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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by rechonq
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rechonq Silver River Royalty

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Landon was certainly on the defensive. He blocked most of Hel's attacks and struck when she was side open, but nothing was cutting deep enough to cause serious damage. Meanwhile Hel took advantage of the situation to go full on the offensive. An orb appeared behind Landon launching a needle thorugh the right side of his chest. He spun crushing the orb and blocking a strike from her. As more orbs surrounded him, lances and shields launched out from him blocking the orbs attacks and sundering them as well. Landon was certainly a sight to see. Full of holes, cuts and burns, it made anyone wonder how he still stood. Any mortal would have lost conciousness or died by then, but he hardly slowed at all. Landon was suddenly caught off gaurd, but not by Hel. In fact she was caught off gaurd as well. A bright light shone behind them their fight paused with defensive stances on both sides. Cia had just cut Idun in two, and then proceeded to cut her head off! Landon was slightly afraid at the sight. Even seeing the Norse underworld full of vikings backed by Odin, Tyr and Hel, didn't startle him that much. Cia was not a pacifist to be messed with. Landon was feeling good after the first round with Sif, but now he realized he still had a long way to go to reach the level of these gods with his own power.

Cia turned towards the two with green lit eyes. She looked at Hel, but even being on the same side of that glare gave goosebumps up and down ones spine. He wasn't sure whether to continue to fight Hel or run from Cia's fury. He quelled his fear and struck at Hel again. She was still slightly stunned and the downward cut into her lower rib woke her up with a searing pain. Realizing she wouldn't get a chance to revive her trump card, she sacrificed her strength taking a vital strike through her heart as she struck Landon again, but this time with the rot that she had imbued on the ground before. It spread through his icy stomach slowly attempting to break past the skin. Instead of trying to deep freeze and isolate the rot, he cut his skin where the rot was and thawed that part of his stomach. His blood poured profusely and the rot that couldn't spread fast enough out with it. He then froze his stomach again and slowed the bleeding.

Meanwhile Hel stumbled back as well, a gaping hole dripping black from her semblance of a heart. Hel was enraged it appeared as though she was powering something, but she should have attempted to run again, as Odin had seen he would need to do. He prepared a portal for himself to escape as he saw Cia finish Hel before whatever attack she would have unleashed. Though he may have been able to take Flemmings, the fight was too close and the two others would soon turn their attention to him as well. He would escape and find help from others. He wasn't one of the greatest old gods simply because of his strength. That was Zeus's downfall, but Odin was much wiser. His aura and charm could decieve many people, even gods. If it weren't for the fact he was defeated before, it would be easy to believe he was the source of all this.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by PerseusArchean
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@Ace of flames01

Hannah Lane
Tower of Enacra
Month Two

Surprisingly, the battle was going well. The attackers were beginning to exhaust themselves, they had needed to clear out the upper floors to get this far after all. Added to the help of two Goddesses, even ones of things other than war, and the defenders were quite lucky. The Fae were better than Humans, physically at least, they were stronger, faster, more durable, but Gods were a thousand times better than even then. The battle was savage, but Hannah was beginning to hope.

Then it changed.

Hannah hadn't been quite sure what it was until a fireball was flung into her chest. Magic had returned. At this realization the battle reached new levels of chaos. Fire and ice were flung in equal measure all around the room, curses and counter curses went flying, and the tower was literally falling down around their heads.

A Lamensch, a soul pledged to Occus with a place in his realm, spinning past her head gave Hannah an idea. The dead could still reach Wickedeisos. "Defend me!" She demanded loudly, prompting those still around her to form a defensive half circle. She began sucking in ambient magic so quickly she physically began to glow a brilliant purple color. "To me!" She shouted, the power going to her head and distorting her voice into a slightly crazed tone. The Sorcerer began conjuring something to throw at her, but Aden was suddenly there, ripping into his neck with savage purpose.

She used two hands to channel the magic, the other two still held swords. "For Occus," she said, an aura of calm overtaking her as she stared down the Goddesses. "bring him back to us." She whispered. Then she shoved a blade through her own chest. The glow intensified as the blood sacrifice gave it power, turning it a deep red color, and then the life was leeched from her and the glow became impossible black. Her body disintegrated, and there was no Lamensch from her corpse. Instead a giant hole in space had formed, a portal unlike Ox's usual swirling violet that revealed nothing of the other side, this portal was instead a clear space of nothingness, showing the beauty of Wickedeisos clearly.

Golden grass seemed to glow under a violet sky at permanent dusk. Stars were like silver ornaments in the sky, shining brightly as if trying to make up for the lack of a sun. Haunting songs of a foreign tongue echoed through the dark trees, the soft green leaves of which swayed in an invisible wind, waving as if in greeting. Just past the trees a large doorway was carved from a cliff of a mountain. There was no darkness within, or anywhere, as the light of the stars passed through tree top and stone alike as if they were not even there, illuminating the depths of the mountain passage.

The loyal Fae immediately began retreating into the portal, and Aden quickly ushered the two goddesses towards the realm just as a large stone slab fell on one of the attackers. The whole tower was going down. Aden, being perceptive enough to know the compassionate goddesses would worry about them, clarified quickly; "Magic has returned, a portal has safely taken the children away."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Rhona watched in horror as she saw Hannah plung her blade into her own chest. "No.... NO!!! Hannah!" She screamed, tears running down her cheeks. But it was too late. The deed was done and Hannah was dead.

