Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kartoffel
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Kartoffel The Emperor of all Potatoes

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"Hey. I didn't look at your computer. I talked to it. I have always been able to...communicate with technology. I have other, more...shocking abilities as well. Now, if you'll excuse me, it's time that I stir up some trouble.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Tabitha
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Vistra took the bag of strawberries then looked towards Cinia's stretched out hand.

I'm pretty sure that's called a handshake, she thought to herself. She wondered if to shake her hand or not, because if she did she'd absorb some of her powers temporarily. But if Cinia didn't have any powers, she wouldn't absorb any....

May as well find out.

Vistra shook Cinia's hand. "I'm Vistra, nice to meet you Cinia."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

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Linia took a step back when said Shocking powers. "Don't you dare!" Linia said holding a hand over her chest. She thought that by Shocking, he meant being able to undress people or something. Linia had another hand on her sword ready to smack him with the back of it if anything happened. Linia had a bit of a dirty mind due to her former mercenary group being mostly men.

Cinia smiled at her as she shook this girls hand. Her powers were centered around Magic so it being absorbed would be rather hard as it wasn't based on DNA like other powers were. "You certainly arn't from around here are you Vistra?" Cinia said to her as she shook the girls hand.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kartoffel
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Kartoffel The Emperor of all Potatoes

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Kavokan was confused. He didn't expect this reaction towards electricity. He decided maybe he was misinterpreted, so told the generators on his wrist to produce some electricity, then transferred it to his hands.

"What are you reacting like that for? What the hell did you think I meant? I have electrokineses. Well I guess that much is obvious from the electricity I'm holding in my hands. I thought it would of been apparent what I was talking about, what with my horrible pun."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Tabitha
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After shaking the girls hand, Vistra got a little shock that stopped in the middle. So, more like a half-shock.

She does have powers, but something about them is different.

"No, not at all. Say, I heard something about a huge fight at the construction site yesterday. Not a regular fight though," she mentioned.

Aquintis was flying. Well, sort of. She was a mass of pixels at the moment, even though she had the ability of wings she prefered this. Finally, she saw it.

Calamity's Fortress. No doubt they'd attack her. But they would want her. More like her abilities. She was just the pod carrying the abilities.

She landed inside, her pixel self going through the wall.

Welp. Here we go. Ready for drama! she thought.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ArenaSnow
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ArenaSnow Devourer of Souls

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Thasseldar gave a nod at Clark's words, even though he honestly didn't care less about that statement. "Mind offering a... name for them?"

"See, there is a slight delimma here. Letting you go is rather suicidal, considering I have wounded your honor, and anyone with respect for themselves wouldn't let me beat them with a long stick. On the other hand, I don't need maintinence. I am sure that leaves the final option... open to interpretation."

"So, the entire matter would be simpler if you offered a little from your side."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Linia breathed a sigh of relief when she realized it was just eletricity. "Oh sorry, I thought your power was ripping off my cloths or something. My race never grew to understand puns, I'm still getting the hang of those." Linia said as she sighed. "Anyways, you don't want to try and join Calamity, he will smash you in the face." Lina said as she gave took her hand off her sword. She was trying to ignore his comment about starting chaos earlier hoping that he just made a mistake by saying that.

Cinia smiled at the girl as she handed her the bag of strawberries. "Anyways, I'm afraid I need to get back to work." Cinia said with a smile as she turned back towards her stall. Greg was keeping watch still, he had seen the whole tree thing and was looking a bit nervous.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Tabitha
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Tabitha Birthday is on June 10th!

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"Oh, yeah, okay sorry. See ya around, take care!" Vistra said, before walking away.

Strange. She didn't want to talk about it. Could...could she have been there? This was going to be more difficult than she thought.

Jump in at the next battle? I don't know where to go or what to do right now. Ugh, she thought, sighing. She walked over to a tree and sat underneath it, eating some strawberries.

Mmmmh. These are sooo good. she thought to herself.
Aquintis was surprised that there had been no one fighting her yet. In fact, it was kind of scary.

Maybe they're out? But if they're out, they'd leave someone to defend... she wondered.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

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David or Dragon Knight meanwhile turned his attention to the woman who had just entered their fortress. He walked towards her with his sword and shield out and ready to defend himself or attack if needed. "You came to the wrong place lady." He said as he slowly approached her. "You need to leave now, and forget you saw this place, or else I will be forced to kill you." David said as he pointed his sword at her.

Belle frowned. She wasn't in the mood for a half ass threat. "Look if you don't want to be eaten alive I suggest you tell me who runs this vessel." By this time her shark like teeth were revealed and she was moving towards the man. She was defently not in the mood for another fight. If the man chose to attack her she'd have no choice but to end his life. No one will postpone her desire to have Zarr.

Zarr relocated to the sky and did his normal routine. Watch over the humans from afar until needed by the heroes. Sadly for him his peaceful days were now over and much greater problems were starting to unfold. Zarr was really gonna have to depend on the heroes for the soon up and coming battles.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

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As Dragon Knight was about to lunge his sword at the woman Calamity himself appeared behind the man. "What do you want?" He asked in an annoyed tone. He was in a bad mood like always. If he was angered he could very well take this woman down himself, or atleast knock her off the fortress and pummeling towards the ground. He cracked his fists as Dragon Knight stepped aside.

Meanwhile Hugh was in another part of the fortress where Aquintis had just appeared. "I suggest you leave lady." He said as a few cards floated around Hugh ready to fly at Aquintis the moment she showed signs of attacking. "If you don't you'll be swiss cheese." He added as he grabbed one of the cards from the air.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Tabitha
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She lightly chuckled. "Oh please, I don't want to cause any trouble. Oh wait, yeah I do. Not here though. That's a mistake I won't make."

