Avatar of Skull
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    1. Skull 11 yrs ago
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Current Space vampires and werewolves try to stop a Mummy AI from spoiling their human food roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
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omg it's been a very long time since I've been on here...
7 yrs ago
"A creepy old man cut my hair off!" - Thor
7 yrs ago
My OOC is complete. I will now go outside and enjoy the beautiful sun, until it gets too hot, then scuttle back inside where Horizon Zero Dawn awaits me. Finally, I get to play you!


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Ishawari set the small, finger-sized blade aside, content with the reflection staring back at him from the bath water's surface. His long beard was groomed to a much shorter length, and he gave one last run through with his hands to feel that everything felt even and right. Then, he melted away with the coolness of the world, slowly collapsing backward in search of relaxation. The bath water's icy frills traveled throughout his skin, jolting nerves, but the calm breaths of battle meditation placed him in undisturbed stillness. The bath felt more like a pond, then a lake, until the feelings of complete nothingness made it feel as though he were wading out in the open sea. The sea... ah, yes... the sea... He took one slow, deep breath, then fully submerged.

Thoughts came and went, but when focused upon the imagery of a vast ocean, a memory lingered. He opened his eyes, saw the sun touched clouds dance through his hazy, underwater lens. He reached his hand out, breaking the surface tension of the bath to feel the wind brush against his fingers. A hand grabbed his from the memory, and he took it, bringing himself back upright to hear:

“Takumi, it’s getting late. Come on and eat!”


Ishawari dried off and changed into a long red yukata robe before joining everyone in the living space. His hair was pulled into a slicked back comb, its long ends tied into a bun hung between his shoulder blades.

"Oh, Takumi! You're not so...hairy!" Hotaru said, an observation not meant to be taken as an insult.

Ishawari grinned anyways, patting the boy's bald head which began to show a thin patch of raven black stubble. He sat down beside the boy at the table and watched as Hotaru finished his bowl of miso soup, wondering if that was his first or second.

"Thank you, Akemi. It smells delicious." He said, staring at her carefully. "Were you able to get some sleep?"

Happy to know more people are getting into the Witcher! All of their games are on sale right now on GOG for dirt cheap at the moment.

Any rough ideas about the story and when it'll take place?
@Itaque Awesome! I dig the faction flags btw.

Ishawari woke to the soft yawns of Prince Hotaru. Jin was brewing something on the stove, and nodded satisfactorily at the distinct scent of fermented soybeans.

“Mmmm... Miso?” The boy said, groggily rolling over to face Ishawari, who nodded as soon as they made eye contact. The boy made a big grin with his eyes closed, stretching his limbs until they could go no further. “I’m so hungry, I might just eat it all!”

“Let’s go, Han.” Ishawari said, noting the hesitation he still has when calling the prince by his alias, doubting he’ll ever get used to it. “Go get ready for school. Take a bath and try wearing a different colored robe this time, yeah?”

The prince groaned in protest, wanting to stay in bed just a minute longer. “You go take a bath! You go get ready for school! You wear a different robe this time!”

Ishawari rose from his chair, feeling the knots running taut around his shoulders as he rested his hands on his hips. Prince Hotaru sensed the bodyguard’s agitation, saw the stern look in his eyes, and feared the worst as Ishawari flashed a mischievous grin on his face.


“No!!! Akemi-san! Help me! The prince needs saving!” Hotaru cried out as Ishawari carried him over his shoulder toward the exit. He fought and fought, but Ishwari’s hold was too much. He punched and kicked at his right shoulder and ribs, but it did more harm than good as it felt like he was fighting a boulder. In the boy’s last desperate attempt, he went for Ishawari’s armpit, scuttling his hands at the sensitive area like frantic little spiders.

“Gah!” Ishawari’s grip on the prince loosened, but it was just in time, as he dumped the boy into the freshly drawn bath with his green robe still on. Prince Hotaru emerged from the cold water with a shrieking laugh, splashing at Ishawari, then taking off his robe to throw it at him with all of his might. It smacked Ishawari in the face with such a loud whip that Prince Hotaru nearly choked on bath water from laughter. After peeling off the prince’s robe from his face, he barked:

“Scrub good! Stay in there until your fingers prune!”

The boy’s bald head bounced up and down along the bath, flashing his fingers at him mockingly. Then he smelled them, and contorted his face with disgust.

“Ew! Your armpits stink, Takumi-san! You should take a bath until your fingers fall off!” The prince laughed. Ishawari finally broke from his serious exterior, chuckling as he ran up to him, playfully threatening to topple the bath onto its side. Ishawari eventually let him be, and when Hotaru checked to make sure every finger was adequately pruned, he leaped out of the bath and into a towel prepared by the bodyguard. Off to the side on a tree stump were dark brown pants, a blue robe, and wheated sandals waiting to be put on.

“Good, now go inside and see if Akemi-san needs any help. I’ll be there in a bit.” The bald prince nodded, mocking Ishawari’s serious face while he marched back into the house. Ishawari shook his head with a grin as he dumped the bathwater, preparing the wooden tub with his own, which was much more colder. Yes, it was shaping up to be another regular day in Hanowa village, and the bodyguard couldn’t be any more content with that.


“Hello, Akemi-san! Takumi-san is taking bath.” The prince bowed, eyes fixed on the boiling pot as he was visibly salivating the morning’s feast. “Can I help?”

Ishawari straightened his posture as he heard the klack! from Jin’s wooden swords, beating against oak with swift purpose, in patterns too difficult to time. He thought about their pairing, her short blades complementing his spear. When the two worked together, they fought as one, filling the gaps in defensive holes and setting up offensive traps for the other to take advantage of. While the concern for the prince was always on the back of his mind, was it wrong that he was secretly excited? He hoped no conflict would arise, hoped that the rest of their journey was as uneventful as their time here in Hanowa village, but a small piece of him desired otherwise. His warrior spirit was awakened that night against the masked assassins, further imbued by the honorable cause of protecting the Yomiyawa family’s last heir. Was this what his parents meant by following the Warrior Path? No, I can’t let my own desires cloud the bigger picture here.

He closed his eyes and focused his attention to the sound of Jin’s sticks, stirring him into a battle trance as he untangled his thoughts with slow, precise breaths. A calm aura overwhelmed him. He started to envision Jin’s moves, allowing a stream of ideas flow through his mind as he observed where to strike after her move, which direction to parry the enemy blade, and where to thrust his spear to allow for her critical strikes. He then observed himself as the main attacker and Jin in the support role, twirling his spear overhead as she deflects from below. A whirlwind of blades, he grinned at the description he remembered one soldier gave them, but chided himself for gloating. Unseen threats will stay invisible so long as you look through the eyes of your own ego. Ishawari frowned at his father’s pearl of wisdom. But instead of chucking it to the void, he held it close, humbling his own heart, and engaged in meditative stillness.

The sound of clacking sticks fell silent to the coming of dawn, ushering in another day.
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