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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Ace of flames01 The Returned

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Leo was startled by the young goddess but quickly understood the gravity of the situation as he saw the large snake slither over to him and Rhona. He ran as quickly as he could without dropping Rhona, occasionally looking back to see that the young goddess was not too far behind.

After the 3 were at a far enough distance, Leo opened another portal that lead to Rhona's dimension. Once the 3 were safely on the other side, the portal slammed shut so that the snake may not enter into this safe haven.

On the other side of the portal, the trio had found themselves in a large feild of wild flowers with a view of mountains in the distance. It held a few lakes that were so clean and pure, that it was like a mirror, making it look as if the sky itself had been painted on the ground. This was Rhona's home. A place where the sky touched the Earth as the clouds rolled in, touching the ground. This was the place where Rhona grew up in, as her parents hoped that the clean air and comfortable atmosphere would help improve Rhona's condition.

In the distance was a small cottage. One might think that this was a rather humble dwelling for a goddess, but to Rhona this was home.

Leo turned his head and looked at Yuki and exhaled loudly and quickly, looking indifferent, for once. He made a groaning noise, signaling her to follow him as he made his way to the cottage.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by rechonq
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rechonq Silver River Royalty

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Landon's face lit up at Cia's offer to join her in the Nexus. The thought of having access to the Nexus of Portals made him actually a little giddy on the inside. He could expore the realms to his hearts content and Cia was very wise and knowledgeable and she was asking for his help. "Of course I'll join you in the Nexus. I will do everything I can to help protect it. I will probably ask a lot of questions from you if you take me. I have been trying to learn how to use my powers and more about the gods, but I'm finding there is a lot to it." Landon had not noticed Cythlla's absence, he didn't know much about her and was more concerned with the two other threats at hand.

Landon felt a chill and suddenly fur formed on the ceiling. The rabbit man dropped out of the fur portal, it didn't surprise Landon. He almost expected it this time. He also had an idea for how to deal with this man now. He had dealt with others like him before. And he was in a really good mood. "RABBIT LOON!" Landon threw his arms excitedly in the air and lept to the center of the room to hug the odd man. "Yeah, I'm surprised you found this place. It's so dull here you couldn't even cut cheese." Landon had attended a mortal college, so he was slightly fluent in abstract. "How long until this purple pigeon gets here, you know the big one, or was it seven?" Landon had put his arm around the loon as if they were close friends. "And are the new guys down, because we don't know of the intrusion yet?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Cia smiled at Landon, happy to have him along to help protect the Nexus. "I'm afraid you won't be going into any of the realms, so long as we can protect the Nexus there shouldn't be a need to." Cia said happy that he agreed to come with her. Of course that was also when Sheogorath made his entrance.

At Landon's remarks Sheogorath just looked at him confused. Sure he could speak abstract, but understanding it was a bit harder for him. Only Haskill, his chamberlain, could understand it clearly. Sheogorath barely knew what he himself was saying half the time. "Your not quite right in the head are you child?" Sheogorath said looking at Landon confused. Talking to Sheogorath in any form to try and strike up a normal conversation was impossible. "And I'm not a loon! I'm Sheogorath! Deadric Prince of Madness from the planet Tamriel!" Sheogorath said introducing himself finally, and to everyone within the room as well.

"Just hope you all don't die in the coming battle's you know? Though it seems like one of you already fell, funny how immortals aren't as immortal as they thing huh?" Sheogorath said with a smile on his face as he leaned on his cane in the center of room. "I'll tell you what though, behave yourselves around the exotics huh? Course I think those Velociraptors will eat you all no matter what anyways. Hungry creatures those be." Sheo added with a grin on his face, yet another cryptic warning.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by OtomostheCrazy
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OtomostheCrazy The Impatient Patience of Fulfilled Nothingness

Member Seen 6 mos ago

@Ace of flames01

Yuki had no time to dance. The music made the 8-headed snake too fast. Unreasonably fast. So fast that if she had not been in its way, it might have caught up to the lion and whoever it was carrying. She managed to keep up long enough for the unusually black lion to open up a portal to another dimension. She jumped through with them without hesitation, and heard the portal close befote the fake orochi could get through.

