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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Ace of flames01 The Returned

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Rhona calmed down and had reverted back to normal as quickly as she had been infuriated. She felt a thousand eyes stares pierce her like a million needles. She was breathing heavily, her heart raced, and her eyes were glazed over. To her, the room seemed to be spinning. She lost her balance and her legs failed her a bit, placing her hand on Alec's shoulder and leaned on him a bit to support herself. "S-sorry..." She murmered. Her cheeks were a bright red, but it was not from embarrassment, but her fever.

Rhona glanced around the room, however only 2 gods in particular caught her attention; A god who appeared to be a bit older than her and a god that looked much older than her yet was still in his prime, both were very handsome and youthful in appearance yet Rhona doubted that they were as young as they appeared. The younger of the 2 was glaring at her and had an anger of something fierce. He was and his companion were one of the gods that brought up a far more ominous and important subject. Rhona looked down at the ground, her red hair draped over her face. "N-now... I believe there is yet a more important and ominous matter to discuss... As it was stated prior... The gods of old may return... Sooner than one might expect even... And while I have not received any visions myself, there are indeed a few present that have. The idea of the old gods returning is not a farfetched idea... As a matter of fact, it makes sense... We all know why they would try to return... However..." She paused and glanced at Thalios, Occus, and Boreas briefly. "It is not my place to speak of the matter... So I ask those who have received these visions to come forward and take my place on the floor." She gestured to Occus and Boreas to come forward.

With that said Rhona stepped down and made her way to the back of the room, briefly making eye contact with Occus as she passed him. She held a hollow, glazed over look in her eyes.

Rhona leaned her back against the wall and slid down onto the ground, curling up in a ball. Her fever was getting the better of her and acting the way she did certainly did not help her. "Just when I thought I was getting better... Just my luck..." She thought with a sigh. Unfortunately, this was only the beginning.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by PerseusArchean
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@Ace of flames01

Occus, Boreas
Month Two

Occus narrowed his eyes at the girl when she faltered, why did she seem ill? But she seemed to realize her outburst was unwanted, and she had fixed her mistake at least, bringing them back on topic. Ox leaned closer to Boreas, "Go to her." he whispered, before moving past the girl closer to the center so his voice could be better heard. Catching a glimpse of her empty eyes made him even more suspicious, he was glad he sent Boreas to look at her.

"Magic has many functions, it's use in seeing the future is difficult and flawed at best, but there are few things as certain as the future that has been seen by the practicing Fae." Occus began, he knew many distrusted him and the Fae, but their powers were indubitable. "There have been visions of Huitzilopochtli doing battle with Vitovlad and Jera, Boreas attacked by Odin and Thor," if his tone was a bit more hostile at that, Ox didn't stop his listing, "a battle here, in this room, led by Zeus, and... Hecate and myself, in Hexstirn." He didn't elaborate that in that particular vision he was dead, not actually fighting, but the disconcerted look on his face at the memory of Kani showing him the vision was enough to let even those who didn't know him well see that that was a sensitive topic.

"She weeps, her tears in my home..." The Heart whispered to him sadly. The words were even more disturbing, and all too ominous, but Occus brushed them off as he always did.

"The attacks will come soon, and be widespread, we must prepare for war, if we don't we will surely lose. We do not have the same advantages as we did in the last war, this one will be much more difficult." Occus continued, "There have been hints that this will begin in the Underworld, I will leave that for you to elaborate on." He said, gesturing to Thalios. The immortal would be more well versed in the happenings of the cthonic realm than Ox would.

Meanwhile Boreas closed in on Rhona, a friendly grin on his face, but an intrigued look in his eyes. "that was brave of you," he said once he was close enough to be in normal hearing range, "sticking up for the mortals, and yet you know nothing of their true nature. Why do you have so much faith in them?" The 'or in us?' went unsaid. Boreas thought that if even one of the aliens did something wrong then the goddess's enemies would be claiming her head.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Trevor1001
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago


He didn't know what to expect from the Gatekeeper but he was hoping for something more. Leaning towards Cia and wispering so the Gatekeeper wouldn't him. "The Gatekeeper isn't much of a conversationalist is he?" The other God with them mentioned some interesting things which got Yato thinking. "Why do people always assume aliens coming to earth is always a bad thing? The movies and games using the whole "anything not human is bad" plot is getting old. Besides, maybe they could use a new God or two back on their planet." Before his mind could go off on what his shrine on another planet would be like he it came to him that he still didn't know who he was with. "Not to derail us all of a sudden but could I know who I am traveling with?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Cia thought for a moment about Sheogorath. What he said made no sense and none of it seemed like a warning. "He certainly isn't an earth god I can tell you that. While he looked human I'm afraid that I don't quite know what else to make of him." Cia said, Sheogorath was certainly a strange man. Whenever he was about to appear there was always a sort of jolt before him. He was indeed powerful, possibly more powerful than any of the merged, however thankfully he never outright attacked anyone, only messed with them. It was almost like he couldn't kill people, only drive them mad.