Rhona collapsed to her knees, her entire body was trembling. "Why...? Why did I think I was capable for something like this... ? Why did she have to die?! It's all my fault...." She cried hugging herself tightly as the tower collapsed. A chunk of rock hit Rhona's back leaving a gash. A beam of light shot out from the gash in the place of what should have been blood.

In a panic, Leo slung Rhona and Yuki on his back and dashed through the portal, along with the other fae. Once safely inside, Leo kneeled down, allowing the 2 to dismount. Rhona, still not getting over the shock of the situation, curled up into a trembling, crying little ball on the ground. "It's all my fault... It's all my fault..." She repeated, this time her voice was quiet, almost a whisper.

Leo gently nudged Rhona with his nose and whined, as if saying, "It's going to be OK. Just keep your promise to her."

Rhona sniffed and wiped away her tears as she pet Leo's soft mane, then hugged him. Leo hugged her back with his massive paws, purring. After she had calmed down enough, Rhona released Leo, exhaling deeply as she pet Leo's head. Not looking up from Leo, Rhona replied, "Take me to him... Take me to Occus... I will do whatever it takes to save him."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Alec watches as the risen are beaten back. His energy drained completely causing him to kneel as he watches. Once he is certain that they have won he passes out falling onto his side and for some reason morphing into his human form. His human form has a torn t shirt that shows his multiple wounds, some are on his face. As he falls, the statues he had kept alive fall as they lose their animation. Luckily, none of them break. Instead they simply fall adding to the desolate feel of his underworld. Several dead crocodiles and other minions add to this feeling as well. Wounded rocs walk to safety to nurse their wounds.
A widget and his familiar guards his unconscious body. The jackal curls beside him as Alec's wounds slowly heal. His breathing is slow to the point where if one were to just glance at him they would assume he was dead. His heart rate is slow, but still there.
Who would help him. he knows not, since he is comatose.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by OtomostheCrazy
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@Ace of flames01@PerseusArchean

Yuki watched as the battle went from a normal one to a disaster even worse than it was originally. With the return of magic, everyone had begun to use it recklessly. Hexes, curses, fire and ice-everything magic-related was used in an attempt to gain the upper hand. Such wild and untamed casting began to bring the place down on itself.

Some of the traitors were crushed, which made things a nit easier, but then Yuki heard Rhona scream. She turned and found Hannah with her own weapon embeddex in her breast. She was smiling. When her body disappeared and was replaced by a portal, Yuki realized what had happened. Sacrificial magic.


When Yuki saw Leo head over to her after picking Rhona up, the Dance goddess hopped on. The lion brought them through the portal.

Yuki had not known Hannah long, but she was a friend. They had worked together during the zombie incident. Her death was a harsh blow to her. Yuki hid it, though. She hid behind her hair and closed her eyes for a moment. Then she opened them again, and looked forward.

Rhona was determined to find Occus, and so was Yuki. A promise made must be fulfilled. Especially now that his devotees need him.

"If you have any idea where he might have gone, please tell us."



"Oh, great. Cheesewheel's here. What, did the Skyrim mods get too weird for you?"", said Claire unenthusiastically.

Claire did not want to have a conversation with Sheogorath at the moment. It didn't help that she remembered their first encounter clearly. She didn't know nor care if the mad daedric prince remembered it, but she wasn't going to let go of the months of work she spent on a composition under an alias, wasted because some dude decided to pop out of Miriam's video game, and turn her thoughts of said composition Iinto cheesy writer's block.

Out of both revenge, and a bit of mischief, Miriam helped Claire mod the game while Sheogorath was in it, accidentally starting a trend along the way.

But that was besides the point. Claire now had to deal with a mentally estranged mad being whose nonsesical actions and words are second only to the original Alice in Wonderland books. Difference was that the books didn't do anything to her.

" Look, the towers will do their job if major conflict breaks out between people there. They'll stop the fighting and suppress the violent ones...while emanating a chorus of very intimidating voices that I have looping in those things. If you don't know why, then you have short-term memory loss, Pepperjack."

Sheogorath's presence must have had an effect on Claire, because she was drifting away from the daedric peince's qiestion. Or maybe it was the grudge working its way to the top of her priorities, as she absolutely despised the fact that one of her possibly greatest works was prematurely destroyed. Either way, she drifting further and further away from her own goal, and she had to stop herself Iin order to get back on track.

" Alright, fine. I'm looking for Cia. I need to address something with her, but the portal to Asgard isn't here. I don't suppose you can help, can you?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

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Flemmings smirked at Odin as he was trying to leave through a portal. However he was in the nexus, controlled by himself and Cia. The portal he had opened quickly shut before he could get through. "Your not leaving my friend, this place will be your grave." Flemmings said as he cracked his knuckles. At this point he had another symbol appear on his hand. "You are banned from moving." Flemmings stated as he punched Odin one last time, the symbol appearing on Odin's stomach where he was hit. Due to Flemmings 'Absolute Rule' ability Odin had to obey, that and Odin was shaken enough from seeing Cia too.

Odin no longer moved at this point, Flemmings used this opportunity to create two portals, one above and below, he then jumped into it falling faster and faster gaining momentum. Soon enough he threw another portal just below Odin and then shot out of it sending a powerful uppercut at Odin, one that knocked his head clean off from the shear momentum and force that Flemmings had. After Flemmings landed one could see his eyes glowing purple for just a moment before the glow went away. It seemed to be a feature he and Cia shared, though hers was far more prevalent.

