Avatar of Slendy
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 2872 (0.78 / day)
  • VMs: 6
  • Username history
    1. Slendy 10 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

7 yrs ago
Current Currently battling Sophomore year and lack of anime time!
8 yrs ago
I guess I'm back.....
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8 yrs ago
*Explodes into confetti* O(≧∇≦)O Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2!!!!!!
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8 yrs ago
Some people say J stars Victory Vs. Is a spam game XD well if you fight a spammer and loose become yourself or maybe, just maybe become better at the game so you can wreck the spammer :o *gasp*
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9 yrs ago
D: Sims 4!!!!!!


HAPPY 2000 TO ME!!!!!!!! O(≧∇≦)O

Gender: Male

Update: I've been gone for a bit and have attempted to come back. I've got college related stuff to deal with now and it's crazy for me but I'll try to be as active as my schedule will allow me to be.

Most Recent Posts

Lol. We could be partners or enemy's!!! Its up to you. *Secretly loads pistol behind back, just in case you choose enemy.*
Hey, what's up! I'd like to join! My Cs is already up. Tell me if sething needs to be fixed okay?

Stick man or figure

Appears to be about 23 ,although his species doesn't age. At the least he's about 300 years of age.

A rare species that is soon to be titled as extincted. Enderman are commonly known for their height ranging from 7 to 10+ feet tall. They're actually harmless creatures that don't even feed on the wild life or plants. Though they do consume dark matter which is mostly present during the night. In any case they'll never show hostility unless they are provoked or reacting in self-defense. The Enderman are possible the most weirdest species ever to be discovered since they have the odd ability to mate with any other species of creatures. Their brains are able to process things faster allowing them to use more of their hidden talents unlike regular humans. They're teeth are similar to humans but are able to become sharper than sharks teeth.



"T-tell me d-do I have t-to have a h-heart to f-fall in l-l-love?"

Member of the agency
Researcher and investigator

Emmett is very shy and easily frightened. He's nice and very kind to his fellow coworkers. Actually he's kinda nice to everything he meets ,even if your the enemy he'd seem to give off a positive attitude towards you. He's also sort of a yes man and does what ever he's told by his higher ups. His biggest weakness is women. Oddly he's unnaturally shy around them and becomes very venerable in their presents. Emmett happens to blush a lot when communicating with the opposite sex of any species.

Brief Bio
Emmett had a hard life growing up. He was the runt of his siblings only standing at 6'4" by end of the growing period in his life span. He was treated unfairly even by his own parents. Sometimes he wondered what the hell did he do? It wasn't his fault he looked more human then Enderman. About 50 years later during one of the Enderman's many mating seasons he was left out. He never found a mate and was even more of an outcast. He gave up on his Enderman life and decided to see what it was like to be a human. He applied at a job for an agency that he heard a lot of good rumors about and planned to work his hardest to become the best human he can be.

Side Step
Is an ability that allows Emmet to teleport.

A beam like wave of energy that is released from Emmetts hands to either taz or hurt his target.

Inhanced intelligence
Emmett has a IQ of 200+ which allows him to do most of the things he can do.

He loves sweets and could actually pass as a normal human if it wasn't for his pale skin.
Okay I'm just gonna skip class and roam the hallways.
.-. I'm pretty lost so could someone catch me up on what's happening in the IC at the moment. Like what class period it is or were all the characters are located.
Allen looked around the town wondering what the fuck was going on? No soldiers, no citizens , grunts kidnappings this guy.....wait what the hell?!? Allen stopped and grabbed the arm of a passing grunt. "Dude, what the fucks happening right now? Anarchy?" The grunt ignored Allen's words and attempted to steal his sword that was sheath on Allen's back. In the blink of an eye his arm was slit clean off his shoulder. Allen was now holding his sword standing in a nonchalant position." Tsk tsk tsk you could just asked a simple question. Sadly for you I don't quite like mercy so see ya in hell!" Allen shouted quickly impaling the man in the chest. He screamed in agony as he died quickly signalling other grunts his location. Allen retrieve his sword from the crops and began to wonder through the town. Before he knew it he was stopped and surrounded by 20 men. He smiled swinging his sword playfully. "Hey batter batter!" Then a devilish grin appeared on his face. All 20 men rushed towards Allen in his eyes recklessly swinging. Allen ran towards two of the grunts quickly ending both of their lives with a swing which instantly decapitating the both of them. He then jumped backwards dodge two or three swings from another grunt. Allen impaled him and held him close using him as a shield to defend himself from the others attacks. He decapitated his lovely shield and thrown the head at the rest of the group laughing as he yanked the sword out of the headless corpse. Some of the grunts stepped back in fear while others were already running in the opposite direction. "Come on! I get worked up for this shit!" He pouted like a little kid. The grunts will most likely tell who ever leads them about this so Allen took to the roofs. As he jumped from roof to roof reality bitcged smacked him in midair. "FUCK! Celaena!!!!!" Allen began to ridiculously shout Celaena's name through the town as he traveled by the roofs.
Allen's medium sized boat slammed into the shore snapping him out of his sleep and sending him flying out of his hammock. "Fuck!" He shouted as he slammed head first into the sand. He stood dusting himself off. Its been a whole damn month and all Allen did was wait and trained. He walked through the sand angrily his cloak blowing in the wind. Oddly he was shirtless but hell it was the dessert! After awhile or so of walking he arrived at a town and completely forgot about why he was there and rushed to the first food shop in range. "Give me everything you have!" He shouted slamming a bag of 100 pieces of gold. The merchant was confused and wanted to tell Allen that was a little to much but Allen literally started to attack the food at the mans stand. The way he was eating was causing passing citizens to glance at him. Recklessly Allen was carrying his sword which was sheathed on his back and titled as royalty and would easily be recongnized if someone starred at it closely.
@The Slenderman
I am truly sorry for not posting or reacting to the post my grandmother had a stroke and highschool for some fucking reason decides to have me study for 8 fucking test! I only had a few minutes to quickly read and post but now the testing is done so you can expect more of me and again I'm truly very sorry for my absence.
Marcus stood to his feet slowly and slipped his hands into his pockets. He turned towards the school and walked deep in thought about his battle with Liz. He didn't care about how he looked like a giant mummy roaming and hunting the school. To him his appearance didn't matter. What really mattered was what the hell actually happened during his battle with Liz. He entered the classroom silently and retrieved his bracer from the teacher , applying it onto his right arm on top of the bandages. Although he didn't react to the tiny pain the bracer caused. Marcus noticed the others but was to caught up in his thoughts to acknowledge any of them. He grabbed a seat in the front row by the window and kicked his feet on top of the desk. Marcus stared out the window not noticing his bandages slowly stretch over the bracer.
:') thank you! Expect a post soon. I gotta get home first though.
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