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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Gareth

Gareth KingKlutz

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Miff shrugged, off Cinia's apology. "No, it's fine. The stables were quite comfortable and I had a good nights rest." He said as he helped her set up the farmers market stall. He then looked at some of the things on the counter that they were apparently going to sell and looked at Cinia, "So how many of these items, do you think will sell?", He asked her curiously.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kartoffel
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Kartoffel The Emperor of all Potatoes

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Running. For the past day all Kavokan could remember doing is running. Just when he thought he could run no more, he was on Dromund Kaas no longer. Wiping the sweat off his leathered blue skin, he took in his surroundings. It seened he was in some sort of metropolis.

He walked a little farther in a random direction, but as he walked he saw two cameras focus in on him. "Well," he thought, "We can't have that, now can we? He focused in on the surveillance devices and powered them down. He looked up when he was finished to see a random passerby staring at him quizzically. He closed his eyes and focused his mind to see if they had any technology on him. A cellphone. Perfect. He focused in on it and told it to give him the latest news. He ended up with more questions then answers. Where the hell was he? What in the world was going on in this city? And who is Calamity?

Apparently, there was some sort of battle that occurred. He set out to find the location of the brawl. Maybe there he could finally find some answers. A while later, he approached the scene.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Cinia looked at some of produce as she layed them out for customers to see. "Normally this time of year Strawberries and blueberries are very popular." Cinia said as she set up bags of blue berries and strawberries. After about an hour of set up the farmers market started to be a bit more bustling.

Cinia in the meantime was in a cafe across from the scene of yesterday, enjoying her milk shake. She was in her human form so one seemed to look at her twice as she drank her milkshake, though seeing a grown woman drink a milkshake by herself was a bit unusual. Two men had already tried to hit on her and failed. She noticed a blue man looking at the scene after awhile, many people in the area were taking pictures of him with their phones.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kartoffel
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Kartoffel The Emperor of all Potatoes

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Ignoring the people photographing his unusual appearance, Duros went around the marketplace asking about what happened the day before. So far however, he had not found anyone who knew anything beyond rumor. He had visited all the stalls when he looked over to the tables in a nearby cafe. Everyone was busy enjoying the Food and drink and talking, except for one individual who was sitting alone, drinking a milkshake. He decided to walk over to her table and see if she knew anything.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ArenaSnow
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ArenaSnow Devourer of Souls

Banned Seen 3 yrs ago

Thasseldar had spent the night in another hotel room, preferring to put off Clark until the morning.

When morning came, he met Hanson as he had just come out of the room where Clark was in. "Quiet night?"

Hanson rolled his eyes a bit. "Quiet enough..." before he went back to the front desk.

He checked and made sure Clark was up. When he was sure, he came in and asked casually. "So, mind telling me as to who the boss is of your particular operation?" He never was one for introductions...

Hanson had fallen asleep in the chair he was in, guarding Clark, still with the pistol in hand. He came out and spoke briefly to Thasseldar before going back to his desk, deciding to call the hotel "Open" that day despite the troubles. He almost left his pistol on the counter before he remembered it and put it back in the drawer.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Gareth

Gareth KingKlutz

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Clark hated Hanson. For not listening to him. As Hanson left, he turned his head to look at Thass., who had apparently returned.

"All you need to know is that the boss is way, way more important than you are." He said in a flat voice. A statement of fact.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Zarr was sitting in mid air when the unspeakable became a reality. In front of him stood his lover, his mortal enemy Belle. At first Zarr played it off as an illusion but then it happened. "Why did you leave me?" She asked in a really seductive voice. She and Zarr both knew why he left and he would of stayed but he put his priorities before his own wife. "You know why...." Zarr stated walking towards her. She wore an angered look. "Your mines!! " She shouted flying towards Zarr aiming to attack him. Zarr retrieved his scythe and stopped her blow causing a very large pulse of wind to implode above the town. When the smoke from the collision died down Belle's physical appearance became altered. From her shoulders down were inhumane boney arms. "Leave your damaging this world!!" Zarr commanded swinging his scythe causing a slash of wind to attack Belle. She was sent flying through the sky. Belle instantly recovered and charged at Zarr. She wasn't the best at combat but she can take a punch. The battle continued with Belle doing pointless attacks and Zarr landing every attack he plotted out. "You...you are even stronger then before....d-don't think this'll save you...I-I'll be back...." Belle manage to say between heavy breathes. Zarr wasn't even listening he attempt to finish her off but was unable to due to her slowly disappearing. She retreated for now and was looking for a place to recover. Most likely Calamity's base when she came across it. Zarr had a few bruises but wasn't hurt that much. He decided he wasn't gonna tell the heroes about his wife just yet she was too weak to worry about for now. Zarr floated back to the town cleaning himself off to hopefully not draw any attention to himself.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

This place was 'market'. It was a word that was used constantly, in exchanges between the humans, but almost exclusively in this location. It was clear that they referred to this place, this time, or something here. Perhaps it was the stalls that lined the streets that made this 'market', perhaps it was the distance from the magnetic poles of the Earth, or perhaps it was the time of day. Whatever did, it was a new piece of information, and Alice very carefully stored it next to all it's other knowledge on the subject.