Cia meanwhile turned her attention to Landon who she ran too after finished with Hel. Cia's eyes were back to normal again as well, she also acted kindly too again. "Let me heal those wounds." Cia said kneeling next to Landon, a holy light eminated from her whole body then moved towards Landon to heal his wounds completely. She was a goddess of healing after all. Though that part wasn't as prevalent.

Sheogorath payed no mind to the strange cheese names, he had been called worse after all. "So it stops organic humans from fighting eh? Gotta wonder if it can stop inorganic humans too." Sheogorath said, another one of his cryptic warnings, though this one not as cryptic as the others. "And you said you wanted to go see, Cia right? The crazy girl?" Shegorath gave grin at this, someone asking for his help. This was gonna be fun. "Right then, let's see how this works! Portal! Go to Cia!" Sheogorath said, this time the portal appeared in the shape of a Rhino, it wasn't a real Rhino though, more like a mechanical one, the skin looked quite strange as it wasn't real.

"Huh, thats new one, hopefully we don't have to use the butt." Sheogorath said with a grin as he walked towards the Rhino, once it was touched they were transported to what seems to be a whole dimension where everything was made out of flowers. There was no Cia here, however what there was here was a door that lead to the Nexus. So Sheogorath was about half right.


Sun Wu Kong continued the fight, though he was now getting more battered as he got hit more. "Why are you attacking me?!" Sun Wu Kong finally asked as he got pushed against a wall by the two. Hun Batz just let out a monkey scream before attacking Sun Wu Kong again.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

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Reese held off his assault on Wu Kong with his question repeatedly playing back in his mind. "Why was they attacking him." Without a second thought Reese stood in Hun Batz line of attack readying to block his following attempts to land a hit on Wu Kong. "Batz! Tell me why are we attacking Sun Wu Kong and why is there such pandemonium outside of the temple!?" Reese questioned Hun Batz now wondering more about the situation him and Yato just threw themselves into.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by PerseusArchean
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Scott Rutherford, Jakob Frisk
Month Two

Scott felt the disaster long before he actually found out what the disaster was. The huge headache and sense of imminent doom hanging over his head was part of the reason they'd gotten the Alfsteinn so quickly. He summoned the most atrocious void-beast he could and dropped it in the middle of the city. Snagging Belle's hand and running like hell for the entrance to the tunnel while the various fire spirits duked it out on the surface with the... tentacle thing. He wasn't sure what it was, but it screamed and wiggled like nobodies' business.

Unfortunately, making it past the fire spirits was not in fact the hard part. The tunnel led to guess where? The sewers! And in the absence of the light elves who had climbed out of the walls like giant smelly rats? Dark elves! Cruel, hungry, magical, dark elves. He was ashamed to admit that maybe the addictive demon magics had gone to his head and he had summoned another squiggly thing. They made a dash through the sewers as the thing ate literally everything and hid in a room that just so happened to have more evil elves. Fighting them fairly that time had rewarded them with finding a door to the temple, which had taken literal weeks to traverse as sometimes Scott took whole days pouring over how to disarm one single spell.

Getting fed up with it all, he summoned another squishy thing inside the wards. It took the wards hours to kill the thing, which was trapped inside, but it weakened them enough Scott could just break them with no consequence. The Alfsteinn itself, a big beautiful green gem, was layered in so many binding spells he had simply shoved the thing into Belle's hands and jumped worlds, not bothering to even attempt cracking them here, and nor did he want to unless he had a way to control the flow first.

The duo- there were four of them, he kept forgetting- arrived to find Scott's home in Jotunheimen in total lock down and the wards severely diminished. They discovered a young German kid bent over a book muttering prayers to Occus, even though the boy was clearly not Fae he was not uninformed it would seem. He spun around at their entrance into the room, took one look at their singed clothes, Scott's glowing eyes, and the glowing orb in Belle's grasp and said in a small voice; "Are they- is it gone?"

Scott immediately turned to jelly on the inside. This kid had somehow found the tower, managed to get in it, had read the books if the shifted piles were any indication, and then been attacked and activated the tower's securities on his own. Poor kid was in a state if the barely restrained tears were at all telling. Using scrying techniques Scott managed to get a grasp of all that had changed in their absence. All of the realms were dark; Wickedeisos had screamed at him when he tried opening a portal, and the Asgard attempt had simply fizzled into wild magic that burnt the floor slightly.

Aliens- yes, aliens, had made contact and then suddenly became violent, destroying near thirty cities across the world and subjugating others. A goddess was all over the news, having revealed herself to the Humans. Something called an 'Amgarrack' was being desperately searched for by Human governments. The Fae were panicked because Occus had gone silent and literally everyone was under attack, at least twenty safe houses had gone dark and his scrying revealed only burnt husks, collapsed towers, and piles of bodies. He was relatively sure he'd caught a glimpse of Eurus battling Boreas over the ruins of Moscow, and the news was warning of a massive blizzard in that region, so he was probably right.

For the most part Scott just stood over his desk, staring at the bowls of water showing him destruction across the world.

Even worse, the kid wanted his parents, though he'd attempted to play it cool it was quite clear he was scared out of his mind.

@Ace of flames01

Aden felt gratitude well in him, the Fae had low opinions of most gods, and most gods had low opinions of the Fae, but these two were alright. "I fear what we will find," he said stoically, "but if there are clues to be found, it will be in Hexstirn." He gestured to the tunnel entrance.

Many of the surviving Fae were enraptured by their surroundings, having not dreamed of seeing this place before their deaths. Many just plopped down at the tunnel entrance, too hesitant to actually venture into the city they knew lay beneath the mountain. So it was only Aden, now unshifted from his werewolf form, who led the goddesses into the mountain. "It shouldn't be far, a straight path to the throne room I think. Khulekani spoke of it once." Aden muttered, mostly to himself.

