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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Gareth

Gareth KingKlutz

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Clark, listened to Thass. with only half of his full attention, the other half he was planning an escape. Then when Thass. finished talking clark decided to respond., "I don't know the leader's names, but since you seem to be a reasonable man, I'll tell you the little I know. They are only two leaders at the top of the organization but they both are very powerful, and normally wear cloaks."


Miff turned to Cinia, as Vistra walked away. "That girl seemed very strange to me. I wonder where she came from." He commented idly, after having already nodded and secretly taste tested some of the strawberries Cinia was selling while she wasn't looking.

Bobby Slik had fun trying his shoes, yesterday then arrived home and slept. Now that it was a new day he decided to forget work for the day, and not even call in, because he wanted to explore the city. And learn what was going on in this urban place.

Then as he was in his true blue slime form, as he went around a building and almost fell into a pit at his feet. He looked up from where he almost fell and an area of destruction met his eyes. Scorched buildings, powerpoles almost ripped out of the ground, large rocks strewn everywhere, it looked horrible. What could of caused this kind of damage, and is this thing still around?, he wondered.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

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Belle walked towards David. "So your my new toy.....after you show me my living quarters I'd like to know more about the person who runs this floating base." She said as a black spiny like arm appeared from her back and caresses his chin. The spiny arm reverted back to her and she turned around and stood next to him waiting for him to lead the way.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

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Jayce turned her attention to the girl who had just entered. "Oh hello there! You must be the one who plans on advancing our defences. Please let me know your ideas on where I need to improve. I'm afraid this base only generates so much electricity which severly limits us." Jayce stated.

David looked a bit nervous underneath his helmet, he was the weakest of the former groups after all. He took a breath then proceeded to take Belle to the living quarters which was basically a small hotel room without the cleaning service. After David led her there he then proceeded to explain the same thing as Hugh explained to Aquintas about Calamity.

Cinia turned to Miff as she picked a bag of blue berries to hand to a customer. "There are alot of strange people here, your one of them don't forget it, Bumble butt." Cinia said poking a bit of fun at Miff's larger horse butt.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by makarov
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makarov Miss Graceful

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Alice was flying through the air touching the clouds and dipping back into the city looking for something to do or someone to help, as she flew around she decided to try and get ahold of Thasseldar again, after all he had told her to speak to him tomorrow and that's what she planned to do. But as she flew over the market she smelled such lovely smells of food, Alice landed in an alley and came out looking like a normal cute blonde girl, she walked through the market sampling anything that she was allowed when she came up to Cinia's booth, "Strawberries! I absolutely love strawberries!" She dug into her purse, "How much for a bag?"

Guilt was flying towards Calamity's base, of course he could find the place the night was filled with wonderful rumors if one knew where to look, he landed at the front entrance in his fully armored form, "Attention Calamity...I have an offer for you." His voice was metallic and deadly, Calamity would know who he was...the assassin who was becoming very well known among the people who only come out at night.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

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From the slime, the tree reformed once again, an energy reserve for Alice to tap into if necessary. Although, anyone who was paying close attention would notice that any insect that came close to it was devoured instantly. Effectively a large, self-sufficient battery. Alice then sat down next to her newly created tree, and proceeded to observe the humans in their many ways. She could live within this city, but she was eager to learn more about this strange world she found herself in. After a moment of deliberation, she decided to question the figure that was now hovering in the sky above the area. Clearly he didn't fit into this standard setup, and the fight that had occurred in the sky intrigued her.

Standing, she grew a large pair of wings, as well as altering her bone structure to drastically reduce her weight. After only a little bit of experimentation, she managed to fly off into the air. Reaching the strange figure in the sky, Alice chose to hover beside him by transforming her wings into a strange rotary system, similar to a helicopter. "Who was that person, and why were you fighting?" Alice's face remained completely blank, as expressions didn't come naturally to her.