She was sitting on a bench in the middle of the Farmer's Market, observing everything that went on with wide eyes. It was the busiest location she was aware of, and as such the greatest learning experience. She observed the many interactions that occurred between the humans, from the buying and selling of goods to the exchange of greetings. She had already managed to pick up on the English language, and her vocabulary was rather impressive, if you took into account the time she had to learn in. There was a lot of information to take in, but having learned how to read had given her the impression that she was beginning to wrap her head around this world, beginning to understand the terms and rules by which it operated.

An almost explosive sound she recognized as the crack of metal against stone echoed through the air. Alice looked up, instantly focusing in on the source of the sound. Two figures appeared to be fighting, high in the sky. Her eyes became those of an eagle, allowing her to zoom in on the battle. The two figures were dressed in a manner inconsistent with what seemed to be the accepted norm, and based on the reactions of the people around her Alice realized that this was not a common occurrence. The fight went on for a bit, and although Alice was able to intercept what they said using hypersensitive ears, she didn't know what it meant. Clearly, there had been some form of conflict, but the source of the conflict was a mystery to her.

She had, out of the corner of her eye, also spotted another figure that seemed to defy the norm. His skin was light blue, and his clothing was again strange. He seemed to be interacting with a variety of humans, and again Alice intercepted the questions as well as the answers. From this she gathered that there had been a fight in this location not so long ago. Were they referring to the fight in the sky? No, that would make no sense. So another fight had occurred. Was this location common for fights, or was this coincidence? Alice chose to believe this was simply the place to fight stuff in, and decided that if she were to get into another fight she'd try to do it here. Or maybe in the sky.

Standing up, Alice walked over to the bar. Several humans had previously inquired as to the location of her parents, but her strange yellow eyes had caused them to leave. As such, all she got as she walked across the street was a number of strange looks, both concerned and afraid. After all, it wouldn't be the first time a demon had come to Davenport.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Tabitha
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Tabitha Birthday is on June 10th!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Vistra walked throughout the streets of Davenport. From time to time, she'd get weird looks from the civilians as her hair had a slight glow to it, her eyes were multicolor and she had on a peculiar outfit. It almost seemed like she was from the future. And she had been the future at one time, but she'd escaped from the computer where she was supposed to be and was along her way as a human now.

She'd heard something about fighting at a construction site the other day. She'd never really decided which side to fight on, but for now it'd be with the so called "heroes". I mean, villains could be heroes in their eyes really.

She'd just need to find where they were. Something about them being at the construction site might help her. She approached it just in time to see a blue man walking away. That wasn't typically a colour of humans.

Still, she looked around the destruction. She knew most citizens were still probably looking at her, still gazed by her weird appearance.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Linia continued to enjoy her milkshake when she saw a blue man approach her. "Yeah, you don't stick out like sore thumb at all." Linia said sarcastically. "Anyways can I help you?" Linia said as she looked up at the blue man from her milkshake. Linia wasn't planning on letting this man know that she herself was an alien, but she understood his confusion and why he was asking questions.

Cinia in the meantime looked up to see the battle and sighed. "We are not going to get involved in that." Cinia said to Miff as she helped bag some goods for a customer. "Those are beyond our league." She added. Greg, Cinia's chicken who she could turn large if needed was close by her and keeping a close eye on the patrons of the farmers market looking for anything else out of the ordinary.

David or Dragon Knight meanwhile turned his attention to the woman who had just entered their fortress. He walked towards her with his sword and shield out and ready to defend himself or attack if needed. "You came to the wrong place lady." He said as he slowly approached her. "You need to leave now, and forget you saw this place, or else I will be forced to kill you." David said as he pointed his sword at her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Tabitha
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Tabitha Birthday is on June 10th!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Vistra sighed, finding nothing. Maybe going to the market would help me? she wondered.

She was soon again on her way, heading to the market of the town.

As she walked, she wondered how the lab was reacting. Worried? Did they fire the boy who created her? Stop all experiments? Get shut down? She hoped for that last one slightly. She didn't want them sending anyone, or thing, after her. She'd wanted to be free from the prison of that computer for so long now and here she was.