It should disappear after the song ends... thought Yuki with a sigh of relief.

She took a look around at this new place. It was beautiful. A pure place, free of any sort of uninvited influence from travelers who had lost their way. The water was like a mirror, and the world seemed to allow nature to act in its most calm and natural way. It was almost lonely, if Yuki was being completely honest with herself. For such purity to exist, very few life forms would be allowed to inhabit it.

Yuki heard a sound. She turned to its source, and found it to be the lion with the unconscious girl. It seemed to have wanted her to follow along, so she did. As she did, Yuki took a look at the unconscious girl. She was a goddess, that much was for sure, but Yuki didn't quite know her all that well. That's one problem about residing on the earthly plain, not getting to know other gods and goddesses all that well. Still, she did hear a small bit about others whenever she attends meetings. Going by the look of her, Yuki would hazard a guess that she was of pure celtic-origin. Her unconscious state told her that she was frail, even for a deity. Finally, she was accompanied by a unique Ebony Lion, which was the sacred animal of only one deity that Tuki had heard of.

If she had to guess, this goddess with the lion is the one called Rhona.

Still, there was no way for her to affirm her guess without someone to talk to, and Yuki held no skill with speaking to felines. So she simply continued to follow, hoping that the goddess would wake up and speak with her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Ace of flames01 The Returned

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Leo pushed the door open to the cottage with his head and walked inside. It had three rooms: a kitchen, a bathroom, and a bedroom. Leo went into the bedroom and placed Rhona on the bed, then covered her with a comforter. He exhaled loudly then groaned again as he sniffed her face, then rubbed his muzzle against her. Leo then sat down and quietly waited at Rhona's bedside for his master to awaken. This is something that wouldn't take too terribly long. Leo suspected a few hours before she would awaken and perhaps finally be rid of her fever.


A 6 hours had passed, yet Rhona was still not awake, however, Leo continued to wait patiently. Then suddenly...... movement. Rhona's eyelids twitched then slowly opened. She stared at the ceiling, blinking at few times until her eyes adjusted.

She was in her room again. "Was it just a dream...?" Rhona thought to herself slightly confused. She sighed and sat up. Rhona placed her hand on her forehead; her fever had gone down by a lot and her temperature was now only slightly above average. Leo stood up and rubbed his face against Rhona's hand and purred, greeting his beloved master.

"Hey Leo... How are you...?" Rhona replied groggily, smiling warmly as she pet Leo. Then, out of the corner of her eye, she noticed Yuki who was sitting in a chair on the other side of the room. She flinched and stared at her wide eyed, her jaw dropped in surprise. "H-how did you get here?! No body should know of this place! So how-?" Leo cut Rhona off with a groan as he gently pushed his head against Rhona.

Rhona looked down at Keo then understood and her expression calmed. "I see... Leo brought you here, didn't he? He must like you." She paused, and Leo appeared indifferent from Rhona's response. "Sorry for yelling at you. It's just nobody else has been able to find this realm, let alone visit it... You're the first one..." She replied lowering her voice. " ah...! But that's enough about me! What about you? Why are you here?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by rechonq
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rechonq Silver River Royalty

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Landon was taken aback slightly at the change in Sheogorath's pace, but it made him happy all the same that he was talking with them now. Getting slightly defensive now, but with a jovial tone. "Well you are the one coming around giving us warnings without introducing yourself. And people who are mad in the head aren't being controlled. Someone who's being controlled does sane things, like coordinated murder. Unless their being controlled by a madman. Which after seeing you, I'm done talking." Looking at Sheo again, he remembered his title was the Prince of Madness, which probably explained the intermittent crazy ramblings. He really was talking to a crazy man right now.

