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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by OtomostheCrazy
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OtomostheCrazy The Impatient Patience of Fulfilled Nothingness

Member Seen 6 mos ago

@PerseusArchean@Ace of flames01

Yuki sighed at the mention of traitors. That was a common occurrence. Mortals of any kind would be enticed by a force of some kind to do something so incredibly foolish. Whether it was a betrayal of one's kind, or the destruction of some significant or symbolic thing, such situations rarely worked for the good of anything, other than the one responsible. Yuki, being a lesser-known goddess, had too few followers for such a thing to happen to her personally, but she understood the concept, living among the humans with her sister.

Rhona had become enraged by the newly acquired knowledge, and demanded that she be taken to them. Judging by her actions, and the words she just spoke, her first and foremost priority was to protect those who could not protect themselves. Still, her black lion had to calm her down. Yuki agreed with her intentions of stopping the threat before they hurt any of the women and children that were not warriors.

"I agree with her, however...I think that only a few should accompany us. Others should either stay and protect the defenseless, or help only when needed."


Claire had succeeded in one thing: finding their reason for why these aliens were here in the first. It seemed that something or someone had been lost to them, and that they wished for that thing or person to return. Of course, since they were attacking in order to retrieve their lost one, they had either misconceived that the humans, creatures, and deities of this world were the ones responsible for its disappearance, or had been deceived by some other force that wished to bring ruin upon the Earth and all that was relevant to it.

When the fighting began again, Claire heard someone say that she would assist them. They were wrong. She would not assist them. She arrived to stop the battle, prevent more death, and brig about an understanding. The goddess would continue with such goals.

Claire let out a screech that would be heard by all within the area. A screech that would stop them all again, and have them listen to her. The aurora with her spiked from the sound, and the dark crickets chirped wildly. When her screech died down, so did the movements of the aurora and the chirping of the crickets, she waved her hand, and the light and darkness began to separate and gather together into physical twilit constructs. Towering monoliths that were spaced miles away from each other. If one were to listen carefully, a faint humming could be heard, emanating from them.

"Hear me, those of this world and those from beyond. I will consult with the other deities to resolve this conflict and find this Amgarrack. However, I will not have more bloodshed here. If any of you, human or otherwise continue this battle, then I will have these sentinels run you away. Persist with the battle, and they will put a stop to it by any means necessary."

Though Claire truly wished for her words to be empty, she designed her constructs to do just as she said. It was better for them to be busy dealing with monsters, than fighting against each other, and adding more souls to queue in the afterlife. So she left, fading away from their vision, and traveling to another dimension to plan out how she would seek Cia, and call the other Merged in order to share her information and suspicions.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zelosse
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Zelosse The Entity

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Thalios was the first to strike, his shadows were still numerous but they did not respond to him in his condition. Weakened from Isis' purging flames he was incapable of drawing on the full force of his power as he had previously. Thankfully the tar was unlikely to be removed from the captured Goddess. Sobek would yet return, he and Alec both knew. It was only a matter of time .
Shadows lashed out from behind Set, wrapping around his midsection and dragging him back. Even that momentary distraction as the god turned to sever the shadows was enough for Thalios to strike. A blinding bolt of purple flame exploded on his skin and fur, throwing him back into the deepening shadows.

Horus turned to assist Set and sprang at the nightmare god.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Alec uses his whip, the sound of it cracking through the air somehow terrifying. The hooks term at Horus, causing Alec to crack his whip again. The hooks on the ends manage to get into Horus's back . Alec pulls, holding back Horus. Alec knows that having a god on a leash was a terrible idea, but hopefully he could buy Thalios some time.
Unfortunately Horus turns, facing Alec the God runs to attack him. Alec drops the handle and runs to meet him. Both of his scythes slice at Horus doing some damage. Horus retaliates doing more damage to Alec then Alec could do in his weakened condition. In an act of desperation, Alec's mouth drops open as he tries to take energy from Horus. He manages to get some energy and weaken Horus before the god attacks him. Alec yelps as the strike had been at his mouth. With a snarl the two gods go back to fighting, with Alec seeming to be more likely to win. He seems to be having a hard time though, so its a fight that is cutting it close.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Cia looked at the piece of heart she was given. It was a bit gross to her. "Yeah... I think for now a pocket dimension should be fine. I'll think of another place for them later." Cia said opening a small portal to a pocket dimension of her own. It would keep the piece safe for now. Flemmings meanwhile didn't have as much disgust with the brain as he put it into a similar pocket dimension. "I think seperating the heal would have been better but i guess the brain works too." Flemmings said as he closed the portal.