Cia then turned her attention to Yato. "Oh right, I guess I should have introduced myself huh? I'm Cia, one of the merged." Cia said with gentle smile to Yato. As they were all talking Cia opened a portal back to Olympus. "I think for now everything should be fine, but just incase I will ask that you increase your security for now." Cia said to the Gatekeeper before stepping through the portal.


Flemmings had considered all that had been said. As the leader of the council he was the last to make decisions on most things. But quite often they were decisions that could be counted on. "Right then, Rhona you have hereby taken full responsibility for these new mortals. If they turn against us then your head comes off." Flemmings said. With that he held his hand out, a magic ring appeared above Rhona before she left the floor. The ring then moved to her neck leaving a black mark on it. She would not be able to escape punishment if her bluff fails.

"On to the topic of the coming Old gods. I truly do agree that this is something to worry about. Therefore I suggest we all prepare ourselves. If you believe that one of them is to come at you and you know who, set up a trap specifically for that god. All else please prepare yourselves, increase whatever defences you have. We are preparing for war, but we have the upperhand of time to plan." With that Flemmings sat back down on his chair among the council. "Is there anything else we need to discuss before we leave to make preperations?" Flemmings asked. This meeting had been far more efficient thanks to him being appointed as head of the council.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zelosse
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Zelosse The Entity

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"there is one last order to bring up. Much like Rhona here, I demand the current god of the underworld be similarly punished if the old gods escape." The begginings of a plan sprouted in his mind at the implications of his plot now. With this other gone, for what choice did flemming have on the matter of such a disaster, someone must take his place I the pantheon as the ruler of the unified underworld. "Should they be killed you must appoint a new ruler, Flemming. Or the others will kill each other to grab the vacant seat."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 19 hrs ago

The picnic in Asgard concluded with no god, not even the nonsensical madness god Sheogorath, having acknowledged the presence of a subtle lurker. With no interest in or need for food or company, the unseen Great One merely observed. Looming over the assembled gods, its senses probed into them, not only understanding and committing to memory the more obvious of their attributes by prying into their dreams and wants even as they were awake.

Aforgomon examined the god of death and love, embodied as a jackal never satiated, playing at the emotions of the others in order to learn more about them. Alec's primitive methods of espionage amused the dimensional shambler greatly.

Aforgomon looked upon Rhona, with her menagerie of celestial spirits. Her meekness and normality befitted an insignificant human girl, not a being tasked with responsibility beyond responsibility and given power beyond power. But perhaps the goddess's mind was yet immature, even as the Merged went. One could not expect a dragonfly larva to soar as its parent did. Her terror at the sight of Aforgomon's debtor caused it to bristle in particular.

Aforgomon found itself in the presence of the nightmare god once again, and used the light of the Nordic holy plane to illuminate the dark recesses of his mystique. Of every so-called deity present, the Great One most respected the formless, writhing manifestation of Thalios, who unlike the others dared to dip into the sea of incomprehensibility that defined godhood. Most tellingly, Thalios paid homage to the powers from which he came not only by taking on a semblance more remarkable than a puny human, but also by recognizing through ominous dreams that they would soon cause disaster for the Merged.

Aforgomon might have burbled vile, whispery remarks about the being that styled herself Cia if only it existed in Asgard enough to speak. Like Rhona, Cia did not at all fit the mantle of godhood, instead coming off as naïve and childlike. In a world where the shambling lurker held some sort of responsibility over Cia, it might have been disappointed as well as underwhelmed.

Aforgomon observed the cold one briefly. This godling imagined himself to be a protector, but what did he protect, if anything? The fallacy could be seen by even the least of those wise to the world's true workings. Every minute of every day, suffering ran rampant among the people of the world. Nations diminished, tragedy occurred, and disaster brewed. Landon might have done well to instead simply be sympathetic in spirit, answering when called upon, but as he idly picnicked he already wallowed in his self-made doom of hypocrisy.