The high ceiling was suddenly towering over them, and the rows of empty buildings on all sides stretched into the distance. A massive city beneath the mountain, but it was totally empty. Aden couldn't help think it must be lonely here, and that was why Occus spent so much time chasing mortals to tempt to the Fae.

The largest building was upon them in no time, and a horrible smell caught Aden's nose. The smell of ozone, like after a lightning strike, and the dark magic was palpable and tense, gathered but unreleased. Then a small he'd never smelt before, except once, very recently... His eyes turned to Rhona's wound and his face paled rapidly. The smell was of an immortal's blood, or whatever it was.

He charged forward, through the entryway and into the throne room, throwing open the large double doors to the throne room. His howl of anguish bounced off the walls and throughout the cavern like the haunting wail of a banshee. He collapsed to his knees, unable to look away.

Occus lay sprawled on his back in the center of the room, all around him was a puddle of glowing golden liquid, still wet, the physical manifestation of his lost life force. His eyes stared unseeingly up at some unseen attacker, hatred and agony having been smoothed from his face in death. A huge wound ripped open his chest, and within was an empty space where the Heart had rested. "The Heart!" Aden cried out in both fury and desolation. "They took The Heart..."

New England, United States
Month Two

He had escaped Asgard, but not his pursuers. He ran for so long he lost track of where he was, and then he was pinned down by Huitzilopochtli. Both being gods of fire they slugged it out in a firestorm of rage and chaos. The sun fueled the aztec god's attacks, but Vito matched the power by adding an extra spark to each of his own attacks. Soon a massive storm was growing on the American north west coast, only fueling the magical fires further. Tornados of flame went spinning across the continent, and fire rained like meteors everywhere. The destruction was catastrophic, the very sea beginning to boil from the heat.

Vito was too tired to keep up though, and soon he was pinned. Huitzilopochtli shoved his hand into Vito's chest, prompting the god's pain to further fuel the flames around them. Vito knew in that second that the risen god was going to steal his power, and a spark of hatred and vengeance only gave him one option. At least this way his death didn't end in his soul being consumed.

He exploded in a ball of fire, lightning, and light. the world physically shuddered as both deities were destroyed, volcanoes erupted across the surface of the planet, even as far as the other side of the world where no volcano had been previously. Firestorms and freak storms of super charged electricity still raged across the North American continent relentlessly, fueled by two gods' deaths.

Such an event as this clued even the slow mortals in; the gods were at war on this planet, and no one was safe from the consequences.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Ace of flames01 The Returned

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Rhona stared in awe at the massive structures as she followed closely behind Aden. "Incredible..." She whispered. It was only until her gaze met Occus' body, that her awe shifted to terror.

Rhona ran over to Occus' body and kneeled beside his body, in the pool of his blood. She examined his body for a few moments. She lightly touched his face. His skin was pale, practically white, and cold like ice. "That's not the only problem. He's lost a lot of his life force. So even if his heart was present, he wouldn't last very long on his own." She replied, looking at the pool of blood. Rhona paused then had a sudden epiphany. "OK. I have an idea. Do you have any idea as to where his heart is?"

Her plan was going to risky for her, but she had to save Occus... Or die trying.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by rechonq
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rechonq Silver River Royalty

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Landon watched in amazement as Flemmings released what he was beginning to assume his ultimate attack of sorts. It seemed like it was a thing of these siblings to gain growing eyes as they did the amazing. With the Nexus cleared Cia came over to heal Landon. "Thank you Cia, but don't worry too much. I don't necessarily heal quickly, but I don't die from bloodloss either. I can bleed forever." Realizing that wasn't necessarily something to be proud of, he changed the conversation. "So what are we going to do now? Since these gods have been taken care of and all, where do we start to figure out where this began."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by PerseusArchean
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

@Ace of flames01

Aden floundered for an answer, searching his mind desperately for who could have taken it. A chance to save Occus was enough to reignite hope in his chest. Who would know? Boreas might... where was Boreas now? Well he wasn't here, that was for sure. Boreas and Occus had been close, perhaps there was a clue? Aden stood abruptly, if the two were as close as Aden suspected then the loss would have affected the god deeply. There was a map, somewhere, a war map... Aden stood abruptly and ducked through into a side room, the war room. A table with violet hologram-like projections showed the planet and the realms floating around it. A few seemed to be missing... but there was no time for that.

There! A freakishly large blizzard was swirling across western Russia. That would be Boreas, it had to be. Now Aden knew what he had to do, if Hannah could do it then so could he...

But wait! He was inside the realm! He needed to find a way to force it open again. But there was no time! He debated for a moment which option was better, and then he heard a whispering in his mind. So that was what he had to do.

Aden was no mage, but he was Fae. He could do this, just a bit of the more dangerous magics was all it would take. Blood magic wasn't picky after all, blood was blood. He stalked back into the throne room purposefully, and picked up the still lightly humming staff Blodsec. He hesitated a moment, eyeing the pool of gold, and then decided against it in case the blood was important. He transformed his claws and tore them across his left wrist, dripping red droplets onto the staff's crystals, which absorbed the liquid like a sponge. So much dark magic today, it wasn't good for anyone.

The staff glowed brighter, the fresh sacrifice waking the artifact up. Aden fully transformed for the next part, using the superhuman strength of his werewolf form to jab the staff deep into the stone floor of the throne room, sending cracks every which way. The crystals' orange glow became violet abruptly as it was forcefully linked to the realm. Aden focused all of his mental power on the vision that assaulted his mind from touching the link, and quickly located the wards, which had activated after finding Occus dead when magic returned to the place. He switched them off.