She walked through the market, still thinking so much that she did not notice that some were staring at her again. It did not bother her, as long as no one reported her to the lab.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kartoffel
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Kartoffel The Emperor of all Potatoes

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Well," Kavok replied, "It's not as if I can just not be blue. Where I come from it's a common sight. Where the hell am I? I was running away from the Empire when all of a sudden, I was here."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Linia finished her milk shake and headed started to head towards the door. "Your own earth 2015." Linia said as she walked out the door. "If there's anything else you want to know I suggest you head to library." Linia said, there had been alot of aliens coming to earth, and was starting to wonder if it had more to do with something other than Calamity. Something was up, and she needed to find out. She started to head into an alley, she wasn't checking her surroundings as much as she should have so anyone could have been following her. After a few moment's Linia disapeared into thin air, or atleast it seemed that way. In truth she had entered a cloaking field where she had her ship parked. Once inside she undid her disguise allowing her blue glowing skip to be visible again. She started to look at something on her computer. In truth Linia was hoping that the blue man would have followed her into her ship as she continued her research.

Greg in the meantime noticed a girl with glowing hair nearby. He quickly started to run towards her, and without warning jumped at her face as if to hug her face. Cinia noticed this and started to run after Greg. "Don't do that Greg!" Cinia yelled as she tried to catch him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Tabitha
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Tabitha Birthday is on June 10th!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Vistra was at first surprised. I mean, it's not everyday a chicken flies at your face. "Ah!" she squeaked out in shock. She blocked her face with her arms, and then somehow managed to grab the chicken so that she was holding it with both hands.

Surprised once again, she lightly chuckled. "I guess he was attracted to my hair or something," she said, looking down at the chicken.
"I presume he's your chicken?" she said, handing Greg over to Cinia.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kartoffel
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Kartoffel The Emperor of all Potatoes

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Kavokan had more questions. And he had no idea where this library was. He decided to follow the human and see where she would go and maybe get some more answers. He followed her into am alley when all of a sudden, she disappeared into thin air. Well. People didn't just disappear unless technology was involved. He focused his mind and felt for any sort of cloaking device. Instead, he found...a ship? He decided to follow her and maybe find out who this Calamity character was.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The people she had been interested in had left, and Alice had decided she had observed enough. Right now, she was hungry. It was important to maintain a good supply of energy. As had previously been demonstrated to her, combat between the stronger beings in this city was not unheard of, and although it was uncommon, it was a risk she was not prepared to take. Her left arm seemed to split apart into an array of tentacles, latching onto a nearby tree. Thick spines pierced the outer body of the tree, and injected bodies of cells into it. There they began devouring the organic matter the tree was comprised of, rapidly multiplying and growing. To all outside appearances, the tree was quite rapidly dying as leaves dropped down from it. It's outer layers then began dissolving, turning the entire structure into a thick organic jelly. The whole process took about ten minutes, during which a decent crowd of onlookers had formed, most of which were unsure whether to clap or call the police.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Cinia took Greg. "I am so sorry about that, I don't know what got into him." Cinia said as she held Greg like he was a cat. "Would you like some a bag of strawberries as an apology?" Cinia said, to her customers were important and she wanted them to know it. She also didn't want them to sue her for a chicken attack.

Linia in the meantime turned to the blue man. Her skin and whole outfit changed to that of her costumed form. "You really need to get a camouflage device." Linia said to him as she turned to him. She then started to stride towards him, she was a bit taller than most people so she was a little intimidating to some. "How did you get here?" Linia asked with a serious tone of voice now. "What brought you to this planet." Linia asked as she was now only a few inches from his face. Something else was going on, here and she needed to find out.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Tabitha
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Tabitha Birthday is on June 10th!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"It's completely fine," Vistra assured her. "Oh, strawberries? Yes, please. I've never tasted strawberries before!"

Of course, Vistra knew what they looked like. She was getting used to the sense of tasting. For some reason, at the mention of strawberries her mouth started watering and she did not know why. Human reflex? she wondered.

She then suddenly realized she must sound weird to the girl, never having tasted strawberries before.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kartoffel
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Kartoffel The Emperor of all Potatoes

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"I was running from the Sith Imperial Guard on Dromund Kaas when all of a sudden I was here. What planet is this anyway? I'm sure I would of heard of a city this big. And who governs this planet? I sure as hell hope not the Jedi Republic or I am screwed. Assassinating their chancellor will make them hate you for life."
"Oh, and your computer told me that you've been researching Calamity. Well he seems like the best person to talk to if one wants to gain power and influence. So if you could just point me in the right direction I will be on my way."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Cinia smiled to her and headed back to her stall where she got a bag of strawberries and handed it to her. "Here you go, again sorry about Greg." Cinia said as she put him down next to the stall. "I'm Cinia by the way." Cinia said with a smile as she held out her hand to shake.

Linia sighed putting her hand to her face. "I already told you, your on Earth." Linia said with a sigh. "And as far as I'm concerned none of those factions have made to here, this planet is very primitive right now, they can barely travel to space." Linia said with a sigh. She hated it when people didn't listen to her. "Also you don't want to go talk to Calamity. He will punch your face in, and then punch your face from the back." Linia said then she stopped for a moment. "Anyways don't go looking at other peoples computers without their permission! Really have you no manners?" Linia said in disappointment.
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