Flemmings then turned to the other portals. Some of thing were making noise from being beaten against, but that locks were keeping whatever was on the other side from entering for now. If Sif hadn't been stopped earlier though Cia would have stepped in after seeing Landon hurt. She would kill anyone if it meant protecting him.

"As for the Odin and Thor, I'm starting to think something more is going on. When we get the chance we need to send someone to investigate. I doubt that gods would have gotten out without help. Possibly from Thanos or Hades." Flemmings stated while looking at the door to the norse underworld.

Cia thought for a moment looking at the door as well. "Right, we are going to try and funnel them in. If we do that we can kill them as they come. Flemmings will be in charge to taking down as many as he can from within the funnel. Landon, I need you to create the walls for the funnel, make sure they are strong!" Cia commanded, she was certainly smart when it came to making battle plans. She agreed greatly with the idea of having as little damage as possible.

"I will focus on shielding and keeping some of bodies from piling up. I should be able to send them back to another plane of the underworld, one without a doorway I hope." Cia said, not even she was sure where all of the doors were, there were so many. "And if Idun shows up again, she's mine." Cia added. Her left eye was glowing with a slight tinge of green at the moment.


However little did they knew that both Thanos and Hades were no longer in the picture, both of them had been chopped to pieces and had it all separated. Oddly enough both were killed by Sun Wu Kong, a thought to be deceased God. Hun Batz, the Howler Monkey God was currently trying to hunt Sun Wu Kong down for answers. It seems that Sun Wu Kong was one of the few to have a enough intelligence to speak. Or at least something had changed him during the battle with Thanos and Hades.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zelosse
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Zelosse The Entity

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Both gods were weakened, Thalios for taking the risk of imprisoning a goddess and Alec for the nature of his fights involving tooth and scythe against the Crocodile god. Both had used a great deal of energy to best a foe and were now faced with similar outcomes. Another victory would require another risk.
Set roared as the god broke free of the grasping shadows, his staff swung like a club that barely missed cracking Thalios' skull as the animal god charged head on.
Now was the only chance he could get.
Thalios ducked another swing of the staff and thrust his palm out, shadows sprang to life to restrain Horus mid-swing, opening him up for a brief moment for Alec to strike.
Sets staff cut straight through Thalios' chest and emerged out his back. The Egyptian god growled with anticipation as the nightmare god fell with the spear staff firmly through him.
Thalios' staff impaled set in the heart as he stood up, the thick tar of his body having blocked most of the potentially lethal damage.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Alec sees his chance and roars as he uses all his strength to upper cut his hand scythe into Horus' chest. Alec pulls it up to where it goes under the ribcage damaging lungs and heart. Alec's eyes glow brighter as he hangs open his mouth and drains the dying god's energy as well. Once Horus dies he pulls out his scythe with a sickening sucking noise and charges Set, his eyes glowing as he has his powers focused on his statues in his realm and trying to keep up the energy he just gained. With his gore covered scythe he scrapes Set's back and digs into it. The now impaled dead god gets pulled off of Thalios and Alec ends up on his knees completely out of energy, but managing to keep his statues active. it is clear that this god has no more ability to fight.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by rechonq
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rechonq Silver River Royalty

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Landon kept the piece of spine in his pocket. He wasn't as grossed out by it and wasn't as sure about keeping it in another realm. Especially since the only realm he could connect to at will was a small abandoned realm, created by some dark god. He just hoped it stayed abandoned. Landon created a half dome over top of the door to the Norse underworld. He extended the dome straight out making a hallway that the vikings would have to pass through before raiding the Nexus.