"And by the way, it's Aquintis. Not lady. Now, I know you have to reason to trust me, but whatever this little 'group' is, I want in. And I think Calamity would like what I have to offer. But that might just be me." She shrugged at the last sentence before looking around and sighing.

"You guys really need to upgrade your defensive system. I mean, anyone who walks in here without a plan or anything is basically dead meat, but still."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

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From the slime, the tree reformed once again, an energy reserve for Alice to tap into if necessary. Although, anyone who was paying close attention would notice that any insect that came close to it was devoured instantly. Effectively a large, self-sufficient battery. Alice then sat down next to her newly created tree, and proceeded to observe the humans in their many ways. She could live within this city, but she was eager to learn more about this strange world she found herself in. After a moment of deliberation, she decided to question the figure that was now hovering in the sky above the area. Clearly he didn't fit into this standard setup, and the fight that had occurred in the sky intrigued her.

Standing, she grew a large pair of wings, as well as altering her bone structure to drastically reduce her weight. After only a little bit of experimentation, she managed to fly off into the air. Reaching the strange figure in the sky, Alice chose to hover beside him by transforming her wings into a strange rotary system, similar to a helicopter. "Who was that person, and why were you fighting?" Alice's face remained completely blank, as expressions didn't come naturally to her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Tabitha
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Tabitha Birthday is on June 10th!

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Vistra suddenly saw flutter of purple. What the...

She realized the thing was a butterfly. She wanted to look at it more closely, see all its beauty, so she began following it until it landed on a door. Where was this? A hotel? Hmm.

She walked inside. "Hello?"

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

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"I see your not the formal type or the educated.... I need help capturing "The Reaper" or Zarr, he is my late husband and walked on me, my human body is to weak for my full power but I'll work on that by me self." Belle answered Calamity. She was only interested in helping herself and what ever helps her achieve her desires. By this time she had a little bit of her demonic powers back but it was enough to take on Calamity.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

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Calamity took a step back for a moment and thought. "If I help you what do I get in return?" He asked with his arms crossed. A reaper might be able to match him, but he could surpass her easily if he got angry enough, after all he was a demigod in his world. "Assuming you are also a reaper, I wonder if you can seek out God souls." Calamity said as she walked closer to her.

Hugh thought for a moment. It was true their defenses were lacking, though atleast they could stay hidden. "Alright, if your really willing to help us, then I will need to tell you a story so you understand what we are after here." Hugh said as he let one of his cards go back to floating around him. "Calamities real name is Asura, in the world he comes from he is a demigod and he was one of the most powerful. The other demigods however were jealous of his power. So they framed him for treason against the other demigods, saying that he killed not only one of their own, but also that he killed his wife and daughter too. The daughter and wife were banished from their dimension and brought here. He just want's to get them back. And then get revenge on those who betrayed him." Hugh said as he told the story some cards appeared that showed pictures of Asura, his wife, and his child. Another one showed them all being banished to another dimension. "Everyone of us who joins, has heard this story, and all sympathizes with him. I hope you can understand why many of us have turned our backs on being heroes of the city. We are Heroes of Calamity, and we will all do whatever it takes to Asura from going mad." Hugh finished then looked at Aquintas awaiting her response to the story.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

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" In return I guess I can join your ranks or whatever..." She said as of it was boring or a waste of her time. She wore a bored look on her face and continued to talk. " Originally I'm a demonic beast similar to Cerberus or the Kraken, I stole my husbands eye which granted me the abilities of a reaper so I guess you can say I am one." As of now her demonic power was almost 75% complete and she was almost able to use her full power in the earthly word.

Zarr felt odd as if someone was talking about him. He brushed it off and swung his scythe detaching a soul from its corpse. He then consumed the soul and flew away aiming to stay solituded from the heroes for a while. He'd have to confront them about his wife sooner or later, but he couldn't find himself to tell them. For now until someone that Zarr finds trustworthy says his name he was by himself.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ArenaSnow
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ArenaSnow Devourer of Souls

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Hanson was behind the desk, doing the mundane work of filing papers.

Taking in the new arrival, she appeared to be one of the more... exotic sorts. He wouldn't automatically assume her one of the heros Thasseldar invited; that meeting was yesterday.

"Looking for a room?" he asked, turning his attention to her with some paperwork in hand.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Tabitha
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Aquintis listened to him, considering it. She nodded her head a bit. "Yeah, I can see that as reasonable. I'm just trying to get my
coded-sister back. I'm pretty sure she's going to join the 'Heroes of the city'. She thinks she's smart, but really she's not that much. Still gotta love her though. So yeah. I'm willing to help," she responded.

Aquintis only meant a little. Her sister was a first model, and Aquintis was a second. She was the next generation, should she was more smarter and more cunning. She still loved her sister though, even if she hadn't really met her ever.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

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Calamity stopped for a moment to think. "You say you got reaper powers from eating his eye." Calamity said as he thought for a moment before dismissing the idea. "We will help you in return for joining our ranks." He said as he turned towards David. "Make sure to show her around." Calamity said to him as he walked off. Calamity later went to his throne room where he sat while looking at a map of the city.

Hugh smiled. "Then let me show you to the one in charge of our technology here." Hugh stated as he lead her to the to another part of the fortress filled with computers and other technology gadgets. Jayce was inside working on sautering his hammer, trying to up it's voltage output.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Tabitha
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Tabitha Birthday is on June 10th!

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Aquintis followed Hugh into the 'technology room' (that's what she would call it for now). She immediately recognized what Jayce was trying to do and she walked over and put her hand on it. Whatever level the voltage was, it'd gone up by about two. It was too advanced for Aquintis, but at least she'd done something.

"I'm Aquintis, by the way," she introduced herself to Jayce.
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