Aforgmon's eternal grin seemed appropriate when aimed at Yato, though the fortune god couldn't see it. Here stood a deity who fondled no pretenses for responsibility, instead running with the realities of chance and change, employing his vast powers for personal amusement. This, the Great One could appreciate, if not respect.

Aforgomon cast a withering look at the paltry dancer, thinking no deity more undeserving of their station. Such occurrences invited even the utterly alien to better understand humor, so as to determine whether or not Yuki's status as a Merged was some sort of divine joke.

After learning all it craved to know about these gods and goddesses, Aforgomon disappeared entirely, leaving not even a last breath in its wake.


Something new...

The humans assured from time to time, faced with a regrettable deprivation of creativity, that there was nothing new under the sun, but this day they were proven wrong. As thousands of mortal eyes looked skyward, seeking a visitor from beyond the realm of all they knew, Aforgomon looked upward as well. It sought in the newly-arrived abyss travelers a concept no other did: companionship. Though it had never seen them, the Great One always assumed that in the far-flung reaches of nebulous space, beyond the grasp of mathematics and philosophy, there lived its kin—kin of the cosmos, as beyond physical form and deplorable human semantics as Aforgomon itself.

Ignoring the useless and wasteful meeting of the Merged, the dimensional shambler sought a far more direct yet less conventional approach. The haughty and contentious voices on Olympus rang with the same shades of pretension and self-satisfaction that plagued the mortals. As long as the Merged emulated the lesser beings, they would never amount to anything more than they.

In the void of space, the tears of light seemed more like miniature stars; when they appeared from nothing, they brought to mind the scintillating creation of the abyss's vast but lonely fireflies. They shimmered experimentally at random points in the emptiness, like a prairie dog poking its head up from different holes in the earth to find the best spot, all the while honing in on the Amgetoll Forces' divine emissary. After some time, a brilliant and extravagant light appeared not too far away at all from Amgarrack, and from the rift floated Aforgomon. It remained wordless and motionless, a testament to the angular, gleaming anomaly that hovered beneath the vessel of its own lesser beings. A few moments passed before the Great One moved its arms, holding one straight upward and the other straight out to the side in a form of celestial greeting.

In this fashion Aforgomon made contact. Once the greeting had been performed, Aforgomon attempted to seed Amgarrack's mind with communication. Welcome, sojourner. I have walked long and far in search of those who came from the sky, but you have found me. Among the starry hosts we have met, a fortuitous collision, we who though different are united by Greatness. For the sake of the young gods, whose eyes are yet to open, I have wandered this earth and its alternates. They may detest you, but I will stand by you always, my kin.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by PerseusArchean
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago


Month Two

"Such radiance..." Amgarrack whispered, still enraptured by the divine might of world below. Their realms were so... alien. A blast of that radiance appearing near it pulled it's attention away from the shiny orb beneath. A being like itself came through a shimmer in space and time. It's figure was blurry to Amgarrack, not quite all there, and yet it was easily discernible in that it's presence was felt keenly. It paused as it took in Amgarrack and Amgarrack in turn observed it and it's strange movements afterwards.

Was it saying hello? Amgarrack's shards spun around wildly until they stilled in a sharp formation mimicking the one the new being had made.

In this fashion Aforgomon made contact. Once the greeting had been performed, Aforgomon attempted to seed Amgarrack's mind with communication. Welcome, sojourner. I have walked long and far in search of those who came from the sky, but you have found me. Among the starry hosts we have met, a fortuitous collision, we who though different are united by Greatness. For the sake of the young gods, whose eyes are yet to open, I have wandered this earth and its alternates. They may detest you, but I will stand by you always, my kin.

An alien god had come to pledge it's friendship? It's alliance? How strange. What was this of detesting Amgarrack? Why would they hate it's coming? But Amgarrack knew, if there were multiple gods in their youth upon the planet below, they could very well be like Kal Repartha was in the early days. Amgarrack let out an echoing wail that resounded through the minds of those nearby, it conveyed sadness and disappointment. "Those poor souls, like the ancient home world are they? Like Goj and Stip, such is unfortunate."

But Amgarrack immediately perked up, it was no longer alone, another had come! "Thank you, Seeker, for your welcome, and your promise. This world is everything we hoped, and everything we dreaded. It is good to have a friend from this place." Amgarrack whirled again, it's shards spinning dangerously and reforming into it's normal configuration. A feeling of pleasure and gratitude radiated from it then, washing over even those in the nearby Space Center.

