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Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by NekoJordan
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NekoJordan Those who smile more are the most dangerous.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

(What is their name)

(What are they called if not by their name)

(How old are they)

(Werewolf, Vampire, Zombie, etc.)

(Male, Female, Genderless cookie monster, etc.)

(What do they generally look like, picture or description is fine)

(Are they a criminal or do they work at the agency)

(How does the character act and behaves, can be revealed in the RP)

Brief Bio
(A quick description of the character's life and how they got here)

(Skills or powers they have. EX: Genius level intellect or superhuman strength)

(Any other information you would like to add)
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Alekanekalia
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Alekanekalia Attendant of Memories

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Alydia Emerys
Aly Kat, Al, Lyds
Wood Nymph
works at the agency

Brief Bio
Alydia had a hard life, being put into the foster system at a very young age. As such, she was sent regularly to different foster homes, which meant that she rarely had any time to interact with other children her age.

When she was nine or ten, Alydia began her life as a thief. Her foster father always stole her toys from her and said "You need to become a better thief." She first discovered her powers out of anger. When she had destroyed his house, Since than she has received training from people (such as other Nymphs, druids, and elementalists) as well as taught herself ways to control her powers.

Before she was twelve, She always assumed she was a wood nymph. Because she had the same abilities as them, But learned she might not be from some nymphs who would laugh and tease her because she did not look like one of them. She also found while she did not have the traits of a nymphs, Her abilities sometimes seemed to strong to be powers of a nymph.

When she was 16, Rowan Emerys caught her attempting to pick his pocket on the street, trying to steal his wallet with creeping ivy. He saw her potential and decided to adopt as his sister, and teaching her how to use her abilities for stealing and coning people. He also told no matter what people said she was a nymph, Just cause she seemed a little different than others didn't change that fact.

She recently turned 20, She also got caught by the agency after she had pick pocketed agent and stole their badge, which used to con people. Since than she was given a choice to work with them or be sentenced. so she chose the lesser of two evils. She doesn't really have a title in the agency, she goes with the flow usually or goes off and works something that might be interesting.

Alydia is very quick-witted and playfully sarcastic. Her one-liners often help relieve the tension when she find herself in dangerous situations.
She is a survivor, at least thats what she been told.
She has shown a lot of courage and is tends to put herself in harm's way when necessary.
She can be reluctant to trust those she encounters, which is quite often a virtue, considering where she works.
She is a master of disguise, wearing various wigs and using accents which enable her to infiltrate places during investigative work. Her everyday appearance is predominantly "Goth" with a dash of playful femininity.

Fading: The ability to teleport by fading through nature, such as trees and bushes.
Nature Manipulation: The ability to augment, grow or bring plants back to life.
Naturakinetic Combat: The power to infuse Nature Manipulation with one's physical combat

Sometimes her powers are affected by her emotions.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Alekanekalia
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Alekanekalia Attendant of Memories

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

I'll have it done in a few minutes
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by NekoJordan
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NekoJordan Those who smile more are the most dangerous.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I'll have it done in a few minutes

ok I can wait
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"It comes so easily to me."

Damien Arachne Lockheart

The White Widow, The Pale Ravager, The Ashe City Slasher




Damien has a incredibly lanky frame, being a towering 6'5 and having a nearly inhumanly thin body build. His has blinding, stark white skin that matches his hair, though he has a few stray black strikes in his hair. His mouth appears normal but he is capable of unhinging his jaw and revealing his mouth full of razor sharp teeth, when he does unhinge his jaw he gains a unnaturally large grin. Damien has a pair of insect like eyes that are completely black with a glossy shine to them, there is no sign of a pupil or iris in them. His long arms end with a pair of lanky claw like fingers. His toes, much like his fingers, have serrated claws, though they are rarely seen as he covers them with shoes. He has six spider like legs, four coming out of his back which are longer than both his arms and legs, and two coming out the side of his head. Each of the legs are deadly sharp. He commonly wears a white dress shirt under a black vest, black slacks, a pair of polished black dress shoes with a spider engraved into each of the heels, as well as a black and white stripped scarf.