"I hope this is long enough for you Flemmings. This will work great for the vikings that come through, but I don't know if this will work once Odin and Thor come. We were lucky to get Sif alone, but those two will be quite the handful. The wall will hold several blasts from them, but I don't know how powerful Flemmings fists really are." Landon walked over to the funnel and began to walk up the edge as it morphed to make steps for him. This wall was only about three feet thick, but it glowed like his arm sword and the pieces from before. Except now it was much more intense. The ice was moving within the wall and veins of purple bubbles coursed everywhere. "I'll remain up here and do my best to help clear the waves as well." Thanks to Cia the walls were strong. Landon was also able to suck any viking that touched the wall in, where the dark bubbles would then converge and crush the body on a cellular level. He had a few other ideas to deal with this fight, but he thought to take advantage of Cia's command. Which Landon noticed a scary glow in her left eye as she demanded that Idun be left for her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Trevor1001
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago


Yato watched as Reese started to curb stomp the giant sea creature. Maybe he was trying to save his hurt ego when he got his ass handed to him. "I don't think hurting the creature that saved your live is the way you should be acting. Yato sniffed Reese "Besides, the smell will wear off...probably. Yes I can open portals to other places. What did you have in mind?" Suddenly Yato could hear a voice in the distance. Looking up he could see Ratatoskr making his way to them. When he reached them he handed Yato a message when the news that it was urgent before leaving. Opening the letter Yato read what was inside. "The message is from Hun Batz. We are tasked with going to Peru and hunting Sun Wu Kong."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


"Su Wu Kong....I thought he was dead." Reese unconsciously said aloud. "It seems this crazy day is jjt getting more out of hand. Looks like you're gonna have to make us a portal to Peru." Reese said gripping his clothes causing a brief light to flash. His clothes were returned back to the way they were before Ares came and torn them. Though they still looked a bit tatterer which Reese personally liked for some odd reason. "I hope your ready for a good fight cause the rumors I've heard aren't good ones since we're about to fight the guy."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by PerseusArchean
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

@Ace of flames01

Hannah Lane
Tower of Enacra
Month Two

The Fae stepped up without further prompting, preparing themselves for battle quickly. The parents began muttering quietly to each other before separating. Some handed off their babies to the other parents, some simply picked one of themselves to stay behind. The children were all babies given many had spent the last few years of their life at war under Occus and their children were only recently born. Soon the Fae were ready, a small group of parents remained behind with Talia to defend the smallest of them, but some thirty fighters, most of them a couple centuries old and still looking young (and mostly human, except for the werewolf and occasional dusting of fish scales or pointed ears). Most were armed with a knife at least, some had a staff or a handgun, and a few were ready to just use their claws.

"Let's go," Hannah said, slithering up the stairs awkwardly, this form was built for aquatic combat, not traversing buildings constructed with legs in mind. Aden quickly overtook her, making it to the second (first) floor quickly.

"Clear!" The Werewolf barked out, "Fighters with us," he called to the Fae still on that floor. "We'll hold out on the third (second) floor." He could hear fighting on the floor above, but if they tried to join the fray from the stairwell they'd be trapped in a choke point. It was too late for the fourth (third) floor.

Once on the third (second) floor, Hannah began assembling the Fae into groups. Setting them to stand with their backs against the wall, facing inwards. If the attackers came through the ceiling as reported before, the defenders would be ready.


Amgetoll Forces
Month Two

The screech spooked all present, and the battle lulled once more. The Humans had little reason to believe the woman was actually a goddess, the gods weren't real after all, their faith rested in another, but she did seem to have power and so they took the threat at face value, pulling away from the Urtoks reluctantly. Many had already been slain, and the Humans wanted to avenge their fallen brothers, but the military commanders among them were holding them in line.