Month Two

Ox pondered for a moment if there was anything else that should be said, but after a moment he decided there was nothing he wanted the others involved in that pertained to him. They would only mess it up, steal the idea, or take advantage of the knowledge they'd have gained. No, he needed nothing else from the Merged other than to set them to war preparations. Perhaps he'd even recruit a few to help fortify Wickedeisos. Later though, first he needed to think of what they could do for him, what they'd want for it, and who would be best to do it.

Until then he was going to pull his more trusted advisers into a meeting as soon as possible. They needed to discuss battle plans, and mobilize the forces once more. The Fae needed to be just as prepared if not more so than the gods. None of the other visions had shown deaths, only the one with Occus in it. Perhaps it was time to begin reforging the Lamensch? He would need the extra troops.

As for the current topic, that of punishing gods for events yet to happen and who would rule the Underworld in their place, Occus had no stake in that. He'd taken everything he wanted from those realms during the last war, he needed nothing from those places now. He didn't want them bickering now of all times though, they needed this settled quickly so they could begin preparing without side agendas getting in the way!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Flemmings sat back in his chair. The idea wasn't a bad one, as having a contingency plan never hurt. "If you believe yourself truly capable then I will agree to this. However I would question if you mean to take control of a continent within the Underworld, or the entire thing. There are multiple gods looking over the underworld, however if you plan to lead a council within the underworld I will allow it." Flemmings said. The Underworld was vast after all. One god looking over it may be too much, that and giving someone that much power could be dangerous. It would be best if he still answered the Council when the time comes. "As for ruling the underworld as a whole, I will refuse that part. One should never have that much power." Flemming's answered.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Alec was about to protest, his place in the Egyptian underworld was his. He ran it fairly and in an organized fashion and has zero plans of giving it up. After all, he seemed to be the only on the crocodiles and other creatures trusted....who would feed them. Mentally agreeing with what Flemmings says he sits back in a more comfortable slouch in his seat. His eyes back to normal even though he hadn't realozed they were starting to glow. He cares deeply for his underworld and mortals. His dual side allowing him to be very adapt at weighing hearts and dragging those of evil to his home.
From this point on he is intensely focused. Focusing in on those two in particular to hear what they have to say. They had his attention now and it would take something urgent to pull him from it. This can be terrifying since normally it's the dead that have his full attention like this.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Ace of flames01 The Returned

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Rhona looked up at Boreas and smiled warmly, yet weakl, feeling a little proud of herself. Her cheeks were a bright red and she was sweating a bit. "Th-thank you... H-however, if I may be completely honest; I was utterly terrified... I-I've never spoke in front of so many people before..." Her voice was weak and exhausted. For a moment, she fell silent to think of how to properly answer his question. " I have lived through many ages... I have seen the Northmen invading Ireland... destroying all in search of gold... I've seen suffering in the darkness... Yet I have seen beauty thrive in the most fragile of places... I have seen it... The thing that turned darkness into light... I have faith in mortals because I love them... I am from a pantheon that is no longer worshiped by man... Yet I choose to still love and watch over them from a far distance... It's the same for the merged... I love the gods... That is why I chose to take this burden. So nobody else would have to." Rhona's voice had lowered to a whisper and her Irish accent was thicker than before.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by PerseusArchean
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@Ace of flames01

Month Two

Boreas was impressed with her conviction if nothing else, but he did not feel the same. Maybe once, long ago, when he was worshiped and cherished by the mortals, but now he was lucky if anyone drew his face on maps still. He was also surprised, he had not thought she was very old, maybe less than a century as so many of the Merged seemed to be. He'd become more aware of recent mortal history since joining up with Ox and meeting the Fae, he was reasonably sure no one had invaded Ireland in some time. Well besides the British if he remembered right. So it must have been a long while before the war that Rhona was born.