Criminal Analyst
(Captured Monster)

Cold, calculating, a true monster void of all mercy, these are all things that can and have been used to describe Damien. On the surface Damien acts like a cultured individual, appreciating classic music and having a taste for fine art. He is well read and elegantly spoken, he is known for his quite witty banter. He is a talented musician, being able to use is extra spider arms to play multiple instruments at once. Under all of his high class exterior lays a true monster who revels in murder and death. He enjoys killing in all forms, even if he isn't the one who has committed the crime. His years long relationship with the agency and its agents have become rather tongue in cheek, as in he does provide some insight on what a killer's motives and plans are or might be but he will give that information in such a way that it is more than open to interpretation.

Brief Bio
Scarlet Ashe suspect confession
Date: 10/31/1965
Suspect: Lockheart, A, Damien

"You can say I was a prodigy of sorts. I always had a certain... affinity for my interest, I can still recall the first time I ever felt the rush of the kill. Lets see I was seven, no no I was six at the time. I was living in my birth place of London, my mother had long since went on her own way, to pursue her own interests and what not, and my father... *suspect chuckles to himself* my father never got to see me enter this world thanks to my mother. The young lad that I was had managed to scrape by on the rats that infested the 'oh so fair' city up to this point, well that all changed when I laid eyes on her. She would of been considered quite lovely by human standers I suppose, golden honey colored hair that perfectly framed her delicate face whose sweet expression showed she had never experienced a day of strife in her entire life, though personally I have never been all too aroused by you lot, no offense officer. Where was I, oh yes her. She must have taken a wrong turn somewhere, most likely on her way to some late night soiree judging by how she was dressed, for she ended up in the ally I was calling home at the time. There are so many ways I can describe how it happened, I have relived that moment countless times, the best way I can is euphoric. My hands found their way to her dainty wrists, my teeth to her sweet sweet throat, my tongue to her life giving blood, all as if I had done it a thousand times before. I watched as the fire of life was extinguish from her eyes... then I enjoyed the feast that her body was. That first meal is what set me off on my journey, no quest is a better way to describe it. For that first time, that first rush, mesmerized me to the action of taking the lives of others. Oh the fun I had through the years, I partook in the whole spectrum of lovely slaughter. From the intoxicating thrill of turning a family into a bloodbath to the subtlety of coaxing someone into taking a blade across their own throat, they had all found their way onto my list of accomplishments. Oh but you aren't interested in my long story are you? You just want a confession don't you? Fine *suspect leans towards the mic* I, Damien Arachne Lockheart, confess to be the serial killer known as the Ashe City Slasher and take full credit of the twenty murders associated with the name. *suspect leans back in his chair and smiles at the detective* Oh and by the way it is not twenty officer. I wish I could tell you the exact number by I lost count around four hundred."

In-depth Criminal Mind Comprehension: As he has been one for centuries Damien understands the inner workings of a serial killer's mind better than most. This helps him deduce a killer's motivation and even predict their killing patterns.
Extremely Manipulative: Damien is infamous for his ways of coaxing others to his way of thinking with merely his words. This is why all the agents who have interaction with him are advised to seek consoling after working with him to make sure he hasn't put them at risk mentally.
Genius Level Intelligence: Damien on all accounts is a genius, which only makes him all the more dangerous.
Ravager Physiology: Being a Ravager Damien has the physical benefits that come along with it. Including accelerated healing rate, superhuman strength, speed, and agility, being able to scale almost any surface, as well as secrete a toxic venom.

Damien has a light British accent, but he has been known to be able to cover it up with others.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by NekoJordan
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NekoJordan Those who smile more are the most dangerous.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Saarebas Accepted
Hidden 10 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by NekoJordan
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NekoJordan Those who smile more are the most dangerous.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Leon Luis

Leo or Garo


Makai Knight/Magic Knight



Makai Knight Armor:

Head Detective at the Agency

Chill, Easy-Going, Serious when needed and Sometimes Lazy

Brief Bio
Leon is the founder of Scarlet Ashe making him Head Detective, He decided to create the agency after having a weird vision of a skeleton like being with a black aura telling him that he should act quickly or be too late to save "her". The being wasn't specific as to who "her" is but Leon feels as if this is the right step in finding out.

