Avatar of Slendy
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 2872 (0.78 / day)
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    1. Slendy 10 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current Currently battling Sophomore year and lack of anime time!
8 yrs ago
I guess I'm back.....
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8 yrs ago
*Explodes into confetti* O(≧∇≦)O Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2!!!!!!
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8 yrs ago
Some people say J stars Victory Vs. Is a spam game XD well if you fight a spammer and loose become yourself or maybe, just maybe become better at the game so you can wreck the spammer :o *gasp*
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8 yrs ago
D: Sims 4!!!!!!


HAPPY 2000 TO ME!!!!!!!! O(≧∇≦)O

Gender: Male

Update: I've been gone for a bit and have attempted to come back. I've got college related stuff to deal with now and it's crazy for me but I'll try to be as active as my schedule will allow me to be.

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"Su Wu Kong....I thought he was dead." Reese unconsciously said aloud. "It seems this crazy day is jjt getting more out of hand. Looks like you're gonna have to make us a portal to Peru." Reese said gripping his clothes causing a brief light to flash. His clothes were returned back to the way they were before Ares came and torn them. Though they still looked a bit tatterer which Reese personally liked for some odd reason. "I hope your ready for a good fight cause the rumors I've heard aren't good ones since we're about to fight the guy."
(。・ω・。) I kinda got caught up in a roleplay but yeah I'll see what I can do.
@Cuccoruler @Trevor1001

I'll get on it when Trevor replies to my last post Banana-san!

Will the message include the death of the gods or just a lead on where we can find Sun Wu Kong.
(。・ω・。) I have a few questions!

1. Would slightly insane characters be allowed. Like a psychopath...

2. At some point will all of the characters that we're rping form this killers Club?

3. Killing other students is acceptable?

4. Is there a Disciplinary Club and Student Council?

5. O: Will I ever stop asking questions?

6. Can I call you Flight-san!

Reese opened his eyes giving his savior a cold blank stare. He was greatful to Yato for saving him but he wasn't so greatful about the way he went by doing it. "I better not smell like sea food!" Reese pouted struggling to get out of the sea cucumber. He almost got out flawlessly but tripped and feel planting his face into the sand. Reese quickly jumped to his feet and curb stumped the sea cucumber a few times until he was satisfied. Dusting the sea creatures insides off of him Reese looked out into the sea thinking of what his next choice of action should be.

"Yato can you can you open portals to other realms? The best I can do is earth and Olympus but I'm sure I'm not the only one who doesn't want to go back there." He stated squinting into the distance. His eyes looking at the sea and then back up at the sky. "Besides the possible fall of Merged control over the Olympus the humans have manage to dig themselves another whole and looky the whole they dug isn't even human."

It's open but slowly closing by itself. :D Better hall ass and close it after you jump in you don't want to die.


It's open but slowly closing by itself. :D Better hall ass and close after you jump in you don't want to die.

Reese gave Yato his attention and reached out to shake his hand. "Reese God of War, Destruction and on a non important level Strength and Might. And if you couldn't guess from my title I'm worried about this war. I have little know information on the enemy my opponent could be anyone or anything." Reese went to another deep thought. Which alerted him of the uneasy feeling the air around them gave off. "Shit! Get down!" He yelled pushing Yato and jumping in the opposite direction the arrow barely missing him. The aura the arrow gave off felt frightingly familiar, but before he could reach an answer the slight noise of armor quickly approached him. Reese attempted to dodge the attack from behind but wasn't fast enough.

The sword sinking into his right side a bit. He felt a rib evaporate as the sword was yanked out of his body with ease. Reese retreated a bit holding onto his wound as he turned to face his opponent. His facial expression bared a not so pleasing look as his opponent turned out to be the last person he wanted to fight, Ares. The man practically trained him,let alone his mother who he also trained under. "So this is how I die..." Reese whispered to himself. Ares having a nonchalant attitude closed the space between him and Reese having no second thoughts about cutting down his nephew. Resse held his wound wincing at the pain and the slow amount of blood lost.

The weapon his uncle used was unknown to Reese. What ever material it was it stopped his healing abilities. "Damn it!" He shouted removing his hand and clenching his fist. Blood dripped from his now soaked left hands. Reese rushed Ares with countless assults which was easily dodged by the Olympian. Each attack missed or was blocked with little to know effort by Ares. With every attempt Reese became more and more tired, his movements more predictable and sloppy but still he didn't give up. Even if he knew death was certain. Reese back off Ares and charged for him again to try a different approach. Sadly Ares met Reese half way forcefully thrusting his swords hilt into Reese's rib cage.

The force from the hit sent Reese smashing through walls ending up in the conference room. He coughed up a lot of blood as he laid on his back. It was obvious that more ribs were broken and his spine was possible giving out. Ares walked through the rubble that led to Reese a small grin appearing on his fave as he sees his nephew struggle to stand up. "N-no!" He screamed stackingly standing. Reese could hear the screams of the poor gods that choose to remain on Mount Olympus. He ignored their cries for help and made himself a portal so he could escape. Fear and death getting the best of him making him forget all about Ares was slowly pursuing him. Reese waved his hand over the floor and a small portal opened that lead to Earth Realm.

But for some reason he didn't jump into it, his body wouldn't listen to his commands but that's when he looked down. Behind him stood Ares impaling Reese from his back to his chest with his sword barely missing his heart. The hilt of Area's sword pressed against his back as he coughed up nearly a small puddle of blood. Reese eyes became lifeless as he slipped into unconsciousness blood still pouring from his wounds. Ares ripped the sword from Reese's body and kicked him forward his nephew's unconscious body falling into the the portal. Ares walked away from the bloody scene readying to end the life of the next Merged that crosses his path.

While on Kahoʻolawe the smallest Hawaiian Island Reese's unconscious body layed in the middle of some damp sand. His blood painting the sands a dark red orange color. The island uninhibited which only made Reese's situation worst.

Wait just to make sure! XD I take control of Ares for the battle between him and my character or do you?
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