Avatar of Slendy
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 2872 (0.78 / day)
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    1. Slendy 10 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

7 yrs ago
Current Currently battling Sophomore year and lack of anime time!
8 yrs ago
I guess I'm back.....
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8 yrs ago
*Explodes into confetti* O(≧∇≦)O Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2!!!!!!
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8 yrs ago
Some people say J stars Victory Vs. Is a spam game XD well if you fight a spammer and loose become yourself or maybe, just maybe become better at the game so you can wreck the spammer :o *gasp*
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8 yrs ago
D: Sims 4!!!!!!


HAPPY 2000 TO ME!!!!!!!! O(≧∇≦)O

Gender: Male

Update: I've been gone for a bit and have attempted to come back. I've got college related stuff to deal with now and it's crazy for me but I'll try to be as active as my schedule will allow me to be.

Most Recent Posts

In Zodiacs 9 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay

"The Weirdest ones are the most dangerous."

Jinx Bellatrix


Manipulation of metal


Jinx is a boy though he gives of a very soft feminine charm. Unlike the usual person Jinx could be found doing the most odd and unusual things while he's awake. He also sleeps and often levitates while sleeping. Its been a short amount of time since his discovery of him being the zodiac Capricorn but he already had a somewhat grip on his abilities that came along with the title. Jinx finds other odd beings special and loves to question them and even go as far as stalking them.

"I can do it with or without you!"

Connor Roxbury

Avatar Name:
RoxTheGreat or Rox


Super Strength

His skull katana(seen in avatar image), often uses his rings as sub's for brass knuckles.

Connor is sort of a soloist if he doesn't gets his way he'll sometimes stray of and go do his own thing. He doesn't disappear all the time sometimes he'll do the task but half heartedly.

Connor has a nak for getting into trouble. It might of been his personality but he never seem to get along with people. The people being the demanding/leaderish types. Besides the countless fights he'd get into Connor was the average student. Soon his characteristics earned him the title of a soloist to some extinct is true. Even within the gaming world he tends to be alone. Though it seems nearly impossible to find him working for someone he has a part time job now and then. Usually his jobs consist of being a Delivery man for fast food or mail.

The loner Kid/ That rebel who doesn't like to follow all the rules.
:D Hey! My character's avatar has a eye patch on the opposite eye! (。・ω・。) Maybe our characters can be an eye patch duo! I'll have him up in a few!

"Woah!" Kenny responded seriously surprised by the information he just received. After listening to Sandra explain a bit of her abilities Kenny just had to know what was the 3rd part. "So, about that third part and me never knowing into we fight...is that a challenge I'm sensing?" He asked having a goofy grin on his face. "My summoning magic verses your magical swords." Kenny added chuckling. "Though I'm not satisfied with my physical strength at the moment so if we do fight could we maybe wait...." He continued to chuckle scratching the back of his head.

Kenny was surprised anyone would be interested with his gun like summoning magic. He smiled and retrieve a pistol from one of his holsters. "All of my guns fire off bullets that slowly suck away their targets magical energy. It doesn't really harm anyone unless my target lived off of magic then that person would probably die if I where to hit them with enough bullets. Oh! The magic I use is called Artillery Manipulation, that's right it doesn't look like it but at this exact moment I'm holding a lot of weapons, though I have to summon them to use a weapon." Kenny replied cleaning his pistol which was unnecessary since he could of just resummoned it and it would of been cleaned. He could probably go on and on about how his powers work but he realized he was giving away important information. That's definitely something he didn't want. "Since I answered your question how about answering mines. I'd like to know what's your special power?" He asked with a smile. It was only fair that he got to know a little bit about her.
XD I remember that was our mission!
@Letter Bee @jordy0403

:D So we're gonna buy, maybe steal or pull some strings to get an android dog. Seems legit!
(〜^∇^)〜 So it depends on if everyone wants a partner!!!!
Darn the boy girl ratio is off. o3o Should I change the gender of my character? (。・ω・。) Then I'll be a chick.

Kenny's attention was soon caught by his roommate. "The nap was good." He replied in a friendly tone complimenting his response with a smile. A smile the quickly turned into a not so happy facial expression. "Sadly I didn't defeat my opponent. It seems I'm not physically or magically prepared for what was displayed. How about you? Did you concure your exam, Chen?" Kenny asked resting his head on the counter his arms supporting his head like a pillow.
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