The Urtoks were not so skeptical, and the one in charge of this particular invasion ship was already suspicious. She had seen the lights fired from space in the distance, she knew what they meant, but the last time she looked at a map of this world those locations were sprawling cities. The invasion ships had reasonable orders, wipe out the military, pacify their regions, await further orders, but if the Sha-Brytol was firing on large civilian cities... why? She was unconvinced these Humans could do what they'd been accused of, alien as both they and their technologies might be it just didn't seem feasible. Surely the commanders knew that? So then why accuse and punish the Humans so viciously?

She recalled the invasion back to the landed ship and set up a perimeter to defend themselves if the humans fought on despite their goddess's warning.

She was just one of many though, the other ships continued their invasion unhindered, out of contact as they were with the rest of the forces.


Month Two

Aphrodite shrieked in rage when she heard the disgusting voice of the murderous spawn that had killed her. "Huntress!" She screamed, getting the attention of Artemis who was firing a ceaseless rain of silver arrows into a screaming god in mortal clothing. "The thing is here! Kill it!" She demanded. Artemis lips curled in disgust as she readied her bow, clearly Aphrodite had been bad talking about the thing that killed her and gave the other fallen deities a good idea of what sort of horrible monster they would be dealing with.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 16 hrs ago

The news that it would soon be attacked by not one but two goddesses left Aforgomon nonplussed. Knowing what it did of the minds of gods, it fully expected them to take action. Pitiable. They mean me no harm, but lash out what at what they don’t understand. Their animal intuition. Unshaken by the huntress’s bow, it turned to its left and took a step, vanishing completely into another dimension. A moment later, Aforgomon’s tall, gangly form appeared from an unstable shimmer behind her, and grabbed Artemis’s head in a single, swift motion. For the moment it held the advantage, but a goddess held many tricks up her sleeve, and could overpower it easily. With this in mind, the Great One wasted no time, and shoved her hard enough so that she fell forward into a tear of light of its own creation. Yelling in hate and surprise, the huntress vanished into a quiet realm, trapped beyond the confines of space.

Next, Aforgomon turned toward the goddess that spawned it. Aphrodite screeched and tried to run, but light ripped across the floor, walls, and ceilings in front of her, and from them tentacles writhed forth. Turning back, the love goddess attempted to find another way around, forgetting for a moment the lumbering giant that stole up behind her. Unceremoniously, Aforgomon kicked her in the back, sending her into an ungainly sprawl onto the floor. Before she could stand again, a tentacle reached out and snagged her arm before dragging the squealing goddess across the marble tiles. Aphrodite, unable to get a grasp on the floor, was pulled kicking and screaming into the tentacled dimension. There she would be stuck, surrounded on all sides in uncomfortable proximity to an infinite mass of tentacles, until Aforgomon deigned to let her out.

Imagining this gave the Great One a small inspiration. If this trap worked perfectly against small things, what prevented it from working against large ones? Every dream on earth had turned to nightmares since the aliens foolishly opened fire on earth. Though a good plan, it needed help, even for a Great One, to come to fruition. Knowing just who to call upon, Aforgomon faded out once again, leaving the hall of Olympus dead quiet.

When the shamble next manifested, it came to be in a realm of darkness and misery: the underworld. Contrary to its usual state, however, the land of the dead appeared to be in uproar. After appearing, Aforgomon stood witness to a battle between old gods and new. Horus and Set faced off against Thalios and Alec. This irritated Aforgomon; if even it, devoid of pride and presumption, could defeat two of the gods, why couldn’t these two at least disable theirs long enough to retreat? Regardless, the Great One worked to seed the nightmare god’s mind. There are great things afoot. Dismiss your opponent and join the eyeless watcher to preserve this planet’s infant population. A brilliant lift appeared next to Aforgomon, through which Thalios was invited to travel.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Cia took a deep breath as she prepared a few extra spells. She opened the door then to the Norse Underworld. It seems that all of the dead gods had come back. It would take quite awhile to kill them all again unless the source of their resurrection was found. As the dead vikings came through the door Cia rose a shield around herself and Flemmings who stood infront of Cia.

