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Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

First Name:
Last Name (If Any):
Nineteen, soon to be twenty
5 foot 9 inches
138 lbs
Personality (Optional):
Open-minded, stubborn, feisty, brave, and strong-willed. She is bent on returning Fairy Tail to it's former glory and will stop at nothing to make that dream come true.
Bio (Optional):
Unknown. She refuses to tell, no one even knows her real name so no one can do research on her. Her backstory will slowly be revealed over time.
Location of Guild Mark:
On her shoulder
-The way Fairy Tail used to be
-People with the same mindset as her

-Dark Guilds
-Fairy Tail's current state
-People who don't want to return Fairy Tail to how it was
-Being broke
-Small Spaces
-Her real parents

Magic (Can be something you created. MAX 1):
Crystal Dragon Slayer
Outfit (Optional):
In photo
Theme Song (Optional):
Be Somebody by Thousand Foot Krutch
She has a younger brother but refuses to talk about him. No one knows her real name but her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by NekoJordan
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NekoJordan Those who smile more are the most dangerous.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

First Name: Xander
Last Name: Sakurai
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Height: 5 foot 8 inches
Weight: Fit
Personality: Kind, Loving, Caring, Sweet
Bio: Xander was 3 years old when his little sister Eris was born. They always had these stuffed dragons with them. A couple days after Eris's 6th birthday the house was set on fire. When a man went in to save Xander, Eris, and their Mother the man arrived in shock as the mother pointed to Xander and Eris who had a protective spell put on them so they wouldnt burn. the mother let out her last words "Please...take...them.." She said as she fell to the ground dead. The man took Xander and eris and returned to him home. Sadly Xander and Eris did not like their new home and ran away a few days after. A few days past as they wondered the forest when they heard a set of 2 growls. they followed the growls and ran into 2 dragons. One sky blue and silver and one a shiny yellow and silver. The dragons names were Hyronia the Ice Dragon and Sophron the Thunder Dragon, Xander and Eris decided to live with the dragons making them family. A few years had past, Xander was 13 and Eris was 10 the dragons had decided to teach them Dragon Slayer Magic. Once Xander was 19 and Eris was 16 they had gotten the hang of the Dragon Slayer Magic when they returned to their dragons after training they were gone, the dragons had vanished. Xander and Eris decided to head back to Magnolia and join Fairy Tail. Now they are there and thats where their story starts.
Location of Guild Mark: on his collar bone
Color: Silver
-Guild Members
-Dark Guilds
-Dark Wizards
-People trashing the guild
-His sister getting hurt
Magic: Thunder/Sound Dragon Slayer Magic(I say Thunder/Sound because Thunder is the big booms you hear during storms.)
Outfit: In the picture
Theme Song: We are Fairy Tail Dragon Slayers!
Other: Has a little sister in the guild named Eris

@booksmusicanime The ghost in black reserved the other dragon slayer their computer is just booting up now so they couldnt say anything. Also I will be off and on this since I have another roleplay I am running. But I told people from my rp in a chat about this one and they are joining too.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by The ghost in black
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The ghost in black Totally Not Here

Member Seen 1 yr ago


First Name: Eris
Last Name (If Any): Sakurai
Gender: female
Age: 16
Height: 5' 0"
Weight: 98 lb
Personality (Optional): Curious, a bit shy, kind, quiet when she fights
Bio (Optional):
The siblings parents died in a fire a few days after Eris's 6th birthday but had put a protection spell on them so they wouldn't burn just before she died after handing them off to a man who had come to help. After that point the siblings were put in a foster home but after a few days she followed her brother as he ran away from them. they stayed in the wild for a few days just wandering until they came across their dragons. She trained with the sky blue and silver ice dragon Hyronia while her older brother trained with the yellow and silver thunder dragon Sophron for about 10 years, at the point the siblings had practiced their skills their dragons disappeared and they were forced to go back to magnolia again and join the fairy tail guild which they joined and she slowly became accustomed to being on teams with other people and not just a two person team.
Location of Guild Mark: left shoulder
Color: ice blue
-her brother
-her Brother getting hurt
-People hating on their guild
Magic (Can be something you created. MAX 1): Ice dragon slayer
Outfit (Optional): long baggy biege cargo pants and the top that she is wearing, when she fights she makes a visor made of ice that prevents the enemy from seeing her eyes and reflects the sun
Theme Song (Optional):this little girl
hair usually has a thin layer of frost on it at all times.
left handed
still occasionally carries around a stuffed dragon plush
her main power Niflheim is almost always active cooling down her body
very long hair (down to her butt)
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Alekanekalia
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Alekanekalia Attendant of Memories