Summoning Garo Armor - By raising his short sword in the air and drawing a circle above him he is able to summon the Golden Knight, Garo's Armor
Enhanced Speed, Jump, and Endurance.
Expert at Close Combat and Swordplay

Has a best friend that works in the Agency Morgue named Zander.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by NekoJordan
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NekoJordan Those who smile more are the most dangerous.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Zan or Zandie(by the girls)

He looks 20 but is actually 800 years old




Head of the Morgue at the Agency

Shy(especially around girls), Clumsy, Neat-Freak.

Brief Bio
Zander was once Inspired, Passionate and Full of Life, but now he is only hungry...and a zombie so there's that. Zander is 800 years old and lived a normal life before becoming a zombie. Zander is a Neat-Freak and met Leon while trying to eat his flesh. Leon gave him a way to make money and also eat brains and flesh. Zander works at the Scarlet Ashe Morgue and uses this as a way to get the noms.

After eating a brain he will receive visions from that person's memory which can help with the case at hand.
Zander is Immune to bullets and knives since he is already dead
If he does not eat brains or flesh he will be hungry(of course) but will also slowly lose his humanity.

Brains are an exception to his Neat-Freak side. He is also shy around girls and that is a reason girls find him adorable.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BlackCat
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BlackCat Ruler of the Underworld ~Nya

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Won't you join me?"

Sakana Ryuu





Mastermind behind a series of murders committed by other citizens

Sakana has a sweet and innocent personality. She daydreams has a habit of rolling dice when bored. Sakana is also calculating and intelligent, and she doesn't seem to get mad, though it is easy for her to be bored. With a love for swimming and photography, Sakana takes a large amount of pictures, constantly taking a camera with her, and is almost always in a swimsuit.

Sakana was abandoned when she was young as a result of the first personality she copied was that if a depressed young woman who desperately wanted death. After abandonment Sakana spoke to many more people, copying their personalities, and forging the perfect one for herself. But the first personality left Sakana with scars of attempted suicide.

Sakana's criminal acts started when she was a teenager, a girl of thirteen. She convinced a man to rob a bank and then commit suicide. After finding joy in the act of convincing people to do evil she began to forge herself an even better personality, one built for deceiving people.

Underwater Breathing
Fast Swimming
Large Intelligence
Siren Song
- An ability unknown to most carried by all Ningyo. A last resort ability allowing Ningyo to sings songs capable of changing ones heart. However the songs themselves are only learned when absolutely necessary.

Sakana is unskilled around electronics, and weak to electricity.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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MonsieurShade Exceedingly Subpar

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Dimitri Silvera
"Your thirty second head start began twelve seconds ago..."
Cap'n Crunch (due to his constant eating), grave robber (due to his habit of stealing and eating corpses from graveyards when it's too risky to hunt)

21 (looks younger due to his species and height)


(he's a short stack, standing at 5'3")

(he stands at 8'6" in this form)
Criminal: He's responsible for the murder and devouring of both humans and supernaturals (he hides this by working as an auto mechanic by day and transforming to hunt at night)

Dimitri tends to be a pretty cynical, manipulative, and street smart guy by nature, making up for his lack of worldly experience, by being extremely adept with knowledge on a local level. As a wendigo, his more negative personality traits are multiplied two fold, with a ravenous appetite and cruel sense of humor piled on top. He enjoys playing with his food, breaking them down physically and mentally to revel in their misfortune before he makes the kill.
Brief Bio
Unlike a vast majority of wendigo out in the world, Dimitri's form did not come from a curse. He comes from a long line of wendigos, dating all the way back to the pilgrimage era. As a result of being born into a family of monsters, Dimitri had the benefit of teachers to show him how to make a kill and leave no traces of it behind, as well as how to avoid capture if the situation ever arose. Dimitri took to these lessons with gusto, and when it came time for him to move out, he set his sights on Ashe city as his stomping grounds. Far enough away from home to establish his own territory, but close enough to call for help if necessary.
Superhuman strength, speed, & agility (on par with an adult bengal tiger), superhuman senses

