Houdini got up, closed the door behind asher, and sat back down. "now, look. you'r going too have to not react, ok?" Houdini began to slowly turn back to Loki. "I'm sure you have many questions, and i will answer them all, but for now i needed to tell you my secret, especially after leaving so abruptly. i do consider you a friend, after all." Loki stuck his hand out, motioning for a handshake. "so, are we good? If you want to fight still, thats fine, but i will 'DELETE' you if you try." Loki laughed at his own joke, even though it was the complete wrong time and place. "As for why my exit destabilized your mind, i have 3 ideas. 1, there is a lot of chaotic magic in my blood, and due to your glitches being chaotic, the two could've cancelled each other out. 2, there were three prescences in your mind, and three represents perfection, and this could've caused peace while within, but you'd become more glitched leaving. and 3, something deep in your subconscious just, snapped. like trauma." loki sighed. "sound good?"