Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by olcharlieboi
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olcharlieboi Master Mind of the Swarm

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Charles wouldn't be up for very much earlier before the wake up call he was use to having a strange sleep schedule for it was always on and off never exact same time thanks to using his power. He would already have taken his shower and got dressed. he would be looking through the kitchen to find something to at lest snack on thinking what to grab. "...such big selection of stuff..." he sighs some "..Luckily shapeshifting is last class I'll have in the day so wont have to worry about missing rest of the classes if I overexert myself." he says then sets up to make some toast and cereal to have a simple breakfast before class.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dash375


Member Seen 10 mos ago

Sandra had only just awoken when the announcement came out, she had stayed up even after the supposed curfew reflecting on her own fight in her memory repeating it in her head a few times before trying to remember the parts of Sol's fight she watched. "Hes definitely stronger than me in swordplay, and he has another type of magic on hide side." Were the last words she had muttered before she finally fell asleep.
Rising from her bed she went to the kitchen and put some toast in the toaster before leaving just as her roomate arrived in the kitchen to fix her hair. Once the toast had finished being toasted she returned to the kitchen now properly dressed and looked at Sol "Yo, your the one who was fighting on the tv yesterday." She spoke while facing away putting a chocolate spread on the toast "Fancy swordplay, how long did it take you do get that good?" Sandra asked and took a bite.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Chen groaned as he woke up from his deep slumber. He got up and quickly got dressed into his usual outfit, plus a few hidden weapons. A gun in your sleeve or a knife in your boot might mean the difference between being incinerated by a firestorm and putting your opponent down. He cracked his neck and left his room. A quick walk to Alchemy later, Chen sat in his chair and messing around with a small rubber ball.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Sol replied to his new found room mate, "Quite a while, nearly as long as I've been alive give or take a few years." He hadn't known that others had been watching his fight. Not that it would've changed anything he merely found the information interesting. He finished his oatmeal and quickly rinsed out the bowl. "I'm Sol by the way, I'm heading to Alchemy shortly but I'd like to get your name before I go." he explained as he waited ready to leave after receiving his answer. Being late wasn't high on his list of things to do at school this year. Though a quick glance at his roommate pegged her as likely a swordsman. Just the feel of her. Or perhaps that she'd commented on his swordplay. He'd have ask her for a sparring match, perhaps during his free period. It'd be good to know his roommate a little better.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dash375


Member Seen 10 mos ago

"Sandra, I will join you on your way then since I also have Alchemy first too." She shrugged and got up from her seat as she had also finished her breakfast and walked out ahead of him heading towards the classroom "So it takes that long to be that good? Hmm, training from this school might speed me up a few years." The girl spoke out loud as they walked "Plus I cant copy your style since I don't often use one sword like you do." Sandra sighed
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

Member Seen 18 days ago

@the ghost in black

Meruin woke up, her eyes staring blearily at the unfamiliar ceiling above her. Then she went back to sleep. She dreamed of magic and greatness and power as it coursed through her fingertips and molded as she commanded. She imagined using her grand power to lift herself to a domain beyond the skies of earth to the great unknowns that dominated the dimensions beyond theirs and pitting her power against the forces of nature that resided there, pushing her already unfathomable power to its limits. She felt the rush of battle, the sheer rapture that came with herself placed at the very edge, where one failure meant death.

Meruin dreamed of glorious victory, and her dominion unchallenged! She dreamed of using her power to reshape the world in her image, causing the sky to turn brown as it rained maple syrup upon hills of crisp waffles! The vast ocean paling into cool, delicious dairy milk, and tall steadfast trees of bread oozed out sap made from the most exquisite cheese on earth!

Meruin dreamed that she got up from bed, walked drearily towards the fridge and promptly smashed her face into its doors!

Meruin realized that she was probably not dreaming anymore.

"Gyak!" cried Meruin, holding her hands up to her face to put pressure on the sudden spike of pain. Taking a seat around the dining table, Meruin put her head down and grumbled; she was truly not a morning person. Tilting her head to eye the fridge, she raised a lazy hand towards it and flicked. In response the doors of the refrigerator glowed as a rune appeared on it and snapped open, revealing its contents. Meruin made another flick and an apple decorated itself on her face.

More grumbling ensued followed by the violent mutilation of an apple that was devoured shortly afterwards.

"Aleksandra~?" moaned Meruin miserably, not moving from her place on the table. "If you are there, I regret to inform you that I am feeling slightly indolent at the moment and therefore incapable of preparing breakfast. Can you prepare breakfast for us please?"