Flemmings started to punch through his portals again, thankfully these creatures were weak enough that he could punch the heads off of them with well placed upper cuts. Flemmings continued to take the vikings down, however the bodies were starting to pile up. Cia did her job in moving the bodies to another part of the underworld. They wouldn't make it back to the Norse underworld for about a year.

After about an hour of this endless wave of vikings it stopped. It could have gone for much longer though however it seems that they realized that the whole attack was just a waste of time at this point. It wouldn't wear down Flemmings that was for sure. At this point Odin came out of the portal next shattering the walls. Thor however did not. He was one of the few that had joined the Merged afterall, it was all quite possible that he had been killed at this point.


Sun Wu Kong was in a temple at the moment trying to heal himself after his battles. He had a shaken look on his face however, taking him down wouldn't be hard due to how tired and tattered he was. He did take on two gods of the underworld himself after all. Sun Wu Kong for now however was trying to come to terms of what was happening. He knew what was going on, he knew who was behind this, and he didn't want to fight anymore. His first fight was not of his own will after all.

Hun Batz in the meantime was outside of the temple, he had no idea that Sun Wu Kong would not want to fight. Hun Batz was actually looking forward to a battle between the monkey gods. Surely the Howler Monkey god would prove to be more powerful than Sun Wu Kong. Hun Batz at this point started to charge into the temple to attack Sun Wu Kong. Sun Wu Kong defended himself with his staff, there was no stopping Hun Batz it seems.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zelosse
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Zelosse The Entity

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Thalios got to his feet as the rush of combat faded. Four gods were dead now and he and Alec had survived. But more issues were rising, as this was clearly NOT an isolated event. If they had been attacked then it stood to reason that other gods were experiencing similar problems. Thalios tore the spear staff from his chest with a look of disdain, his tar-like body coated the spearhead and was quickly turning to stone. His whole body was noticeably smaller than it had earlier at the pantheon and could be seen as weakness. Thalios only smiled as he retrieved his staff from the fading body of Set, impaled through the heart and torn off by Alec.
The staff glowed a deep purple as Thalios reached into the glowing maelstrom of energy at its centre, draining back more of his essence to replenish the missing portions that had been expunged to defeat the other gods. He turned to Alec who lay not far away. "You don't look so good, spawn of Anubis. Rest and recover." A portion of the swirling energies was released into the air like a cloud, a concentrated little fog that swirled around the wounded death god. If Alec could absorb energy then this would likely get him fighting fit.

The shimmering portal opened up inches away and caught Thalios' full attention, remembering the way the Shambler who had freed him from the nightmare used something like this to travel. "So.. you've come to collect." Thalios smiled as he flowed forward into the portal, turning to look at Alec. "Free your world. I will return." With the rise of the old gods meant the pact had been finished. The merged spawn of Hades, master of the underworld, would be dead soon. In his place Thalios would step in as decreed. The light of the portal swallowed the darkness of his body as it sealed behind him. I am here, Shambler. Let it be known that I keep my word.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Ace of flames01 The Returned

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Not long after the group had arrived on the second (third) floor, the ceiling above them was destroyed, sending rubble down towards the ground, leaving a cover of smoke and dust. The traitors jumped down from the third(fourth) floor, wearing twisted smiles and crazed looks in their eyes as they descended to the next floor. It was just as they had predicted. Unfortunately, they had not predicted the dusty haze that covered the battlefield, giving the enemy the upper hand.

"Stand at the ready! I counted 25 plus the sorcerer when the descended! We outnumber them but that doesn't mean that you can get cocky!" Rhona yelled to the other groups as she got into a ready stance, dagger in hand. Leo also prepared himself by going into a striking position, his claws extended and his lips curled back, revealing a set of razor sharp teeth.

