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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Alec snarls as some of the energies hit him. He walks with purpose to the front of his home. His eyes start glowing brightly as he slams down his spear raises his hands and claps. The sound thunders through. Widgets, giant Cobras with wings on their head that spit venom, unearth themselves for the first time in a long time and join the fray with glee. Rocs with armor descend darkening the small amount of light and join in as well. Then came the crocodiles. The large armor covered beasts with gaping maws snap at their enmies with oddly glowing blue eyes. Alec then raises his hands and roars. With that gigantic statues appear in mass seeming to land with booms shaking the ground. They kneel for a second then stand and begin stomping and stabbing, their solid stone forms giving an advantage as they move like beings. Alec had prepared well, knowing that he would need well armored creatures for the second wave and distance attackers as well. With a roar aimed at the old gods he claps in front of him causing a ripple to go through, transforming the enmey weapons into weapons of peace. Most were pool noodles. He then slams his spear into the ground again and large men with jackal head leaped into the fray with scythes in each hand his version of marines. Lastly, the large golden armored black jackal's join with howls, barks, and snarls. Then, he joins leaping into the battle with his two scythes and whip. His aim for the old gods while his armies focus on the undead. He knew this battle would last long, but he would not go down easily. In fact he was not planning to go down at all. He fights with his familiar and a smaller statue at his side. He also knows he would not be unscathed and that he was willing to deal with.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by OtomostheCrazy
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OtomostheCrazy The Impatient Patience of Fulfilled Nothingness

Member Seen 6 mos ago

@PerseusArchean@Ace of flames01


Yuki shifted about in discomfort. She felt that magic had been nullified before she had a chance to do anything. The fact that the illusory magic and curses of some sort began failing for some of the people here only helped to affirm her suspicions. Even worse, the sounds of chaotic battle began echoing around this place, and it seemed that Hannah was beginning to lose courage.

Yuki was not meant to be a warrior. She was trained to fight, but that was only because her parents thought that there might be a time where she would need to defend herself against other, more violent deities. However, Hannah had prayed to her. She had called for Yuki's help, and though she could not help her in what she wanted, Yuki would help in any way she could.

"Hannah. said Yuki. "I will help...are there any weapons?"

When she glanced at Rhona, she was filled with more determination, for the deity had begun to help those who could not fight, escape.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 16 hrs ago

Satisfied by Amgarrack's mimicry of the celestial greeting, and confident that the antigeometric being before it constituted a true, fellow Great One, Aforgomon began to disappear. Though it knew of no possible importance in the notion of friendship, it recognized a covenant where one existed, and now thought of itself aligned with this traveler of the airless abyss. With the alien beings visiting this world now no longer a threat in its mind, Aforgomon attuned its mind toward a far more difficult matter: pushing the young gods toward sympathy as well.

Something disturbed it, however, and on a hunch the shambler did not relocate just yet. Though partially masked by the diluted aura of euphoria emanating from Amgarrack, there came a troubling sensation of ill intent. Knowing that nothing mundane could have triggered this feeling, Aforgomon began to fade in once more, moving its hands together to open a tear of light. The next moment, a vile energy swept over it, sending its wrinkled mind reeling and its lithe, sinewy body pinwheeling in space. By the time that Aforgomon composed itself, the damage to its kin had been done, and the miniature but meddlesome craft whose fault it was appeared poised to slip away once more. If allowed to escape, there could be no hope for the Great Ones' kinship, but Aforgomon lacked any method of keeping up with such a streamlined vessel. Instead, it quickly swiped its gnarled hands at empty space, ripping open a minuscule rift through which a small, blobby thing flew like a blowgun's dart—a phantasm slug. It smacked into the marauding ship at great speed, but unharmed thanks to its tiny mass, and obediently attached before the vessel returned to the infinite dark. The diminutive invertebrate shared a connection with its master and would call out to the Great One wherever it might be.

Though all was silent following this series of events, Aforgomon felt the makings of a great upheaval. No good could come of a stolen deity. It worked quickly to transpose itself several hundred feet directly upward, atom by atom, into the bridge of the space center. Then it waited, invisible, while the aliens began their bombardment of earth. Brilliant light gushed from thin air in front of the commanders of the Amgetoll Forces, and from them pushed a skinless head and part of a torso. I am not of this planet, but will be its liaison, the Urtoks knew suddenly. I am of the stars, the very kin of your beloved Great One. Dreams and knowledge are my sustenance, and I crave your insight: why do you slay guiltless men? The thing that stole your god was beyond mortal—a tiny, subtle vessel in the dark.

