Avatar of Slendy
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 2872 (0.78 / day)
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    1. Slendy 10 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current Currently battling Sophomore year and lack of anime time!
8 yrs ago
I guess I'm back.....
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8 yrs ago
*Explodes into confetti* O(≧∇≦)O Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2!!!!!!
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8 yrs ago
Some people say J stars Victory Vs. Is a spam game XD well if you fight a spammer and loose become yourself or maybe, just maybe become better at the game so you can wreck the spammer :o *gasp*
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8 yrs ago
D: Sims 4!!!!!!


HAPPY 2000 TO ME!!!!!!!! O(≧∇≦)O

Gender: Male

Update: I've been gone for a bit and have attempted to come back. I've got college related stuff to deal with now and it's crazy for me but I'll try to be as active as my schedule will allow me to be.

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Herro o3o I'll be waiting.
:P Cake.




257 (but doesn't look a day over 25)

None but leans towards heroes although his job is to reap the souls of the living. So he's more of a neutral type of guy.

Sentient being

Zarr is oddly kind for someone who's kills people on a regular day bases. He's very protective of the humans and other respective species he has been appointed to watch over. Zarr likes to keep to himself so he commonly roams the city usually walking through the air gazing at the sun. Finding him isn't hard if you know him. Someone can simply say his name and summon his presence and he'd immediately be at your location.

I'm sure everyone knows what and how necromancy is used if not I'll come back and edit this section.

Zarr is allowed to defy gravity and commonly does this by traveling through air either by flying or walking/running. Besides that he's very flexible and fast on his feet.

Zarr grew up as a normal already somewhat dead being. He was taught that humans were like babies and must be watched and treated has lower beings. Zarr didn't quite agree with that but he wanted to become a reaper so he ket it a secret. When he achieved his goal he choose to follow his own laws and protect humans from any evil that comes their way.

Red Velvet
:P I was actually gonna ask can I join after I got done reading the IC. It's late so my character will appear tomorrow.
:P Sorry for the wait.
Zeke was surprised that From sparred him. "I owe you one." He whispered attempting to drink the potion. But before he could drink from the vail all sorts of problems decided to show their faces. While the new comer(Mayumi) exchanged her words Zeke quickly consumed the potion and played sick staying on the ground. As he began to recooperate the scene that was playing before him became more outrageous. The guy who could of been his daughter's first victim returned claiming some serious false statements. By this time Zeke was nearly fully recooperated and had enough energy to stand. "Enough! I am the now ex-apprentice of the mad scientist so if anyone should be shot and killed it shall be me!" He shouted standing to his feet. I guess fighting this new comer so Feon and the rest of her group can progress forward is a way to pay Feon back. Zeke gauntlets began to glow yellow. [Color=DarkRed]"I'm dome with everything related to Lance but if I must pay for my crimes I'll gladly fight you."
"You're probably right ,but it won't be easy for him to get rid of me!" Zeke was planning to attack again but Lo's curse became more effective since Zeke was stressed and more venerable. His movements became more drunken like but he didn't give up. "It...doesn't even matter....I made...my daughter...cry and t-thats one thing I never wanted to see." Zeke struggled to say between heavy breathes. He attempt to begin another attack upon Feon but failed when he feel face first and laid in the grass coughing up an unnatural amount of blood for someone who hasn't been hit. The curse was effectiving him more then he'd thought it would. As of now he was defenseless lying in the grass crying and coughing up blood.
He hated that it came to this. He let go of his grip on Marcy and turned to her. "Marceline this will probably be the last time you see daddy so be a good girl for me and run away as fast as you can." He said kissing her on the forehead. She didn't understand she was enjoying spending time with her father and now she knows who her mother is she couldn't be anymore happier. "But...I wanna meet mom and talk to her......" She was starting to become sad. Zeke didn't want his daughter to see him die like this so he had to do what was needed to get her far away from them. "Your mother doesn't want anything to do with you!!! Now go before....I disown you!" Zeke shouted feeling a small part of him die. Marcy was sad, confused, frustrated and many other heart breaking feelings. She didn't know why all the happiness had to go when she finally got to meet her mother. Finally over thrown from the built up of sad emotions she ran away crying. She was most likely heading back to the cottage.

Zeke looked a Feon "You'll have to get pass me in order to get to Lance. He was on the brink of tears but had to stay strong for Lance and hopefully for Marcy. His red eye shifted yellow and his facial expression became clouded with anger. At least he got a few minutes to see what it was like to be a father. "To believe I loved you...." He whispered to himself as he charged at Feon aiming to punch her in the gut with his giant hand gauntlets. He was well protected so any outside interference would probably be blocked. As he charge blood dripped from his mouth. Little did he know a curse has been placed upon him and he was slowly getting weaker.
"Yes, but she is no mere experiment she is my daughter. Zeke kept an eye on Feon movements and the rest of the people that tagged along with her. He backed up keeping an eye on them and picked up Marcy carrying her piggy back style. "Father that woman she has...." "I know." Zeke said interrupting her. He knew Marcy wasn't dumb so sooner or later she was gonna find out. Better safe to say it now them never. "You are apart of this women or.....better titled she is your mother." The statement was directed a Marcy but it was loud enough for most of them to hear. Marcy wore a every astonished look on her face as she eyed Feon. As if what he said was a minor situation he looked back at Feon. "What do you think your doing with these strangers?" Knowing that Feon knows the direction to the cottage. A few of the people that traveled with her didn't give off a friendly scent and as Lance's apprentice it was his duty to make sure no one bothers him while he's at work.
Marcy was happy that she destroyed her oppents weapon but wasn't happy that she didn't destroy the wielder. She was planning to go after him but had to quickly change her plans when she lately notice lxi progressing towards her. Marcy could delfect her attack but that idea was fooled by a scalpel piercing her right rib. Her balanced was thrown off and she new this was a terrible position to be in. With no hope to win at this rate she held on to her wound and shouted. "FATHER!!!"

Within a blink of an eye Zeke stood in front of his daughter. His glasses off and his demonic eye glowing bright as a flashlight in the night. He was ready to rip who ever hurted his daughter in half. Well that was until he notice Feon was amount the group. He stood his ground with his hands by his side to give off a non-hostile appearance. "Feon....." He said ignoring the surrounding participants. He didn't fully ignore Lxi though, if she was planning on continuing her attack he'd be ready.
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