Avatar of Slendy
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 2872 (0.78 / day)
  • VMs: 6
  • Username history
    1. Slendy 10 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

7 yrs ago
Current Currently battling Sophomore year and lack of anime time!
8 yrs ago
I guess I'm back.....
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8 yrs ago
*Explodes into confetti* O(≧∇≦)O Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2!!!!!!
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8 yrs ago
Some people say J stars Victory Vs. Is a spam game XD well if you fight a spammer and loose become yourself or maybe, just maybe become better at the game so you can wreck the spammer :o *gasp*
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9 yrs ago
D: Sims 4!!!!!!


HAPPY 2000 TO ME!!!!!!!! O(≧∇≦)O

Gender: Male

Update: I've been gone for a bit and have attempted to come back. I've got college related stuff to deal with now and it's crazy for me but I'll try to be as active as my schedule will allow me to be.

Most Recent Posts

I haven't posted because I'm waiting for the class to start. Also I thought the student council was gonna sit on the front row? Or did I miss something?
Simon notice Vesper and quickly turned his head. His whole face redder than a cherry. He didn't answer her and just backed away from the balcony. Simon exhaled heavily. He was so bored and there was nothing he could do. Then suddenly an idea popped into his head. He jumped of the balcony and landed on the floor boards. In his hand he was holding a blank piece of paper. Simon started writing on it saying "Since there's a lack of S-Class missions for me to do I'm willing to join and help anyone on theirs. No matter how rediculous it is." He held the paper against the mission board and pressed on it with one finger using his lava manipulation ability to infuse it and stick the paper onto the board.
o3o Do anyone wanna play as Jerome's lover.
Simon opened to the door to the guild hall and walked in slowly. He was caring a back and had left the guild to go on an adventure a week or two ago. Since the citizens doesn't fully respect the guilds abilities he haven't had a S class mission in awhile. His blue eyes examined the room to see if anyone had realized he had disappeared. Sadly there was no type of greeting directed towards him. He continued his way towards the second floor and pulled a chair up to the balcony looking down at his so called fellow guild members.
Booky >_< Can I be S-class?? Please I'll be a good boy.

"Why should you care about my feelings?"

First Name:

Last Name (If Any):





Personality (Optional):
Simon is sort of an emo person. He favorites peace and quietness. Although he doesn't trys to be a total douche because of this. He'd help a member in need now and then. Out of all the members he's probably less known sense he doesn't speak unless spoken to.

Bio (Optional):
To Be Reviled

Location of Guild Mark:
Palm of left hand


Drawing, apples, peaceful places, nature for some reason, sweets, coffee, mountains, night time, dark corners and books.

Class A jerks, douches, bully's ,people with big egos, hatters, abuse of power and seeing one of his guild members being mistreated.

Magic (Can be something you created. MAX 1):
Lava Manipulation
On some occasions he could also manipulate magma and obsidian.

Outfit (Optional):
In the image

Theme Song (Optional):
Love Killer by The Ready Set

Has a pet cat named Theodore.
<Snipped quote by Slendy>

I fear for a world in which Dimitri Silvera is given a badge and authority. I can imagine it now: "HALT IN THE NAME OF HUNGER- I MEAN JUSTICE!" *scuffle ensues and Dimitri starts biting into a criminal's midsection much to their dismay* "STOP MOVING, I'M NOT JUST EATING YOUR LIVER BECAUSE I WANT TO, IT'S IN THE NAME OF THE LAW! RESISTING IS A FEDERAL OFFENSE!"

:O Mother of god that's a terrible idea. Also just read your post and aww I'd come to Dimitri's side and help him if I wasn't risking getting torn into pieces like paper. Oh! MonsieurShade you should make Dimitri slowly kill of his coworkers. You might wanna wait until chapter two to do so though. Looks like chapter one is gonna be about Ms.XXX/R.
<Snipped quote by NekoJordan>

Every time I make an attempt to enter the chat I receive some sort of connection error and my computer starts to act weird. I mean, I suppose it's not too heavy a loss if I can't really collaborate with the other criminals seeing as Dimitri views any and everyone around him as potential food. He'd not exactly one to make plans outside of "catch some poor bastard and eat them".

Join the agency. We don't have cookies like the dark side but Emmett has booze. Or you could just stay a solo criminal and get chased down like a ice cream truck driving away from a fat kid.
Emmett took a quick sip of his cappuccino and looked at Kita as she forcefully ducked him down. "I can't help it we're gonna have......so...much ....." He stopped never ending his sentence. He stood and activated his ability disappearing in the middle of the café. Some of the customers starred in confusion on how something so tall can be gone in just a few seconds. Emmett reappeared in the café standing next to Kita. He was now wearing white gloves and his eyes were a darker color of purple. The tuxedo he was wearing gave of a light purplish glow. "I'm terribly sorry for my spontaneous outburst." Emmett apologized taking a sip of his cappuccino with his pinky in the air. It was clear he wasn't drunk anymore. Purplish particles danced around him as he stood searching for a seat. His eyes soon come across Alydia sitting with a stranger. "Madam(Kita) follow me." He walked towards the table and stood examining both of the girls silently. Since he wasn't drunk he was now shy when it came to communicating with women so he nods and motions Alydia to scoot over so he could sit next to her." Greetings l-l-ladies." He nearly whispered.
Emmett lays his hand on Kita's shoulder. "Prepare yourself." He warned her before he teleported himself and her in front of the café. He knows that he left his car at the hotel and would send one of the rookie detectives to retrieve it later on. He walked into the building tampering with his black tuxedo. Emmett did catch a lot of attention when he entered. Its not Evey day you see a 6'4" pale skinned man walk into your store. He made his way to the counter and ordered a cappuccino. The women behind the counter nodded and took the money Emmett slid on the table. "Can't wait! A fucking vampire!" He shouted in the middle of the café like a school girl. "You wanna help me and Noah fight it when Leon gives us the signal!!!!?" Emmett asked Kita loudly. Let's hope the mission they're on wasn't top secret cause Emmett just obviously threw it out the window.
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