Still linked to the realm itself, he was suddenly aware of hundreds of incoming portals. Soon the city would be swarming with refugee Fae. It'd be best if they didn't see Occus as he was now. The doors to the throne room abruptly slammed shut, and then Aden got to the whole purpose of this complicated magic trick; he opened a portal to Russia in the throne room. Boreas fell through immediately, shaking with grief and rage as he held the body of an ice cold goddess with snow white hair; Khione, his daughter. "Ox!" The winter god shouted, and then seemingly realized what he was looking at as the portal closed behind him and Aden let go of the staff, returning to human form as he did.

"No!" So Boreas hadn't even been aware of Occus' death? He wouldn't know where the heart was then. Aden rushed to explain before the distraught god could start assigning blame. "Rhona can save him, but we need The Heart!" Boreas straightened at that, but still seemed grief stricken. "Who was here? Who saw this happen?" Boreas asked, leaning his daughter's body to the floor with a sad look and a soft caress.

"No one," Aden said guardedly, "Hannah, Hannah Lane, she sacrificed herself to open a portal here. No one was here before us, and he was like this when we arrived."

"All but one." Boreas said darkly. He turned suddenly to Rhona and Yuki, eyeing them and judging them, but he seemed satisfied by what he saw. "I will get her."

He returned shortly later, face still grim and weary. Inquisitive whispering followed him, but he answered none of the too-quiet questions. Then Boreas moved aside, and there, in flesh and blood, renewed to her full glory, was Hecate. Her eyes were normal, unlike the red of the resurrected Old Gods, and currently widening in horror. "My son!" She choked, aghast and more emotional than she should have been considering he had been the one to kill her. "My- my son..." She rushed to his side, cradling her head in her arms - just like had been foreseen before all of this started.

"Where is The Heart," Boreas asked her, grim and only slightly sympathetic. "I know you listen to it. We can use it to save him." He assured.

The goddess perked up at that, then deflated. "You have to try." She commanded, "No matter where I say, you have to go and get it anyway. Promise." She demanded.

Boreas didn't hesitate a second. "We will go. I promise. Where is it?"

"Veroxese." she said, "Earth. It's hiding among the mortals, at the last place it visited in that realm."

Boreas frowned, a mortal club in Germany? How... obscure. The Heart was rather clever. But then... "What awaits us there? You made us promise to go, why? What is wrong with this club?"

Hecate frowned, looking down at her son's still face. "That city is next. A light from the sky will destroy it soon, if you are still in the city when it does strike... God or not, you will not come back to us. Be quick, The Heart does not know, and it will not survive either."

Boreas looked surprise, the mortal aliens could kill gods? He shook the thought away and turned to Rhona and Yuki. He remembered most of the Merged, even the drifting ones like these two. "You will come with me?" It sounded like a demand, but he had meant it as a question. At Hecate's beckoning a portal appeared in the throne room, showing a deserted German city. Everyone was inside, hiding, or had long ago made a run for the countryside.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Ace of flames01 The Returned

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Rhona was surprised to see Boreas enter at first but then remembered their first meeting, thus she assumed that there was a connection between the two. She listened to Hecate and Boreas. However, it was when she heard Hecate say the aliens and humans were at war, that she was stricken with fear. She reached her hand out and touched the dark ring on her neck.

Rhona stood there trembling for a moment but she then saw the corpse of the young god and the weeping Hecate before her. Unlike Rhona, he had so much yet to live for. He had people who loved him, he had worshipers..... He would be missed far more than she. Her fate had already been sealed. However, Occus' was not.

"I said that I can save him and I will. I will come with you." Rhona replied, fearlessly. She stood up and quickly made her way to the portal. "Let's go! There isn't much time!"

With that said, Rhona leaped through the portal. On the other side stood the front of the club. Explosions could be heard in the distance, and they were nearing fast. Aside from that, the town was dead silent and deserted. She turned to Boreas. "Let's hurry!" She replied.

The hunt was on and the race against the clock had started.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ArkmageddonCat
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ArkmageddonCat That One Guy

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The expansive Garden of Odalisi...it was finally dead...withered by centuries of sickness, the garden was now finally entirely rotted away...the once vivid colors had faded and were replaced with a lifeless brown...all the memories and secrets that it held lost to the darkness forever...

This garden represented the mortal life throughout Vekrashtan, flourishing in all it's beauty before the collapse...now completely and utterly dead. Ariakami was saddened to see her birthplace in such a state, but there was nothing that she, nor any other Odalisian, could do...for the mortal world of Vekrashtan was taking it's last breath...and all the gods would die. Yet even still, hope gleamed in her eyes; Owik(God of Space, Time, and Dimensions) had told her that she and all the other impure gods would survive, as they did not need the worship of mortals for their power. However, they would still need a living planet to call their home in order to survive, and Owik told them of the various candidate planets dotted throughout the universe and other dimensions. Ari would be going to a place called "Earth"...a world she knew very little about, but was very interested in seeing...and today would finally be the day.

Today, she would leave the home she's known her entire existence and travel some unknown distance across the universe, and perhaps even to a separate dimension. Owik kept most of the details to himself, and Ariakami honestly didn't mind, but the thought of how far away she'd be traveling scared her. Suddenly the bells began to toll, signaling that it was time to get going...so Ari stood up, giving the garden one last glance before turning and scurrying off to the council halls.