At that point Landon sort of sulked back next to Cia. "So what do we do with him? What can we do with him? And why would he think I've fallen if I was just acting a little silly?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by OtomostheCrazy
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OtomostheCrazy The Impatient Patience of Fulfilled Nothingness

Member Seen 6 mos ago

@Ace of flames01

6 hours wasn't quite a long time...Well, not for one such as Yuki, who has spent similar amounts of time practicing new styles, or making new moves. However, time like that only flies when an action is done. Unfortunately for Yuki, she found it disrespectful to practice dancing in someone else's home without consent, nor even the decency to wait for them to attempt to answer. In which case, she had to wait.

Surely it wouldn't take too long for her to awaken thought Yuki, before the hours had passed. After all, how much sleep would she need?

Yuki waited and waited, and though she had nothing to do, she was patient. She waited hundreds of years to meet her half-sister, waiting a few hours for another goddess was nothing. When she finally awoke, she seemed calm. That is, until she noticed Yuki's presence. Then, she became a bit hysteric. yelling at her in surprise and confused fear. It caused Yuki to cower behind her own hair, nearly shifting her headband off.

When Rhona calmed down, She spoke to her in a much more calm manner. Yuki stopped cowering, but she only allowed a part of her face out from behind her hair. Without Claire, Yuki was shy and withdrawn. She never felt comfortable about opening herself up to others without her sister to be there for her. When Rhona asked what she was doing, all Yuki managed to do was squeak out the word, "Hiding..." in a barely audible volume.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Cia smiled, having Landon close to her was making her rather happy. She had a slight tinge of red on her face, to anyone god of love the knew exactly what this was. However if it was not returned then something horrible may end up happening. Sheo meanwhile just looked at Landon with an unamused look on his face. "Welp! My warning seems to have fallen on stupid ears. I guess I'll take my leave then!" Sheo said, at that point he tapped his cane again and this time a pair of alligator skin shoes appeared in front of him. He stepped into him then tapped then three times and disappeared again. His methods of teleportation were truly strange.

Cia just watched with a look of confusion on her face. "Well that was something. Why don't we go to the Nexus now, Flemmings is waiting there for us." Cia said opening a portal behind them and walking into it. Inside the nexus looked like an empty grass field. There was nothing there except for a few doors. Once these doors were opened they would change to the size of the person entering them. Over all it was a very calming landscape. Time also worked differently there, Flemmings had already been in there for about 6 hours while the others were talking to Sheo.

Flemmings turned his attention from variouse magic traps he was setting underneath each of the doors. "Oh good you brought someone to help." Flemmings said looking at Cia. Cia gave a warm smile to her brother. "Landon here said he would help us, hopefully you have some idea of a good defense that could help us. Even a solid wall could help." Cia said to Landon. She was excited to see what Landon could do.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Ace of flames01 The Returned

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Rhona could sense the tension given off by Yuki. "I see... I remember now! I saw you at Asgard! Well there's no need to be shy; I'm nobody scary. My name is Rhona. It's a pleasure to meet you." She replied smiling warmly, trying to ease the tension between them a bit.

Rhona got up and walked over to Yuki offering her hand. "Let's bring you back to Olympus, shall we?" She replied gently, her warm smile remained.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Reese exited the meeting room not wondering to far from it. As he walked to his home located upon Mount Olympus he thought of the meeting that just took place. "The elder gods are returning...." He whispered to himself instantly thinking of his mother and grandpa Zues. Reese soon came upon a building that perfectly fit the housing of his gramps. The building was silent, more quiter than I has been in years. When Zues was defeated his followers seemed to vanish. Leaving not even giving a second thought into worshiping Reese. He at least had a bit of Zues's blood within him.....well most gods did. Soon Reese came a large table that was most likely used for dining. There he planed his strategies for the up and coming war.

This was gonna be very different from any war Reese ever took part in. For the first time he had to consider planning for defensive tactics to avoid death. Hundreds of war simulations ran through his head as he sat at the large dining table writing down some of the simulations. "Damn it!" He shouted crumbling up the paper and tossing it behind him. He totally forgot that Ares is one of the deceased that'll be coming for their heads. This was ultimately a problem for Reese. He learned all of his war strategies from Ares and his mother. For hours he sat thinking about their possible movements and decisions in a war. "If only I knew where the Elder gods will be attacking first-" He spoke to himself looking at the ceiling.