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Something pulls us together

First Name:
Location of Guild Mark:
Right collarbone area

Max has a somewhat laid-back attitude at times, But she is one of the more serious members of the guild: she hardly ever goofs off, unlike the majority of the other members. She is extremely loyal to the guild and its members, regardless of how new they are or what their background may be.
As a child,she was much more mature than the other young members of the guild, acting like an older sister figure to them.
Bio (Optional):
~ Rainy Days
~ Sweets
~ Reading
~ Jerks
~ When people try to force some to do something they don't want to do.
Card Magic

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Gareth

Gareth KingKlutz

Member Seen 1 mo ago

First Name: Jeff
Last Name (If Any): Zook
Gender: Male
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 175lbs
Personality: When he wants to get the message across, he would tell you how it is bluntly, and he is a generally confident person. He also likes to poke fun at others 'sillyness', because other wise: "How would the silly people know they were being silly?"

-and others have called him: Loyal, annoying and reckless.

As a last thing to note about him is that he really enjoys competition and even if he is new to it, he will be determined to win.

Bio (Optional):
Location of Guild Mark: On the back of his right hand.
Color: Orange
Likes: -Winning.
-Trying out new things.
-Making money.
-A nice breakfast of pancakes
-Showing off.
-Bad cooking.
-Rainy Days as it messes up his 'look.'
-people not telling him everything.

Magic: Titanium Claws: When he wants to he can change his hands into claws made of titanium and these claws allow him to climb/dig/break things in his hands and/or even aid him in close combat.
Outfit (Optional):
Theme Song (Optional):
Other: His father's name is also Jeff.

Edit: Think I did stuff right.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Why should you care about my feelings?"

First Name:

Last Name (If Any):





Personality (Optional):
Simon is sort of an emo person. He favorites peace and quietness. Although he doesn't trys to be a total douche because of this. He'd help a member in need now and then. Out of all the members he's probably less known sense he doesn't speak unless spoken to.

Bio (Optional):
To Be Reviled

Location of Guild Mark:
Palm of left hand


Drawing, apples, peaceful places, nature for some reason, sweets, coffee, mountains, night time, dark corners and books.

Class A jerks, douches, bully's ,people with big egos, hatters, abuse of power and seeing one of his guild members being mistreated.

Magic (Can be something you created. MAX 1):
Lava Manipulation
On some occasions he could also manipulate magma and obsidian.

Outfit (Optional):
In the image

Theme Song (Optional):
Love Killer by The Ready Set

Has a pet cat named Theodore.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AcetheKidd
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

First Name:Avery
Last Name (If Any):
Gender: male
Age: 21
Height: 6'2
Weight: 150
Personality (Optional): Calm,chilled,relax,carefree and abit lazy. people often underestimate him because he don't do much. Don't push his bottoms,it could get ugly
Bio (Optional): TBA
Location of Guild Mark:on the back of his neck
Color: neon blue
Likes:music, drinking,laying around,food,hanging with friends,social media
Dislikes:being woken up and people messing with his music
Magic (Can be something you created. MAX 1): forbidden sound magic
Outfit (Optional): in picture
Theme Song (Optional): Step Up

First Name: Kari
Last Name (If Any):
Gender: female
Age: 17
Height: 5'6
Weight: 120
Personality (Optional):Nice,sweet,rude, and mean when she wanna be. She can be abit hyper to
Bio (Optional): TBA
Location of Guild Mark: on her stomach
Likes: drawing,sports,outdoors
Dislikes: evil guild,bullying and slackers
Magic (Can be something you created. MAX 1): blue electric magic
Outfit (Optional): in picture
Theme Song (Optional): -
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheSecret
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TheSecret Kamikaze

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

First Name: Axir
Last Name : Galard
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Height: 1,82 mts
Weight: 80 kg
Personality (Optional):
Bio (Optional):
Location of Guild Mark: In the palm of his right hand
Color: Black


Magic: Energy blast magic. A basic yet powerfull type of magic, the user simply focuses energy in any part of the body and releases it. Techniques:
1)Energy fist (Focuses energy in his fists and realeses it when he lands a punch)
2)Energy cannon (Uses both hands to form an energy ball and shoots it, like a kamehahemeha)
3)Energy kick slash (The user focuses energy on his legs, the result can be either an explosion or a deep cut
4)Energy vulcano (the user throws an energy blast which covers a area of 170º)