Once she arrived, she stood for a moment at the front steps. The jaded and crumbling council building appeared to posses a sort of aged and forgotten knowledge, hidden away somewhere deep within. Ariakami was here an hour early, just as planned...she didn't want to go through the pain of saying goodbye to everyone, and as she continued inside, she was greeted by an expecting Owik. He welcomed Ari, and proceeded to lead her into the main chamber where Kalu(King of the Gods) and Srah(Goddess of Portals and the Void) were. "Ariakami!...Welcome!...Though, this is also our final farewell..." Came Kalu's weak, yet clearly distinguishable voice. "Are you certain you want to do this...so soon?"

"Yes, my king...I am sure." Responded Ari, looking away slightly. Owik came up beside her and placed a hand gently on her shoulder, speaking to Kalu. "As am I, Kalu. Ariakami here convinced me to see her as a test subject for this procedure, even though I'm certain that there will be no complications. She persisted, however, so I finally gave in to her request." He spoke, turning his head to look at Ari, a look of secret understanding on his face. "I trust you've already said your farewells?" Ariakami looked back, giving a slight smile as she spoke. "Yes sir...I have. I am ready to go, now."

"Halt!...You are not ready...not just yet..." Interrupted Kalu, his weakened body still sitting motionless in his throne. "Take my blade, "Valor"...so that it shall serve you...as it had once served me...Srah, would you please?" The King of the Gods continued, motioning towards one of the swords on a nearby weapon rack with his eyes. With a courteous bow, Srah moved to retrieve the weapon and quickly brought it over to Ariakami...who then hesititantly accepted the ancient relic of a blade. "Uh...thank you, my king...I shall treasure it, always." She spoke quietly, sadness tainting her voice.

Owik then clapped his hands together, signaling for Srah to start opening the portal. As the Portal formed, Owik decided to pass the time by briefing Ari on how things should happen. "Alright...Ariakami, as soon as the portal forms you are going to enter through it, as Srah cannot afford to waste her energy. I've no idea where you will end up, but it should be within the home of their gods." He told her, turning back to the portal as it reached the end of it's formation. "Goodbye, Ariakami...and good luck." Owik said, followed by the quick farewells of Kalu and Srah as the portal became fully formed.

Ariakami smiled sadly and waved to each of them before rushing into the portal, which disappeared only a second later. Once she was gone, Kalu gave a concerned look to Owik. "That seemed...very rushed...is there something you're not telling me, Owik?" He asked, managing to raise an eyebrow in question. "She dislikes farewells, dear brother...and I don't think she would've wanted to sit through your speech...and, in all honesty, neither would I..." Owik responded, a smirk stretched upon his face. "It wounds me to hear you say that, Owik..." Kalu said, his voice ripe with imitated sorrow. They both chuckled for a short while, as Srah smiled softly and rolled her eyes. Then they waited in a sad silence for the others gods and goddesses to arrive...


Ariakami exited the portal into Olympus, home of the gods, but could not see much beyond the black fog as she glanced around. The sight immediately worried her, but as she turned back to the portal she saw the last, blurred images of the Odalisi council room fade away while the portal dissipated. Ari was now stranded in a strange place, frantically looking about as she heard noises but could not make them out. It would appear that she had been dazed by the transportation through the portal...something she was not expecting, nor was she warned about. Ariakami's senses were slowly coming back, the sounds of danger becoming clearer and clearer...but she remained where she was, still somewhat dazed and confused.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Trevor1001
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago


Yato was rolling around the temple attacking any monkeys that got close to Reese and Hun Batz. He was sure they could take on Wu but the fight could be turned against them if some monkeys joined. As Yato was rolling around he dragged his katana on the floor causing a foot wide pool of water. Tentacles reached out of the water and started to grab monkeys and tossed them away or just hold them in the air. Mentally patting himself on the back a glanced at the main battle and saw Reese block an attack from Hun. Why is he helping Wu Kong? Yato started to head towards Hun to give him some back up just in case.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


It seems time has really changed in their short amount of absences. Belle stayed close to Scott. He could hold his own but they were in Germany a territory he visited rarely and know little to no information about what to be aware of. "We weren't gone that long were we?" Belle questioned as they past a young child. As they reached what Belle believed to be one of Scott's studies he peeked over his shoulder catching a brief glimpse of the choas spawing around Earth. Belle also noticed the Aliens an odd aura that was released that was obviously not of human or godly origin.

"I believe it's best for me to stay here or at least by your side." Belle stated pacing back in forth wondering what else is tipping the scales into madness. They were only gone for a little bit and Earth was about to enter a global war against an alien race. The thought of the situation didn't settle right with him. And no that he thought about it why was there a kid here in the first place. Then again Germany worked differently than Egypt. Belle leaned against a wall and took a deep breath.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


As the battle of the apes rage by the temple's Peruvian shores, another challenger slowly approaches by sea, who happens to be a woman. She too was aware of the presence what was going on at hand. Unlike them however, she can sense who the unknown ape that is helping Sun Wu Kong. And she was not too pleased about it. The ape was a resurrected god, known once as King of the Apes, the Eighth Wonderer of the World, the Great Ape, or simply as King Kong. She had faced him before, just over 50 years ago on the shores of Japan. It was a climatic battle, which ended in a strict tie. Kong escaped, while she just went back to slumbering in the ocean. It would only be 5 years later when she would find the god and ultimately kill him...

Or so she thought...

