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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackCat
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BlackCat Ruler of the Underworld ~Nya

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Ixi was pretty pissed. Another enemy. More controversy. When could they just kill the evil. Why was a journey like this necessary. Why was the cruelest evil so smart. But, no matter what happened here, Ixi wouldn't leave without blood on her sword.

Ia ran. She was grinning like a madman. She had escaped almost scot free to boot. She giggled a bit, put her hand on the cursed sword at her hip and kicked up her running speed. Being part rabbit demon allowed for better running and jumping. And if Ia couldn't get that ability then she hadn't just torn out a woman's throat. Running was their specialty. As a pair. Fleeing.
Is ran until she couldn't run anymore. She was drained. Tired and exhausted. Then she saw something interesting. It was the crazy doctor. Well, not the crazy one. It was mr. Gauntlets. He was kind of cool. But he had hurt Ia and Io. Ia's body flickered between Ia and Io, as if trying to decide which was more useful in this situation. Finally Io was in charge. He was better than aka with curses after all. Is was all about physical, but Io was good with curses. And his kidnapper was in sight. He concentrated and then sent one of his strongest curses towards Zeke. A weakness curse. One that instilled poor health and weakness. All that Io could do now, was wait and hope that he wouldn't be found and that the curse would hit Zeke.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ArenaSnow
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ArenaSnow Devourer of Souls

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Artholath frowned when he heard the goal of the group. To kill Lance... that wouldn't do at all. He had searched for hundreds of years for a man like Lance; he wouldn't give up that easily.

He slipped off the side in the hopes nobody would notice and headed towards the cottage. Lance had to be gone by the time they moved once again.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

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He hated that it came to this. He let go of his grip on Marcy and turned to her. "Marceline this will probably be the last time you see daddy so be a good girl for me and run away as fast as you can." He said kissing her on the forehead. She didn't understand she was enjoying spending time with her father and now she knows who her mother is she couldn't be anymore happier. "But...I wanna meet mom and talk to her......" She was starting to become sad. Zeke didn't want his daughter to see him die like this so he had to do what was needed to get her far away from them. "Your mother doesn't want anything to do with you!!! Now go before....I disown you!" Zeke shouted feeling a small part of him die. Marcy was sad, confused, frustrated and many other heart breaking feelings. She didn't know why all the happiness had to go when she finally got to meet her mother. Finally over thrown from the built up of sad emotions she ran away crying. She was most likely heading back to the cottage.

Zeke looked a Feon "You'll have to get pass me in order to get to Lance. He was on the brink of tears but had to stay strong for Lance and hopefully for Marcy. His red eye shifted yellow and his facial expression became clouded with anger. At least he got a few minutes to see what it was like to be a father. "To believe I loved you...." He whispered to himself as he charged at Feon aiming to punch her in the gut with his giant hand gauntlets. He was well protected so any outside interference would probably be blocked. As he charge blood dripped from his mouth. Little did he know a curse has been placed upon him and he was slowly getting weaker.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by karamonnom
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karamonnom Sleepy Girl

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Karasuma followed 'Daniel' because she was afraid of what was going on with the strange girl and man that apparently know Feon. She put her necklace back on though and tried to talk to him. "S-sorry about earlier? Things are kind of crazy now but... if you can, please protect Feon. Maybe she doesn't need it, you do owe her. She did save your life.""
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

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Feon stood back for a moment almost to awe at his words He had feelings for me... but then he helped in the torture. Feon thought as she saw him launch a punch at her. Feon then took a hit straight to the stomach hitting a tree. "It doesn't have to end like this!" Feon said as she coughed up blood after the hit. "You can still leave! You know that Lance would kill you the moment he found you to be useless, just like when he tried to kill me the moment that Vernika got her hands on him!" Feon pleaded, she really didn't want to kill him. As she said this and her emotions swirled electricity started to spark from her body, and the shocks were starting to get more powerful.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

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"You're probably right ,but it won't be easy for him to get rid of me!" Zeke was planning to attack again but Lo's curse became more effective since Zeke was stressed and more venerable. His movements became more drunken like but he didn't give up. "It...doesn't even matter....I made...my daughter...cry and t-thats one thing I never wanted to see." Zeke struggled to say between heavy breathes. He attempt to begin another attack upon Feon but failed when he feel face first and laid in the grass coughing up an unnatural amount of blood for someone who hasn't been hit. The curse was effectiving him more then he'd thought it would. As of now he was defenseless lying in the grass crying and coughing up blood.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SpookySquid
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SpookySquid 3 Spooky 5 Me

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Specimen #24-785-003, realizing it was out numbered, dashed away, hoping that it could escape to someone that would give him a bite to eat.