Zarr didn't notice the young woman that hovered near him. He was way to caught up in how he was gonna find Belle and remove her from this worlds existences. Zarr looked towards the girl eyeing her helicopter like wings. "That's a first." He said sitting down in mid air. Why should he even tell this stranger about something so important. It didn't matter he was gonna have to explain himself sooner or later. "The person or 'woman' I was fighting was someone that was important to me. She's evil though and must be stopped so I attacked her in hopes of banishing her from this realm." He then looked up at the sky. "Now tell me, why are you so interested in my previous fight?" Zarr had to find out what was the girl up to. It could be she just wanted to know but Zarr was to cautious for that.

After hearing David explain the situation with Calamity she began to frown. She didn't like being the good guy. But in order to reach her primal form in this realm she needed time and souls so she decided to play into Calamity's favor for now. "Awe that poor poor man I'll do my best to make sure he rejoins his family." Belle said in a very sadden tone. She had to play the part if she wanted to earn trust among them. Belle sat on her new bed and looked at David for a few seconds. "When do we something fun!?!!" Belle shouted jumping up and down on her bed changing her sadden mood completely.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Tabitha
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Aquintis thought for a moment. "At the top of this fortress, about how much wind would you say there is? How fast?" she asked Jayce.

She had the idea of surrounding the fortress in a bubble of invisible electricity where they could get in and out but the 'Heroes of Davenport' couldn't. But there wasn't near enough electricity to do so.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

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David took a step back from Belle for a moment as he put his hand up to press a button on his helmet. It told him that there was another intruder. "Well if you waiting for any kind of excitement there seems to be another intruder. Why don't you take care of it." David said he then proceeded to describe what G.U.I.L.T. looks like to Belle before leaving to do something else.

Cinia turned to see a lady asking about the strawberries. "Those would be 1 dollar per basket." Cinia said motioning towards the rather small baskets of strawberries to her right. "However if you buy ten dollars worth of our other products I'll give you the Strawberries free!" Cinia added.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

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The strange figure described that there was indeed a relation between the two figures from before. However, the exact reason for their conflict remained vague to Lucy. The concept of evil had been explained to it many times, and yet every time the definition was different, every time the speaker said many words without explaining anything. It was a concept Lucy had failed to grasp due to it's sheer complexity, and the necessary connection to a human sense of morality. But even with this, Lucy gained the insight that whatever 'system' Zarr adhered to, the woman was opposed to that system.

"She must be stopped from doing what?" The fact that he was sitting in midair confused Lucy. It was not something physically possible, and the source of this capability (magic) was unknown to her. "And how are you doing what you're doing? You're not a normal."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

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A terrifying grin appeared on Belle's face as she listened to David explain the appearance of her opponent. When he finished speaking she stood and exited her room walking back to the opening of the floating facility. "With out a doubt that's him. She said as her eyes came across a figure that don't belong in the sky. "Hey! Calamity is busy how bout you write your feelings down on paper and get lost! Before I have to dishonor you!" Belle shouted as a black skeletal creature exited through her spin. It held a scythe and was three times her size.

"You see this here." He said pointing at his eye patch. "The woman I fought devoured my eye and doesn't have good intentions of using it. I'm certain she wants to consume my working eye to become more powerful and plunge Earth realm into the abyss." He stopped to hear what the young woman had to say. "You are correct I do not hell from this realm so does another being by the name of Asura but this is common. Some other worldly beings as myself are allowed to travel between realms. In this realm I believe I am the mythical being known as death. Since I do not hell from this realm some of it's laws does not apply to me or any other being that doesn't hell from Earth Realm." Zarr didn't notice how much he was talking but hopefully he answered the young woman's question.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by makarov
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makarov Miss Graceful

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Guilt scanned the "woman" the moment that she appeared, having military personnel Intel built into him was a pretty damn good way of hypothesizing what something was, his scanners were as fast as light and he had his info in a millisecond, this thing was definitely not from here but the general consensus was that it was a demon of some nature. Guilt turned up the frequency on his weapons to match heat with that of a star, "I am only going to warn you once...I'm here to speak to Calamity only...get in my way and I'll erase you from existence." All his systems were waiting for one flicker of movement from anywhere, he was one enemy you couldn't sneak up on, being able to see 360% at all times and being able to see through almost any cloaking type out there with his different ranges of vision.