His species is weak to iron, steel, and silver, as well as white ash. Dimitri will not attempt to devour those that can earn his respect.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by NekoJordan
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NekoJordan Those who smile more are the most dangerous.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


All accepted I'm just gah! I love them so much! Oh my god I'm dying from how cool these characters are! I may become Zander irl oh my heart it slowly dies as do I! Great work you guys!
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Stick man or figure

Appears to be about 23 ,although his species doesn't age. At the least he's about 300 years of age.

A rare species that is soon to be titled as extincted. Enderman are commonly known for their height ranging from 7 to 10+ feet tall. They're actually harmless creatures that don't even feed on the wild life or plants. Though they do consume dark matter which is mostly present during the night. In any case they'll never show hostility unless they are provoked or reacting in self-defense. The Enderman are possible the most weirdest species ever to be discovered since they have the odd ability to mate with any other species of creatures. Their brains are able to process things faster allowing them to use more of their hidden talents unlike regular humans. They're teeth are similar to humans but are able to become sharper than sharks teeth.



"T-tell me d-do I have t-to have a h-heart to f-fall in l-l-love?"

Member of the agency
Researcher and investigator

Emmett is very shy and easily frightened. He's nice and very kind to his fellow coworkers. Actually he's kinda nice to everything he meets ,even if your the enemy he'd seem to give off a positive attitude towards you. He's also sort of a yes man and does what ever he's told by his higher ups. His biggest weakness is women. Oddly he's unnaturally shy around them and becomes very venerable in their presents. Emmett happens to blush a lot when communicating with the opposite sex of any species.

Brief Bio
Emmett had a hard life growing up. He was the runt of his siblings only standing at 6'4" by end of the growing period in his life span. He was treated unfairly even by his own parents. Sometimes he wondered what the hell did he do? It wasn't his fault he looked more human then Enderman. About 50 years later during one of the Enderman's many mating seasons he was left out. He never found a mate and was even more of an outcast. He gave up on his Enderman life and decided to see what it was like to be a human. He applied at a job for an agency that he heard a lot of good rumors about and planned to work his hardest to become the best human he can be.

Side Step
Is an ability that allows Emmet to teleport.

A beam like wave of energy that is released from Emmetts hands to either taz or hurt his target.

Inhanced intelligence
Emmett has a IQ of 200+ which allows him to do most of the things he can do.

He loves sweets and could actually pass as a normal human if it wasn't for his pale skin.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by nichinichisou
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Isla Ewing



A human, but sorta modified.



Isla often prefers to work alone in most of her actions. If she's going undercover and superspy-ish to find out things, to... stealing a cookie, I guess?

One thing to note is that she is very smart. The reason she can do most of her things is because she prefers to figure out her opponents habits, obvious weaknesses, and other such things. If she gets to, in battle, she will get to a hiding spot and try to think for a quick moment, as most of the time she will be chased and have to act.

She likes to predict. If she cannot get the facts, she predicts. She predicts what would be the best thing to do for her opponent, and if he doesn't do it, she's vulnerable.

When dealing with people, she is often rude. If you look in her picture, that monster over there speaks for her most of the time, while she takes her time to think lots more.

Brief Bio
Isla was born in a place out of town. It was another city, but it was normal. The only strange part was the main industry in the city. Only the people who worked there or got chosen to go there knew what it was like. Her parents had foolishly volunteered her to go to that industry's building.

She was guided by two strange men in suits. They took her to a room that had a large "TEST" sign. What she saw there had haunted her to this day.

Of course, other people are unimportant. Did you think I was gonna go into intense detail? No. You're dumb and wrong.

They were injecting here with what seemed like a drug after they put her into this dark room. After that, she was knocked out.

