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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shikaru

Shikaru So many RP's, So little time.

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Arcadius shrugged, not everyone thought the same was as he, and it was also true in the fact he couldn't think of any practical uses alchemy would be useful to a shapeshifter. Arcadius nodded when Charles listed off his schedule, half wishing he too had opted for one or two free periods. He didn't expect his exam to be pretty much purely physical, at-least most of them were magic based classes.

"I have Arcane Arts, P.E, Artifacts, Elements class, Combat training, summoning, rituals, and sealing." He told him, he figured he might as well list his schedule too seeing as they had three classes together. Finishing his food he reclined lazily in his chair, sighing. He really didn't feel like moving, but he knew he'd better leave soon, he really didn't want an infraction on the technical first day of the school year.

Groaning he stood, stretching and rolling his shoulders, several audible cracks and pops sounding as he did. "I guess I'll see you in P.E then." He told him. "Try not to blow anyone up." He added jokingly. Grabbing up his staff he made his way to the nearest exit/magical portal to class and sat down at a desk once he exited.

Taking this time to read a bit seeing as there wasn't much else better to do he summoned up his Grimorie and flipped through the pages.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by olcharlieboi
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Charles finished his breakfast and shook his head some at Arcadius in bit of a laugh. "ya see ya in P.E. and don't fry anyone" he says shaking his head and begun to put the dishes away into the sink and begun to clean them then sits them to the side to dry, before going back and grabbing his books, and of course pen and paper just incase. looked in the mirror giving himself his usual horns and tail which he takes a deep breath after and heads out the door getting teleported to his alchemy class, he looked for a reasonably placed seat for him to take near the front but not in the front.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by solokolos
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The arcane arts classroom was dissimilar to all of the other classrooms in the school. It had library shelves on both sides of the walls, tall, thick, reddish brown things only ending where the roof started to curve into a half sphere skylight. There were three skylights of this kind, as the room was longer then it was wide. The skylights were nicknamed "starlights" as they showed the night sky at all times. The floor was a glossy black marble, with a very distorted reflection of the classroom across it. The gaps between the bookshelves showed a soft white-blue texture like wood, almost cyan in color. The student's desks were standard, yet out of place with the majesty the room emanated.

The only two doors were at the far side of the room, thick white stained mahogany double doors with a blue crest above it to match the blue wood surrounding it, against a white background of course. The blue-on-white crest presented a thin line design of an open book drawn precisely. The crest glowed slightly, radiating a magical aura.

Mr. Man was on the side directly opposite the doors, a standard wood desk in front of him, seeming very out of place. Despite his awkward setting, he still emanated an aura of power. Behind him, expertly placed into the almost-cyan wood was a painting, but with the texture of a mirror or piece of glass. In it a teenage girl was standing stiffly, staring into the classroom, her whole body in the mirror's frame. She was against a gray background, with red lines tracing her. If any the students were receptive enough they would notice that her chest was rising and falling with slow steady breaths.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zetsuko
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Kieran shrugged, having absolutely no idea on any of the things. He went into the kitchen and found some bread and fruit and poured and glass of milk, making the bread into toast and setting it all on the table for Agatha "sorry, I don't know" he looked at the door "Hmm, maybe i should head out now to find the class"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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Aisling The Creator of RPs and creating things for them!

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"Thanks for making breakfast. I think that you should fix yourself some breakfast before we leave. Perhaps even take something to eat if you can find something." Agatha spoke as she sat down at the table. She began to quietly read her schedule over in her head so that she could memorize it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

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@the ghost in black
The little mage's face melted into a satisfied smile as the smell of food wafted through the kitchen and into her nostrils. At last! Food come to satiate her hunger! Sitting straight up, Meruin readied herself to eat. "If we've milk now, that would be nice," she responded to Aleksandra. "Although really, anything is fine."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

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The loud obnoxious beeping of the gauntlets intruded on whatever conversations were going for those outside of class. "Please head to class immediately, you have five minutes." and just like that they fell silent again.

