The new candidates for the military were flooding into the training corps camp with the carriages or by themselves. They would arrive to the dull plains next to a forest with giant trees. There was a large empty field with a small stand in front of it, behind it, buildings like the cafeteria and the sleeping quarters. Some of the staff members were directing the newcomers to the cabins. The men were moving to one and the women were to another. Inside the cabins, each trainee would find several neatly placed uniforms of different sizes. The schedule on the back of the door showed that they had to be ready at the field by the next hour for an announcement.
Among the trainees, there were teenagers, young adults, some people who were in a last attempt to get into the inner district… Of course, almost everyone there was aiming for the Military Police. All they wanted was to get some coin in their pockets and lead a comfortable life with all of their troubles whisked away. There were a few people who were there to join the Scouting Legion, the people who some might describe as ‘suicidal’. They blurted nonsense about how they wanted to "see the world" or help free humanity from its cage. Like they’re going to make a difference.
Zachary Smith, the head of the Trainee Corps, watched the crowd fill his view, a look of disgust appearing on his face as he saw some of the new applicants. Those fat little punks weren’t worth the time they would be wasting on them for the test.
While some of these idiots were loud when their motives were questioned, one of the younger and well built trainees stood, seemingly isolated from the others. He had two faint scars, one on his nose, stretching from one cheek to the other, and the other was on the side of his left eyebrow. The boy who would identify himself as "Joseph" if asked his name watched as his new fellow trainees walked in and out of the cabin. Joseph had planned to make some friends on his first day, but he wasn’t exactly the most social type. He simply stood at the side, waiting for the courage to introduce himself to one of his comrades to miraculously appear.