Then it came to him. Olympus wasn't the only realm conquered by The Merged. "Damn, damn, damn...." Reese repeated getting up and packing a satchel with a lot of paper within it. He had to get to all the Major Realms and map out their landscapes. He knows some of them are preparing as he did but it didn't hurt to try. Reese left the building quickly returning to the meeting room of Mount Olympus to find a god of a different Patheon of the Greek. He hurriedly went around asking the remaining Gods permission to inter their realms when the time came. Unfortunately a large portion of them were already gone and Reese had no type of way to reach them. Walking to the stairs of Mount Olympus to keep an eye out for another god or something suspicious he continued to contemplate on what his role would be in the war.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by rechonq
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rechonq Silver River Royalty

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"Why does he always get angry and leave the second we don't give him attention?" Cia dismissed the strange man opened the portal to the Nexus. Landon followed her through expecting some grand spectacle of doors and blue swirling holes in space and time. When he entered and saw a grass field he was actually shocked for once. He tried to take in everyhting the Nexus had to offer, but there wasn't much. The temperature was balmy and the area felt very nice. It reminded him of a cool day in June. He turned his attention to the doors and Flemmings who had appeared to have been working for several hours.

Landon stretched out a hand for greeting Flemmings as Cia introduced him. "Flemmings correct? I heard you are Cia's brother, and yeah I'll do what I can to help, but I don't know this realm very well." He walked over to one of doors and began to examine it closely. He felt it with his hand, but it only felt like normal wood. He couldn't sense anything from it. He looked behind it as well and marveled at how it was simply a door. "Can it stretch far? You can obviously go between realms, but could you go to the alien gods' planets as well?" Landon realized he was getting caught up in this, and that he should probably help secure it first.

"Sorry. Let's secure these doors first. Unfortunately I don't have any ideas. I really don't have the slightest how these portals work. I can make a wall though, but is it really that simple? If so couldn't we just freeze the doors? I can encapsulate them in a dark ice easily. Just tell me what you want and I'll do it."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by PerseusArchean
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

@Ace of flames01

Hannah Lane
Tower of Enacra
Month Two

The atmosphere was thick with emotion, fear and hopelessness drowning the Fae in their place of hiding. The tower belonged to a solitary sorcerer, but he had opened his home up to them once the news had reached him. The Fae had been quick to act, and surprisingly generous to each other, in the face of this disaster. Nothing had happened yet, or at least nothing visible that they knew for sure, but the Seers were in full crisis mode.

Hannah still remembered that desolate look on the woman's face when she made contact with Hannah using a witch's portals. After dropping her off here at the tower she'd said; "Poor girl. You should say your goodbyes... just in case." That a Seer had said that to her made the words ten times more frightening. She'd called her parents immediately, having not spoken to them in some time, and she apologized for leaving, told them she loved them, and wished them luck.

She hadn't warned them of what was coming, hadn't even thought it a possibility, but if things were as bad as the Seers made it out to be... maybe it couldn't hurt. Maybe she should call her parents again and tell them to run and hide.

A spark of fury ignited in her chest. She was a powerful Naga! A Sea-Witch! A Serpent of Occus' own forge! Why was she cowering in this packed stone tower in the middle of no where? What was out there that the Fae couldn't fight?!

But just as quick as the fire came it fled. Even she could sense the void that now existed in her heart. In her soul. It was right where she had felt that tug when she made her deal with Occus, when she sold her soul. It wasn't right that she couldn't feel his power there anymore, that the eternal paradise promised to her had fallen silent.

This tower was getting to her, the repressed emotion in this isolated place wasn't healthy. It was built on a rock off the coast of north west England, cloaked in protection and obscuring magic. The place was so small the tower took up all the space and a floating courtyard had to be constructed outside the entrance, along with a small wooden dock. Judging by the Windows the building was eight stories high, each floor covered in sleeping bags for twenty five people each. There were two hundred Fae hiding here, plus the first generation ever born of them.

