Avatar of Skwint


Recent Statuses

5 days ago
Current Bugs or frogs? Everyone knows that crabs are the ultimate lifeform.
15 days ago
R.I.P. Paul Harrell
18 days ago
The squirrel ran in front of the car and got tired.
1 like
1 mo ago
Today I have beaten my record for consecutive days alive.
4 mos ago
Did you hear about the guy who dipped his balls in glitter? Pretty nuts.


Not sure what you were expecting, but there's nothing to see here.

Most Recent Posts

I swear something like this always happens when I want to join an rp. I must be cursed.
What's the deal with vehicles? For example, would a squad of Dire Avengers be allowed to have an accompanying Wave Serpent as transport?
Not sure yet. Was thinking maybe an Exarch of some kind leading a squad of aspect warriors or just a ranger.
Do you have room for one more?
Is there, like, a cs or anything?
Make it 65% mad and you've got yourself a deal.
That's what I get for sleeping. Someone's already gunning for my spot.
@Zapdos Sure.
Oh. That's fine. Kiwi can have the spot. They already made their cs and everything. I'll just have to continue my hunt for an rp.
There's too many Pokemon and I'm horribly indecisive. The struggle is real.
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