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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by The ghost in black
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The ghost in black Totally Not Here

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The silent probing eyes of the mage made Aleksandra a bit self conscious and caused her to cover up a bit with a slight blush but when Meruin started talking she dropped her hands in disbelief. Aleksandra stared at Meruin taking in what she said for a long moment before bursting into a giggling fit and when she finally calmed down she moved closer to meruin. "OK maybe I phrased that wrong, I meant that I would have died if it wasn't for the whole 'no dying during a test' thing" she said adding quotations. "Also you don't need to worry about contamination or anything like that" Aleksandra said and extended her aura into a red and black sharply clawed hand that was about twice the size of her normal hand before pricking her finger and watching the red blood drip down "See living and breathing, complete with fresh blood and a heartbeat". The blood washed off and flowed down the drain before the small cut began to heal, after that she scooped some water out of the tub with her hand and playfully splashed it on Meruin "If I die you'll be the first to know I promise"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

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Kenny was surprised anyone would be interested with his gun like summoning magic. He smiled and retrieve a pistol from one of his holsters. "All of my guns fire off bullets that slowly suck away their targets magical energy. It doesn't really harm anyone unless my target lived off of magic then that person would probably die if I where to hit them with enough bullets. Oh! The magic I use is called Artillery Manipulation, that's right it doesn't look like it but at this exact moment I'm holding a lot of weapons, though I have to summon them to use a weapon." Kenny replied cleaning his pistol which was unnecessary since he could of just resummoned it and it would of been cleaned. He could probably go on and on about how his powers work but he realized he was giving away important information. That's definitely something he didn't want. "Since I answered your question how about answering mines. I'd like to know what's your special power?" He asked with a smile. It was only fair that he got to know a little bit about her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Dash375


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"So you have magical guns, when you shorten it down and instead of doing physical harm like a normal gun they do magical harm in the way of draining peoples magically energy and probably still sting a little bit." She summarized and was surprise when he asked her about what her power was.
She looked at her bracelets which just now returned to being a purple colour from their grey before "Oh good I can show you now." Sandra flicked both her wrists and the bracelets transformed into two large blades in her hand "These are my weapons, its not really summoning since I carry them around with me I guess, I found them one day in a sword in the stone kind of deal. Before then I did not even know about magic." The girl grinned happily. "Anyway ill tell you two of the three effects I have discovered about them so far, firstly as a fight goes on I get stronger up to around 2x as strong as I am now, including speed stamina and mental capacity. Then the second part is if I take lethal damage while above 1.5x my base power I can give up half my power and cheat death to be where I was 4 seconds ago and would have to wait for charge up the lost power again. Its kinda useless against you though since you would not kill me so I would just try to fight you at 2x power." She laughed and turned them back into her bracelets "Thats all your gonna get out of me unless you push me to show you the 3rd part when we fight~"

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

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@The ghost in black

"Ah, I see. That's much more preferable. Living with an undead would have made life quite unlively. I am glad you're not-," she began saying, before being splashed in the face by Aleksandra. Her face remained impassive. "Pft pft, as I was saying," she continued nonchalantly, "I'm glad you're not dead. In any case, you don't have to be in any hurry to inform me of your demise. I imagine it'll be quite difficult to do so, as you're dead."

All said with a completely straight face, of course.

Meruin peered at Aleksandra's fingers with open curiosity. "That asides, what was that?" she questioned, replaying in her mind the way Aleksandra's aura formed a claw around her hand.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The ghost in black
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The ghost in black Totally Not Here

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Aleksandra raised an eyebrow at Meruin's choice of word and how she had said it with a completely straight face, but then lowered it when she began to inquire about her aura. "Oh this?" she said with a wave of her hand which was still covered in the dark aura. "This is just my Aura, I know it's a bit simplistic but it is very versitile, see?" Aleksandra said before it shrunk down and began to fit itself over her chest and stomach like a thin form of armor. She began to rinse off and used her aura to form what looked like a pair of completely black goggles as she poured water directly onto her face without flinching. when she was done the goggles disappeared and she turned back to Meruin with a smile "So that's my special trick... along with a few others but those are a secret for now" She said with a sly grin.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

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@The ghost in black

Meruin's mouth made a small 'o' of understanding, and she nodded. "Yes, I had wondered what that was. So that's Aura? I'd heard from Mistress Chase - I'm sorry, the friend of my Master - that Aura was a staple for many combat oriented Mages. Indeed, it's very versatile, though I myself can't use it. I've willingly suppressed my own aura, in return for heightened magical sensitivity."

