or not, Gianna provocatively licked the skin between her thumb and forefinger, quickly sprinkled a small pinch of salt on it, and picked up the slice of lime with the same hand. Once she breathed out, she swiftly licked the salt, downed the shot, and bit into the lime. She gestured for him to go while the lime was still in her mouth.

Well he was right at least, alright, so it was his turn. ”Well, let’s see here, I’ve been known to show a trick or two, blonde isn’t my natural hair color, and… hm…”

Cutting him off, with the lime on the bar, Gia teasingly rolled her eyes, “The last one. If you’re going to lie, don’t hesitate.

Somewhat caught off guard, Elijah chuckled, ”Sorry, just couldn’t think of a lie better than,” and in his best salty sailor voice shouted, ”I’m Captain Ahab, slayer of the White Whale!” Downing the shot and taking the lime Elijah couldn’t help but notice that this shot actually went down considerably smoother than the last one. While he didn’t know exactly what Gia had purchased for them, he could tell it was of a considerably less quality than what they were having now. Quickly suckling on the lime he thought he might be able to change the game on them. ”Alright, I’ve got a game, ever played ‘The Laughing Game’? Its simple enough really, all we have to do is make the other person laugh, either through an action or phrasing, whoever laughs first, takes a shot.” The line between acting and being real was starting to be crossed, did Elijah really want to take shots with someone he wanted to be watching intently? Especially since there were others he needed to keep an eye on himself?

Of course I know the laughing game… I guess I’ll go first.” Gianna deeply stared at Lucky’s face and thought intently on what could possibly make this stranger laugh. She knew nothing about this kid. C’est la vie. Make the best of what you got! She kept silent for a long while before she exploded, “I’m too drunk for this shit! What’s funny?! I DON’T KNOW WHAT MAKES YOU LAUGH.” She was a little pissy, in an adorable way, because she hated losing.

Interestingly enough, her reaction, made Elijah explode into laughter, what was happening to him? He couldn’t control himself, he just felt his emotions let loose and suddenly he was laughing up a storm, he couldn’t stop himself. ”That! Was the damn funniest thing I’ve heard, anyone say to me before!” He started grabbing at his stomach, keeling over as fits of laughter hit him hard, he couldn’t remember a time he ever laughed so hard.

The Delphina Matriarch watched the boy’s reaction, even jumping a little in her seat, not expecting for THAT to make him laugh, but something about the way his face lit up and how he lost control… she couldn’t help but laugh too. Covering her mouth with her right hand, trying to contain her dorky laugh, Gia felt tears trail down her cheeks. When was the last time she’s had this much fun? It was almost like she’s known this kid for years, but they only just met tonight. Trying to muster the composure to respond, Gia giggled in between her words, “T-that… was funny? You-- you should have seen your face!

Giovanni glanced at the couple getting lost in the moment and smiled to himself. Choosing to leave them be, he went to help another customer.

Once she was done fanning herself to make her tears stop, Gianna grabbed her shot glass, “Cheers, mate! I guess that means we both lost.” She waited for him to grab his glass so that they could shoot up their drink together. Once they finished, Gia felt her head spinning, but she was going to play it cool… she wasn’t that drunk… yet.

Time to change up the game, again.

Let’s play dare! No truths. If you chicken out, you gotta’ drink your last shot. You go first!” The youthful girl that Elijah knew prior to the fire was showing. For once, Gianna wasn’t thinking about Vincent’s death.

Elijah raised his glass with her, downing down the now even smoother liquid, he didn’t even go for the lime this time. His composure seemed to be failing him though, he had never gotten this drunk before and he had one last shot to go through. So she wanted to play dares without the truth ey? Well...he could comply with that. ”Alright then, bet you won’t flash me right here right now!” Internally, Elijah was somewhat screaming, why the fuck had he done that? He couldn’t go back on that dare now, but maybe..maybe she wouldn’t do it? Gianna was risque, but even she had to have some limits, she was in a public setting after all, and well...despite his intoxication, she seemed to be...her old self for once. Maybe she wouldn’t?

With a raised eyebrow, Gianna locked her dark gaze with Lucky’s stare. This boy got balls, that’s for sure. Her lips curved up deviously. Did he know who he was talking to? Slowly, gingerly, Gianna leaned in toward him and went by his ear.

I’ll up your dare.” she seductively whispered. And without further ado, not only did Gianna lift her shirt up (and bra) to reveal her perky “friends” but she also grabbed one of Lucky’s hands and let him have a feel, “All you had to do was ask.” She temptingly bit her lip before freeing his hand and putting her shirt down.

Holy shit was this really happening? At this point Elijah couldn’t tell if the heat he was feeling as from this woman’s bare skin, or from his own hand, it seemed to blend itself into one. When she released his hand all he could do was sit there with his jaw agape...had that really happened? Regardless of the dare, Eli quickly downed his final shot, a nice flow running through his body as he saw Gia in a completely different light. Suddenly through a burst of confidence he asked, ”Hey uh…” he was at a loss for words, ”Do you...want to dance?” The line between Lucky and Eli had been well crossed, but the way Eli acted was purely based on instinct and emotion, at this point, there was no logic. Heat was radiating off his body, but no more so than what the throng of clubgoers already were emitting.

Finishing her last drink, she slid off the stool and grabbed the blonde’s hand, genuinely smiling at him, “I thought you’d never ask.
I could at least try
I almost forgot about this song guys!

@HushedWhispers@lovely complex

Damn straight I accept, who wants to party?!?!?!?!?

Still around
@Delta44 Yeaaaaaa, maybe just a little >.>
@Delta44 always baby boo

I hope everyone comes back soon....

@Evil Snowman
I'm sure @BeastofDestiny meant to @me, but accidentally put your name in instead.

Yea i originally edited that way, but i missed the @mention part, sorry @Evil Snowman

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