Aforgomon's mouth began to open, taking on the semblance of a gaping smile. Inside its jagged teeth was a void more insane and terrifying than the far-flung depths of space: a perpetual, murky crucible, in which any and all matter becomes incorporeal thought. The idea of not simply dying, but having one's existence reduced to mere knowledge, more likely than not got the aliens' attention. Humanity is base, but essential to my journey. This planet has young, foolish gods, any one of whom might bear the sin against you. If you persist in your accusations, prepare to battle them, not the hapless humans. They may already be on their way to take revenge. If you persist in your naivety, I will regret depriving my kin of supplicants. Wait while I find my brother, lest your bloodlust destroy both races.

Trusting the Urtoks to bide their time, Aforgomon withdrew into its rift, its next destination the mountain home of the gods.


With no time to waste, the typically methodical shambler instead manifested with a near full-bodied apparition instead, blinking into existence in a hall of Olympus. The sudden and impossible occurrence, combined with the near-completeness of its manifestation, caused a mental ripple in the entire region of the palace in which it arrived. While the soldiers, servants, and gods, both old and knew, suffered headaches of various degree, Aforgomon peered around with its senses. Unexpectedly, Olympus, too, seemed to be in turmoil. Did the Urtoks make it here already? The Great Ones felt a sudden starvation for the answer. In its confusion, however, an undead warrior of the old gods pierced its pale shin with his gladius, spilling murky bluish fluid onto the hallowed hall's tiles. For a moment, Aforgomon froze, registering the sensation of pain.

Then it screamed. Its guttural, bloodcurdling wail echoed through the halls, and a sudden maniacal vigor flooded its freely-bleeding body. In the dark air, great gashes of light appeared on their own, and from them extended dozens and dozens of oversized human arms. They lashed around indiscriminately, grabbing onto the old gods' warriors and pulling them to pieces. Aforgoman reached down, plucked the soldier that wounded it off the ground, at slammed it into the nearest wall. Still shrieking, it mashed the warrior into the stone again and again until it was wet and chunky enough to stick there of its own accord, after which the shambler continued mashing, again and again and again and again, until there was nothing but a brown paste. The soldiers that survived the onslaught of arms until the rifts closed rushed at Aforgomon, spears at the ready. Instantly they found themselves impaled are crushed in half by tentacles that squirmed from a hole of light spawned in Aforgoman's wound. The next moment, the hall was quiet and lonely once again, except for the shivering of a Great One.

A few moments later, Aforgomon trudged, serene, into another hall. Inside it sensed a peculiarly familiar form. Mother. Aphrodite's mind heard. Like an eggshell, you are so small now that you've fulfilled your purpose. Perhaps you have returned in search of a fond memory...lying bloated and vast in an empty room, waiting for the day you might find your worth? Though the Great One took offense to the Merged, and favored the old gods, it valued Aphrodite as nothing more than a used womb.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Cia continued her preperations in trying to block any of the nexus doors for now. She had oddly enough even installed locks on the doors now. Though it would make little difference to the old gods. About day in their time later the battle began. Cia due to her refusal to fight and act as a pacifist, was focusing on shielding magic protecting them from the attacks of the old gods who had broken through the barriers of the doors.

Flemmings in the meantime took a stance of a boxer. He didn't use weapons like any of the other gods. No he preferred his fists when it come to battle. And they were certainly enough most of the time, however for this fight he brought out his knuckles which gave him a bit more damage. He opened miniportals from behind the barrier punching some of the old gods in the face. He was for the most part aiming at Idun, who sadly could do nothing to protect herself against the fists of fury as there was no one to attack. Though the barrier that Cia was holding up was starting to crack now.

As Cia held up the barrier a small green light could be seen shining on one of her shoes. This was something that had never happened before and would likely happen again at some point. Cia was gaining a new power from the looks of it, though it seemed to shine again every time she saw Landon get hit by something.

At this point Flemmings opened a portal above him, he jumped through it sending a powerful uppercut to Idun's chin, making her fall to the ground, her head punched clean off thanks to the power that is Flemmings fists. Though it took quite a bit of work to get to that point. Sif at this point ran after Flemmings since he was now in the open.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zelosse
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Zelosse The Entity

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Thalios searched for the crack in the ground for what felt like eternity as he scoured Elysium, and finally bore fruit for his labor. Drawn to the darkest of shadows he found the vent in the stone that led to the darkest of prisons ever made.
But the sound of a chariot brought to him the grim truth that he had been right. The old gods had come to finish them. Thalios whispered his love to Phobetor and Nephthys while he rose to meet his foes.
Set and Horus descended on him in a rage unlike anything a mortal could express. Anger spawned from eternity of life.
Thalios could not spit upon them in his form but imagined doing so anyways. "Uncles. So great to see you. But I'm busy." Thalios' staff whipped side to side to deflect both crossbow bolts. His mother would be saddened to learn he must kill these two but such was the way. Mother never did care for her over reaching siblings.