With that explanation waved her hands around, meant as demonstration of her inability to use her aura. "Then again, it's not as if I would have had much use for my Aura. I was already . . . physically challenged before, and after a few . . . secret things, I'm even worse off, in that respect."

"Excuse me for a moment." Meruin washed herself off and stood up, finished bathing. Drying herself with a towel, Meruin stepped out of the bathroom uncovered, and released a deep yawn. Her eyes spotting the kitchen, the tiny mage walked off toward the fridge, popped it open and looked around. She frowned. "Tch, no milk. Must remember to purchase some later."

Passing by the bathroom, she uttered a quick, "Good night," And walked back to the her bed and wriggled under the sheets. She didn't resurface.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

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Chen yawned and got out of his chair. "Well, I'm bored. I'm going to go take a nap in my dorm. Later guys and gals! I'll be sure to come back here some other day." He walked out of the bar and appeared in his dorm. He flopped into his bed and went to sleep for a bit.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zetsuko
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When Agatha started unpacking her things Kieran assumed the conversation was over and went over to his bed. Since he died earlier and had a bit of dirt on his clothes from laying in that arena he figured he should get cleaned up. He placed the four sword handles on the stand next to his bed and stripped, laying his clothes on the bed so he could wash them and headed to the bathroom to use the shower. Once done he went back into the room and took his clothes from the bed and taking them to the laundry, With that set of clothes being the only one in his possession he hoped they would be done before classes started, with them set he returned to his bed and got in it, pulling covers over himself for the warmth more than anything. several days of sleep deprivation saw him right to sleep, murmuring a "sleep well" to Agatha just before completely passing out.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by olcharlieboi
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olcharlieboi Master Mind of the Swarm

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Charles would sit up on his bed and stretches with a yawn and looks to his arm stretching it out and practices his shapeshifting some, seeking to keep improving himself and soon would yawn and lays down again but now under his covers "...this is going to be a strange place to live in..." he says to himself "who knows how it'll be...hope the classes aren't bad either.." he sighs some.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by The ghost in black
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The ghost in black Totally Not Here

Member Seen 1 yr ago

A few minutes after Meruin left the bathroom Aleksandra stood up and called "Good night" before she activated her fire element to heat up her skin to the point where the water began to steam and rise off of her. When the process was done the temperature of her skin slowly began to drop and the young fighter walked out of the bathroom while going through her hair with a comb in an attempt to keep it from tangling.

Aleksandra walked around the room to the closet and pulled out a set of clothing for the next day. She stretched and walked into the kitchen where she grabbed a cup of water which was downed in one gulp. Aleksandri came back and rummaged around in her bag until she found a pair of sweatpants which she slipped on before yawning and falling face first onto the soft bed and almost instantly fell into a light but comfortable sleep without being under the covers.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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Aisling The Creator of RPs and creating things for them!

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Agatha was quiet do to the fact that she was thinking about how her life was not exactly the best. She heard the bathroom door open and closed. She looked towards Kieran's side of the room in surprise for she had to share the one and only bathroom on the girls floor with 25 other girls. It was then that she noticed that his clothes was on his bed. She turned bright red as she realized that he had taken off his clothes before going to the bathroom.

SHe wondered what she should do if anything. Finally, Agatha turned back to her unpacking. She began to wonder why he undressed in front of her. She went back to her unpacking. She had so many of the boy's clothes that she had not had time for redoing them into her style of clothing.
She tossed them into a pile on her bed to sort out. She prefered her own style of clothing. She even had a few PJs that the boys could not use.

Kierin was out of the bathroom and room before she knew it. She tried to decide whether or not to look over at the door. When Kierin came back into the room, he got into bed. She wondered if he was going to sleep so early.

"Kierin? Would it bother if I finish up with my unpacking and sorting? Or are you really sleepy?" she asked as she looked at Kierin and holding up one of the shirts.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shikaru

Shikaru So many RP's, So little time.

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Arcadius came out of the shower dressed in the tunic and pants that composed the clothes under his robe, the robe slung over his shoulder. He noticed his room mate had finally arrived, and it was the shapeshifter, interesting. He sat down on his bed and placed his robe folded neatly on the floor beside it. "Charles, was it?" He asked, trying to confirm his room mates name. "Arcadius. Looks like we'll be room mates for the time being." He continued. "Just don't touch my staff and we should get along just fine."