Balance had now shifted towards Gods' evil favor. And as Queen of the Monsters, the Preserver of Balance, Gaia's Tainted Creation, she will bring balance to Earth and wipe out the threat at hand. Once at shore, she rises slowly from the ocean water, her black hair wet but silky, her plates gleaming in the sunlight, and a tail whipping the water behind her. As she casually walks onto land, standing proud and tall and slightly taller then Kong, she issues a mighty roar, which can be heard for miles around, grabbing the attention of everyone by the temple. King Kong's resurrection is nothing more but a mistake, for he has just met his long time nemesis.


Now she will finish... what she started fifty-three years ago...

Theme: The Queen Arrives!/Battle Theme

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

When Thalios exited the rift of light, which encompassed mere centimeters through an empty dimension in which space was collapsed, he would find himself in the void of space. Alongside it floated the grotesque dream-phantom, ghostlike in posture but not consistency, for what so often seemed like blinding radiance now took on the appearance of mottled flesh. In front of Thalios and Aforgomon loomed the gargantuan alien craft like an island in the sky, a veritable floating city. Countless lights shone from its surface, and invisible waves radiated from its towers that instructed the aliens on earth in gruesome, zealous genocide.

The brightest beacon burned like a little star between the Great One’s palms. Its own insight prickled Thalios’ mind. Men look to the heavens expecting to find ones who keep their words, for seldom do they live on earth. Honoring wishes, young one, separates gods from over-mighty charlatans. Here, look: this ecstatic starlight. Nightmares are most potent when they infest and worsen existing fears. Take this brilliant tear, and with terror rend it. Fear is the knife that will sever the narrow spaces between realities.

After Thalios obliged, turning the tear a violently frothing purple, Aforgomon spread its arms. The rift spread in response, growing wider and wider still, a slice wound between dimensions growing more dire by the second. Wreathed in a bizarre dark light, the tear outgrew the space center of the Amgetoll Forces, and only then did the perilous bonds give way and the gash flop open. Like an enormous eye the tear opened, an absolutely colossal gate into alternate space that was green and vile. Into view through this abominable aperture, an impossible gargantuan thing slowly slid. Its rippling surface seemed a deep, reflective, and gelatinous purple-brown, stretching across hundreds and hundreds of feet of its tubelike body. With a hungry precision, the immense alien worm reached into the dimension of the Merged with its menagerie of heads, clamping thousands of teeth onto the alien spaceship, before it pulled. With surprising speed, that horror beyond horrors dragged the helpless craft toward its realm. Only a few moments remained before the ship would be lost to the otherworldly, abyssal miasma to be slowly rent apart and consumed by maws innumerable.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by OtomostheCrazy
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OtomostheCrazy The Impatient Patience of Fulfilled Nothingness

Member Seen 6 mos ago

@PerseusArchean@Ace of flames01

The events leading up to this were quite shocking, to say the least. So much death and despair littered all around. That Zombie incident must have been a sign of things to come, because everything had gone to hell in a hand basket within a short amount of time.

When they were taken to Occus' realm, they found him bleeding and dying. His heart was apparently stolen in a literal sense. With no idea of where it could have been, Yuki had been a bit downcast. Occus' devoted face, on the other hand, had a plan, or at least an idea. Once again, Yuki watched as someone used a sort of sacrificial, although smaller in scale. He had opened a portal, and summoned another to the place.

Yet again, the presence of death made itself known, with another corpse. It seems that tragedy wished to rain down on those closely tied to Occus. Even those who were supposed to be dead. Strangeness must have wanted to play, as a dead goddess from the previous generation had appeared. They were given knowledge of where they needed to go, as well as knowledge of the dangers of that place. Still, if they were fast enough, they could save Occus.

Yuki knew of the club there. She and her sister had gone there a few times as a job. There was even a dancing tournament that Yuki took part in. She had to throw it, as she had no use for the prize, but she did meet some good people there.

In any case, she watched as Rhona showed her conviction, and smiled again. After she went through the portal, Yuki went up to Boreas and spoke her own words.

"Come on." she said with a small, reassuring smile. "Let's go."

With that, she hopped through the portal, and then opened the Club's doors.



Claire had opened her mouth to respond to the misinterpretation of her sentinels' purpose, but Sheogorath had already begun addressing the next thing. Considering that the next thing was a response to her immediate situation, she was intent on listening, be it actual help or the ravings of a mysterious madperson.

When the daedric prince revealed that he would simply bring her to Cia, Claire almost grinned widely...then she remembered that this was Sheogorath that she was interacting with. His way of traveling was probably going to be random and- is that a rhino? That's a rhino. What should Claire have expected?

In any case, she teleported with Sheogorath to someplace where Cia was via Fake Rhino...somehow. When dealing with gods of madness and all kinds of crazy, it was best just to accept whatever as it was and move on. Even if that tactic didn't work all the time. When Claire looked, she found herself staring at a door.

"Oh...A door...Thanks, Cheesewheel."

Claire's voice held a tone of faltered bewilderment, and a hint of idiotic expectation. Still, it was better than nothing, and she really was thankful for Sheogorath's help. She wouldn't vocally admit this, as her grudge still held true, but she did give him her version of bowing out of respect: a nod of her head.

She opened the door, and was met with a grand expanse of nothingness and more doors...scratch that. There was something else. There was a shining light in the distance. With any luck this light would be a clue to where Claire could find Cia. If Fortunate was still around, she must have blessed with some sort of luck, for when the Music Goddess got closer to the light source, she found that it was emanating from the deity she was looking for.

When she got closer, however, she was met with several deities surrounded by several corpses.