After the war had finally ended the Fae had time to settle down, for a time at least. Now every single man and woman holding a baby in the tower regretted bringing a newborn life into this situation.

The low sounds of chatter abruptly silenced as a voice rose loudly, calling out a long note. Another voice joined it, and then Hannah noticed the group of slightly scaled people by the door. They began singing a sort of sad acapella:

"I'm not afraid of the sunset or the rain
I'm just afraid of dyin' alone"

"And what would you find
And what would you sing
And what would you mean"

"I'm not afraid of the suffering or the pain
I'm just afraid of dyin' without findin' you"

"And what would we find
And what would we say
And what would we mean-"

It was not a happy song, but Hannah was disappointed she didn't get to hear all of it. A portal opening and a young girl with black eyes and markings on her face stepped out. The Sirens, the scaled singers, broke off their song as one of their members ran forward and caught the girl in a tight hug.

Hannah couldn't remember the last time someone had hugged her like that. She had a lot of friends, but being so tightly embedded in the human world and so terrified of being found out by them she hadn't gotten to close to anyone. Now she wished she'd risked more, it would have been worth it.

She gasped suddenly in realization, "Music!" She knew a couple goddesses, maybe she could ask them for help?

She remembered Yuki had been the nice one, but she wasn't sure if she was the Music one or not... Oh well. She stood abruptly, walking out of the room and onto the wooden courtyard that bobbed in the waves. The air was cold and the wind was slightly active, but Hannah ignored it.

"O Goddess, Yuki of the Immortals, my need is great and my cause is worthy. Please, help us." she pleaded aloud into the wind. Small prayers like that were enough to reach Occus, but maybe it wasn't enough for a music goddess? "O Goddess, Yuki of the Immortals, my need is great and my cause is worthy. Please, help us... Help us." she repeated, but with the slightest addition of magic to her voice. The prayer would be carried by the sea breeze straight to the goddess' ears. She hoped. At least she knew prayers could travel across realms, even if the breeze couldn't.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Trevor1001
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago


Yato wasn't sure about the news he had heard today. The Old Gods would be very troublesome indeed when they returned. He Walked around Mount Olympus in thought. Yato was no God of war but that didn't mean he couldn't put up a fight when push came to shove. As he walked around he saw a God that looked more flustered then some of the others. "You look like you are about to have an aneurysm" Yato walked up to him. "Yato, God of storms fortune, and the sea." He held out his hand for Reese to shake it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by OtomostheCrazy
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OtomostheCrazy The Impatient Patience of Fulfilled Nothingness

Member Seen 6 mos ago

@Ace of flames01@PerseusArchean

Yuki listened to the other goddess, still unsure of whether or not she was correct in assuming that she was the one known as Rhona. In any case, she was glad to see that her new acquaintance had calmed down. Yuki didn't know much about the deity before her, but at least she was friendlier now than she was moments ago. She even offered to bring her back to Olympus. Maybe she could show the deity a statue of her mother, Terpsichore, of the Muses. It wasn't the best gift of gratefulness, but Yuki (unlike Claire) respected her.

Yuki reached out to take Rhona's hand, but stopped when something unusual happened. She felt someone praying to her. This was unusual, because out of all the Merged, she and Claire were some of the least known. After all, who would care about goddesses who governed over two extremely important parts of human and animalistic culture, as well as the transitions between night and day and vice versa? In any case, someone was calling out to her in a time of need. Yuki also felt that whatever this person wanted from her, there was some sort of misunderstanding, but for now, she had to answer their call, whether it was meant for her or not.

"I...I'm sorry, but could you please..." whispered Yuki, still too shy to ask things aloud.