Though the group watched the smoke carefully and greatly outnumbered the enemy, they still had the upper hand. Suddenly, one by one, members of the group were pulled into the fog, letting out blood curdling screams, which were soon followed by a solid chnk!

"Wait...! Hold the line!" Rhona ordered as she noticed some of the fae get impatient. She knew what they were feeling, for she felt the same thing. However, they had to stay calm.

Another fae was pulled into the haze, the time fairly close to Rhona. "Now!!" She yelled as she took the opportunity that was handed to her, as she tackled the traitor. She was a bit hesitant as she plunged her dagger into the traitor's shoulder. Screaming, the traitor tried to shake Rhona off. However, their efforts were for nothing as Rhona latched onto the traitor tightly, plunging her dagger over and over again into the traitor's flesh until all life faced from their eyes and collapsed onto the floor, dead.

An extreme feeling of nausea overcame, Rhona as she has realized what she had done. Her body trembled furiously as she stood up. She pulled the frightened fae, that had been dragged in by the traitor, to his feet. "A-are Y-you OK?" She replied stammering. The fae nodded feeling just as terrified. Rhona sighed, feeling slightly more relieved.

"Good." Rhona murmered. There was no longer any point in staying and waiting to be picked off, waiting to die. She sighed heavily, shaking off any lingering feeling of nausea. "There's no point in waiting for death! Attack!!!" She roared as she ran into battle.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Alec nods to Thalios and seems quite worn out. He blinks at the energy cloud and hangs open his mouth to try to absorb it. It works and allows him to stand and nod to the other god before teleporting back to his underworld.
The battle is immense, bloody, and long leading to many deaths of those that are beings and one statue to fall. Alec joins the fray to help clear out the rest of the risen, dealing lethal blows with his minions. He is able to dispatch many of them, but he does not have the ability to turn the risen's weapons into peace weapons again. That simply would require too much energy that he did not have.
After a long time, he is able to defeat the rest of the risen and use statues to continue to beat any stragglers back. Alec's wounds cause him to retreat to his home and collapse, desperate for rest. Blood seeps off of him before he rewraps wounds with cloth. A widget, statue, and his familiar guard him as he pants and watches the battle from a secluded area of his home. He hopes that this marks the end of this particular battle, since he simply cannot fight any other gods. He hopes that the other merger are fairing well. Especially Rhona, from what he saw of her she would need a lot of help in any fighting situation. Especially if that situation was anything like this one. He would need some time to recover from his lost blood and wounds....which seem to be clotting now at least.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by rechonq
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rechonq Silver River Royalty

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Landon remained on top of the wall keeping it solid during the invasion. Flemmings and Cia were an amazing team. The vikings were being obliterated by Flemmings and Cia moved them off somewhere with her portals. They both opened and closed portals so quickly and so many of them at once. It seemed like Flemmings had four fists at times. Landon grabbed a few Vikings that got pushed into the wall as well and crushed them in the icy wall. Soon the vikings had run out and Odin came through himself. He instantly struck the wall, but nothing really happened. His staff was actually stuck for a moment. Then Odin actually tried a little. He ripped his staff free along with a chunk of the wall that tried to grab his staff. He used the chunk on his staff to smash another part of the wal. Landon realized the wall was useless anymore.

He leapt off next to Flemmings as Odin crushed the rest of the wall with his next hit. Flemmings began to assault Odin with a barrage of fists, but Odin expertly blocked all of them. Until Flemmings landed a hit to the back of Odins head. Odin lurched forward, but remained on his feet. The hit obviously effected Odin, but not much as he just looked at the three with a glare. Odin charged at them, but Cia quickly created a shield that stopped him in his tracks. He shattered it a moment after with a swift strike. Flemmings kept Odin occupied with a barrage of fists. The exchange between them was a furious blur of fists and staff.