The chariots fired off 2 more bolts each as they approached the lone god, Thalios hadn't bothered to move from his position even as his uncles thundered in with weapons drawn. Funny thing about being free to control shadows, Thalios mused.
The ground below detonated in a river of writing pitch black tendrils, smashing the chariots to kindling even as Horus and Set screamed in futility.
Shadows were not limited to the surface of the stone and earth. The darkness existed anywhere light was not.. Thalios thought of Rhona for a brief moment but disposed of the idea the moment it had come.
Both the gods fought the writhing darkness with tooth, claw, sceptre and beak, the winds rushed in to slice the shadows to no effect. The darkess was all consuming here in the underworld, the blackest reaches of this plane had come to return what someone had stolen. Tartarus was not a sentient place but Thalios swore he could feel the shadows he pulled from that place demanding these two to return. But it spoke of other gods attacking the dead realms.

Thalios turned his gruesome face to watch the two struggle. "Have a good home coming." At his mental command the shadows sunk deep back into the ground dragging their new captive.

Whatever had gotten them out before would do so again if he killed them or imprisoned them. So trapping them was the most effective way to buy time.
Without a delay the Nightmare god Thalios erupted into purple flame as his form was burned to cinders and transported through the various realms to a place he rarely bothered to go.
The Egyptian underworld ruled by Alec.
A plume of smoke announced his arrival into chaos as the scene unfolded. Thousands of undead swarmed the various armored creatures that defended their home as Alec fought two other gods.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

If thalios were to study the enemy warriors he would see that they all held pool noodles.
Many of the enemies dropped their noodles and resorted to biting and clawing. Biting and clawing does not really work well when the things they are biting at have armor or are made of stone. So really, this is quite amusing to watch.
Next to thalios a widget gets hit in the face several times with a pool noodle and is looking a bit perplexed. Then the giant cobra'a hood opens and it spits acid onto the undead, causing it to dissolve into a gooey mess with the brightly colored pool noodle in the middle. The snake flaps it's useless small headwings in happiness then turns to the newcomer. The snake tilts it's head and flicks its tongue, somehow figuring out that this one is not a target. The widget moves on.
Alec appears to be having a hard time. As he is bleeding in several different places. The gods he is fighting appear to be in equally bad shape. It seems that Alec is doing okay other then the fight with the gods. Alec snarls as one God bites his shoulder, but he manages to slice into the other God with a scythe.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by rechonq
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rechonq Silver River Royalty

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The sudden appearance of a black fog and the realms changing to night threw Landon into a state of readiness. He laced his skin and muscles with a dark ice. Hardening his skin and enhacing his muscles. The sight of red eyes emerging pierced emptily into him, or rather through him. They were looking at them, but didn't see at the same time. There was no time to dwell on these strange gods looks. One was spreading a deathlike rot from her fingertips towards the three. Landon immediately dropped a hand to the ground and began a deep freeze of the earth around him. He continued to spread it until it met with the rot. The freeze continued to spread through the already dead ground, but would do nothing for that which was already rotted. The rot on the other hand spread as it could, but the frozen ground was preserved and couldn't be rotted anymore. Of course Hel didn't need to hold the spell, it grew of it's own accord and she began to launch dark spheres.

Cia was blocking them perfectly as Landon continued to spread the freeze. He had to concentrate to continue spreading the freeze otherwise it would stop and the rot would break the freeze and overtake them and the rest of the realm. Concentrating proved very difficult though when Sif noticed his weakness. She expertly bypassed Cia's shield and began to make an attack. Landon quicky tried to make an ice dome above him, but that shattered after her first blow. He had been preparing his other hand for something like this. A dark ice blade ran the length of his arm, jutting out past his elbow and extending greatly past his hand. The blade simultaneously envelloped his arm. Landon did his best to fend off and parry the attacks while concentrating, but his freeze had severely slown down. He continued to suffer blows as he did his best, but was gradually getting beaten by Sif and would fall if something didn't happen. Cia appeared to be struggling as well. Her shields were beginning to crack at Hel's attacks. Landon had hoped she would cry for help before it became to late.