"...I must summon the winds...if that's alright with you..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Ace of flames01 The Returned

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Rhona was slightly confused by Yuki's request but nodded and took a few steps back. "Summon the winds? What is she talking about?" she thought curiously. She made sure that she gave Yuki please of room for whatever she was about to do before watching as to what might happen, from the other side of the room.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by PerseusArchean
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago


Month Two

The patience of Amagarrack was broken, something evil was stirring nearby... something familiar. "What is this?" The foreign god asked in confusion, but then it was too late. A wave of energy washed over everything nearby, a part of the Urtok ship went totally dark and the beings within began to panic about life support and anti-gravity. The invisible wave caused much more sinister damage however, the complex matrices that gave Amgarrack it's stunning, impossible form were disrupted. The gods' physical existence became a jumble of floating shards, which were falling down beneath the space center rapidly.

For a single moment a smaller ship became visible, and the shards were pulled into it's storage bays. Then it was invisible and vanishing into the void once more.

The alien god had been kidnapped.

Amgetoll Forces
UN Building
Month Two

One of the larger Urtoks groaned in protest, making a sound not unlike blowing a horn. This wsa the fifth time they'd visited this topi and clearly the Humans were not getting the idea. 'Where are your gods?' He asked through use of the screen with the translation program attached, more blunt than the previous attempts at setting up a meeting between Amgarrack and the Earth deities. Yet even still the gathered Humans traded nervous looks and attempted to get back to the topic of technology exchange. The crystal based computers of the Urtoks were fascinating, and similarly the Urtoks were interested in many of the strange creations of Humanity.

Finally the Urtoks began speaking for the first time, most of the words too low for Human ears and those that were loud enough made little sense. Their language was like blowing air through an instrument with unusual results. It wasn't quite the same as Earth music, but their voices did sound very musical to them regardless. They shared their mutual distrust of the Humans edginess around the topics of religion, and they conceded to drop the topic for now, until then they had other missions here. After a pause the words; 'We will trade.' appeared on the screen and the Humans relaxed.

Finally, progress!

@Ace of flames01

Hannah Lane
Tower of Enacra
Month Two

The goddess wasn't answering... but that was fine, sometimes Occus took longer to answer when he was busy... but Occus cared for the Fae, maybe the other immortals didn't? That thought is what had driven the Seers to hiding the Fae rather than contacting the Merged after all. They feared the gods would use them as cheap soldiers on the front lines so they would die, and the Fae wouldn't stand for such abuse.

Hannah wasn't sure of it, her magic was never geared towards such things, but she could feel time slipping away. Something was coming and they needed do something! Now! "Please," she whispered, daring to wait just a bit longer, but hope was slipping away and the tension was rising.

Amgetoll Forces
UN Building
Month Two

The news had just come in, the Sha-Brytol had been attacked and Amgarrack was missing. The Urtoks gasped at the news, how had that happened? Immediately suspicion turned on the Humans, whose gods were so mysteriously absent... what if they killed their gods? What if they planned to kill Amgarrack?! 'Where are your gods?' Suddenly appeared on the screen once more, and the Urtoks stood, glowering at the Humans menacingly. Peace talks had just devolved into an inquisition, they would find the answers they needed.

Further evidence, a glimpse of a cloaked ship on the Center's cameras fitting the description of Earth technology, only threw more anger on the fires. Humanity was a lot more malicious than they had been led to believe.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by OtomostheCrazy
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OtomostheCrazy The Impatient Patience of Fulfilled Nothingness

Member Seen 6 mos ago

@Ace of flames01@PerseusArchean

Yuki smiled when Rhona allowed her to summon the winds. She could only assume, however, that the deity before her understood that she meant to summon the winds to carry her somewhere else. Yuki could also only assume that Rhona wanted to come along, as she had spoken of leaving this pure place with her.

When Rhona gave her room, Yuki bowed in thanks, before preparing to dance. Though the other deity had not seen her before, Yuki performed the dance she had finished when she had first appeared to her and her black lion. As she wanted to see this strange person who was praying to her, she hastened her movements, though not enough to take away from the performance.

The winds rushed from out of nowhere, as if some unseen force was taking a breath of heir air. Then, they were gone from where they were. Instead, they would find themselves somewhere else. Somewhere different.

