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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Ace of flames01 The Returned

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Rhona was startled by The Heart's voice. "So you're Occus' heart... 'The Heart'... I have never heard a heart speak before... You must be special..." She replied quietly, she then paused for a moment, thinking of way for her to persuade the heart to appear, so that she may save Occus. She ended up deciding to just tell The Heart the truth and hope that it would believe her.

"Are you hurt? If you are, I wamt to help you! We need your help, too. I want to save Occus but he will die without you! I am a healing goddess! I want to return you to Occus' body and bring him back. I promise you that I really do want to save you both." Rhona replied, pausing again. She then sighed. "I know that you are tired and afraid and confused and in pain... But we are running out of time... And if we don't leave soon, then we will all be destroyed... And I refuse to leave without you. So please... Please come out." Her tone grew urgent and pleaful, yet never got louder than her inside voice even as she heard the explosions getting ever closer. For she feared that if she spoke any louder, she would scare The Heart away.

Rhona kneeled down on one knee and extended her hand, as if she were expecting for The Heart's hand to reach out and grabs hers. "Please... Please believe me...! "
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ArkmageddonCat
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ArkmageddonCat That One Guy

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


"Bring me that one too!"

Ariakami's attention was suddenly caught by a yell that reached out above the others, and though she was barely able to make out the words she could easily tell that the tone of the voice was not very friendly. She began to fear that she had made a mistake, that coming here was a terrible idea...and as her senses fully returned to her, Ari's worried thoughts were only reinforced. Through the dark haze she could see fires and hear screams mixed with the clashing of weapons...she could tell that there was a battle going on here, but she didn't know why...or even which side would be friendly...

Then there was the sound of heavy steps behind Ariakami, and she turned around to find a man with glowing red eyes who was raising a fiery hammer, presumable, to strike her. Ari panicked as soon as she fully realized that she was about to be attacked, creating a small wall of flames between herself and her attacker before running away. She didn't intend to fight in a war she thought she had no place in...not yet, at least...but now she knew that the gods with glowing eyes were not so friendly...
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by OtomostheCrazy
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OtomostheCrazy The Impatient Patience of Fulfilled Nothingness

Member Seen 6 mos ago

@PerseusArchean@Ace of flames01

Yuki had helped by searching the more secret parts of the club, mainly known by VIPs. Of course, she hadn't found anything in those spots. She tried to think of the heart as a sort of cartoon, hiding away in secret places and stealing parts from other to craft its own customized body...she might need to hold off on those TV show marathons for a while.

Eventually, however, she heard someone yell out something about a name. As Yuki made her way back to Rhona and Boreas, she found Rhona trying to calm the owner of the voice. She and Boreas were facing a closed door that led out into an alley. Out of curiosity, Yuki opened the door and found what was probably what they were looking for.

What else could one of the most curious-looking hearts, beating out in a cold, abandoned alleyway be? Not to mention that it zapped itself into existence as soon as she stepped out to Alley.

Yuki approached it slowly, finding that it was breathing heavily, somehow. She couldn't tell if it was trying to mutter something, but if it was, it was less important at the moment, as the sounds of explosions rung louder than the ravings of a madperson.

Yuki began to do a dance. It wasn't slow, but it was similar to the dance she performed when she brought Rhona to Hannah. It was beautiful, and flowed perfectly. She was the goddess of dance, after all.

"I'm sorry...but we don't have the time." said Yuki.

The winds responded to her dance, flowing to her and the heart, and taking hold of it in its gentle embrace. The winds were not violent. They were more akin to a breeze, and yet they managed to hold the heart as easily as a sheet of paper.

A movement of Yuki's arm, and the winds took the heart through the portal, and held it as they awaited the three that were still on the other side.

"Let us return." said Yuki to her companions.



"Eh. Probably not. I can barely stand listening to you guys argue." joked Claire in response to Flemming.

She laughed a little at her joke. Shedidn't know what they did or just went through, but she'll never know if she'd survive it. Claire was okay with that. After all, it wasn't her problem. What was her problem, however, was what she came there for In the first place.

Claire dropped her smile in favor of a more serious expression. She now had Cia's attention, and didn't want to waste a lot of time.