Fortunately that wouldn't be necessary. Flemmings attacks had been successful. His final blow to Idun severely changed the balance of this battle. Sif turned and ran after Flemmings, and Hel's rot stopped spreading. Landon stood up and focused on stopping a dark sphere. He noticed he couldn't stop it, but could slow and bend it. He began bending Hel's orbs toward Sif herself. This only worked twice before Hel changed tactics. She summoned her dog Garmr to protect her while she worked on resurrecting Idun. Flemmings was now preoccupied with Sif as Idun's head began to move slowly back to her body. It connected and a strange mix of dark and light coarsed her body as she regained conciousness. Immortals were very hard to kill. Especially one of the underworld and another of immortality. Landon began after Hel now, but was slowed by Garmr. He quickly killed Garmr, but was too late to stop her resurrecting. Landon began to engage in melee combat with Hel. She fought very dfensively with orbs of dark on both her hands to ward off Landon's attacks. He still cut her several times, but once Idun returned to her feet and continued her support magic again all of the scars quickly disappeared. These gods were a very stubborn combination. They wouldn't be able to hurt Hel or Sif while Idun was alive and they would have to kill Hel before she could resurrect Idun, all while fighting Sif as well. This was going to be a pain.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zelosse
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Zelosse The Entity

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Thalios felt the battle more than he saw it, knowing that the dead who had been punished would rise against their gods desperately to get revenge, but ignored the biting and clawing of the risen.
His mind reached out grasped the mind of the risen Isis subtly, so intent on the battle she could not hope to feel him till it was too late. Nothing scared a god easily, but even a god could hallucinate.
Slowly the image of Alec changed ever so subtly. Where once two gods pressed the advantage, now only Isis fought as the phantasm in her mind showed the alligator take a strike to the heart and collapse. Now she was faced with grim spectre of Alec, standing nearly 10 feet tall and unwounded, charging her ruthlessly.
In reality it was the opposite. Isis screamed and snarled as she swung her weapon blindly to deflect blows from Alec that forced her to retreat and leave the real Alec alone with Sobek.
The darkness deepened as Thalios played his last hand. While he subjugated the mind of Isis, nothing else would see them through the dark fog.
Isis' mind was strong, ancient, and would not be contained for long. Already Thalios felt his grip ever so slightly begin to drop. If he could not contain her long enough, both would not last long.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Alec sees his chance once Isis was distracted and focuses on Sobek. With a snarl he gets free from the god's jaws and slams his side into the alligator God. Once the god falls he jumps on top of him and slams his scythe down into the God. Killing him. Isis gets free from thalios and manages to slide her weapon along Alec's back. this causes Alec to let out a feral sounding scream. Alec slowly stands back up blood covering him, but he has a look of determination. He begins fighting one on one with the goddess not realizing that a second wave of the risen was happening. This wave kept their weapons and were more effective against his fleshy minions. The statues killed many of them, but many widgets and other creatures held their own until they were cut down.
Alec snarls in the face of Isis and snaps his jaws as their weapons lock. She manages to push him off and hit him again. Another snarl escapes him as he spits out blood and charges again.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zelosse
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Zelosse The Entity

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Sobek was down but Isis broke through him in record time, her sheer fury pushing his presence out with enough force to make him stumble back as if hit. But Thalios was not overcome by the loss. Now the score was more in their favor.
As Isis and Alec came face to face in a battle for power it was time for another trick. The risen were coming in greater numbers and did not fear the darkness.

As the two combatants struck again at each other Thalios made his move. His whole body was a weapon and no force could truly injure him so long as nightmares were real. Shadows grasped Alec and pulled him away as Thalios intercepted the risen gods next attack with his bare chest, grabbing the woman's arm and pulling her further and further into his own tar like body. But the risen goddess was a strong. A blast of magic fire roared to life from her entrapped hand, blowing a clean hole through Thalios' body.
His scream of agony was pure and mournful as the seared tar turned to black smoke, nearly freeing her from his grasp.
The fleshy face of Thalios contorted to a snarl of its own as he dropped his staff to fully grasp Isis. More fire erupted from the struggling goddess as Thalios' tar-like skin slowly crept along her body. His screams mirrored his until finally the tar had envoloped her whole body like a coffin. It hardened to stone as he released the body from his own smoking form.
Thalios gasped as he collapsed on the ground from the exertion. At first he believed the god would panic, contact with his essence drove nearly anything mad, but these creatures likely already were.

But there was no time to lament. "Alec... I am.. Thalios" he said between labored gasps as his body still smoked from the flamed that had scorched him. "There are more of them... Horus and Set. I need your help." Thalios struggled to rise but managed to with the help of his staff. The energy stored in its 'mouth' flowed free to regenerate the damage done by isis' magic. "I am not a god of combat. I need your help." He offered his hand out as the purple flames began to consume him as it had on Olympus. "defend our home. Then we will deal with the risen dead." If Alec took his hand, they would both be incinerated into harmless ashes and reappear at the crack in the stone of Elysium, where Set and Horus would be returning from in mere minutes.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by PerseusArchean
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

@Ace of flames01

Hannah Lane
Tower of Enacra
Month Two

Hannah nodded rapidly, "Aden! The false wall!" She called, the Werewolf stood straighter at her command, moving through the crowd to reach at a stone that came away, revealing a handle. Pulling the door open revealed a tiny shelf with boxes filled with books and other clutter. Luckily a few weapons were hidden within as well. The Werewolf returned to the three ladies' side with a long metal staff, three short blades, and a handgun. It had ammunition within, but there was none spare.