Diego laughed off the ghost. "I completely agree. I do owe her my life. I also owe the other women more than three lives worth of money. I've built up so much debt... that's why I must go south. I've got to get out of here, start off fresh, meet some women, get more money. How else am I going to survive? I can't pay back anything! Plus, how am I supposed to fight with half of a sword? I'm sure they can handle themselves..." Diego then trudged onward, ignoring the ghost.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Feon stood up from the punch looking down at Zeke. "Go get your daughter and leave, I don't want to kill you, and I won't kill her either." Feon said to him holding her stomach. "Here." Feon said as she turned her back to him while throwing a vial of a weak dispelling and healing potion at him. "I'm not going to kill you, just stay out of my way, Lance needs to pay for what he's done, he's told me the kind of woman his wife and daughter were, if he resurrects them then there will be hell to pay, for all of us." Feon said to him before walking away, she knew something that she wasn't telling anyone else about the wife and child, and it was something big. Feon just turned her back to leave.

Lance sighed at the ostrich ran away, he could track it but he had no need to, at least not yet. Lance headed back to his work Vernika close behind him. She also knew the secret behind lances wife and child, but this was something she would take to her grave, she would even sabotage work to prevent their Resurrection. Vernika was a viciously jealous type, this was honestly one of the reasons why Lance had yet to succeed in resurrecting them, and for good reason.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by karamonnom
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karamonnom Sleepy Girl

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Karasuma was outraged at this man's insolence. "You need to become a man and own up your actions!" she shouted as she glided over towards him. She was feeling a bit hypocritical since she couldn't really do much herself though and that frustrated her. She wished that maybe there were other ways for her to use her necklace so she can do something too. If only the Fae had told her more before he suddenly disappeared. She clutched onto the necklace when suddenly she felt its warmth radiating. She was starting to feel its power going through her undead body. She was transforming into a sword and that was freaky in itself. She couldn't help but feel that Diego was supposed to be her user. "Now you have a sword" she said to him telepathically. "Now will you join us and our cause?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Genni
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Genni Mistress's Lil Plaything

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Mayumi had had enough, everyone seemed to be attacking each other and she couldn't even work out whose side anyone was on. Pulling her arm back she quickly fired a powerful arrow into the middle of the group, which exploded in a burst of light.

Before anyone could recover Mayumi quickly dropped down into the opening she'd made, her bow held up at the ready. "Nobody move," She called out in warning, "And explain to me exactly why you're all attacking each other." It seemed the best way to resolve the matter, she thought, let the guilty ones reveal themselves, then she could shoot them cleanly.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackCat
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BlackCat Ruler of the Underworld ~Nya

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Ixi looked at Mayumi and sighed. Now there was another interfering person. With a bow. A more dangerous invader.
"Well," Ixi thought." Some of use are trying to find an evil scientist, and some of us are on the side of the scientist. It's not that confusing."

Io was slightly confused. The woman had said not to move. But, Io was in a hiding area. But he was a good persons he walked closer to where everyone was standing. Io walked closer, eying Zeke. He was very cautious around Zeke. He was his kidnapper.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Genni
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Genni Mistress's Lil Plaything

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As she heard the word 'evil' things came into focus for Mayumi. Things like good and evil were simple to deal with, sjhe was a good person, and all evil people had to die. "Okay, which of you works for the evil scientist, and who's trying to stop him?" She asked, her bow waving from side to side, the notched arrow sizzling with power.

All she had to do was for the strangers around to answer and her job would be done. Arrows for the bad people, a share of her hunting spoils for the good. It was still quite early and they should still have time to gather some wood for a nice relaxing campfire, as long as the evil people hurried up and identified themselves.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SpookySquid
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SpookySquid 3 Spooky 5 Me

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As Karasuma became a sword, a nasty idea plopped into his mind, perhaps his nastiest yet...

"You're right! I should stop running away from my problems! I feel awful! Those people saved my life! It's time for me to repay my debt."

Diego grasped Karasuma picked up the blade and ran back to the combat. He glanced through the wood. The fighting had died down. Had they won? A women was aiming a bow at the others. He ignored her at first and noted that Marcy was gone and that Zeke (where had he seen him before? He looked awfully familiar) was laying on the ground. A small bunny thing... alright... definitely familiar... Finally, he tried to figure out why the girl hadn't fired. Now weapons were being aimed at her. It looked like she was a little confused and was demanding to know what was going on.

