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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SpookySquid
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Diego awoke. "Thank you so much! Now, I really must be going..." he slowly backed away from the group, clutching his bag of coins tightly within his pocket. Finally! Freedom! He could see himself already, living a life of luxury in a nice house in the city.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

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Feon sighed as she stood up looking at the man who was trying to leave. "If your going to leave then be my guest, but honestly a name would be nice before you leave." Feon stated with her hand on her hip.

Delios stared at the girl and let out a huff before rushing at him while aiming a punch at it's face. "Father said you no escape!" He exclaimed as he launched the punch at La. The was a slight opening to Delio's left though that headed straight towards the outside, if La was quick enough she could make it out.

Lance in the meantime started to head towards La from behind. His red sword out and ready to attack if the girl tried to escape. He couldn't have this specimen escape just yet, he also couldn't have Delios causing anymore damage to the building.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackCat
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BlackCat Ruler of the Underworld ~Nya

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"She's right, ya know. A name would be nice. We rescued you from a well. We are pretty good people. So, if your going to leave, please give us a name," Ixi said. Plus, a name would mean that she could use her people. One does not simply hide from the mob. A specially if you owe them a debt. And Ixi was sure that this could at least be cashed in for favors.

Ia saw the other punch coming. And she saw the opening. Sure she didn't like Io. But they were one and the same. Two sides to the same coin. Any damage to her was to him as well. And Ia didn't want to compromise Io's safety. Even if she had harmed his friends, and other evil things. It would be like killing or hurting a twin. So Ia went for the gap. Escape would hopefully be the safest and quickest way out.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

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As the small group seem to attend to the need of a new comer Zeke removed his hand from in front of Marcy to allow her permission to attack the group. Zeke doesn't know who was present among them he just wanted to test his daughters skills. " Marceline, attack them cause as much harm as you possibly can. Murder them if you feel its necessary. If you can't handle them I'll step in and protect you." Marcy nodded and her eyes became yellowish similar to Zeke's demonic eye. She obviously inherited that from him.

Marcy used the tree as a boost and pushed hersef forward quickly arriving near the groups position. She retrieved her battle Axe and examined her opponents. As of now she had to worry about the one fit man ( Artholath). The woman who gave of a strange but familiar scent was to be attacked last.(Feon) The other woman who was also fit was to be watch just in case she goes on the offensive.(lxi) Last but not least the crippled one a target weak enough that she could get rid off and still have enough energy to fight one of the others. Marcy after quickly taking notes on her foes jumped from a bush and attacked aming to chop of Diego's head.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SpookySquid
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Diego puffed his chest out loudly and stood up straighter and was about to proudly say,"Yes, anything for you lovely ladies, my name is Diego Lumumba Vasquesa Lorenzo Montana Respendal Leniendo the Third, the most handsome man in the whole world," but he thought better of it.

"My name is... erm... Daniel Ludwig Vanderbilt ... let's see... um...Lemming Minnesota Republican Lime... no wait...Leftovers the... uh... fifth.. yes. That's it!" is what he said instead. The mafia boss would never suspect a thing! Now wasn't he clever!

Any doubt or comment from the others was suddenly interrupted by Marcy's attack. Fortunately, Diego was particularly fond of his neck, and had not intention of losing it. He brought up his sword, barely parrying the blow. "HOW DARE YOU CHALLENGE DIEGO LUMU- I mean uh... DANTE LIMBURGER VENICE LARRY MONTREAL ROASTBEEF LEMON JUNIOR!" angrily shouted Diego, quickly recovering and jabbing at the girl's stomach with his rapier.

Unbeknownst to La/Lo, Delios, and Lance, Delios's punch had more consequences than they had known. As the bunny demon had hit the floor, a creature was let loose. Specimen #24-785-003 had been one of the most boring ostriches that you would ever meet, before Zeke had captured it. Zeke had originally been quite impressed by the ostrich, but had become bored of it quickly. He had really only ever one thing to it that made it special. Once Zeke really started to get into creating Marcy, he had needed some more storage space, and the poor ostrich was quickly chained up in Lance's more spacey lab, where it remained aloof, tired, and hungry.