Alice smiled so happily, free strawberries! This was the best day ever! Alice looked so very excited, "What all do you have?" She looked over the table with the most vibrant and happy eyes as if this fruit had been working for months just to come to her and in a strange thought...she was right. "I'm Alice by the way...the people of this city are probably gonna see allot more of me...I'm joining the heroes...and I'm so excited!" Alice was innocent...she didn't realize telling random people she was a hero could get bad things to happen, in her mind she was the happiest thing on earth.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

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Jayce gave himself a face palm for a moment. "Why didn't I think of using wind power, that's a great idea!" Jayce said as he quickly started to work on the propellers, a few other machines started to work on the other parts. "That's a great idea!" Jayce said as she continued to work on things. "Anyways if there is anything else you can work on the help improve this place please do so." Jayce said as he continued work on the propellers. He would need some help with the circuit boards and making the correct generators and Lucian was the only other person who understood how make such things, yet he was still recovering from his last battle.

Cinia meanwhile stopped for a moment in shock of what the woman just said. "Don't ever tell anyone that!" Cinia yelled at her. "And the strawberries are free with every purchase that comes up to 10 dollars." Cinia repeated hoping this girl didn't think that the strawberries were entirely free.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by LHG100
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LHG100 Irreverent and Salty!

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Dwayne screamed, "WHERE D'YA GET THAT?!" over the machine gun fire, taking cover behind a dumpster as bullets were slowed down by the garbage inside, impacting his armor at manageable speeds. He threw a gas canister over cover at the man, landing at the gangers' feet. He looked down, intrigued, seeing it let out a tiny stream of gaseous fuel. Dwayne jumped out of cover, set his flamer to 'ranged', and aimed at the canister. Being tens of meters away, the resulting explosion did nothing to him as the poor sod quickly burned to death.

Dwayne did a mental prayer for the man, before radioing in. "Eyup, they're dead." he confirmed, looking over the six burning corpses in the decaying neighborhood. "Good work, I'm transferring the money to your account." "Thank you kindly, pleasure doing business! Goodbye." "Yes, goodbye.", and he turned it off. He looked at the carnage one last time, and wondered why he's doing this sort of work

Being decently late, he decided he'd visit the bar of an old buddy of his for giggles. He kicked in the door, "Hey Y'!@#$ pencil-neck!" is how he usually greeted him, and so he did. "Heyyy, look who it is? Ol' Dwayne huh-", the thin man sniffed the air, "I smell burnt #$%^... and gunpowder. Really? didn't even clean yourself up a little this time?" "What?" "Whatever man, take a seat, you're paying this time." "Aww."

Dwayne sat down, "Y'know the drill" "Yessir." The barkeep poured a glass of whiskey, and passed it over. Dwayne undid his helmet, revealing his scarred, and mildly burned face, tinted just a bit green. Mutated. "So, what's it this go around?" "Y'know, the usual, some gang somehow got a hold of decent guns 'n stuff and took down some guys' property values." "Ah, I see." Dwayne slammed down the shot, " 'nother, partner!" "*&^%, that thirsty?", he poured another cup, "Y'know how much I sweat in this thing?" "Fair enough."

They conversed for a bit longer, Dwayne rejoicing a chance to talk with one of his childhood friends in peace for a bit. A few people piled in, and still feeling a little insecure about his 'features', he put his helmet back on, said goodbye, and went out into the world again.