A flash of light and Michael was sitting at his desk in the Alchemy room leaning casually back in his seat waiting for the rest of his students to arrive. It was a basic classroom so far, of course he would change that quickly but for now they sat in boring wooden desks with boring wooden walls. In fact Michael was probably the most exciting thing in the room with his rainbow tie contrasting heavily with his black suit.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by The ghost in black
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Aleksandra smiled and grabbed another bottle of milk along with a pair of clean glasses from another tall cabinet. "Here you go" she said as the glasses were set down on the table and filled with milk, after the Meruin's cup was passed to her aleksandra began to dig into the plate of eggs. "By the way Meruin..." Aleksandra started to say in between swallows of food "What classes do you have?" completely forgetting that the schedules were actually on their desks in their room. All of a sudden her guantlet began beeping and announcing that they had a definitive amount of time to finish their food and get dressed. "Meruin hurry we don't want to be late!" she said oblivious to the fact that she didn't have a first period class.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zetsuko
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Kieran was about to agree with Agatha and get something to eat when his gauntlet beeped and told them to head to class. "oh, it seems we need to he-" he was cut off by a piece of paper suddenly colliding with his face, when he pulled it off and looked at it it was a schedule change meant for him, it moved a few classes around and added a new one, it also had a note attached apologizing for the clerical error. He read over the schedule to familiarize himself with the changes and then looked at Agatha "you don't happen to know where the alchemy room is, do you?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

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@The ghost in black

At once, Meruin began wolfing down the food served before her. Her eyes sparkled in a slightly obsessed way. Then the moment passed, and it seemed as if nothing had happened. All the portions given to Meruin had disappeared, and she was back to her usual impassive manner. "Thank you very much for the meal, Aleksandra, it was very satisfying." Meruin wiped her face with a tissue. She used the oil from the cooked eggs to draw a rune on the plate, and set all her dishes on top of it. The entirety of them disappeared, reappearing inside the kitchen sink.

Meruin slumped into her seat, a self-satisfied smile on her face. "Very satisfying indeed. Anyway, I have Alchemy as my first class. It should be interesting."

The little mage made a nettled frown as her gauntlet blared warnings. She nodded and turned to Aleksandra. "Well, I'll be going on ahead then," she said, hurrying outside and opening the door. As per the magic placed on the dorms, she found herself staring at a classroom - her next class, to be exact. Meruin frowned.

"Is this the first Alchemy class?" she asked tentatively. And why did it have to be so dreadfully cold this morning? It was irritating.

@olcharlieboi, @Eklispe & @floodtalon
5x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by olcharlieboi
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olcharlieboi Master Mind of the Swarm

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Charles would look towards the voice of another arrival and when he saw her his face turned redder then a tomato in .5 seconds. "uh um.. ya" he says out towards her "w..w.where are your clothes...." he says not able to really turn his head away as he wants, pretty much became a deer in headlights at this moment.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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Aisling The Creator of RPs and creating things for them!

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"No but it is my first class..... maybe we should head out for class. Come on." Agatha spoke as she put her scheule in her purse and grabbed a sweater as well as a book bag.
"Are you ready to go?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zetsuko
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Kieran went back into the bedroom and grabbed his blade handles then quickly came back out to follow Agatha "yes, I am ready" he followed her out to the next class.

Once at the class, he looked around and found it to be...less than he was expecting, then again with the way this school has been so far it was more than likely to change somehow. He would walk in with Agatha and take a seat by her to wait for the class to start.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dash375


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Taking a seat and resting against the desks as she awaited the lesson to start, she had chosen this over Arcane arts just because she was more fmailiar with the basics of this one. "Just coal into gold and stuff in this class from what ive been told." She thought with some fascination and looked at her bracelets which contained her swords remembering how lucky she was to be here while she awaited the class to start.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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Aisling The Creator of RPs and creating things for them!

