Avatar of Slendy
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 2872 (0.78 / day)
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    1. Slendy 10 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current Currently battling Sophomore year and lack of anime time!
8 yrs ago
I guess I'm back.....
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8 yrs ago
*Explodes into confetti* O(≧∇≦)O Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2!!!!!!
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8 yrs ago
Some people say J stars Victory Vs. Is a spam game XD well if you fight a spammer and loose become yourself or maybe, just maybe become better at the game so you can wreck the spammer :o *gasp*
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8 yrs ago
D: Sims 4!!!!!!


HAPPY 2000 TO ME!!!!!!!! O(≧∇≦)O

Gender: Male

Update: I've been gone for a bit and have attempted to come back. I've got college related stuff to deal with now and it's crazy for me but I'll try to be as active as my schedule will allow me to be.

Most Recent Posts

"I see your not the formal type or the educated.... I need help capturing "The Reaper" or Zarr, he is my late husband and walked on me, my human body is to weak for my full power but I'll work on that by me self." Belle answered Calamity. She was only interested in helping herself and what ever helps her achieve her desires. By this time she had a little bit of her demonic powers back but it was enough to take on Calamity.
;-; don't hate me, my god brothers prom was today and now I'm at a family party right now. I'll do my best to post and respond as of now.
David or Dragon Knight meanwhile turned his attention to the woman who had just entered their fortress. He walked towards her with his sword and shield out and ready to defend himself or attack if needed. "You came to the wrong place lady." He said as he slowly approached her. "You need to leave now, and forget you saw this place, or else I will be forced to kill you." David said as he pointed his sword at her.

Belle frowned. She wasn't in the mood for a half ass threat. "Look if you don't want to be eaten alive I suggest you tell me who runs this vessel." By this time her shark like teeth were revealed and she was moving towards the man. She was defently not in the mood for another fight. If the man chose to attack her she'd have no choice but to end his life. No one will postpone her desire to have Zarr.

Zarr relocated to the sky and did his normal routine. Watch over the humans from afar until needed by the heroes. Sadly for him his peaceful days were now over and much greater problems were starting to unfold. Zarr was really gonna have to depend on the heroes for the soon up and coming battles.
*face palms* v.v uhhhh I suck I'll get right on it.
=_= Bird chicken duck banana I was suppose to respond to a post you previously made wasn't I.
Zeke barely manage to dodge Feon's attack and was sent flying into the ceiling of the temple. The collision hurted him pretty badly hut he'd survive. To tired to recover from the impact Zeke free fell to the floor And slammed roughly against the rough material of the temple's floor. It was possible that he broke a rib or two. Hopefully Feon would attend to him when she has the time. Marcy jolted in fear when Feon demanded her not to call her mom. The fact that Feon said this and felt a powerful attack to enemy is what frightened her. "Wow mom..Feon is so strong." Marcy said sheathing her battle axe and moving towards her father. She was worried but she had to stay tough to make her father proud. "F-Feon what should we do now?" It felt odd to call her mother by her first name but she didn't want to see the outcome of what would happen if she were to say mom again.
Zarr was sitting in mid air when the unspeakable became a reality. In front of him stood his lover, his mortal enemy Belle. At first Zarr played it off as an illusion but then it happened. "Why did you leave me?" She asked in a really seductive voice. She and Zarr both knew why he left and he would of stayed but he put his priorities before his own wife. "You know why...." Zarr stated walking towards her. She wore an angered look. "Your mines!! " She shouted flying towards Zarr aiming to attack him. Zarr retrieved his scythe and stopped her blow causing a very large pulse of wind to implode above the town. When the smoke from the collision died down Belle's physical appearance became altered. From her shoulders down were inhumane boney arms. "Leave your damaging this world!!" Zarr commanded swinging his scythe causing a slash of wind to attack Belle. She was sent flying through the sky. Belle instantly recovered and charged at Zarr. She wasn't the best at combat but she can take a punch. The battle continued with Belle doing pointless attacks and Zarr landing every attack he plotted out. "You...you are even stronger then before....d-don't think this'll save you...I-I'll be back...." Belle manage to say between heavy breathes. Zarr wasn't even listening he attempt to finish her off but was unable to due to her slowly disappearing. She retreated for now and was looking for a place to recover. Most likely Calamity's base when she came across it. Zarr had a few bruises but wasn't hurt that much. He decided he wasn't gonna tell the heroes about his wife just yet she was too weak to worry about for now. Zarr floated back to the town cleaning himself off to hopefully not draw any attention to himself.
Zeke nodded and looked at Marcy. As if they had telepathic communication they both nodded at each other and began their attack on Artholath. Marcy continued her onslaught of attacks by chaotically swinging her electric powered axe at him deflecting the talons and pressing forward to catch his attention. It didn't mater if she damaged him she was just a deco to allow her father to sneak around Artholath. Marcy made sure to not give him time to think she stayed close and kept swinging. By now Zeke made it behind Artholath and leaped towards him holding him tightly using the strength of the gauntlets and his demonic strength. What ever Feon was planning to do she had to do it quickly. Zeke was planning to dodge the attack when Feon came close enough. Marcy stayed back to keep an eye on the scene. She held her Axe ready to attack if Feon wasn't successful. "This is your chance mom!!!!" Marcy shouted she didn't mean to say mom it just slipped out.


bloody Thorn




Creature of Death

She's ruthless and does not no the meaning of mercy. If she wants it she will get it no matter what. If your useless to her then your life is useless therefore she will kill you. She is very bipolar so she is rarely questioned about her choices. Selfish is also a good description of the young women.

Originally she had the ability to make her skin as tough as the toughest jewel on earth. After stealing Zarr's eye and eating it she gain the powers of Necromancy which now allows her to draw forth undead mythical creatures unlike Zarr's ability to use the normal undead.

She is very flexiable and durable. She is skilled in various combats and weaponry.

Ever wonder why Zarr has an eye patch. Well long ago there was a demonic creature the was obsessed with Zarr and power. Zarr stupidly accepted the Young's demon affection and at the time would be considered marring her. One day while he was fast asleep she ripped his eye out and devoured it before Zarr could successfully stop her. Now with her new powers she rain hell over hell itself. This also resorted in divorce between the two. This angered Belle causing her to be even more insane. While Zarr moved to protect his sector of earth Belle followed him and kept in hiding plotting to get rid of man kind and hopefully get Zarr back from the humans.
Read it wrong yeah I'll make an evil female reaper.
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