Avatar of SleepingSilence


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My Very Brief Bio

Male, 31 years old. (So I'm practically dead, as we speak.)

Likes (other than writing and roleplaying): I'm into all genres of music. I love to cook. I love the outdoors, and walking through the park near my house. (Yes, really.) I read a lot of thriller/mystery novels. And I usually watch seasonal anime. (Or cooking shows. Because Western Media provides even fewer things that are worth watching.)

But as for my many other neglected hobbies, I've played basically every sport. (Soccer and Bowling being my favorite of the bunch.) And I'm trying to play more video games. (Going through my never-ending Steam library.) Plus, I've dabbled in making electronic & metal music, and I used to play a number of instruments. (Guitar, French Horn, etc.)

My 1X1 Interest Check: SleepingSilence's Tavern (Want 1x1 RP's? Please come in.)

Hope you have a wonderful day!

Most Recent Posts

Cocoon is better than Limbo.

It still f**king sucks. Game plays by itself for most of its puzzles. The art design feels bland and uninteresting. And the boss battles will make you repeat their multiple slow sections and watch their cutscenes again, because your character does not move precisely where you wanted them to go. I stopped when it got to a sluggish timed shooting target section that is only difficult because you can't aim for shit. And fuck wasting even another second of my time trying to get past it.

Edit: "Birth" was a short and sweet point-n-click puzzle game. A little easy. But I enjoyed it's slightly gross art style.

Now playing "Lone Fungus" and it's been fairly solid so far. But the boss fights haven't been particularly enjoyable.
I love Digimon. But Digimon Survive was cripplingly slow and a complete fucking mess. I do not understand the point of making characters so stupid and unlikable, if you want me to care about them being in trouble and dying.

Cavern Of Dreams has a couple bright spots in its puzzles and its overall look. But it feels like a game that's half finished. (The bugged achievements don't help that feeling.) Plus the camera and controls made the final areas suck and made me repeat things a dozen times, that I should've completed the first time. (A Hat In Time was better.)

The next two games on my playlist is Cocoon and Steelrising. And Cocoon better be more entertaining than f**king Limbo was.

Edit: Steelrising was the first Spiders game that I finished, and it was a decent time. Not worth $50 though. It had some good ideas that made it play uniquely from other souls-likes. (It's rapid-cooling stamina and movement abilities specifically.) But most of the bosses sucked and the game was way too easy overall. (Also, the compass/optional objective marker is a crutch for its piss poor level design.)

Helldivers 2 (despite not being a full product) is pretty entertaining thus far, and reminds me of the non-stop chaos of EDF.
I'm six episodes into Blue Eyed Samurai, and I'm sort of disappointed how far this show has lost the plot in its second half. I can tell that this show has different writers and directors for its episodes. Because you can feel the complete break of cohesion and the plot armor writing breaking any suspension of disbelief.

Now I never expected a masterpiece of writing. But the tone suffered several blows in episode 5 and 6. And now I'm struggling to finish it, (after learning that it doesn't have a real conclusion.)

The MC and the plot is just John Wick now. (The latter ones that didn't have any pretension about being a serious story.)

Also, this season of anime might very well have some of the worst and laziest beginnings I've ever seen. To the point where if I actually saw animation in the first minute, versus still shots of people talking without moving their mouths, and terrible cgi, I considered it a blessing. Hell, even the good studios are making things that feel way below their level. But I'll give a few shows more time to intrigue me. But I can't say any of them stuck with me.
Writer's block defeated!
Digimon Survive's dialogue (or at least its English translation) is a little clunky. To put it mildly. But Labramon's a cinnamon roll and I will protect her.

One day, the always online and perpetually aggrieved will realize (much like obviously envious devs) that endlessly making unproven allegations toward a game or other developers, only increases a game's sales and emboldens its fans. But that day is still not today.
Reacher 'Season 2' seems to be following the general rule of when modern shows actually get a good season of television. The fight choreography, the dialogue, the acting, it's all notably worse the second time around.

I really don't want to watch this anime season. But I will probably try to watch the anime season. Because a few random shows that I had no interest in last time turned out be watchable. Not great. But passable entertainment. That I'm finally getting around to catching up on.
PS5's extra library isn't doing it for me. Maybe I'll switch it up and start something I got on Steam.

Moonscars: The combat is alright. (Far more playable once you get a certain amulet that makes you slower and take far less damage per hit.) But the narrative is baffling, the exploration is bad (like finding rewards from 100 to 200 in currency, where dying makes you lose thousands), and its unique mechanics (like losing your sub-powers every time you find a save point) feel pointlessly unrewarding.

Observation: Obnoxious non-game.

Call Of The Sea: Finding the puzzle is basically most of the puzzle in this impossibly boring game. (Especially since the journal keeps records of everything important/the MC does most of the thinking for you.)

Tinykin: Moving to the 2nd world made my character disappear and become a shadow on the floor. And I could not get it to work again by restarting.

Megaman 11: My first game of the series, and it was not a fun experience. The voice acting was fucking awful, and the movement felt incredibly clunky. (And it almost immediately went into a f**king trial-and-error chase sequence. My favorite.)

Evil West: It reminded me of a PS2 era game, flaws and all. Fun for a time, but way too long and repetitive in its content. (I wish it was just ten hours long.) And I just couldn't be bothered to replay another entire mission for the privilege to reset my stats again. Because the fucking upgrade made my character's gun worse.
I haven't watched much media as of late. But I did convince my folks *not* to go see The Hunger Games prequel. So I consider that a win.

Instead, we saw Godzilla Minus One, and I think everyone enjoyed it. It clearly wants you to care about the characters first, and I think they handle those moments well. To the point that some of its more "convenient/cliché" storytelling didn't ruin the entertainment. Since it tried to explain or imply explanations for most of its more implausible beats. And some of the CGI shots (like one with fairly fake looking tanks) is still miles above most of Disney's 100 million dollar marvel movie CGI.

And it's going to be the best movie you'll get out of Godzilla for a while. No faith in pink Godzilla.
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