Hel and Idun followed soon behind Odin. Hel quickly let out another charge of darkness towards Landon. Cia quickly shielded it as Landon launched a spear of ice back at Hel. She blocked it with no reaction at all with a shield of her own. Hel launched two more and as the shield shattered from the second hit, Landon ran through it and charged at Hel. As he ran at Hel, he recreated his ice blades on his arms. Idun distanced herself from Hel and Landon's charge. Landon knocked down two more blasts before reaching Hel. She obviously specialized in ranged attacks and Landon's only hope of defeating her would be melee combat. Landon and Flemmings were locked in combat with Odin and Hel and both fights were a give and take match in blows. Except that all of the hits Flemmings and Landon gave were just healing moments after. Flemmings was going to lose at this rate unless his punches began to be effective in breaking Odins bones. Landon continued to cut Hel with no effect. Her orbs cut Landon whenever they made contact. He continued to bleed heavily and fight all the same. Idun was now isolated.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Trevor1001
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago


Yato stuffed the letter into his pocket and equipped his sword. "It sounds to me he is alive and kicking." Stabbing the katana into the sand caused a small pool of water to form. After the pool settled they could see the top of a temple with monkeys around it. "I think we have the right place. I'll be fine. I may not be a God of war but I can still put up a fight." Yato jumped into the portal and let gravity take over. As he fell he did a flip and was suddenly wearing a pair of roller blades as he made a ramp that shot him through the now open temple door. "YAHOOOO!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by OtomostheCrazy
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OtomostheCrazy The Impatient Patience of Fulfilled Nothingness

Member Seen 6 mos ago

@PerseusArchean@Ace of flames01

Yuki was not unfamiliar to the sight of gruesome deaths. Her mothers had a habit of showing her both the history of greek adventures and the horrors of Japanese misadvententures. All of which was done up close and personally, with the excellent use of timing and luck, mixed in with lecture. Of course, none of that prepared her for what came next. They had Started their attack by utilizing dustclouds, taking out a few of their people quickly. It was not a good start.

Luckily, Rhona had not only managed to save one, but she also managed to kill one of the enemy. Though the expression on her face showed a bit of shock at her own actions, she had forced herself to ignore it, and began to lead their little force into battle.

While Yuki was not quite a leader of warrior groups, she did know how to fight, and helping to tip the odds in their favor would raise morale if nothing else. So, following up after Rhona's commanding of the fae, she leapt in front of them, into the dust. That was when she began to dance.

She took a few steps forward, and a traitor attempted to attack. Yuki began her dance, by spinning and ducking to both avoid the attack, and slit the attacker's throat, while not hindering her stride. Her training with a certain goddess of blood had given her the experience needed to expect such attacks from smoke and other sight-impeding forces.

Two others had appeared from the dust to fight her more properly, to which she would meet. They were much more skilled in proper battle, showing that they truly were part of the fae once. Their strikes and attacks were expertly timed with a reasonable amount of force behind them, and their stances showed that they were preparing to parry, dodge, or counter. Still, Yuki's dance was strange to them. Where they fought swift or strong or beastly enemies, she was none of them. She dodged their attacks, and edged on their frustration.

Yuki found her chance when the two attacked simultaneously. She pivoted around the one that charged, and dove over the one what swung. She brought out the one of the blades that she hid in her sleeves, and started her counterattack. She slit the closer one's throat with a spin, and finished her other opponent by embedding the other blade into their chest. As of dancing with a partner, she lowered the dying person to the ground in a ballet-like manner.

She replaced the now-bloodstained blade back into her sleeve, and took her staff in hand. The dust had significantly dispersed at this point, which showed that the others had begun to fight as well.



Claire had been attempting find the portal to Asgard ever since she left her sentinels back in that potential disaster of a battlefield. She looked and looked, but it wasn't there. What had been there was a void that led to (unsurprisingly) nothing.

Claire was getting frustrated. The one time she actually WANTED to meet with on other deity that wasn't a relative or close friend, and the place that she thought they were at was nowhere to be found. What, did the place just all of a sudden get destroyed in some malicious manner?