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Agatha smiled and went out the door. When they came into the room, she glanced around the room/
"How about over by the window? I just happen t0 like being by windows." she spoke softly as she looked at Kieran.
"I hope that this class will be interesting. Is this the only class that changed?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

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Chen looked over at Meruin in the middle of a yawn and his jaw froze in the open position. A few seconds passed and his mouth slowly closed. "The Hierophant." He whispered under his breath as his eyes flashed blue. "Excuse me, I believe that you may need to get dressed." Chen called to her as he took off his jacket. He then threw it to her. "Cover up with this in the meantime."
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Meruin's gauntlet flashed and time was momentarily twisted until she was back outside the class with no one the wiser. She was now dressed in a long flowing black robe with some generic black underclothes. "You have violated the dress code. This is your first warning. Please do not let your dress, or lack thereof, affect other student's learning." The otherwise mechanical voice had the slightest tinge of humor. Any students not in class were put in place. Classes had begun.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

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Meruin tentatively walked into the room once more, feeling disoriented. Apparently, she wasn't wearing clothes, but they had rectified that - which she was thankful for. It seemed that the lack of clothing was what was responsible for that infernally cold air.

"Thank you for the clothes. It's very much appreciated," she said, looking over her new outfit. "I'll be sure not to forget to wear any next time." The affirmative manner in which she said it belied the fact that at some point, she probably would forget to wear them at some point. It was a distinct characteristic of hers: if they weren't important, then they weren't worth prioritizing - it just so happened Meruin had rather skewed hierarchy of priorities.

The short mage took an open seat next to Chen, yawning on the way. Her face impassive, she stared straight at Mr. Michael's face.

Artifacts Class

A the entirety of the class had gathered for Artifacts, and Kenneth was the last one in. Still he wasn't late - the teacher had yet to arrive. There was nobody here that he was familiar with, though a few of them did look up and inexplicably gave him a thumbs up.

The door clicked open and in floated a fairy the size of two palms. Her wings, hair and eyes were a glowing scarlet hue. The short fairy had a sour look on her face.

"Okay, okay, for those of you who are familar with this subject and wondering why I am here, it is because, as of now, I'm serving as your substitute teacher. Your supposed Articats professor went and got himself blown up during a dig for an ancient sword. We're looking for a replacement as of the moment, so you'll have to make due with me."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

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When Kenny heard the door open he squeezed out a low. "Finally....." He had more to say but was shocked. He knew he played way to many games but wouldn't of think of running into one of them at school. To think that ‘Hey, look, listen' fairy was a teacher. Kenny fought the urge to raise his hand and ask why would she left Link to do a boring job like teaching. Although he did know that some people don't like to bring up their pass so to avoid the pint size ass whooping that could of came his way he remained silent and tried his best not to stand out from the rest of the students. Sadly like all boundaries some had to be broken. When the fairy from Zelda mention that the previous teacher died from being blown up Kenny couldn't help but laugh. He quickly attempted to cover his mouth to avoid attention but it was probably already too late.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

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Kenneth wasn't the only one who laughed. Several students also choked back chuckles, in a vain attempt to conceal their mirth. Death was never the easiest topic to touch upon, especially when it was done so with humor, but there were times when it couldn't be helped. The Substitute Fairy seemed to understand that much. In response to their hidden laughter, she sighed and waved a hand, trails of ember issuing from the tips of her fingers.

"Okay it's hilarious, I get it. Now shut up and let me take attendance or I'll show you exactly how funny death by explosion is." The class fell silent quickly.

After taking attendance, the fairy sat on the teachers desk, and scrunched her eyes, looking thoughtful. Looking up again, she questioned:

"Okay, how many of you have, or at the very least, are familiar with a 'magical artifact'? Raise your hands."

Several hands went up, some of them holding the artifact in question. Glowing staves, strangely shaped daggers, and other baubles were put up and shown.
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