Avatar of Slendy
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 2872 (0.78 / day)
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    1. Slendy 10 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current Currently battling Sophomore year and lack of anime time!
8 yrs ago
I guess I'm back.....
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8 yrs ago
*Explodes into confetti* O(≧∇≦)O Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2!!!!!!
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8 yrs ago
Some people say J stars Victory Vs. Is a spam game XD well if you fight a spammer and loose become yourself or maybe, just maybe become better at the game so you can wreck the spammer :o *gasp*
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8 yrs ago
D: Sims 4!!!!!!


HAPPY 2000 TO ME!!!!!!!! O(≧∇≦)O

Gender: Male

Update: I've been gone for a bit and have attempted to come back. I've got college related stuff to deal with now and it's crazy for me but I'll try to be as active as my schedule will allow me to be.

Most Recent Posts

Reese remained quiet after he had spoken listening to the other members of The Merged to express their thoughts on the plague that's slowly killing mankind. All this back to back complaining and arguing was starting to hurt his head. He was prideful but knew he wasn't a knowledgeable God. If the decision to help the mortals was the outcome of The Merged course of action then what would be the best way to start? Reese asked himself. Thinking of what could of possibly caused a zombie. He knew not many humans believe in magic.

But then it came to him. Reese remembered when he trained with his mother on Earth for a brief 50 years in the Country known as Egypt. He was young but he remember running into many mortals that were into strange immortal practices. "That's it!" Reese shouted unconsciously jumping to his feet. "Mortals believe in science, correct! So its obviously science that created these.... zombores... When I was young I met a few mortals that used a type of science called Alchemy. What if this Earth Realm Alchemy is the cause for the birth of these zombores."

Reese scratched his head and smiled a bit. "If we are to help the mortals sending the God with the best grasp of Science is our best bet. Another thing, some gods believe this is boring and I'm one of them. I'm not asking much but I'd like approval to enter the Earth Realm and hold off some of the zombores." Even though he didn't want to help them he'd rather fight the undead then sit and watch Gods have a debate.
Okie Dokie Banana-san!
XD kinda messed up how we're bichering and the Earth is slowly falling apart. But then again we did kill a good portion of our elders and created an unstable group. (/^▽^)/ Nothing can go wrong. *Earth Explodes in the background*
I actually like the story Arc The Undead vs The Merged! :D A perfect problem that can cause even a god to have second thoughts.
Reese remained silent through the beginning of the argument that arose when Cia entered. He just sat there with a blank stare wondering what in the hell is a war god doing at a meeting that isn't even about war. His eyes wounded the room hoping to speed up time so he can just leave. Though it wouldn't seem like it at a first glance, Reese was listening to the conversation that had the gods in a back to back debate. There was honestly nothing else for the bored god to do. Then as if another god answer his non prayer to end his boredom the spawn of Cthulhu made one of her flashy entrances.

She instantly caught Reese's attention. Leaving the humans to fend for them self's was a perfect decision. That simple statement put Reese into the debate about what to do with the outbreak on Earth Realm. "I agree with Cthulhu spawn over there. The humans always put themselves in stupid predicaments and beg for our help when they dug a whole to deep for them selves to climb out of. I say we let them get a taste of their medicine for a good 10 years and then we help them." Reese wasn't a fan of mortals. Though he loved a good war and mortals constantly start them. But its beings like mortals that take control of the weak and give into the wrong. Such weakness ticked Reese off and loosened his hope for humanities future.

What is the Arc topic Banana-san & Archen-kun? :O

:P Never mind

Cucco-san Does The Merge have a council or something similar to that.
:D Well Mainly the descendants of Zeus but yeah I'm sure my character is prideful enough to try and be the sole remaining War God of The Merged. Heck your character can probably kick mines ass and teach him not to think with his fists.
o3o Plotting? Shipping? Betrayal? Lure? Ice cream!? (。・ω・。) anything....

Month Later



Godly Parents:
Mother: Enyo (Greek Goddess of war and destruction) / Deceased
Father: Kratos ( Greek God of Strength and Might) / M.I.A

Sphere of Control:
War, Destruction, Strength, & Might.

An often serious person taking criticism highly and acting on it violently. Reese is really prideful and doesn't liked to be looked down on. Very short tempered. During combat he tends to get a bit more strange, getting a kick out of pain and laughing uncontrollably like he heard the funniest joke in the world. Besides being a slight psychopath Reese finds respect in someone who cooperates and doesn't pull ranks causing him to be the follower of a leader.