Yawning he stretched out on his bed, seeing if the shy man would utter a response and confirm he got his name right before going to sleep.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by olcharlieboi
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olcharlieboi Master Mind of the Swarm

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Charles would look over to Arcadius "..ya that's right" he says "seems so..." he says sitting up again "don't worry about that" he tells him "..I'm not interested in anything besides things like this" he says lifting up his mythology book "and of course my power" he says and stretches some
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

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"Woah!" Kenny responded seriously surprised by the information he just received. After listening to Sandra explain a bit of her abilities Kenny just had to know what was the 3rd part. "So, about that third part and me never knowing into we fight...is that a challenge I'm sensing?" He asked having a goofy grin on his face. "My summoning magic verses your magical swords." Kenny added chuckling. "Though I'm not satisfied with my physical strength at the moment so if we do fight could we maybe wait...." He continued to chuckle scratching the back of his head.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zetsuko
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Kieran heard Agatha say something to him and groggily turned over to look. She was holding out a shirt and it sounded like she said something about sorting clothes. he assumed she had asked if he could help and mumbled "sure" before getting up from the bed and walking over towards her, still half asleep but competent enough that he grabbed the shirt she was holding and folded it on the bed, placing it to the side before doing the same with another shirt.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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Aisling The Creator of RPs and creating things for them!

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"Kieran?" Agatha asked questioningly.
"I think that you might have been on the verge of sleeping. I only wanted to know if it would bother you if I finished unpacking........ Do you want a few of the shirts? And jeans. I am not sure why they gave me so many of these boys clothes... I can sew so maybe they thought that I could make them into something"

Agatha turned to see that he had no pajamas on and turned bright red. She began to ramble on as she sorted through the one trunk. She put the boys clothes in a pile on the bed until suddenly she squealed

"Yes yes yes! This is what I was hoping for."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zetsuko
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"No no, ish fine" Kieran slurred his words slightly in his response to Agatha, he kept folding the pieces of clothing that she pulled out of her trunk and threw into the pile, putting them into sorted piles. At least until her sudden squeal, which startled him in his half asleep state, he jumped and dropped the shirt he was folding and turned to see just what was the matter.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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Aisling The Creator of RPs and creating things for them!

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"I can hardly believe that they sent my sewing machine with me. And a whole bunch of small boxes of sewing notions. I wonder..." Agatha hurried to one trunk open it with one of her keys.
"My clothes plus a few pretty dresses.... I'll read the letter later cuz I gotta see what is in the last trunk..... It is! All of the those wonderful bolts of soft flannel and fleece and so many more kinds..... How did they get so much in these trunks anyways?"

Agatha turned to Kieran
"If you want any of those guy clothes, take them. I have more than enough. You can have all of the shirts, jeans, PJs and all of those socks. I have so much and more. I'll have to figure out where to put all of this stuff..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

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A small bell chimed from the gauntlets and any who weren't yet found themselves in their rooms. A small automated voice emitted from the gauntlets. "It is now bedtime, please go to sleep." Luckily even if you were hard of sleeping you would still find yourself becoming woozy and eventually collapsing on to your very comfortable beds.

The Next Morning

Similar to bedtime the gauntlets chinged as the sun slowly made its presence known. "First period begins in one hour. Don't be late." Perhaps the message was supposed to be cheerily but the dull automated system did a poor job of conveying it. Of course being late wasn't actually an option as they would be teleported to class and the infraction noted but it wouldn't do to let them know that. Doubtless they'd figure it out anyway. The building they were in was solely for dorms, because they were new students their access to the dorm was limited. When they tried to leave they would simply find themselves in their first period class. The showers were operating at whatever temperature you felt most comfortable and the kitchen was stocked with food and devices for cooking. A new day had begun. Who could say how it would end?

Sol looked at his gauntlet in surprise, of course he'd already been up for nearly an hour but it was still a welcome reminder. To his surprise when he awoke he found he'd suffered no bodily harm. No reason to slack off on his training, he'd managed to work up a light sweat. Now he took a short shower and stepped into the kitchen, quickly making a bowl of oatmeal with some brown sugar. Nothing special, but filling. Sol glanced at his schedule again, Alchemy first period hm? Well that should be interesting. Sol had gotten a glimpse of his room mate as he entered the kitchen and had only been able to conclude she was most likely female. He didn't investigate further for fear of intruding upon her privacy.
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