"Talia, collect the families. We might be able to fit a couple on the boat outside." There was only one boat, a small wooden, rickety rowboat, but a boat nonetheless. Talia, a pale woman with fiery red hair and brilliant orange eyes nodded and hurried up the stairs tot he second floor. "We should go higher," Hannah advised, "The fifth floor's stairs are broken though." She carefully hid her fear, or tried to, but her hands were shaking.

Taking a steadying breath, Hannah had one last idea. "Melissa," a young dark headed girl made her way from the crowd, "You distribute the potions, everything you have." The girl looked uncertain, the potions were suppose to be sold in Vancouver this morning, but that had never happened, might not ever. With a nod she agreed, pulling open her large bag and digging around for potions. A yellow one labeled 'STAMINA' was thrust into one of Hannah's hands.

"Sorry-, er, your Highness- Highnesses," the girl said uncomfortably, unsure how to address the goddesses, "doesn't work on Richbloods." Richblood preferred to Gods and their descendants due to some having golden blood. The girl darted away as fast as she could. Another explosion was heard above, and then a chunk of the towers roof plummeted through the floating courtyard with a crack of snapping wood. The boat was damaged and began sinking immediately. So much for that.


Amgetoll Forces
Month Two

The strange being, claiming to be an immortal and accusing another of the disappearance of Amgarrack had given the Urtoks pause, but in the end it didn't matter. The highest officers on this vessel were no longer protected by Amgarrack's influence and something else had crept into their divine-sensitive thoughts. A Human missile plowing into one of the invasion ships was their excuse, war was already declared, one way or another they'd find the truth.

The ship crash landed off-course, dropping into India instead of China as it was supposed to. The soldiers spilled out, gunning down anything that looked threatening with strange beams of light. From the planet's surface sudden pillars of light descended from space, little did they know what these weapons had done. In the blink of an eye the most populous cities in the world were wrecked utterly. Human armies and mechanized weaponry turned towards the invaders, clashing violently across the world. In space, the satellites repositioned themselves and took aim for the next most populous cities.

Month Two

Vito desperately fired flaming arrows as fast as they'd fly, but he could only fire so many while running for his life. He'd seen a sharp woman with a ruby crown torn to bits before his eyes. He felt bad he hadn't known her name. The elf-eared man and his ivy crown being electrocuted and vaporized by lightning had been far more traumatic though. Odin and his son Thor were advancing on the fleeing God of Fire too quickly for him to let up at all though. Then the earth began to rumble, and the two pursuers gave up the chase to disappear into the all-consuming blackness.

For a moment there was nothing but the sound of the ground rumbling, the sounds of battle winding down, and then realm began to collapse. Vitovlad knew a shortcut, a secret passage to Midgard from here, but he had no idea how the others were going to escape this. He passed the entrance just as the essence of the Norse realm folded in on itself. He heard tortured screams calling out from behind him, but then those too were gone.

Asgard had fallen.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Ace of flames01 The Returned

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Rhona grit her teeth upon seeing the boat sink. There was no longer as escape for the women and children. Now there was only one back up plan that Rhona could think of. " All abled fighters form a protective circle around the women and children! Protect the next generation with your very lives!" Rhona instructed. However, she didn't plan on letting them do this by themselves, as Rhona was planning to join them as well in the effort of protecting the next generation. She was not about to let her fear get the better of her.

With dagger in hand, Rhona made her way to the front door where the explosions originated. She readied herself as she would be in the front lines when, who ever the enemy was, finally broke down the door.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Alec's fight with Isis seemed to be pretty fairly matched, until he was pulled aside. When he's pulled he makes an angry snarl. His arm tugging against whatever held him. That is, until he saw whom did so. Then he stood there watching the tar consume his previous opponent. The touch didn't seem to have too much of an effect...possibly due to both being underworld dieties. Of course, this is when all of his wounds decide to start hurting and badly. His mouth parts as he pants as if that would put the pain at bay. Ripping his cloak apart he starts tying off his wounds while watching the tar God.
The ordeal caused both to scream, but Alec seemed to be ignoring that. His ears flicking as he ties off the last of the wounds he could do so with. Once the ordeal was over the other diety outstretched their hand and introduced itself as thalios. He consideres it especially since Horus and set are attacking. "I will help you, but I will be weakened with the concentration a bit on them" when he says them he gestures to the statues in the background. "Horus and set are both bad to leave around" with that he takes the god's hand. Once transported he stares at the two gods and prepares his whip. A rather nasty distance weapon with 4 strands tipped with golden 'hooks'.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by OtomostheCrazy
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OtomostheCrazy The Impatient Patience of Fulfilled Nothingness

Member Seen 6 mos ago

@PerseusArchean@Ace of flames01

"Thank you." said Yuki to the werewolf.