(OOC: I hope I'm doing decently, Just introducing him. If I shouldn't've introduced 'Pencilneck' feel free to take control of him, or tell me to edit this)
((Again: LOL forgot to !@$#-ify th cuss words, my idiocy is making a horrible first impression isn't it?))
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

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She nods as Zarr speaks, a gesture she had often seen humans perform. It seemed that this person's power was somehow linked to his body parts, as if particular elements of him held particular powers. This would also imply that unlike her, he could not transform. He was not human, but he wasn't like her either. It further seemed that the woman in question might be a threat. Should she blot out the sun, most life on Earth would end. Almost all energy on the planet had been taken from the sun. "Then this woman must be stopped. Where is she? I'm very good at killing things."

Privately, Lucy wondered what would happen if she ate his eye. It was clear that this woman would gain greater power from it, but he had also stated that their powers came from their interdimensional origin. It was quite possible that his eye would be poison to her, or that it would do nothing. Clearly, attempting to take it was not worth the risk nor repercussions. For now, she would proceed to kill this threat to her wellbeing, and then proceed on to whatever else formed a threat.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by makarov
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makarov Miss Graceful

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Jayce gave himself a face palm for a moment. "Why didn't I think of using wind power, that's a great idea!" Jayce said as he quickly started to work on the propellers, a few other machines started to work on the other parts. "That's a great idea!" Jayce said as she continued to work on things. "Anyways if there is anything else you can work on the help improve this place please do so." Jayce said as he continued work on the propellers. He would need some help with the circuit boards and making the correct generators and Lucian was the only other person who understood how make such things, yet he was still recovering from his last battle.

Cinia meanwhile stopped for a moment in shock of what the woman just said. "Don't ever tell anyone that!" Cinia yelled at her. "And the strawberries are free with every purchase that comes up to 10 dollars." Cinia repeated hoping this girl didn't think that the strawberries were entirely free.

Alice jittered when the girl yelled at her she didn't realize that she had done something wrong, but apparently telling people you were a hero was bad, "Should people not know? I thought Heroes were welcomed by the people..." She cocked her head to the side, Alice pulled out ten dollars that her father had given her and handed it to the girl, "Just give me a good mix please...I love fruit and yours looks and smells so good!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Gareth

Gareth KingKlutz

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Miff smiled at Cinia's teasing and then watched as Alice a newcomer that he didn't know much about approached their fruit stall and proceeded to buy some fruit. Then he further listened to Alice be all happy that she was a hero and Cinia shut her down, to be quiet about it. He decided to spill the beans about them. Pitching his voice low, "I'm miff and this is Cinia, we are both heros. We do want to keep it on the down low for now, just because we don't want to reveal our identities and locations to everyone."

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

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Cinia put her hand to her face as Miff spilled the beans. "You idiot, don't tell anyone that." Cinia said as she whacked the back of his head. "Anyways, it's mainly to protect those that you are close to you more than protecting yourself." Cinia said as she got out a bag of multiple fruits and gave it to Alice in exchange for the ten dollars. She also handed out a bag of strawberries that came free with it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

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Belle grew anger with Guilt. Its not his fault its just since she's arrived in this realm she hasn't been treated like the queen she is. "Trust me your Earthly weapons won't have much effect on me." She said looking directly at Guilt. She snapped her fingers and a small portal appeared beneath Guilt. Skeletons rioted out the portal attempting to grab a hold of Guilts legs and trap him. As the skeletal minions did so she levitated in the air and prepared to fire a projectile at Guilt if he does or doesn't escape her minions grasp. "I'm sick and tired of not being treated as the queen I am!!!!" She shouted firing the dark purple projectile at Guilt.

"I can not locate her....and even if I did find her straight up killing her isn't that easy." Zarr stood in the air and begin to slowly walk his mangled cap blowing in the breeze. "She is able to die in this world but would simply be reverted into a spiritual form where she can again posses a human vessel and continue her mission. In order for her to be completely obliterate d from this realm I must banish her as I do the souls of the deceased humans." He looked back at the young woman. She seemed off....well not off but not human...."Miss....as exchange for the knowledge I have bestowed upon you I'd like to know what species are you?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

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The city was a beautiful creature, when observed from above. The differences between the practicioners of magic and the users of advanced technology had caused a great contrast, as the city had bee divided into several areas. Futuristic-looking areas, interspersed with scenes that looked like they came from Lord of the Rings. A farmer's market was occurring in one of the many middlegrounds, an area where tech was accepted, but not built into everything. It was a silly division, but those that used magic had historically always rejected advances in science, and the two were almost diametrically opposed.