She woke up long out of town, with this strange thing floating around her. At first, this had frightened her, but she had learned to live with it. She had found out that the strange "thing" was the source of all of her power. It was much stronger than she was, and also much more frightening.

But, with this monster came some side effects. For one, she had become bloodthirsty, as the monster was, and this lead to her becoming a criminal and murdering people as a murdering bloodthirsty criminal does.

She also lost energy faster when she was out and about, much faster than a normal human, and had to cut down her use of her power and speed and basically the Monster in general.

She had found Ashe City after a day of travels, and she's been a criminal there ever since.

Not too fast, but above average speed, climbing abilities, and intellect.

Monster - this is what she normally calls him. It? Her? She doesn't know. The monster's main feature is his lack of eyes. Isla acts as his eyes, as the monster goes around the place. The monster is normally the talker, frightener, eater of citizens, and other such things. The monster is what uses up most of Isla's energy, as it gives her the speed and climbing, but not the intelligence.

(Any other information you would like to add)
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Chaos Wolf
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Chaos Wolf

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Zio Arcadia

He doesn't have a nickname


Makai knight


Human :

Armor : Zen

He sometimes helps at the organization

Will be revealed in the RP

Brief Bio
Zio was trained by his master at age 5 in the way of the sword and how to fight hand to hand. After years of training every day his master gave Zio his Makai Knight armor named Zen, since he only got his armor not so long ago he still isn't quite used to it but he learns quick. As a final test from his master Zio needed to find the golden knight Garo and help him however he can. Zio promised his master that he would seek Garo out and do as his master ordered him. After some time Zio finally found Garo in the Ashe city working as an investigator solving crimes and such. Zio now helps solving crimes as much as he can so he can become a better Makai Knight.

As a human he is an expert sword fighter and is good at hand to hand combat , but with his armor on he gains increased speed, endurance, jumping and a little boost in strenght.
He summons his armor by drawing a circle with his sword in front of him.

Zio likes a good fight.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by NekoJordan
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NekoJordan Those who smile more are the most dangerous.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

All excepted and if I had to pick a top 3 for the characters in here(my own cannot be chosen) I would say...

3. Isla Ewing @LowKey123
2. Emmett @Slendy
1. Sakana Ryuu @BlackCat
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by nookzer
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Noah Adams
Nickname(s): Ghost, Black Phantom
Age: 24
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Occupation: Mercenary
Behaviour: Will be revealed in the RP

Bio: Joined the military at 18 Noah quickly became extremely skilled with long ranged weapons during his final mission before he quit misleading intelligence caused him to make a tactically unsafe decision causing his squad to perish in an enemy attack he quit the army shortly after at the age of 21. for 3 years afterwards he made most of him money as a mercenary working alone and doing dirty work for nations around the world.

Abilities: Can slow down time to varying degrees for a few seconds but has to wait for the same amount of time to reuse it.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by nichinichisou
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

All excepted and if I had to pick a top 3 for the characters in here(my own cannot be chosen) I would say...

3. Isla Ewing @LowKey123
2. Emmett @Slendy
1. Sakana Ryuu @BlackCat

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by NekoJordan
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NekoJordan Those who smile more are the most dangerous.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@nookzer I cannot accept due to the abilities falling to in line with science. Yes. This rp has science, but this is mostly magic. Also please change your occupation to something like Assassin for hire. (Note I didnt sleep well this past night so I am not thinking straight. I may have just put another name for mercenary. My apologies.)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by xXSINXx
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xXSINXx Angel of Lust

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Raven Sanguine

XXX or R (Her marks)

135 (Looks 22)




Criminal (Murderer)


Brief Bio
Raven was stricken by vampirism at the age of 22, at first she was petrified. As time passed she began fulfilling her blood-lust, she did so by murdering. Then she grew stronger and more murders happened, letting the power go to her head, on each victim of hers she left a blood red kiss on the forehead and a XXX or a R carved in the skin of the victim.

Nearly invisible in the dark (90%).

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by NekoJordan
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NekoJordan Those who smile more are the most dangerous.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

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