Avatar of Slendy
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 2872 (0.78 / day)
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    1. Slendy 10 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current Currently battling Sophomore year and lack of anime time!
8 yrs ago
I guess I'm back.....
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8 yrs ago
*Explodes into confetti* O(≧∇≦)O Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2!!!!!!
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8 yrs ago
Some people say J stars Victory Vs. Is a spam game XD well if you fight a spammer and loose become yourself or maybe, just maybe become better at the game so you can wreck the spammer :o *gasp*
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8 yrs ago
D: Sims 4!!!!!!


HAPPY 2000 TO ME!!!!!!!! O(≧∇≦)O

Gender: Male

Update: I've been gone for a bit and have attempted to come back. I've got college related stuff to deal with now and it's crazy for me but I'll try to be as active as my schedule will allow me to be.

Most Recent Posts

"If I'm right this loser saved your ass and would not hold back destroying yours." He said swinging his scythe causing a humongous gust of wind to come up and desmantle the rest of the surviving minions. Zarr was unconsciously ruthless so tempering him is not the best of choices. "Were are these terrible wastes of flesh rapidly appearing from?" He asked walking towards Cinia putting his scythe on his back.
As Zarr spectated the women's battles against the minions bullets darted pass him. One even disintegrated as it came in contact with his invisible sphere shield. This was getting out of hand and Zarr decided to help a little. He teleported to the battle ground and swung his scythe 360° shouting. "Purification!" Within the blink of an eye a vast amount of the minions were decapitated. Zarr stood amongst the corpse eyeing the giant minion. "Are one of you planning on finishing this quickly or am I gonna have to?" He asked or more of demanded. Just to make his statement more fierce he held his scythe to the side of himself rotating it between his fingers. If they weren't able to kill the over sized minion with the next seconds Zarr was gonna decapitate it without a doubt.
o3o uhhh I'll assist u almighty duck fruit!
Marcy was prepared for the demonic man and began to charge up a vast amount of electricity. Her next swing was gonna be powerful and dealt to the touch. But it was surly gonna take time for the attack to be at it's prime. "Mom , dad can you please hold him off while I gather enough electricity for my attack!" Zeke nodded and stood in front of Marcy waiting to attack Artholath if Feon's attack wasn't successful. If he dodge or not Zeke would launch a projectile of yellow energy at him. The energy ball would not kill the clone but cause serious damage.
Zeke doesn't like being given orders from a god but if this was the only way he'd have to shelter his pride and hate for the goddess that appeared before him. As he listened to the mysterious being speak his eyes began to ignite when he heard the goddess reveal Lance's plan. Zeke was a demon but a Demon god sounds terrible. Now he has to stop Lance, not for the future of the world but for his family. It was selfish but still he had good in tensions instead of bad ones in this situation.

Marcy was still lost. Zeke should of honestly implanted a tracking device in the young girl. She stopped her search and rested on a tree thinking about her parents. And that's when it happened the goddess appeared. Marcy was never told about a god but since she was part demon she felt hatred towards the goddess. The hatred quickly turned into fear when the goddess began to spoke. Just the sound of her voice sent chills down Marcy's spine. She was so scared that she didn't even listen to what the goddess had to say.

When the goddess finished what to had to say their surroundings changed and they were now in a temple. Zeke stood looking directly at Artholath his eyes radiating a yellow color. He did notice the presence of his daughter by him but unbracing her would have to wait. "Marceline, what I said a while ago was a lie and....I'll give you something if you help mommy and daddy defeat their opponent." Marcy was a little confused but she was loyal and if what ever her father said was true to her so she turned her attention towards Artholath. Marcy's began to glow yellow and she retrieve her battle Axe from her back. Electricity engulfed her Axe and her body. She was ready for battle. Zeke turned his attention to Feon and waited to see what ideas she may have on defeating the enemy.
:P Sorry I had a long day yesterday and didn't get home until 12:00Am. I was sleepy.
Zeke with out a doubt followed Feon back to the cottage. To his surprise everything has disappeared. He never knew of any type of object capable of moving so many machines within minutes. The weird part was the random crystal that look completely worn out. Something about it wasn't right and Feon even said this was bad. Hopefully Marceline didn't get caught up in something even worst then this.

Marceline was lost in the woods. She was too busy being happy to remember the way back to the cottage when she left with her father. She leaned up against a tree and wiped the tears that fell down her face. Terrible thoughts repeatedly played through her mind about Zeke shouting at her and her mother not wanting her. She was becoming more and more depressed every other second. With nothing else to do she continued to search for the cottage.
Right! Now is the time that we will all be split into groups! I'm currently going with

I can put in vernika with karasuma and mayumi if you want, delios and vernika may die in this next part
Any objections speak now because everyone will be split up in the next post

o3o Marceline , I'll post in a few.
Far above the city sat Zarr doing his daily job of watching over the humans. "As usual they're stirring up choas slowly killing one another." Zarr said as the scenes played before him. The young reaper stood in mid air and descends lower to examine what his little heroes are up too. As of now it didn't look so well but he's not allowed to interfere unless summoned or acted upon. For now he decided to watch as the heroes encounter their own problems. Hopefully one of them would know about Zarr and request his assistance if needed. If not then he'd have to step in the illegal way and help which ever hero he decides is at the most disadvantage.
"What is happening...." Marcus barely managed to whisper to himself. An unspeakable amount of magic clouded his head and bring forth an intensive head ache. Before he could turn to his friends for a little incite on what's happening they disappeared. To make it even worst Marcus head ache became more intense causing him to grip his hair tightly. He could follow the path that this incredible amount of magic is leaking from or retreat and regain his strength. Judging how easy his friends disappeared they probably rushed to the site of the immense power.

In order to keep himself from being ingulfed by unconsciousness he tapped into his first stage of negative energy manipulation. His eyes did resort to their dark blue color but this time Marcus was completely sane. He just looked very strange with the unnaturally dark blue eyes. Now in this form he was able to fully walk and with stand a great portion of the magic force that was leaking from its undiscovered source. As Marcus reached the room and leaned against the wall and peeked into the door to examine its inhabitants.

To his surprise he found Ryan and Liza....and 3. As he continued to look his eyes came across two odd portal like objects. They sort of had the characteristics of a mirror but it was more to it then that. It was a no brainier that Tue immense power was coming from the both of those mirror like portals. Marcus had to meet the person or persons who possed such an incredible amount of magic. For now he'd stay hidden although he would be impossible not to find since he was using magic to withhold the magical stage he's in. Hopefully no one notices....
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