She was used to switching weapons on the fly, though she had to admit that carrying all of them at once was a bit of a chore. Yuki had tucked the gun in her sweater, and hid two of the short blades in her sleeves. The staff was strapped onto her back, while the last small blade was carried in her tight grip. Her fighting style was not technically meant to be a fighting style. As one would expect from the goddess of dance and dawn, she fights with dancing movements. While a normal person would find such a style to be unnecessarily simple and overcomplicated, Yuki did not. Having been taught by her Japanese goddess of a mother on its application, Yuki knew how to use it effectively.

She stood by Rhona for a moment, listening to what the deity had planned. It was to simply protect those who could not fight, and those who must be protected. Yuki liked that plan. The dance and dawn goddess walked forward, not far from the circle, and placed herself in a relaxed posture. Though some would question why, it was a stance that allowed her to move nimbly, swiftly, and flexibly, while allowing herself to perceive situations much more easily, and react accordingly.


Things had been going so peaceful since the Zombie plague. Then the aliens showed up, and made a mess of things. Now, instead of everyone screaming in excitement and joy while dancing to her music, like she had PLANNED for, the humans were screaming in fear and agony while running from a bunch of aliens. Claire contemplated attacking them, but thought against it, as she had no idea why these guys were here in the first place.

In which case, Claire intended to find out. The plan was simple: Walk up to them, avoid their attacks as well as conflict, and ask them what in the hell they were doing here on earth, attacking people that were quite clearly fleeing from them, for seemingly no reason. Now, if she had planned to stay in her human form, like she had with the Zombie thing, then that plan wouldn't go so easily. It'd eventually get done, but it'd take quite a while. So, she opted to stick with her more goddess-like look, which she had hoped would have them hesitate long enough for her to approach and ask her questions.

She inhaled deeply as she stepped into the outside air. As she did, the light around her began to bend and shimmer, while the darkness began to crawl and slither. When she exhaled, music flowed from her breath.

This music would grow loud as she approached the aliens. Her form changed from that of a young woman, to that of a goddess. Her form was tall and towering, her features shrouded and unseen, save for her eyes that held no pupils, but a single color. The light around her became like that of an aurora, flowing around and from her. the darkness clumped together in small bits, forming shadowy crickets that hopped when she took a step, and chirped when she willed them to.

Claire...no. A goddess stood before them, and paused. She stared at the alien lifeforms for a moment, and then spoke,

"I am the Nashaph Mousike, Goddess of the Dusk and Music. I have come to ask of your intentions here, as well as why you're attacking these people."

Her voice was different as well. The to,boyish tone had disappeared. Instead, it was replaced by a deeper, stoic, but still womanly one.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Reese gave Yato his attention and reached out to shake his hand. "Reese God of War, Destruction and on a non important level Strength and Might. And if you couldn't guess from my title I'm worried about this war. I have little know information on the enemy my opponent could be anyone or anything." Reese went to another deep thought. Which alerted him of the uneasy feeling the air around them gave off. "Shit! Get down!" He yelled pushing Yato and jumping in the opposite direction the arrow barely missing him. The aura the arrow gave off felt frightingly familiar, but before he could reach an answer the slight noise of armor quickly approached him. Reese attempted to dodge the attack from behind but wasn't fast enough.

The sword sinking into his right side a bit. He felt a rib evaporate as the sword was yanked out of his body with ease. Reese retreated a bit holding onto his wound as he turned to face his opponent. His facial expression bared a not so pleasing look as his opponent turned out to be the last person he wanted to fight, Ares. The man practically trained him,let alone his mother who he also trained under. "So this is how I die..." Reese whispered to himself. Ares having a nonchalant attitude closed the space between him and Reese having no second thoughts about cutting down his nephew. Resse held his wound wincing at the pain and the slow amount of blood lost.

The weapon his uncle used was unknown to Reese. What ever material it was it stopped his healing abilities. "Damn it!" He shouted removing his hand and clenching his fist. Blood dripped from his now soaked left hands. Reese rushed Ares with countless assults which was easily dodged by the Olympian. Each attack missed or was blocked with little to know effort by Ares. With every attempt Reese became more and more tired, his movements more predictable and sloppy but still he didn't give up. Even if he knew death was certain. Reese back off Ares and charged for him again to try a different approach. Sadly Ares met Reese half way forcefully thrusting his swords hilt into Reese's rib cage.