"Long story short: Aliens are attacking the Earth because they think that something called 'Amgarrack' was stolen and taken here. I managed to force a ceasefire for one battle, but I'm pretty sure that there's a bunch of others going on around the world, so we really need to find this thing before everything's dust."

Claire took a breath after saying all that. She didn't really need it, but she grew a habit of doing that.

" Anyway...Mind helping me find this 'Amgarrack'?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by rechonq
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rechonq Silver River Royalty

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"If the world really is going to shambles then it sounds like we need to find whoever stole this Amgarrack. I doubt we'll be able to find Amgar's location without him." Cia had finished healing Landon and he was feeling very rejuvenated. Almost better than before the fight.

He was really at a loss for ideas right now, but it seemed one was needed. "Maybe one of the other gods knows something about this. They think Amgar is on Earth so let's find a god that's been down there for a while. The one who is bringing the old gods back might even be our culprit, or in league with the culprit anyways." Landon was stretching for ideas right now.

Long ago King Kong had been the reigning force in the jungles of Peru. Constantly patrolling and guarding them for the inhabitants of the jungle. He didn't care much for humans. They were to greedy and destructive. To prove this point Kong had actually been killed several years ago by a by-product of the humans desire for power. The humans were learning to play with powers they shouldn't be. Their abuse of this power led to the birth of a beast that would lead to his destruction. They both desired the same goal, but Gojira was an abomination he refused to let go. Their battle over fifty years ago led to his bitter defeat, and now he was given the chance to change the outcome of their fight.

Kong heard the roar of his hated nemesis. With new life and a dreadful bitterness to go with it. He turned from the temple and began his march toward the towering lizard. Kong planned on killing this beast just like the other lizards he dealt with, by tearing her head clean off. He was certainly angry, but he wouldn't let his emotions get the best of him. He slowly made his way toward the beach. A wave of trees crashing in his wake. He wouldn't go all the way to the beach, Gojira would have the upper hand then. The infernal woman was still in her human form. Kong didn't care much for this. He would treat her all the same and give fighting her all his strength. As he broke a peak that gave him a view of her, he let out a mighty roar nearly matching hers in strength. He beat his chest making a low hum that carried through the entire jungle. He slammed his fists down causing landslides on the two mountains on either side of him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Reese calm down a bit when Batz decided to end his mindless assault. Though he wasn't tired he could really go for a break or a quick cat nap. Sadly before he could even do the actions he spoke of the ground shook like someone dropped the biggest/heaviest thing on their location. He knew for a fact that it couldn't of been King Kong he was already here. Then he heard it, the roar of a kaiju but it couldn't of been the mythical creature he thought of. It didn't matter what ever it was it had to be massive and the only other creature that's large in mass was King. Reese decided to leave the identity of the new arrival alone and focus on something that sounds way more important.

Hun Batz explained the Intel he had on the current uprising that was springing around earth and possible but hopefully not the God's Realms. "Yato you're getting this right we'll have to contact Ratatoskr as soon as possible." Reese could the commotion that was happening outside. "Maybe not here but in a safer place we must warn the other gods about this God of corruption!" He exchanged glances between Hun Batz and Sun Wu Kong looking at their beat up bodies. "I'm sorry but this place isn't safe enough to bring Ratatoskr to we're gonna have to leave." Without giving them a chance to reply Reese walked away from them speaking to Yato. "Quick open a portal to a safer place. We have to get the word out about our current discovery immediately!"

Belle knows its selfish of him but the safety of the book was more important to him than many other things at the moment. "If possible could you drop me off in the Sahara Desert." Responded double checking everything he had on him making sure to not leave anything behind. Egypt's population is that huge to begin with so protecting that territory and the book was his two main priorities as of now. A global war against an Alien race wasn't a predictable causalty outcome. He was probably gonna resurrect his own army to defend Egypt just in case. Belle was already preparing for any situations in his head so he could ready to do work when he reached his destination.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Gojira's roar of battle had been answered. With a growl she looks up to see the trees getting crushed by the ape's presence as he revels himself on the high ground of a peak. Even as he roars back and pounds his chest violently, the woman was all too familiar about this ape's behavior. Intimidation will simply not force Gojira to back down. The landslide would prove nothing as it will simply be too far away to do anything to her. After all, she has something that Kong most certainly lacks.