Hmmm... thought Diego. She seemed pretty enough. He could probably get her to like him for a week! Then she would realize that he was a poor street urchin and avoid him, like the other women. But a women's a women... thought Diego. He jumped out of the bushes and announced himself. "Hello dear lady. These two women are lying. They attacked this poor man in an attempt to swipe his..." Diego looked at Zeke to see if he had anything expensive on him, "gauntlets! They are very valuable, why perhaps even magical. That one women is the mafia boss, for goodness sake! They even chased a poor little girl away! I got out of the fray of combat when I realized how crazy they were. I suggest you kill them immediately, why, I'll help you if you would like."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackCat
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BlackCat Ruler of the Underworld ~Nya

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Ixi sighed.
"I may be a mafia boss, but I have a heart. You lied to us about your name after we helped you and kept you alive, and now you want to help kill us," Ixi told Daniel. Tsk. He could have had the decency to give them an accurate name. Or at least be a better liar. He didn't have to advocate their deaths. That was just rude.

Io stepped out.
"That man is not innocent. He kidnapped me," Io said, pointing at Zeke. His eyes were fearful and hesitant. His voice kind of shaky.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Zeke was surprised that From sparred him. "I owe you one." He whispered attempting to drink the potion. But before he could drink from the vail all sorts of problems decided to show their faces. While the new comer(Mayumi) exchanged her words Zeke quickly consumed the potion and played sick staying on the ground. As he began to recooperate the scene that was playing before him became more outrageous. The guy who could of been his daughter's first victim returned claiming some serious false statements. By this time Zeke was nearly fully recooperated and had enough energy to stand. "Enough! I am the now ex-apprentice of the mad scientist so if anyone should be shot and killed it shall be me!" He shouted standing to his feet. I guess fighting this new comer so Feon and the rest of her group can progress forward is a way to pay Feon back. Zeke gauntlets began to glow yellow. [Color=DarkRed]"I'm dome with everything related to Lance but if I must pay for my crimes I'll gladly fight you."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by karamonnom
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karamonnom Sleepy Girl

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Karasuma grew hot with anger as 'Daniel' tried to betray them. As a sword, she became too hot to touch, burning 'Daniel's hands, forcing him to drop her on the ground. "You are a coward and a liar, I don't know anyone who is as low as you," she growled, once again telepathically so only he could hear her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ArenaSnow
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ArenaSnow Devourer of Souls

Banned Seen 3 yrs ago

Artholath entered the cottage, wasting no time in the process. "Lance!"

As he came down the stairs, he yelled "Either change your warding to something new or get out of here, there's a team out to kill you!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Feon put her hand to her face when she saw the man come out and making false claims. "Please ignore the terrible liar." Feon said to the newcomer about Diego. "For goodness sakes man I just did surgery on you and got you back to full health and this is how you repay us!?!?" Feon yelled at him starting to walk towards him. Sparks started to come from her bolts as she walked towards him clearly angry at him. "Miss if you would, could you please put an arrow in this man's knee and end this adventurers career?" Feon asked the archer who had just fired an arrow at them. Feon was done with this man's annoyances at this point.
"I'm glad your with us Zeke." Feon said smiling at Zeke.

Lance turned his attention to Arth as he entered the cottage. "Great, well then, I hope that lab you spoke of already has basic equipment." Lance said as he held up his hand into the air, a magic circle appeared in it and suddenly he and most of his more important and advanced equipment started to glow. "You need to think of where this lab is now! Once you do, everything should be moved." Lance said, as he held some sort of crystal in his other hand that helped to power up his teleportation magic.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Genni
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Genni Mistress's Lil Plaything

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It all seemed even more confusing at first. Mob bosses and magical artefacts, robbery and kidnappings, but as Mayumi listened to all the accounts, and remembered what she'd seen with her own eyes of the care and medical aid that had been given, the archer came to a decision.

"I see now there is only one evil person here, a liar and a thief!" With that she let loose her arrow, aimed directly for Diego's left knee.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by HaltingBlooper
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HaltingBlooper Mudkips. I herd u liek dem.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Samuel had seen the whole thing from a nearby bush. Apparently, there was a zombie woman, a weird monster with gauntlets, a demon, some other people, and a person who seemed to be very bad at lying, even though he constantly tried it. I think I'll just let this one play out for a little. I can't exactly picture anything good happening if I just jumped in front. Samuel thought. Yeah. Definitely.
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