Claire sighed in frustration. Now she had no heading, and no clue to where Cia would be. She had to tell her about the alien thing, if she didn't already know of their reasons. If they could help find what the aliens were looking for, then they might be able to prevent more loss of life on Earth.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Cia continued to hold up her shield. That was when she saw Idun. Cia's eye glowed green again, it was a bit of a horrifying look on her face. One of someone who was obsessed with something. Cia's whole demeanor changed as she gave a rather creepy smile at Idun. "Oh good your here, I need to have a word with you." Cia said, her smile and words like that of a psychopath. Cia took her shield off her back as she took a step towards Idun. Cia snapped her neck to Flemmings who in turn took a jump back from Odin to get some breathing room. "I need that magic killing spell of yours, I'll take care of Odin." Cia said turning to towards Odin now, she ran at Odin only to bash him with her shield hard enough to make him lose balance.

Cia however was hit backwards as well, falling to the ground as Odin came at her. Cia blocked it again with her shield, though clouds could now be seen forming above them. A miracle was about to happen it seemed.

Flemmings in the meantime felt a chill go up his spine when Cia spoke, this was the version of her that he feared the most. A bit obsessive to the point of going into violence. Flemmings listened to Cia's command none the less switching partners momentarily in order for him to cast his Ban of magic on Idun. This would turn the tide of the battle. Flemmings started to chant something as a symbol appeared on his palm. He then shot his palm forth making it go through a portal. He sent a long range slap at Idun, smacking her face. "Sorry, can't hit a woman in the face with a fist." Flemmings said with a smirk on his face. At this point he switched back with Cia. Idun could no longer use magic, and Cia was about to burn her alive.

Cia turned back to Idun now, raising her shield up into the air. A pillar of golden light show down from the sky going right at Idun who was almost powerless without her magic now. Idun was hit by the pillar across her body, spilling her in two. "Your not done yet." Cia said as the upper half tried to crawl in fear from the horrifying being that was now Cia. Both of Cia's eyes were now glowing green, this was something new, and terrifying. Cia raised her shield above Iduns other half and chopped off Idun's head. The fight with Idun was over, and Cia was now setting her sights on Hel.

Flemmings continued his fight with Odin the mean time though he was starting to have the upper hand now as Odin could be seen to be visibly bruised. Though Flemmings was taking a few hits himself as well. This battle would be over soon however.


As the ba- Not again. Next to Claire a shimmer of light could be seen, with trumpets playing out of no where Sheogorath stepped through. "Whatcha doing little girl? All these pillars of yours are quite ingeniouse, would they happen to be your doing?" Sheo asked Claire as he looked up at one of the pillars. "And a warning against Humanity too eh? I really don't think that they will listen to you truth be told, humans are stubborn bunch, not sure about them exotics though, they seem even more hard headed." She said to Claire with a smile on his face. "So I get the feeling your looking for something too, mind telling me what it is?" Sheogorath asked with a grin on his face.


As the group approached the temple they could hear two monkeys screaming at each other as they battled. It seems that multiple other monkeys were also fighting in the area, it was an all out war. Then a large roar could be heard. A thought to be dead King Kong was there as well, and he was recking havoc on the jungle. It was a monkey fight that wouldn't end well that was for sure, and only Hun Batz had to be stopped though it looked more like Sun Wu Kong was attacking rather than Hun Batz now as Hun Batz was on the defensive.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Reese shruged and jumped into the portal after Yato quickly landing on a branch. "Damn why are these monkeys going bananas!" Attempting to not get caught in the battle between the monkeys Reess launched himself off the branch towards the temple smashing through a wall. Inside of the temple he instantly noticed Hun Batz engaged in combat with Sun Wu Kong. Without hesitation Reese joined the battle getting in a few hits when Wu Kong would get distracted by Hun Batz. Hun Batz didn't look like he was on the winning side before Reese joined the battle.
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