"Woah...I'm glad I missed this party. Sup?"

Claire would give them a moment to recover from...whatever it was they just went through, before saying anything.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Cia continued her healing of Landon despite him saying that she didn't have to. "I can't have you in torn bits, you look better in one piece anyways." Cia said with a smile to him. His cloths also repaired themselves. When it came to healing she was certainly one of the best around. The battle had been rough. Flemmings had a few wounds on him as well, though mostly bruises. After Cia finished healing Landon she turned to go to heal Flemmings as well. "Thank you Cia." Flemmings said knowing that if didn't thank her, he may end up getting bullied by her later, possibly with a wet willy.

Cia at this point turned her attention to see Claire. She hadn't seen the goddess of music in quite awhile, not since the first meeting. "Yes you did miss quite a bit." Flemmings answered for Cia before Cia had a chance to answer. "You should honestly be glad that you weren't here during it, I don't think you would have survived. Atleast... I would rather not say actually." Flemmings said stopping himself when he got a glare from Cia. Cia had tried to keep her non pacifist side a secret from others when she could, and Flemmings had to be reminded of this some times.

"So is there something you needed?" Cia asked Claire as she continued to heal Flemmings wounds.


Sun Wu Kong in was shocked when Hun Batz was blocked. Though Hun Batz wasn't exactly pleased, though he realized at this point that Sun Wu Kong was not attacking him, in fact Sun Wu Kong was in a defensive stance. "Thank you." Sun Wu Kong said taking a deep breath as the Howler Monkey God took a step back realizing his mistake. "I didn't mean to start a fight, and I wanted someone to listen to what I had to say." Sun Wu Kong said taking another step back from them.

"I'm still trying to come to terms with what is happening. But you need to send a messenger as soon as you can. Get Ratatoskr if you can. There is someone behind this uprising. His name is Zeltrax, he is a god from another world. Calls himself the God of Corruption. Has the ability to put these, seeds inside of people. I think he calls them Seeds of Corruption. It changes a person and god makes them see everything as evil or an enemy." Sun Wu Kong was certainly tired from the fight. Though a small red tendril could be seen moving around on the back of his neck as well. Possibly a left over root from a seed of corruption.


During all of this Sven back on earth had been toiling away at his own technology. It was new kind of weapon he had been working on, a powerful one at that. Cythlla could be seen in the background even though in the form of a pigeon it seemed. A Pigeon with green feathers and lightly glowing green eyes. Cythlla had been helping him to create a weapon that was to be feared by the gods the most even. Cythlla had betrayed the gods, and all in the name of fun.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by PerseusArchean
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

@Ace of flames01

Boreas, Aden
Veroxes, Earth
Month Two

The club was a wreck, obviously everyone had left in a hurry, knocking over tables and chairs and breaking bottles and glasses, but more than that the back door had been ripped out by it's frame and a ash stains littered the area. Someone magical had been fighting here, one of the Fae most likely, given the building was still standing. The thought was worrying, what if someone had taken The Heart? They'd never find it then... but no, Hecate said it was here, it must be here.

Further reinforcing his thoughts a whisper could be heard in his mind, in all of their minds. "It- burns, like fire... Mortals feel this always? Never coming out- never again. Miss the chill..."

"It's here," Boreas muttered unnecessarily, "and it may be injured."

"I have a name!" The Heart yelled suddenly, and Boreas' head snapped to the left, towards a side door he hadn't noticed before. As far as hearing the direction a voice in his head was coming from, that was it. He waited a moment, but The Heart didn't clarify. There was a reason they called it mad he supposed.


Month Two

"Bring me that one too!" The former Greek Queen yelled, pointing at the newest arrival. A man stomped out of the shadows with a large hammer, and glowing red eyes, the hammer lit itself on fire as he raised it to strike the girl.

Small dots of light could be seen in the darkness, mostly from fires in the godly city, and screams echoed as loudly as the clangs of weaponry dueling each other. "To the portal!" Was a frequent cry among the gods who weren't red eyed, the ones who seemed to be losing.


Scott Rutherford, Jakob Frisk
Jotunheimen Tower, Norway
Month Two

"We need to leave." Scott said suddenly. "Now." He was already standing up and packing everything into trunks by the wall when he'd finished giving his warning.

Jakob hesitated, "My parents?"

"If we see them, we'll send them to you." Scott promised, throwing a stack of books taller than he was into a trunk that didn't seem full at all.

"What? Where are you going? Where am I going?" Jakob asked, panicked to be split from the only one who seemed to know anything anymore.

"Wickedeisos." Scott answered, "Myself on the other hand, I'm going to America."

Jakob wasn't sure which part to question first. "I get to go to Wickedeisos?" He asked, stunned.

"Yes." Scott said distractedly, examining a perfectly round glass sphere from his table before throwing it into a trunk too.

"What's in America?" Jakob asked after a moment to process that.

Scott paused uncomfortably, "My family." Then he spun on his heel and changed the subject. "Where to, Belle? I can send you anywhere from here!"


Amgetoll Forces
Sha-Brytol Space Center
Month Two

It was not so easy to destroy the station as that, initially the aliens were confused and horrified, but skill was on their side. Blasts of their light-beam weapons fired on the worm and tore it into tiny chunks. Significant damage had been done though, and the station made the decision to move into Earth's atmosphere. The holes threatening to split open from the creatures attack would not be fatal if surrounded by air, not to mention being closer to the planet would likely offer more protection should the human gods try again to destroy the ship, and it was clear one of the Earth gods had done it because they knew of no others who could do as that had done.
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