"I must confess I don't agree with you. The mortals grow further from us every cycle, and the gods grow more arrogant and hateful with every meeting." He was silent a moment, "But it is good there is one such as you among their number." He shrugged, "But I wonder, for how long? Immortals do not get sick, but you seem quite ill. What has happened?" He said with concern.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by rechonq
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rechonq Silver River Royalty

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"Ahh yes, I'm Landon. I'm sure we'll be meeting a lot soon, and right now I sort of want to hear what the gods are discussing." Landon followed Cia through the portal back to Olympus. The portal emptied out into the hall just outside of the meeting room. He entered and followed around the back of the room to a good seat. He came in time to hear Flemmings giving Thalios permission to head a council of the underworld or something along that line. It seemed extreme. Evidently some big things were going on here. He wondered what discussion of the aliens have happened if any. He realized something after looking at Thalios again. He didn't feel anything strange here in this meeting. These gods were all "normal" if he could say that. He noticed Alec had return to his normal form again and seemed rather focused on Flemmings and Thalios.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Ace of flames01 The Returned

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Rhona smiled. "Thank you... You are very kind... And yes... You're right... Gods don't get sick... However... I'm what you would call ... a special case. Getting sick is a common occurrence for me, actually. It's kind of ironic since I am supposed to be a goddess of healing..." Rhona chuckled softly. Her smile remained, however, her eyes were now hinted with sadness as she continued. "...I was born very small and frail. The doctors said that I was going to die within a few days but... I didn't... And... It turns out that the reason for being weak and my tendancy for falling ill is because I am a goddess of healing... When a healing god grants a wish of good health; the erase the ailment from the person... In my case however... Instead of erasing the ailment; I will absorb the ailment completely. And the only thing that has saved me from death is the fact that I am a goddess. If I was a human then I would have died long ago...." She then paused, realizing that she was essentially telling her life story to someone she had just met. "Ah... I'm sorry. It must be strange for someone you just met to tell you there life story." She murmered apologetically.

Rhona's condition had progressively gotten worse and she was at her limit. This was due to her loosing control of her anger and letting her rage to seep out. In the end, though, from here on out, her life would be on the line. However, this did not matter much to Rhona because if it were not eventually from illness, it would be her agreement that she made; that would result in her death. This is what she meant by having nothing to loose and everything to gain.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by PerseusArchean
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

@Ace of flames01

Month Two

Boreas smirked, "I don't think so," he disagreed. "It is intriguing to hear of such a case. It makes me wonder if there's something that can be done. Occus is fairly good at tinkering with both magics and organics, perhaps he can help you." He suggested, of course he knew there'd probably be a price for Ox's help, even if he didn't ask for one, but he didn't mention that. Besides, Ox was fair, he made deals all the time, and he didn't offer something unless it'd be accepted, or unless he really needed it anyway.

From a Goddess like Rhona... the price would probably be in the action itself. Altering her powers would be a unique experience well worth his time, but with things as they were now, well it was more likely he'd ask for her help defending Wickedeisos. Boreas made a mental note to mention the potential to the younger immortal. They needed allies, and if Rhona was a potential friend then they needed to win her favor.

"I'll ask him if you want," he said, turning to look to where Ox stood further away, listening to the divvying of the Underworld with an agitated look in his eye and a neutral set to his features. "...Maybe later," he decided. "These things make him stressed." Boreas confided to the goddess with a secret smile."It's great fun."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zelosse
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Zelosse The Entity

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Thalios nodded as Flemming agreed to his reasoning. No other god had opposed, not the evil ones, so the verdict was final as the Nightmare god turned to leave. The pantheon had been warned and his job was at an end. There were others in the underworld even now at the gate investigating but Thalios could not wait idly as their greatest threat was even now plotting for a way out to get revenge. In the back of his mind the thought of Phobetor and his mother Nephthys who had both willingly stepped aside to allow their sons rise to full control of their spheres of influence. The shadows beckoned, the nightmares sang, and the underworld had always been home.
Hopefully the two of them would find peace wherever they escaped to. Not that the dead gods would likely come for their own former allies, but Thalios did worry that both would be seen as traitors. Better to have them stay out of the politics of it all.

The black tar burned a light purple as it spread across his body, burning bright as it reduced his form to ashes. When the flames subsided the only trace of Thalios on Olympus was the black stain of his passing.
The same burning purple flame exploded in Elysium, the plane for distinguished souls of the dead. This was primarily a place of reward for the mortals that proved to be of good morals and understanding. Thalios flowed across this world like a slug, feeling the ground for a trace of something. No god had been to Tartarus, it was a place you threw someone who greatly displeased the gods, not a vacation spot. That did not mean there wasn't a way to access it.
The gods at the gates could play safe and steady as long as they wanted but that would not stop a threat already inside.
Thalios leaned up and stared at the ceiling to the underworld, the layer of Gaia that separated the underworld from the mortals. But the thoughts went much further, out to the surface of the world seeking something. Someone. If this thing could be called a someone. Aforgomon had been a creature of vast intellect and a deep curiosity capable of finding the nightmare god in his own realm in his own dream. Power unimaginable would be needed for such a feat. If such a creature could find him in his place of power then perhaps he could find the entrance to Tartarus?
The problem was finding the dream shambler would be more difficult than finding the prison of the old dead gods.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Ace of flames01 The Returned