Yuki looked for the one who prayed to her. When she found her. Yuki smiled.

"Hannah...!" quietly exclaimed Yuki.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Ace of flames01 The Returned

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Rhona watched Yuki's performance with a look of wonder in her eyes. It was beautiful and elegant, yet powerful and held great emotion. Rhona was enchanted by the young goddess' dance. So much so that she was startled by the sudden gust of wind that followed after the dance was finished.

When the winds subsided, Rhona found Yuki, Leo, and herself to be in another realm. As to which realm this was, Rhona was not certain.

In front of the 3 was a young woman, or at least it had appeared to be. However, it didn't take long for Rhona to realize that the woman before them was not human.

Rhona was a little nervous at first, but Yuki seemed to know who Hannah was, so she tried to relax a bit. She remained silent, however, as she had reverted back to her more shy self.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by PerseusArchean
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

@Ace of flames01

Hannah Lane
Tower of Enacra
Month Two

She very nearly wept for joy when the goddesses appeared, "Thank the Immortals." She muttered to herself in relief. Tears stung her eyes even if they didn't fall. "Thank you so much for coming," she said, surging forward and throwing her arms around Yuki in a hug. It was beyond out of character, even more so considering the woman was a goddess. Hannah released her quickly, stepping back and noticing the other girl for the first time. It wasn't Claire, so Hannah had no idea who she was, but it didn't matter. "We need your help." She said, desperation in her voice, "You must find Boreas, he'll know what to do."

The platform rocked, swaying haphazardly on the sea that stretched out all around them. A gust of hot air hit the area with enough force to send the doors swinging wide open, revealing the crowd of Fae within the marble tower, huddling together and speaking in hushed voices. The doors flying open prompted a baby to begin screaming, which turned everyone's heads to make sure everything okay. The mother, a woman with elfin ears and red eyes clutched the bundle tighter to her chest, whispering quietly.

A flash of light from the top of the tower caught Hannah's attention, suddenly she knew time was up. "Find Boreas!" She pleaded, before turning and running into the tower. A spiral staircase near the back was her destination, a way up to the top of the tower where the Sorcerer who owned this place lived. Suddenly screaming and the sounds of battle began to echo throughout the tower, and an explosion blew a hole in the fifth floor, cutting off access from the stairs and raining debris into the sea around them.

Hannah gaped, the tower was protected! Quickly she tested her own magic, which immediately failed her. She couldn't access it at all. Her Human form melted away like ice in a fire, leaving her a four-armed half-snake at the bottom of the stairs. Around her similar magics failed, horns grew from heads, skin turned red or purple, eyes glowed yellow, a werewolf even fully transformed into a humanoid-wolf form. How had this happened? Who could cut off magic so completely?

She spun around, eyes seeking and finding the two goddesses still on the platform. They would be unable to leave if magic no longer answered them... her plan had failed, and instead she had trapped two goddesses on this rock in the middle of nowhere for who-knows-what to find. Her heart sank, but she unsheathed her four blades and prepared to defend them, they were their only hope of finding out what had happened to Occus.

"Prepare for battle!" She called, injecting false confidence into her voice. The mother and her baby, now quiet, retreated to a dark corner, the rest of the Fae gathered around the base of the stairs, preparing for what might come down.

Amgetoll Forces
Sha-Brytol, Earth
Month Two

"Our people have returned?" A female Urtok in elaborate orange armor asked. "Affirmative." A voice muttered reluctantly from somewhere behind. "Then deploy legions, find our targets, and begin the siege." She commanded, approaching the glass that offered a view of the blue and green planet below.

At her order eight large ships ejected from the space center. One would land in North America, one in South America, another to the place where the two continents joined. One would go to Africa, one to Europe, and one to Asia. Another would land in the Middle East where the three continents joined. The last one would go to Australia.

Large energy canons turned toward the surface, and satellites with similar weapons equipped were ejected to surround the planet. Soon they would begin firing on major military, economic, and scientific centers. The Humans had refused to return Amgarrack to them, and now the Urtoks were beginning to think it was because he was already dead. A debate was starting up about whether to fire on civilians as well and wipe out the toxic race before they spread beyond the solar system.

