Avatar of Skwint


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1 mo ago
Current @POOHEAD What hair?
2 mos ago
I like spam.
2 mos ago
Are we breaking knees?
2 mos ago
Wear your brown pants.
2 mos ago
I refuse to own a Glock purely out of spite. I'm sick of seeing them and hearing about them.


Not sure what you were expecting, but there's nothing to see here.

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So we now have 3 characters that basically all fill the same role. They're enhanced humans and close combat experts.
Sidenote: I put extra space between the categories for readability.

I normally fight for liberty and managed democracy, but I suppose I could add justice to the list.
Not really.
The xenophobia will just make things more interesting, especially with the reputation of the alien species I have selected.
@deegee I am. I'm just a terribly slow character creator. I do have my idea though. This crew needs some diversity. We need a nonhuman crew member.
Are there specific roles/positions you're looking to have filled? Or just anyone?

Smoking isn't healthy.
What exactly is the difference between the lycans and werewolves here?
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