The force from the hit sent Reese smashing through walls ending up in the conference room. He coughed up a lot of blood as he laid on his back. It was obvious that more ribs were broken and his spine was possible giving out. Ares walked through the rubble that led to Reese a small grin appearing on his fave as he sees his nephew struggle to stand up. "N-no!" He screamed stackingly standing. Reese could hear the screams of the poor gods that choose to remain on Mount Olympus. He ignored their cries for help and made himself a portal so he could escape. Fear and death getting the best of him making him forget all about Ares was slowly pursuing him. Reese waved his hand over the floor and a small portal opened that lead to Earth Realm.

But for some reason he didn't jump into it, his body wouldn't listen to his commands but that's when he looked down. Behind him stood Ares impaling Reese from his back to his chest with his sword barely missing his heart. The hilt of Area's sword pressed against his back as he coughed up nearly a small puddle of blood. Reese eyes became lifeless as he slipped into unconsciousness blood still pouring from his wounds. Ares ripped the sword from Reese's body and kicked him forward his nephew's unconscious body falling into the the portal. Ares walked away from the bloody scene readying to end the life of the next Merged that crosses his path.

While on Kahoʻolawe the smallest Hawaiian Island Reese's unconscious body layed in the middle of some damp sand. His blood painting the sands a dark red orange color. The island uninhibited which only made Reese's situation worst.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by rechonq
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rechonq Silver River Royalty

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Landon quickly realized the source of the powers. He was bleeding heavily, but quite fine all the same. His exchange of blows with Hel were going greatly in her favor. Flemmings was able to hold his own with Sif. His quick portals and iron fists were a very deadly combo. Landon changed his strategy. He created a quick wall with his free hand hoping to hold Hel for even a moment. It was weak and Hel broke through instantly. He had turned to make a break for Idun, but his wall was broken to quickly and now his back was open to a perfect strike for Hel. He was surprised as he felt a push on his back from her attack, but there was no pain. Cia had created a shield for him and given him the break he needed. He continued his dash for Idun and leapt furiously for her. A moment before his lance pierced her she disappeared into the ground and Landon went tumbling over her. He got up to see a shadow opened by Hel to a realm in the darkness. She wasn't expecting Landon to be able to follow her so easily. Landon kept the shadow open himself and followed after Idun into the dark realm. He soon found Idun running to her position behind hundreds of undead vikings. He had followed them to the Norse underworld. Hel dropped through another shadow to the realm. Landon composed himself and thought about the portals. He thought about the promise to protect them. He noticed that Odin and Thor had made their way here as well. Currently Idun was being protected by three of the Norse's most powerful gods. He was definitely going to need the other two and they definitely needed to fight in familiar ground.

He quickly returned to the Nexus and closed the shadow. Sif was losing the fight to Flemmings and Cia, but her healing was going to keep that fight going forever unless something drastic happened. Sif had transformed herself into something that looked like a werewolf. Her strength and furiosity were on par with Thor himself. Landon froze Sif's shoulder mid fight and gave Flemmings a chance to land a clean hit. He hit the wolf head square in it's jaw, but Sif's head was much tougher than Idun's head. Sif flew across the field to Landon's feet. He pierced her shoulder into the ground disabling that arm. Flemming used portals to grab the other arm and a leg pinning her to the ground. Landon then placed his other hand on her and placed a deep freeze through her body. This didn't kill her, but once she was completely frozen he made a hammer and shattered her into tiny pieces. He picked up a piece of her heart, spine and brain and encased them in dark ice.

He tiredly walked over to Flemming and Cia. "We need to make sure she can't be revived. This ice won't melt now. They shouldn't be able to bring her back without all of her. I don't know what's most important, but I shouldn't hold all the pieces." He handed the brain piece to Flemming and the heart piece to Cia. The odd shaped chunks of almost purple ice seemed almost alive as they rippled with movements without ever changing shape. They sat comfortably in Flemming's and Cia's hands. "They returned to the norse underworld. I saw Odin and Thor there as well. They had an army of vikings too. I think we should open a portal for them to come here. Fighting them there would be too difficult. They should come, they're ready to destroy everything. I'm going to bring something I found out after the last few years. There's a reason everyone associates the cold with darkness."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Trevor1001
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago


Yato was thankful for the shove from Reese as the arrow would of probably struck his head if not for him. Recovering from the hard shove he drew his blade and used it to help defend from the boars charge as it sent him flying into another room. What did I do to deserve being attacked like this? I wasn't even alive during the war. I guess it doesn't matter to the Old Gods. They just see me as the enemy. Getting up from the ground Yato jumped over the boar as it charged at him and ran. Sure he might of been able to take on the boar but with a pissed God of war he wasn't testing his luck with this one.