Old Gods
Earth Realms
Month Two

Thunder boomed overhead, and from the sky a massive sphere descended. A storm clouded the skies, eclipsing the sun, the moon, and the stars in every realm all at once. The immortal homes of the deities were plunged into obscuring darkness, hiding everything from view until it was right in their faces.


Artemis, Ares, Athena, Aphrodite
Month Two

A silver arrow, giving off it's own dim light, suddenly appeared in the gloom. And then it was flying at Yato's head. A wild boar, it's eyes red with unnatural rage, came charging out of the darkness and charging the young God of Fortune. Then another form came hurtling from the fog, a beefy man in golden armor, equipped with a large spear and a shield of unidentifiable metal. He moved to impale the so called 'God of War' with his weapon, a snarl of rage on his face and his eyes too were unnaturally red.

In the distance fighting and shocked yells started echoing in the nothingness, a familiar voice was shouting orders; Athena. "Aphrodite! Bring that one to me!" Never had such hatred and cruelty been heard in the woman's voice before. Screams began calling out from that direction, clearly answering why Athena had wanted that person. "Traitorous daughter! Your heart will bleed for eternity!" A final choking scream echoed before nothing more was heard.


Isis, Sobek, Horus, Set
The Underworld
Month Two

Something about the Underworld made it more difficult to access, so the storm's darkness did not reach this place, not that it would help, but the invasion of the Old Gods went ahead anyway. Armies rose from the depths of the dead pits, damned souls sentenced to an eternity of punishment shaking off their shackles and turned bright red eyes to their enemies. Joining them were their leaders, the Old Gods. Isis appeared from a portal, Sobek at her side. She flung volatile magics at Alec before he could register their presence, and Sobek's massive jaws snapped at the cthonic god threateningly. A portion of the army invading this part of the realm followed through the portal to engage Alec's closer minions.

Horus and Set, well known enemies, made excellent partners in the hunt. As the ghostly soldiers of fallen villains were marshaled to slay all who opposed them in the Underworld, the two gods were tracking the one known as Thalios. Two carried war scepters and rode chariots, crossbows layered with enchantments at their sides.

And then they caught his trail, the chariots jerked to the side zeroed in on the god's location, and the two hunters pulled crossbows to fire at him as they approached. Their red eyes were lit with cruel delight.


Idun, Sif, Hel
The Nexus
Month Two

Before the direction could be given, the black fog turned the realm into nighttime, and red eyes leered from the darkness. Hel loomed before them, her visage a mask of fury. A magical attack was flushed from her fingers, seeping into the ground and rotting away the nearby living things. The ring of feath inched towards Landon, Cia, and the Gatekeeper. Sif, clad in armor and two short blades in either hand lunged at them and swung every which way, the sharpness of her swords reaching beyond their physical form. Idun stood near the back, behind the two ladies. Her very presence seemed to make the others stronger somehow.

Very few of the old gods gloated, or challenged, they simply attacked with ferocity and endless hatred.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Ace of flames01 The Returned

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Rhona was surprised to see the Hannah, as well as the other fae, turn into their true forms. However, she quickly shook off her surprise and remembered the problem at hand. Someone or something was coming. Rhona summoned a her dager to her hand and Leo stood next to her, letting out alow growl. Her expression was seriously, yet her body was trembling. She was afraid. This would be her first battle.

However, as she looked at the faces around her, Rhona knew that she could not run and that the creatures surrounding her were just as afraid as she was. She knew that she would protect as many of these people as she possibly could.

Rhona opened up a portal that lead to her realm. "All mothers and children flee through here! You will be safe there, I promise!" She instructed. She turned to Leo. "I need you to go with them, Leo. You and Sagittarius must protect them, should something to go wrong."

Leo was reluctant to follow them and leave his master behind, groaning a bit. Rhona smiled and gently pet Leo's head. "I will be fine. I promise. Now go. I am counting on you."
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