Sacred Animal:

Reese has an unnatural amount of strength even for a god.

Absolute Wield:
Due to inheritance, Reese can master any weapon he's given, but because of his hate refuses to use a weapon besides his fist.

Absolute Berserk:
In battle Reese becomes a bit unstable, the more damage he takes the stronger he becomes. Pain is also a lesser problem the longer a fight between him and his opponent drags on. He can tire out or collapse from blood lost but when he's too occupied by battle he rarely cares about the wounds he suffers.


The Son of a Psychotic War Goddess and a God of strength seemed like the perfect war weapon. That is if Reese didn't inherit his parents pride. Through most of his life he lived with his mother Enyo. A Goddess who was known for going into war with only a helmet and her weapon and coming back barely wounded with a victory. Of course Kratos was similar in reputation but since his disappearance Reese was left his mother. For years he followed her in battle along side her family, Ares and their siblings. For years he was never acknowledge of his accomplishments in the battles he was in. Always over shown by his mother. Enyo's spawn, little Tyrant, Mini Enyo, they called Reese but never his title. He soon gained hatred for his mother and tried his best to out do her, going into war armorless and weaponless. Still he was never noticed or acknowledge by his mother of his skill. When The Merge became a final decision Reese confronted his mother about the agreement she denied it. Enyo, a Goddess who held her own against Zues's army and Tyhpon's army wasn't gonna bow to her own son let alone agree that they are equals. Reese finally fed up with the high pedestal his mother stood on fought Enyo. They fought for 28 days and nights none stop until one gave up or fell to the ground dead. After almost a month Reese stood over his mothers corpse in a crater that was a result of their brawl. His knuckles worn out, cut, broken, and decorated with his mothers blood. Before burring his mother he took what was ever left of her helmet and wore it as a symbol of victory.

Reese is probably planing to kill his Uncles and Auntie to become the remaining God of War.




Godly Parents:
Mother: Enyo (Greek Goddess of war and destruction) / Deceased
Father: Kratos ( Greek God of Strength and Might) / M.I.A

Sphere of Control:
War, Destruction, Strength, & Might.

An often serious person taking criticism highly and acting on it violently. Reese is really prideful and doesn't liked to be looked down on. Very short tempered. During combat he tends to get a bit more strange, getting a kick out of pain and laughing uncontrollably like he heard the funniest joke in the world. Besides being a slight psychopath Reese finds respect in someone who cooperates and doesn't pull ranks causing him to be the follower of a leader.

Sacred Animal:

Reese has an unnatural amount of strength even for a god.

Absolute Wield:
Due to inheritance, Reese can master any weapon he's given, but because of his hate refuses to use a weapon besides his fist.

Absolute Berserk:
In battle Reese becomes a bit unstable, the more damage he takes the stronger he becomes. Pain is also a lesser problem the longer a fight between him and his opponent drags on. He can tire out or collapse from blood lost but when he's too occupied by battle he rarely cares about the wounds he suffers.


The Son of a Psychotic War Goddess and a God of strength seemed like the perfect war weapon. That is if Reese didn't inherit his parents pride. Through most of his life he lived with his mother Enyo. A Goddess who was known for going into war with only a helmet and her weapon and coming back barely wounded with a victory. Of course Kratos was similar in reputation but since his disappearance Reese was left his mother. For years he followed her in battle along side her family, Ares and their siblings. For years he was never acknowledge of his accomplishments in the battles he was in. Always over shown by his mother. Enyo's spawn, little Tyrant, Mini Enyo, they called Reese but never his title. He soon gained hatred for his mother and tried his best to out do her, going into war armorless and weaponless. Still he was never noticed or acknowledge by his mother of his skill. When The Merge became a final decision Reese confronted his mother about the agreement she denied it. Enyo, a Goddess who held her own against Zues's army and Tyhpon's army wasn't gonna bow to her own son let alone agree that they are equals. Reese finally fed up with the high pedestal his mother stood on fought Enyo. They fought for 28 days and nights none stop until one gave up or fell to the ground dead. After almost a month Reese stood over his mothers corpse in a crater that was a result of their brawl. His knuckles worn out, cut, broken, and decorated with his mothers blood. Before burring his mother he took what was ever left of her helmet and wore it as a symbol of victory.

Reese is probably planing to kill his Uncles and Auntie to become the remaining God of War.
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