Somehow, Delios had accidentally caused a small crack in the floor, which had broken the chain that attached to Speciman #24-785-003, freeing the bird. The bird wouldn't have cared, had it not seen Lance's red sword. Suddenly, hunger overtook the large bird, and it rushed towards the man holding the red, gleaming snack... it was definitely a snack! The few times the Specimen had seen the man, it was with snacks in his hands. Clearly, this was no different!

So, Specimen #24-785-003 rushed towards his next meal, taking advantage of why he was here in the first place. As Zeke's old experiment approached Lance, fire spurted out of it's beak!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ArenaSnow
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The attack came rather swiftly; aiming at the man who had just been healed. "Well, now or never," Artholath muttered to himself. He shot (well, flicked with a pair of fingers) a single icicle-shaped round at the new foe (Marcy) without too much regard for accuracy - later on he could at least say he tried. He pulled out the scythe he had in reserve, just in case something charged out of the bushes at him too.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

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Feon put her hand against her face as she heard the man debate what his name was. "Your a terrible liar aren't you?" Feon asked. At this point though she saw the girl coming at him with an axe. Feon held her hand out at the girl sending a shot of lightning at her. "I just did surgery on him and I am not doing it again within the first 20 minutes of him waking up!" Feon yelled at the girl with a glare in her eye. Feon no longer had her extra arms but she could still use her lightning attacks and scalpels, just with less arms now.

Lance turned to see the ostrich. "You stupid bird!" He yelled at it before attempting to slice it's head off. Delios in the mean time tried to chase after La only to trip on one of the wood panels. He quickly got up and started to run after La running much like a gorilla would.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

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Marcy was caught of gaurd by Diego's speed to protect his neck. Being a demon she easily seen the next attack coming dodging the sword. Marcy regained her ground she was nearly hit by a icicle projectile. She didn't want to resort to her fathers help this early so she pressed forward and attempted to attack Deigo again by swing the axe at his right shoulder blade. Zeke kept his distance he still couldn't fully see the people who made up the group but he knew he'd have to intervene soon. Maybe four people is a little much, maybe not it all depends on how Marcy handles herself. Before sh could attempt to attack Deigo a stream of lighting stopped her in her tracks. The source came from the woman that had a familiar scent. Marcy was gonna attack her until a sudden urge told her not to engage. She followed the urge and continued her agtack upon Deigo. Again aiming to strike him in his left shoulder blade.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ArenaSnow
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ArenaSnow Devourer of Souls

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Artholath didn't expect a hit, so he laid back and waited. Perhaps there would be someone else coming from the side?... in the meantime, he watched the combat ensue.

(I suggest we wait until @Genni comes in before continuing combat)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SpookySquid
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Diego... or Daniel... or... uh... yeah, that guy really was a remarkable sword fighter. He quickly brought his sword up to deflect against another attack. However, his blade bent against the blow; his blade seemed to be sturdy, yet it was actually made of some cheap metals. The blade just didn't have the strength to hold up against many blows from such a large, powerful weapon. Diego also staggered, surprised at the girl's strength.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

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Marcy swung again faster then the last. The recoil seemed to not effect her as she continue her onslaught of attacks. She was determined to kill this man, doing so would make father proud of her and father being happy makes her happy. "You will lose and become one of fathers experiments!!!" She shouted roughly slamming the Axe on the hilt of Diego's sword.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

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Feon was annoyed when she was ignored by the girl. Feon started to walk faster towards her, she herself had noticed the scent of her being familiar to her own, but she didn't care, if it didn't come from her womb it wasn't hers. "I said stop!" She yelled at the girl as she lunged a scalpel at her. Feon wasn't in the mood for one of her patients being in another fight so soon.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by karamonnom
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karamonnom Sleepy Girl

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Karasuma was hiding while all of this was going on, mostly because she was afraid that she scared Diego at least at first until a crazy girl was coming at them. That was when she took off her necklace and became completely invisible. She stood in the sidelines, watching, and waiting for all of this to be over.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackCat
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BlackCat Ruler of the Underworld ~Nya

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Ixi was disappointed at 'Daniel'. She could tell he was lying. It couldn't be anymore obvious. But, they were being attacked. And Ixi was going to participate in the fighting. Ixi unsheathed her katana and summoned a shorter one once again, before speeding towards Marcy, ready to harm and maim her.