Meanwhile Meruin felt that the morning air was slightly chilly today. She should probably put on clothes soon before she catches a cold.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 10 mos ago

"Why would you want to copy my style?" Sol asked slightly confused by the notion. Even if he'd wanted to teach her how he fought he wasn't sure he could. His 'style' was simply born from experience, trying to teach her would be like trying to teach her own to breath. You just do. "That would be like trying to copy another person and act exactly like them. There's no point. Still if training is what you want perhaps we could spar later. My-" He paused for a moment and checked his schedule, "Sixth period is free and I imagine after school some time is allowed for activities, would either of those times be acceptable?" He inquired as they slowly walked to class. Sandra hm? The name was quickly memorized, forgetting it would make him seem inattentive and uncaring, both of which he had no desire to been seen as.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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Aisling The Creator of RPs and creating things for them!

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Agatha woke up on her bed with several bolts of fleece over her body and in a daze of confusion.
As she sat up in bed she realized where she was.

"Good Morning, Kieran. I am going to take a quick shower before I dress if you don't mind. I won't take very long."
she spoke as she stood up and began gathering things for her shower. Quickly, she headed into the bathroom and showered, dressed and came out in a dress. Her hair was wrapped up in a towel.
"Thanks. Now to get my hair combed out. Where do we go for breakfast?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zetsuko
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Kieran woke to find that he somehow ended up on the floor in the night. He sat up and shrugged before getting all the way to his feet and stretching. he heard that Agatha was awake as well "Good morning" as she went to take her shower Kieran went to gather his clothes, finding his cleaned set and getting dressed. he peeked over into the kitchen when Agatha asked about breakfast and said "I think we make our own"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The ghost in black
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The ghost in black Totally Not Here

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Aleksandra was having a very lucid dream as soon as she fell asleep "Who are you!" came a familiar voice from the black void in front of her "Hello, who's there?" she called into the darkness as a cool wind blew through. Aleksandra looked around noticing that the surrounding area that she was standing in was nothing but grey rolling hills and a black sun shining from above. "This place feels familiar..." she said to herself and began to reach for the void that began to turn into a more defined sphere with a reflective surface.

Just as her hand was about to touch the sphere a shape similar to a Dragon's head reached out and clamped onto her arm with its teeth sinking into her just under her shoulder. As soon as the teeth sunk in she was dragged into the sphere along with the head and began falling through an empty void. Aleksandra was falling for what felt like an eternity until she looked down to see ground rushing up to meet her at amazing speed and when she hit it there was an explosion of color before she sat up bolt straight in her bed completely awake.

Training as a guard in her village had taught Aleksandra to wake up from even a deep sleep without feeling drowsy in what could be crucial to someones life. Though she wasn't drowsy Aleksandra was still a bit confused by the new location but quickly realized where she was. "Ugh... that was strange" Aleksandra said to herself before untangling her body from the sheets and blanket; while she was doing this Aleksandra heard her roommate Meruin call from the kitchen. Before Aleksandra even left the room she did a once over of her body and found nothing unusual except a group of marks resembling bite marks just under her shoulder "Hmm...."

Aleksandra slowly made her way to the kitchen and stood at the door way staring at Meruin with a look of sympathy for the young mage who looked just miserable "so Meruin what would you like to eat for breakfast?" she asked before walking over to the refrigerator and standing in the open door as she took stock of what they had. "How about some fluffy egg omelets pancakes to wake us up then" Aleksandra said before pulling out a a carton of eggs and a bottle of milk along with some vegetables and walked over to the stove.

She began looking for a small pan but couldn't find a smaller one on the lower shelves, with a sigh Aleksandra stood on the tips of her toes to reach the top shelf but when she couldn't reach it normally Aleksandra extended her aura to her hand again but instead of enlarging and fitting over her hand it reached out and grabbed the pan's handle with a delicate touch. "Do you have any preference for whats in your food Meruin?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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Aisling The Creator of RPs and creating things for them!

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"No problem then. I'll just have some toast and milk. Any fruit around? If so, I'll take some with me in case I get hungry. What are you going to have for breakfast and lunch?" Agatha asked as she finished combing out her hair and then brushing it before she braided it.
Once Agatha had her hair done, she got her schedule which she tucked into her purse. She knew that she would not see Kieran until afternoon so she needed to make sure she could find the rooms for each class. As she checked to make sure that she had everything that she needed or at least thought she needed, she asked a few of her questions.