Putting a wall of water behind him at the door kept the boar from leaving the room but with each bash cracks started to spread. Picking up speed Yato followed the damage to find the God of war walking away and a portal slowly closing behind him. Yato rushed at the portal and slide feet first through it before it closed. He didn't know if the God noticed him but hopefully he couldn't follow him as he landed on an island. Spotting Reese he ran over to help and saw the damage done to his body. Thinking quickly yato forms a ball of water around Reese and lifts him into the air. Next, he summons David hassilhof a giant sea cucumber and stabs it causing it to expel it's guts and puts the injured god down it's mouth to rest i near where the guts were. Hopefully the increased healing he gave the sea cucumber would heal the god before it is to late.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by PerseusArchean
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@Ace of flames01

Hannah Lane
Tower of Enacra
Month Two

The Fae moved to follow the order without comment, there wasn't much other option after all, and none of them had a better plan. Aden nodded at Yuki's thanks and stepped closer to the door, spreading his fingers at his side so his claws would deal more damage.

Hannah saw Aden tense, knowing the Werewolf was perhaps the most sensitive of them, he would know if they were about to be attacked, so Hannah readied herself as well. But then he relaxed, "Talia," he breathed in warning.

"Let them through!" Hannah called out just as the redhead descended the stairs, her hand locked with a dark skinned woman clutching a baby and a handful of other parents with children right behind her. The woman's right side was dripping with blood, but she did not limp or show signs of injury, so it must have been someone else's. Hannah was impressed with Talia's resolve, sticking a vampire into a battlefield had never been a good idea, but even standing so close to freshly spilled blood Talia didn't flinch for a moment.

"The boat was destroyed," Hannah delivered the grim news, there was deflation of hope among the mothers and fathers. "But we are not alone. These goddesses are here to help." Hannah gestured to Rhona and Yuki, because despite this not having been the original plan the two had no choice now and their presence was a huge confidence boost.

"Good," Talia broke in, "they were dropping in from the roof of the fifth floor... Hannah, they're us. The Sorcerer and a few others-... they've betrayed us." The Fae gasped in surprise, many couldn't even begin to fathom how this had happened, but Talia was still focused. "Hannah, this circle won't work, if they drop in from the roof they'll land right in the middle of the mothers." She said seriously. There was a moment of silence and then all eyes turned to the goddesses. "...What do we do?"


Amgetoll Forces
Month Two

Both Urtok invaders and Human defenders, which were rapidly assembling, paused to stare at the Goddess in surprise. A quirk of divine powers; the language of the gods was understood by all, but it was fair to say the totally alien Urtoks had more trouble than the shocked Humans. Getting the gist of it though, the closest Urtok gestured back towards the ship. A large screen was on all sides, the words 'Return Amgarrack or be invaded' lit up and switched through languages every few seconds. It should have said, 'Return Amgarrack and we'll stop the invasion,' but aliens weren't very good at Earth grammar.

Hesitantly the stalling battle began again, the Humans were spreading the word that something had joined them. Either a giant synthetic or some kind of genetic experiment, or a literal Goddess, no one could decide, but she was human shaped and that was good enough. Morale revitalized, the Humans renewed their charge at the invaders and the battle was pulled into full swing once more.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Ace of flames01 The Returned

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Rhona's "blood" was boiling. Nothing was working and at this rate, more innocent fae were going to die because of her. She couldn't wait anymore. "Do you know where they are?! If so, then take me to the traitors! Now! I won't let any more fae die!" She yelled enraged. Rhona's grip tightened around her dagger. She wasn't afraid anymore, she was furious. She wanted to get rid of the trail that terrorized these people and get out of this tower as quickly as possible.

Leo could sense Rhona's anger and rubbed his head against her body in order to calm her down. While it was understandable as to why Rhona was angry; this would also be her first battle and because of that, she would need to stay calm.

It seemed as if Leo's efforts had been working, as Rhona had seemed to calm down a bit. Rhona let out a deep sigh. "Take me to the traitors." She repeated with a much more calm tone.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Reese opened his eyes giving his savior a cold blank stare. He was greatful to Yato for saving him but he wasn't so greatful about the way he went by doing it. "I better not smell like sea food!" Reese pouted struggling to get out of the sea cucumber. He almost got out flawlessly but tripped and feel planting his face into the sand. Reese quickly jumped to his feet and curb stumped the sea cucumber a few times until he was satisfied. Dusting the sea creatures insides off of him Reese looked out into the sea thinking of what his next choice of action should be.

"Yato can you can you open portals to other realms? The best I can do is earth and Olympus but I'm sure I'm not the only one who doesn't want to go back there." He stated squinting into the distance. His eyes looking at the sea and then back up at the sky. "Besides the possible fall of Merged control over the Olympus the humans have manage to dig themselves another whole and looky the whole they dug isn't even human."
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