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Rhona smiled gently at Boreas' offer. "Thank you... That's very kind...... But I must decline the offer. I am no god of magic. But I do know that the use of magic has a price. I will die someday... But I am not ready to die just yet... Nor am I willing to risk losing something that could result in hindering me for the remainder of my life... Not when we are at the brink of war..." Rhona whispered, in a daze, her eyes closed. "I down want... to see anymore people die... I will do... what I can... To prevent.... The end..." Her body fell limp.

Leo appeared beside Rhona. He growled and roared a bit at Boreas. Unlike Rhona, Leo was not as innocent and naive. He could tell what Boreas' intentions really were for Rhona and he did not like them. He wasn't about to loose his precious and beloved master to the likes of the gods.

Leo kneeled down and gently slung Rhona over his back. He turned his head to Boreas and drew his lips back, his nose scrunched up as he roared at Boreas once more; as if he were saying: "Stay away from my master! If you touch her, I will kill you!"

Leo's eyes glowed red for a split second as he created a portal that led to Rhona's pocket dimension. He then carried his master through the portal.

Rhona had to overcome her fever as quickly as possible. The merged would soon be at war and Rhona would have to meet with the aliens and their gods sometime soon, so that she may learn from them (and hopefully keep her head on her shoulders where it belonged).
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


With the meeting adjorned Flemmings left to go and prepare his own realm. Which was a realm of portals, a sort of nexus between everywhere. Almost a hub even. Cia turned her attention back to Landon then. "I do you have anywhere you plan to hold up? The Nexus of portals is a place that needs alot of protecting, your help would be much appreciated." Cia said to Landon, a slight blush could be seen on her face as she offered for him to come help her and Flemmings out with their own protection. Though if anyone had been paying attention at the meeting they may have also realized that Cythlla had been missing throughout it.

Of course weather he ever accepted her emotions may end up effecting some future events. A-and... oh no, not again. A jolt could be felt by everyone in the room within Olympus. Without warning a portal made of fur appeared on the ceiling. Out from it fell Sheogorath. Again he made an appearance, a grin on his face. "Nice to meet ya! So this is where ya all meet huh?" Sheo said looking around the meeting room. "Much better compared to the Deadric I'll tell ya that." Sheogorath said with a smile.

"Ya know! On my way here I think I was being trailed, probably by a spider, or maybe it was a dinosaur, I dunno, though maybe it was a pigeon too." Sheogorath said stating a very random story, though if anyone was smart enough to look deeper they would realize it was a very strange way of him giving a warning. "Course with them new mortals around I imagine you all be a bit busy yourselves, that and the intrusion you got going on." Sheogorath said this time clearly refering to the attack to come. Sheogorath clearly knew far more than he was letting anyone know.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by OtomostheCrazy
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OtomostheCrazy The Impatient Patience of Fulfilled Nothingness

Member Seen 6 mos ago

@Ace of flames01

A beat out of place. An untimely noise. An unrelated melody. Anything that sounded wrong in her own music was sign of negativity. Normally, this would mean that some hipster was badmouthing her music, and trying to make a big deal about it, but this was different. The intensityof which the mistakes were made were bigger, which could only mean one thing to Claire. Someone was thinking poorly of Yuki.

Claire knew she should've gone with her. She knew she shouldn't have let her be around gods and goddesses that may or may not look down on her...Claire had to admit that all of that was just an assumption that she crafted from what she got the last time they had a meeting, and the knowledge that there were some deities that they were useless as goddesses. However, she was not going to let whoever it was that thought badly pf her sister simply go.

She had prepared a special thing for auch an occasion. Grinning in a bit of playful malice, Claire sent out her will, and returned to her art. She was content that she was protecting her baby sister.


An orb of light and an orb of darkness began floating of their own accord. Yuki watched in surprise as the two things began to circle and rotate. They went faster and faster for a bit, until they began to burst and seep into four rays of light, and four clouds of darkness. These things grew, larger and longer until they were the size of towers. Yuki knew what was happening now.

"CLAIRE!!!!" she yelled in frustration as the music began to sound.