Ia tried to run. But, she was being chased, even if it was by some slow lumbering minion, and this wasn't the best floor for running. And so, Ia ended up tripping. Her foot caught on the floor and she fell. Face first onto the ground.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SpookySquid
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Diego excelled in odd sword fighting situations, and at countering unusual or unexpected swings and blows. He again reacted swiftly to he attempt to prevent the swing his sword. He gracefully caught the battle ax mid swing, however his sword suddenly snapped in two. Diego dashed away from Marcy, retreating to where Mayumi was hiding.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

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Marcy was happy that she destroyed her oppents weapon but wasn't happy that she didn't destroy the wielder. She was planning to go after him but had to quickly change her plans when she lately notice lxi progressing towards her. Marcy could delfect her attack but that idea was fooled by a scalpel piercing her right rib. Her balanced was thrown off and she new this was a terrible position to be in. With no hope to win at this rate she held on to her wound and shouted. "FATHER!!!"

Within a blink of an eye Zeke stood in front of his daughter. His glasses off and his demonic eye glowing bright as a flashlight in the night. He was ready to rip who ever hurted his daughter in half. Well that was until he notice Feon was amount the group. He stood his ground with his hands by his side to give off a non-hostile appearance. "Feon....." He said ignoring the surrounding participants. He didn't fully ignore Lxi though, if she was planning on continuing her attack he'd be ready.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

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Feon stood up straight for a moment looking at Zeke. "I should have known you had something to do with this." Feon said as she got ready to lunge at him. She had her reasons to hate Zeke but mostly it was due to him helping in Lance's experiments on her. "This girl, you created her didn't you?" Feon herself did orginally have some feelings for Zeke, but they had since disappeared thanks to the experiments done on her. Feon was ready to attack but she hadn't yet, she wanted to know what Zeke had to say.

Delios the meantime tried to catch up to La only to fall behind. He failed to catch the child.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

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"Yes, but she is no mere experiment she is my daughter. Zeke kept an eye on Feon movements and the rest of the people that tagged along with her. He backed up keeping an eye on them and picked up Marcy carrying her piggy back style. "Father that woman she has...." "I know." Zeke said interrupting her. He knew Marcy wasn't dumb so sooner or later she was gonna find out. Better safe to say it now them never. "You are apart of this women or.....better titled she is your mother." The statement was directed a Marcy but it was loud enough for most of them to hear. Marcy wore a every astonished look on her face as she eyed Feon. As if what he said was a minor situation he looked back at Feon. "What do you think your doing with these strangers?" Knowing that Feon knows the direction to the cottage. A few of the people that traveled with her didn't give off a friendly scent and as Lance's apprentice it was his duty to make sure no one bothers him while he's at work.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SpookySquid
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SpookySquid 3 Spooky 5 Me

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Specimen #24-785-003 ducked under the sword and then bit at the hilt of Lance's weapon. All the poor bird wanted was a bite to eat!
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

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Feon looked at them both with scornful eyes. Monster, he created another monster. Feon thought looking at the girl. "We plan on killing Lance, if he succeeds in his ultimate goal then the whole world will be forfeit. Feon stated with her eyes still glaring at Zeke and Marcy. "If you don't want to get involved I suggest you get as far away from this mess as you can, and never show your face again." Feon warned him, she didn't want to have to kill him, though surprisingly she had no issues with killing the girl even if she was her daughter, to Feon that child was an abomination just like Vernika.

Lance sliced at the bird again, this time hoping to cut off it's head. "Vernika!" He called out, just then Vernika came from the sky, her arms were blade that went right for the birds legs.
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