Outfit (Optional): Black shirt, olive baggy pants, leather belt, leather boots

Theme Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c5Ka0WFqftA

Other: Lost his right eye while practicing magic
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by xXSINXx
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xXSINXx Angel of Lust

Member Seen 9 mos ago

First Name: Raven
Last Name (If Any): Sanguine
Gender: Female
Age: 20
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 140 Ibs
Personality (Optional): Raven is quite quiet, her views on life are very dull, which makes her fond of the dead. Though shes quiet, she is kind hearted to those within her circle of friends, otherwise your just another meat bag who is destined to join the dead eventually.
Bio (Optional): Tbr
Location of Guild Mark: On her right hip.
Color: Red
-The dead
Magic (Can be something you created. MAX 1): Has the ability to become nearly invisible in the dark or in shadows. (90% invisible)
Outfit (Optional): What is in the pic (The bandages cover up her mechanical arm.)
Theme Song (Optional): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ur7Z-w_tF5E
Other: Bisexual
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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booksmusicanime Photo Spam Queen

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Both are accepted!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheSecret
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TheSecret Kamikaze

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

alright! how do we get in?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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booksmusicanime Photo Spam Queen

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Come up with something!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ShadowVentus
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ShadowVentus Golden Deer House Member

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

First Name: Terra
Last Name: Sato
Gender: Male
Height: 5’10’’
Weight: 150 lbs
Personality: TBW (In this case, “to be written”)
Bio: TBW (In this case, “to be written”)
Location of Guild Mark: The back of his right hand
Color: Black
Likes: Rain, Crows, and Stargazing
Dislikes: People getting in his way, feeling weak, unintentionally hurting others
Magic: Satan Soul (alternate version)
Outfit: As seen in appearance
Theme Song: Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga 2: Brahman
Other: Demon Appearance
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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booksmusicanime Photo Spam Queen

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Red Seelie
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The Red Seelie Eliminate the Impossible / What remains is Truth

Member Seen 15 days ago

The Flames of the forge are that which burns for us... it is just the tool's the limit is your creativity
First Name: Augustus
Last Name (If Any): Jaune
Gender: Male
Height: 184 cm
Weight: 140 lbs
Personality: will be revealed and is subject to change as he is subjected to different events within the role-play

Bio (Optional): He had been a simple apprentice back then to the local town smith who he thought was a master blacksmith since he used forging magic, yet everyone in the town laughed at the mention of his teacher's name, to which he would always respond with anger about how wrong they where, he always fiercely defended his masters work. even learnt Forging magic himself. until one day. His master took a job that was exceptionally foolish... his master was to forge a sword for a Dark guild due to the aspects of forging magic his master failed in the creation of the sword resulting in a incomplete sword known as Alphore
and his death. The dark guild that killed Augustus's master then faded into obscurity much to his anger.

Then came the horrifying truth about his master. he was no real master of forging magic. because it was a art few learned since their was other magics that produced larger quantity's but of lower quality, its because of this that his master was laughed at and seen as a fraud because he never had the strength in his old age to produce work of his original standard(which was lowering as he got older)... as such Augustus swore a oath, to continuously create Items and weapons using the magic taught to him by his master...

Location of Guild Mark: on the back of his neck
Color: Dark grey
- Weapon's
- Creating New thing's (essentially inventing)
- Seeing something he has never seen before
- Outmatching other peoples caster/holder magic with his creation's
- Drinking (any drink will do as long as he is not thirsty)

- Artwork (unless it has a practical use then he loves it.)
- People destroying priceless artifacts
- being told to hurry up
- Getting Pranked
- Going without Water (he hates being thirsty...)

Magic: Forging magic: Creating Magical Items it has many applicable use's allowing the user to create Items that have either magical proprietys or are a blank state capable of being infused with said magical property's (the latter is much easier do then the former)
(items are created one at a time)

Most commonly the items (typically weapons) are creating from Ethernano in the air (while they are being forged from this magical essence they are surround by Fierce flickering flame's that are dubbed the flames of the forge (their is a limit in size to the item they can create relative to the caster who has to create the forge flames and the Ethernano present) yet they can also be made from other materials going through a similar process but are limited by how much material, both of these methods have their own respective pros and con's. Forging directly from Ethernano drains the caster a lot faster when compared to using the environment yet items made from Ethernano or magical sources are much more potent then those made from natural item's but their are a few exceptions to this.

Theme Song: : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NmIBSeFhnfc
Battle Theme, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XJ9cNO22qTM
Other, he never sleeps which can lead to him being drowsy or half awake but if he is knocked out he will wake up perfectly rested.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

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