Using the Absolute Eye, Shiro observed the many going-ons in the city. A minor crime in some alley, a fool attempting to mug a drunk man. It was simple enough to teleport in a pile of bricks, ending the mugger's life with hardly any effort. But today Shiro wasn't on the lookout for petty criminals, he was hunting far greater prey. It was doubtful that Cataclysm would show his face within the city, but undoubtedly someone in this city had the information he needed. Someone in this city would know how to find Cataclysm, or at least the first clue that would get him started.

Far below, a man in what appeared to be power armour walked into a rough-looking bar. Power armour was a speciality of Shiro's, and the fellow had looked to have recently been in a fight. Probably unrelated, but it was the best lead he had at the moment. As such, he moved to behind the stranger and followed him into the bar, looking around at the scum that gathered here. The smell of alcohol and sweat was thick and sweat, almost drowning out the slight hint of burnt pork chops. This place was disgusting, a place for the masses to waste away their lives away and for criminals to set up their targets.

"I don't suppose either of you fine gentlemen could help me?" He took a seat next to Mr Crispy, ordering a milk. It got him a strange look, but nobody was going to argue with the dude in full armour. Getting drunk made you sloppy, and if this situation turned sour being drunk could get him killed. "There's a certain individual that goes by the name of Cataclysm. He's a villain responsible for several deaths, and undoubtedly will soon be responsible for more." Shiro received his drink, nodding at the bartender. His face was covered by his helmet, preventing anyone from reading his expression. "Now, I can see that you've gotten into a bit of a scuffle recently. Based on the smell, you barbecued said scuffle. So her I am, thinking there might be some connection."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

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Alice cocked her head at the question. "Species? None, really." It was true. She was a unique creature, unclassified by science. It wasn't even defined whether she was an animal, plant, fungus or microbe. "I was created in a lab, in this city. Over there." She pointed to a clinical-looking place on the other side of city. From this distance it was impossible to make up any details, or even whether the place was still in business, but it definitely looked like a lab. "I'm not entirely sure if the word species applies. There's only one of me. Or a lot of me. Depends on how you look at it."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by makarov
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makarov Miss Graceful

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Guilt was insanely fast to begin with but when the fight had started he had diverted some power to making his speed even higher. Guilt practically disappeared, the portal opened under the flicker of Guilt that was left behind and the skeletons had nothing to grab at, "I'd like to try and prove you wrong." He shot around to her side at speeds that cracked the floor under him, his weapons fired off a special energy equivalent to a coldstar, it was Dr Lancaster's genius design, the energy wouldn't overheat Guilt's system, while once it left the barrel it would put holes in almost anything. The turrets on his shoulders started unleashing hell, but guilt never even slowed down, he used his antimatter gun to eat some of the ceiling above her witch then came crashing down towards her head. And the moment she either looked up or moved, Guilt followed with a flurry of energy blasts from his turrets and wrist guns and his chest beam. "Sorry Princess...But I don't have the patience for whiny little girls." The simple fact of the matter was that even if the blast didn't penetrate they hit with such force it was still going to do damage. That...and the rest of the room was ruined....

Alice took the fruit with a bright smile, "I only have my father...Dr Lancaster created me..." Her eyes glowed slightly for a moment, "Dr Lancaster told me to try and help the heroes...but..." Her face turned a little sad, "I don't really know how..." She looked between Cinia and Miff, "Um...maybe I could...hang out with you guys?" The hope in her eyes was almost ridiculous.
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