The beginning was soft, but eerie, and the light and darkness shaped themselves to the sound of the soft humming, and the clatter of rocks and pebbles. Yuki knew this song. It was a very chaotic one that Claire liked to play around with. She knew that she had less than a minute to work with before whatever Claire had hidden in this piece rose hell and high heaven. She began to dance. It wasn't ballet, but it was a smooth, gentle style. As she danced, the winds began to pick up, moving with and around her and the eight pillars of darkness and light. the winds stayed gentle, like a strong, but serene breeze on a grassy hill at the break of dawn.

When the minute passed, Yuki looked as if she ended her dance at the same time as the music, but the moment it seemed that both she and it ended, Yuki and the pillars disappeared with the wind.


They reappeared at Olympus, near a black lion that was carrying an unconscious person on its back. Yuki was surprised at the fact that the winds had carried them to a place so near to the position of living creatures. Surprised enough to allow time for the pillars to take physical form.

Eight snakes. Four of light, and four of darkness. They slithered about from one spot of the area to the next within less than a second, twitching their heads and tongues as if they were searching for something. They turned their heads to the lion, and began to form to move around and towards it, as if evaluating it. They moved to the music, and when it paused a bit with a sort of low whistling sound, they began merging together into one big blob. When the low whistle was heard again, they re-emerged as one. They towered over all that could see it, as a smaller, fake, but still dangerous-version of Yamata-no-Orochi.

"Run!" exclaimed Yuki to the Lion, hoping it would understand.

She too would run, as the music compelled the creature of twilit-existence to pursue the lion and the unconscious one.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by PerseusArchean
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Occus, Boreas
Month Two

Boreas took a step forward, startled by the goddess' collapse. He went to help, but her feline guardian obviously did not trust him and warned him off. Knowing that she was a goddess, and regardless of her ill nature she wouldn't die, Boreas would just have to trust that the black lion would see she was cared for. Deciding that was enough for today, especially for Occus, Boreas left to collect the young immortal and return to make preparations for the defense of Wickedeisos.

"Come," he whispered, a serious tone to his voice, "we've been gone long enough, we should check the prison." That wasn't all Boreas wanted to do, but it was what would get Occus moving fastest.

"Alright," he muttered, turning and leaving the council room. They quickly bee-lined for the garden where the portal to Wickedeisos floated. "Has Khione left already?"

"I don't know, she'll probably head to Russia soon." Boreas answered with a shrug. His daughter loved the far northern regions of the world, not so much the far south as it was less populated where it became colder.

"Let her," Occus decided, frowning, "It won't be easy finding her, she'll be safer there than Hexstirn." That was worrying, Boreas thought that almost sounded like resignation in Ox's voice. Surely he wouldn't give up?

They walked in silence through the halls of Hexstirn. Navigating the pathways to the center-most building where the throne room sat heavily protected by wards and spells. The room was filled with some twenty Fae, including Khulekani. His Generals, new and old, the oldest and most skilled of them. They would be sent to collect their brothers and sisters from the mortal realms to prepare for battle. Soon they'd appeal to old enemies for alliance; the Jotuns and Elves, maybe the Dwarves too, but most definitely the faltering populations of the sorely neglected Asian, African, and Native American creatures.

"Find your sons," Ox commanded, giving Boreas a knowing look. "Send them to the Cage." He knew Boreas had had more on his mind than the much needed work, and while Ox would love to indulge him, more pressing matters needed their attention.

Month Two

"My lord," Kani purred happily once Boreas had left. "We have discovered the source of this strife." She said, a hint of teasing entering her voice.

Occus leaned forward from where he'd sat back in the throne. He didn't pick up immediately on the difference in her tone from her usual self, more focused on the information he was so desperate to get. "What is it then? Who?"

"His name is dangerous to say aloud, it is cursed." She confided, Occus didn't notice the lie. He stood, coming closer to where she stood before the other Fae Generals.

"Speak it then," he said, once he was in arms reach of his trusted friend. "I can shield us here." He promised.

Kani leaned forward.

"DECEIVER! TRAITOR! RUN! BETRAYAL!" The Heart was suddenly screaming, demanding he flee for his life this very moment. Occus jerked back in surprise, eyes turning to the Generals who were grinning maliciously.

