Avatar of Slendy
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 2872 (0.78 / day)
  • VMs: 6
  • Username history
    1. Slendy 10 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

7 yrs ago
Current Currently battling Sophomore year and lack of anime time!
8 yrs ago
I guess I'm back.....
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8 yrs ago
*Explodes into confetti* O(≧∇≦)O Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2!!!!!!
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8 yrs ago
Some people say J stars Victory Vs. Is a spam game XD well if you fight a spammer and loose become yourself or maybe, just maybe become better at the game so you can wreck the spammer :o *gasp*
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8 yrs ago
D: Sims 4!!!!!!


HAPPY 2000 TO ME!!!!!!!! O(≧∇≦)O

Gender: Male

Update: I've been gone for a bit and have attempted to come back. I've got college related stuff to deal with now and it's crazy for me but I'll try to be as active as my schedule will allow me to be.

Most Recent Posts

Okie Dokie :P To think everything went to hell in a split second.

:D Sorry for the delay, school as usual! So if he had the chance Sven could alter regular mortals and give the bionical parts or make them android like?

;-; Why can't I go home.....? O: What are you planning!!!? D:< Nuuu don't hurt Egypt!!!!

Jin walked down the hallways in search for a room to call his own. He wasn't gonna tell anyone that he forgot his own room number. That'd make him look like a joke. Then he'd have to kill a lot more people just to fill satisfied of making a fool out of himself. When he thought of the scenario he smiled thinking about the murding part. Soon he hwwrd the announcement that sadden him. Now he'd have to search for a room later. He walked back the way he came his chains making their usual clinging and attention grabbing sounds.

Hitomi Sora
"Hey, Jin. Excited to start the new year?"

Jin looked down barely noticing Sora. "Oh...it's you. Sure! New Year! New Various meal choices." He replied with a not so pleasing smile on his face. Attempting to be a good cookie Jin continued to walk heading towards the exit of the dorms. "We're suppose to head to the auditorium... Need a non-violent, anti-cannibalist to escort you there...just the two of us?" Jin asked poorly lying to get Sora to tag along with him. Hopefully they aren't one of the Noir that knows of his true nature. Sora probably would know now thanks to his poor lying skills.

Reese calm down a bit when Batz decided to end his mindless assault. Though he wasn't tired he could really go for a break or a quick cat nap. Sadly before he could even do the actions he spoke of the ground shook like someone dropped the biggest/heaviest thing on their location. He knew for a fact that it couldn't of been King Kong he was already here. Then he heard it, the roar of a kaiju but it couldn't of been the mythical creature he thought of. It didn't matter what ever it was it had to be massive and the only other creature that's large in mass was King. Reese decided to leave the identity of the new arrival alone and focus on something that sounds way more important.

Hun Batz explained the Intel he had on the current uprising that was springing around earth and possible but hopefully not the God's Realms. "Yato you're getting this right we'll have to contact Ratatoskr as soon as possible." Reese could the commotion that was happening outside. "Maybe not here but in a safer place we must warn the other gods about this God of corruption!" He exchanged glances between Hun Batz and Sun Wu Kong looking at their beat up bodies. "I'm sorry but this place isn't safe enough to bring Ratatoskr to we're gonna have to leave." Without giving them a chance to reply Reese walked away from them speaking to Yato. "Quick open a portal to a safer place. We have to get the word out about our current discovery immediately!"

Belle knows its selfish of him but the safety of the book was more important to him than many other things at the moment. "If possible could you drop me off in the Sahara Desert." Responded double checking everything he had on him making sure to not leave anything behind. Egypt's population is that huge to begin with so protecting that territory and the book was his two main priorities as of now. A global war against an Alien race wasn't a predictable causalty outcome. He was probably gonna resurrect his own army to defend Egypt just in case. Belle was already preparing for any situations in his head so he could ready to do work when he reached his destination.

It seems time has really changed in their short amount of absences. Belle stayed close to Scott. He could hold his own but they were in Germany a territory he visited rarely and know little to no information about what to be aware of. "We weren't gone that long were we?" Belle questioned as they past a young child. As they reached what Belle believed to be one of Scott's studies he peeked over his shoulder catching a brief glimpse of the choas spawing around Earth. Belle also noticed the Aliens an odd aura that was released that was obviously not of human or godly origin.

"I believe it's best for me to stay here or at least by your side." Belle stated pacing back in forth wondering what else is tipping the scales into madness. They were only gone for a little bit and Earth was about to enter a global war against an alien race. The thought of the situation didn't settle right with him. And no that he thought about it why was there a kid here in the first place. Then again Germany worked differently than Egypt. Belle leaned against a wall and took a deep breath.

"I....I don't wanna talk about it." Noel replied in a not so excited tone of voice. He went and sat in front of Cicile his back against her legs. Attempting to change the subject he open a lollipop of his own eating it and looking up at her his head leaning on her lap as he did so. "What about you? You haven't gone yet, you think your future job will be something you'd enjoy?"

Reese held off his assault on Wu Kong with his question repeatedly playing back in his mind. "Why was they attacking him." Without a second thought Reese stood in Hun Batz line of attack readying to block his following attempts to land a hit on Wu Kong. "Batz! Tell me why are we attacking Sun Wu Kong and why is there such pandemonium outside of the temple!?" Reese questioned Hun Batz now wondering more about the situation him and Yato just threw themselves into.
"Your no fun Kage-sama....!" Jin shouted as she walked away. He wasn't so happy about the fact that she joked about his fashion statement that he couldn't remove which was brave of her. Jin shrugged and left the tree sight surprisingly exchanging glances with a red head. He'd have to keep an eye on her and make sure she's not a lovely stalker. He grinned swinging his chains in a circle walking towards the dorms. Jin wasn't tired or looking forward to a boring roommate. Kage-sama was out of the question so he couldn't stalk her.

He stopped midway towards the dorms and looked back in the direction of the grounds. Thinking should he go back and choice a victim out of the crowds of students or stalk someone in the dorms. Less students and space or more students and more space. Jin decided to go with the dorms and stalk people there. Anyways it goes his name will be known and feared like a certain -sama of Noir. Like a kid entering Disneyland Jin ran towards the dorms with a psychotic smile on his face. He even chaotically swung his chains to show how excited he was.

"Don't you ever wonder what makes us tick!!!"

Tattori, Jin


Short Bio:
"I-I don't know how he escaped but if anyone gets this tape listen to my every word closely. This asylum has contained many strange people the pass few years but not to long ago a kid was recently put here. At fist I believe inmate BLC66 would progress and regain his sanity...I was truely mistaken.......I must go!!!......J-just don't agi- *click*
-Anonymous Doctor

Walking, stalking his next target, daydreaming.

Screeching, Annoying people, Popular Students, and bossy people.

Other info:
"He's a brutal psychopath. Brutally beating his victims to death. We haven't noticed any other signs of blunt weapons but we've notice he commonly strangles some of his victims with what seems to be chains. We've also figured that he must have a motive or reason for doing what he does. There might be a trigger word for this coward but it's less likely that we'll find it. Don't worry we have this under control just be on the look out."
-Police Chief a day before him and 3 other people went missing
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