"When do we get our books? I have two free periods so I can study and perhaps get some of my homework done then. I have so much to do with the mess I made last night. And that reminds me...... Why did I fall asleep so fast and sudden like?" she asked with hopes that Kieran would know.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

Member Seen 18 days ago

@The ghost in black

Acknowledging Aleksandra's presence with a small "Good morning," Meruin raised a thumbs up as she suggested breakfast. Really, anything was good as long as she didn't have to prepare it. Cheek planted on the table Meruin looked at Aleksandra as she asked for her preference for breakfast. Meruin, just eager to have a meal nodded. "Anything is fine."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dash375


Member Seen 10 mos ago

"Well maybe not cocky, I have only been using a sword for roughly a year and the only thing I have had to go on to learn how to use it was my own instinct and a load of cool movies." Sandra explained not thinking how ludicrous that might sound to other people "So, I really just plan on watching it and seeing what I can take away from your sword skills." She explained in a bit more detail now as they arrived at the classroom "I have all my periods taken up, it would have to be after all the periods then I guess." Sandra shrugged.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 10 mos ago

"Very well, we can meet up at our room after classes and spar then. For now-" Sol opened the door outside, which instead lead to their class. He gestured for Sandra to go first, then he would follow her in and wait for class to start, he was very curious about how classes would go here. So many options, Sol hoped it wouldn't be too boring, he had rather high hopes for this school. Though this would be his first experience with 'official' schooling so he had no idea what to expect.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shikaru

Shikaru So many RP's, So little time.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Arcadius yawned and stretched as he got up, glancing over it seemed his roommate had woken up before him. No matter, slipping his robe over his tunic as he stood he went to the bathroom and set to work brushing his teeth and such. His whole body ached from his exam that could have been easily classified as a form of torture. Grimacing he took his staff and walked to the kitchen like an old man with arthritis. "Morning." He greeted, walking over the fridge and opening it. Surprisingly enough it had pretty much any food one could want for breakfast. Grabbing a few eggs and removing a few slices of bacon from a package he set to work cooking, he wasn't that good of a cook but lucky for him eggs and bacon weren't that hard...as well as being about the only thing he could cook without burning it miserably.

After he was finished cooking he put it all on a plate and sat down across from Charles with a glass of orange juice. "At-least Arcane Arts isn't a very strenous class.." He mumbled, mostly to himself. "What about you, what class do you have first?" He asked Charles.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by olcharlieboi
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olcharlieboi Master Mind of the Swarm

Member Seen 5 mos ago

"morning" Charles said in return, he was finding it easier to talk to other people thanks to this place which he was glad. after taking a bite of his own food he looked up then looked at his schedule "uh... i have Alchemy" he tells Arcadius "..I wont have the class I need and want until the end it seems" he states with a sight chuckle.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Its a conspiracy!!!" Kenny shouted falling out of his bed and hitting the floor. He rubbed his bum and got up slowly looking around noticing the empty bed. "Darn Chen didn't even bother to wake up a room mate." He pouted getting ready for the school day that awaited him. When dressed he decided to do a few push ups before teleporting to his first class. He made sure to not build up a huge sweat, he had to make a good first impression after all. Satisfied with the number of push ups he managed without breaking a sweat Kenny exited the room appearing in his first class, Artifacts.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The ghost in black
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The ghost in black Totally Not Here

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Aleksandra gave a quick nod as confirmation that she heard Meruin before washing her hands in the sink. She began to chop up green peppers and onions along with some lunch meat she had found before starting to crack 4 eggs into a bowl with careful precision to make sure that no shell pieces fell into the mix. After this was the point where she added some milk, pepper, salt, and turned the stove onto high; through the time she was waiting for the pan to heat up Aleksandra stirred the mixture along with the rest of the ingredients with a whisk to make them an even consistency throughout. When the pan was hot enough Aleksandra poured half the eggs into it after melting butter onto the pan and flipping the pancake sized egg patty onto its other side. When it was done Aleksandra moved the eggs over to one of the plates that she had pulled down and served it to Meruin with a fork and knife before repeating the process with her own serving.

Aleksandra sat down on the table and began eating her eggs but promptly got up and walked over to the refrigerator to search for something to drink. "Hey Meruin do you want anything to drink?" she asked while rumaging through the fridge.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shikaru

Shikaru So many RP's, So little time.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Arcadius nodded. It was also about that time he realized his second period was P.E, sighing internally he shoved that thought aside. "All classes are needed, in a way, no matter what magic you possess." He told him in a matter of fact way, "Even if you don't think you need it, it'll prove useful eventually." He added.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by olcharlieboi
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olcharlieboi Master Mind of the Swarm

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Charles looks to Arcadius and shakes his head some "In terms of my abilities there is only two classes on my list I completely need... the others are just there to take up time" he says "For if I can't use my abilities then I'd already be dead tired and it wouldn't matter anyway some may be useful when I don't wish to use my powers. otherwise not so much.." he would read out loud his classes "Alchemy, Phyiscal Ed, Artifacts, Free, Combat training, Arts and Craft, shape shifting then another free"
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