"What is-?" He started to demand, but then a blade, Harpe, was digging into his chest and his magic would not answer his call. The wards had failed, for the first time in his life magic was no where to be found. He screamed as his friend's blade cleaved his flesh. The golden blood of gods splashed over them, pooling onto the floor of the throne room. Kani had betrayed him? Impossible! He'd known her for centuries, for most of his life, it simply wasn't possible. She'd sold her soul to him! She physically could not hurt him!

And yet, as he crumpled to the floor, splayed out on his back, the blade somehow more effective than it had any right to be, Kani twisted it with a pleased smirk.

She jerked Harpe from his flesh, stepping on his torso to better leverage it from his chest. This wasn't enough to kill him, it couldn't be, he was a god! But Kani's thrust had been true, and more than his life was at stake here. "There you are, my pretty, mad little thing." She cooed. Occus was confused, but his thoughts were too unfocused to make sense of what was happening. she was reaching down, towards his wound... why?

And then whatever was canceling the magic in the area failed and Occus heaved a gasp, choking on his golden blood, ut feeling power in his veins once more. "Traitor!" He screamed, fury and grief warring within him and a blast of his most deadly dark curses on his finger tips. But before he could let loose his arcane rage, Kani's hand wrapped around The Heart and pulled it free from his chest, ending everything for Occus.

"NO!" It wailed in terror, for once it's voice echoing beyond Ox's mind. "You serve Zeltrax now." Kani giggled in delight. She began chanting, preparing to send the artifact to her master, but The Heart was a powerful creation in it's own right and vanished of it's own accord straight from her grasp. "No!" She screamed, furious, but then the effects of her possession began to fade and the anger turned to shock and grief. Her beloved Occus, her master and friend... she killed him?

Then the wards finally finished reconstructing themselves after the arcane blackout, and they recognized every single one of the Generals as traitors and accomplices in murder. Without direction from it's creator, the sentient side of Wickedeisos had no direction, so it simply shut. The traitors were scorched into nonexistence, the doors sealed shut everywhere, and then the lone portal to Olympus exploded with a sound not unlike The Heart's shriek of terror and grief.

It happened so fast, no one could have defended against it. In a single move the Fae were plunged into chaos. Those close to the Heart, or to Occus himself, or those with gifts of seeing and knowing, immediately alerted everyone they could.

Wickedeisos had gone silent.

Within the hour rumors were rampant and panic was spreading sharply. There was nothing heard from Boreas, nor from Zethes, Calais, or Khione. The Fae were not associated with other immortals, they had no one to turn to, no one to answer their questions, no one to ask for help. They were not even sure if the others would know if anything had happened at all, they knew that Occus was a solitary deity, keeping only a handful of close friends nearby, but they had no way of alerting the others. Within three hours of the beginning of Wickedeisos' silence the Fae were well and truly locked up. Castles hidden by magic, large mansions stuffed with sleeping mats, even caves and sewers were playing host to a few. Some even returned to their mortal homes and settled in to wait it out, or just fled the Earth entirely, jumping into separate realms to hide from whatever was coming. Their was no doubt in the minds of the seers that this was only the beginning, and without Occus, or even Boreas, to guide them, they were as helpless as the clueless Humans.

One memorable event shared through mortal technology stuck out. A picture of a crying Californian girl with a spray can in her hand screaming incoherently at the police trying to arrest her with the words 'THE SECOND WAR COMES!' sprayed in graffiti on the face of the building beside her. The picture was spread around quickly by the Fae, but also by mortals who thought the girl's elfin ears and bright green eyes, combined with her modern clothes and hipster glasses made her look like something out of a modern fantasy novel. Which she was.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Alec watches the rest leave then stands slowly. He looks at the cheese man and takes in his words with a nod his eyes showing that he understood that there was more to it. The friendly side of Alec seems to be gone with the idea of war in his mind. His spear seems to appear in his hands as he becomes his God form his slams the end of the spear into the ground and seems to vanish. Alec was preparing for war and for him there is no mercy in it, no kindness.
The Egyptian underworld becomes full of activity. The same if not more then when the merged were at war with the old gods. Large predatory birds fly in circles around his home. Large crocodiles with gleaming teeth in dangerous smiles gather around his rooms and reports of statues of Anubis seeming to move or disappear make waves in blogs online. Alec himself stands outside his rooms with glowing eyes as he commands half of his creatures of the world and statues to prepare that something was coming and that they would need to be ready to respond. He would not be seen in his human form until the threat has passed. And his underworld would be dangerous to any to enter. Especially with the rousing of creatures like the rocs flying within.
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