Her plates spark several blue pulses, all rippling through her body. Her eyes also begin to glow blue and her mouth starts to foam an aura of heat. She was charging up her atomic breath! And once she finished charging up, she ultimately fired at Kong's position. However, it wouldn't be directly at him, for that would be way too obvious. She instead fired at the ground just below him, which should crack and give out to Kong's weight and send him tumbling down the mountain. Even if it wouldn't work out, the Queen has a few more tricks up her sleeves...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by rechonq
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rechonq Silver River Royalty

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Kong saw the glow of her plates and mouth and knew what she was charging. It was how she finished him off last time anyways. He would never forget that now. In preparation for the attack Kong smashed his fists into the ground and brought up a mighty stone in each hand. He held the stones like shields in front of him as preparation for the coming attack, but he was suprised when he heard the fire but felt no pressure on his shields. Instead he soon found the ground underneath of him giving out. He quickly caught himself and surfed halfway down the mountain with the debris. It settled out there and Kong angrily launched one of the boulders at Gojira. It didn't effect her much, but this was only the beginning.

A grand old tree still stood next to Kong right now. That is until he uprooted it to use like a bat. Kong was ready for anything that Gojira would throw at him now. With his stone shield and tree club he wasn't underestimating this lizard again. He surely would tear her head off just like the rest, but it was going to be much more difficult to reach that point.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


It seems Gojira was only just being generous towards her own nemesis, thinking that she will defeat him quickly anyways. She snorts as she finds Kong catching his balance and surfing down the landslide she created. Then she suddenly sees a boulder making a bee-run right at her face! She raises her left arm, blocking her face, and swiping said boulder to the side and smashing into the shore and begins to slowly walk towards him.

What will seem more surprising was that Kong was already arming himself like a knight in armor. A tree as a club in one hand, and a stone shield in another. Clearly this can be compared like a knight fighting a wingless dragon or something along those lines. As she gets closer, weather Kong would go for another strike or not, Gojira will swipe another fast ball. She will suddenly duck her head and spin a full 180 degree turn as her tail would attempt to swipe the tree in half or perhaps out of his grasp. If she will succeed, her opponent will have nothing more then a rock separating him from an angry atomic queen!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zelosse
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Zelosse The Entity

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Thalios scratched his chin in contemplation as both he and the Shambler viewed the initial destruction and then the thwarting of the gigantic worm created by the Shambler via dimensional shifting of some sort. The concept itself eluded him as to how he could do something similar but instead caught his attention to a very different idea. If large scale would not work then small-scale would be better. "I have an idea, Aforgomon. If big is not better then perhaps we must think.. small." His mind was an open book the the strange being, Thalios allowing him in without any hesitation. A favor was a favor. The concept was quite simple really. A virus had nearly annihilated the alien species once and many still remembered. A miracle had cured the pestilence, not their medicine, which struck Thalios as obvious to the answer.

With their gods gone it would finish the job. Advanced medicines still took time, mortal time, to come up with an answer. Thalios' mind went through the plan to open small little rifts, thousands of them, throughout the ship to release a nightmare version of the deadly disease to every inch of the ship. This horror of a sickness spread fast and could kill faster as it made the brain swell to nearly three times its size, cutting off lungs from air as the throat constricted and oozing rashes spread across open skin. A single cough in a room could infect every last person who came in contact. The best part? The virus was particular to the alien anatomy in the same way a cat could not get a human disease, the humans would be unable to be effected by the alien disease.
Swirling purple flowed from his body like smoke to waft into a small portal, his deathly toxin seeping through a portal to spread in a miasma of death. To Thalios' thinking, only the Aliens who were off-station on the human world would be spared the horrific end he would give these creatures.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Trevor1001
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago


Yato was no taking recent news well. An alien god that could corrupt other gods was not something he thought was possible. His train of thought was interrupted by a huge ruckus outside the temple. "I'm getting this. Let's just hope we can tell someone before we die." Yato faced a wall and opened a portal big enough for everyone to get through. The portal emptied into a median sized shrine on a beach. "Everyone hurry through and for my sake don't break anything." Yato waited for everyone to go through he portal before jumping in and closing it behind him. Looking around the others could see that the shrine was dedicated to Yato and looked well kept. On the wall was some pictures of Yato with the locals at some kind of party getting drunk. "Welcome to Honolulu."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Ace of flames01 The Returned

Member Seen 1 yr ago


They had finally found The Heart, thanks to Yuki, just in time. The explosions were only miles away and were getting close, very close. Rhona grabbed Boreas and Yuki's hand and flung them through the portal, with all of her might, then jumped through herself, merely seconds later.

On the other side lied The Heart, hovering in mid air, gently cradled in the embrace of Yuki's winds. The portal had slammed shut behind them and they were all now safe.

Rhona cupped her hands as The Heart gently floated down. She looked back at Boreas, Yuki, Aden, and Hecate and smiled weakly. "Before I do this... Can you all promise me something?... As a favor? I want you to all promise me that you will never tell Occus that I was the one who saved him... I'd rather him believe me to be the stupid and annoying child that wanted the council's attention and foolishly beted her life on an alien race, then have him view me as the goddess that brought him back." She replied, her voice was warm and gentle. The words stung terribly, even after she had said them, yet her smile still remained.

Rhona then turned to Occus and made her way to him, The Heart in hand. The sensation of holding it was unusual to say the least. It was cold and hard, yet warm and soft... And alive. It was a creation of magic and mechanics, a truely unusual creation.

Rhona kneeled down beside Occus and placed The Heart in Occus' chest, back where it belonged. She summoned her dagger to her hand. Rhona hesitated then stabbed both of the palms of her hands, a bright beam of light poured out from each. She then placed both of her hands on Occus' chest. Suddenly, the room was illuminated with a blindingly bright light, that quickly faded to a warm glow, with Occus' chest as the epicenter.

As the wound in Occus' chest closed up, Rhona could feel the hole slowly, painfully etch into her own. The pain was excruciating and could not be easily described. She felt every muscle, every BONE, every tendon, blood vessel, and flesh be slowly torn apart. Rhona gasped, desperately trying to hold back her screams, as the tears flowed heavily down her face.

The healing process, though it had felt like an eternity, lasted a short 5 minutes. However, even after the wound had completely closed, Rhona remained where she was. This was her plan. The light poured out from her injuries was her life force and it was her life force that she was pouring into Occus' body.

An hour had passed and Rhona was still waiting for some sort of response from Occus. Her legs and back were numb and sore. She felt weak from giving so much of her life force. However, Rhona refused to give up. She had promised that she would save Occus and she was planning on keepingthat promise. Suddenly, Rhona felt a single pulse from The Heart, and Occus' chest started to move in an up and down motion.

Rhona gently placed her head on Occus' chest. He was breathing. "He's alive..." She whispered. A sudden rush of shock and happiness overcame her. Rhona turned to the others. "He's alive! Occus is alive!" She repeated

Rhona looked back at Occus' sleeping face and smiled warmly. "Welcome back, Occus...!" She whispered to him and smiled warmly. She then scrambled to her feet and lost balance in the process. Thankfully, Leo caught her and they both retreated, breathing heavily and her knees weak, to the shadows of the room as the others rushed forward to greet Occus.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

The desert terrain of the egyptian underworld resembles that of a post apocalyptic world. A dry wind carefully sending swirls of dirt across mangled bodies of the deceased and covering the fallen statues of Anubis. There is an eerie silence that has befallen it, as if no one dare to take a breath.
Alec is still comatose and the widget guarding him has since been replaced by a large armored jackal. His familiar is curled up on a pillow. The only reason why panic has not befallen them is that Alec is still breathing. Otherwise the silence would be filled with other sounds.
Slowly, a man with a chocolate brown Jackal head walks away from the sight of the unconscious Alec. He feels the need to do something to help, to get the one he serves back on his feet. Green eyes narrow as he walks, clad in egyptian styled armor still. Being older, he has some knowledge of the merged and thinks of someone to help. Possibly the one known as Rhona. Alec had mentioned the goddess before the war...that one should do nicely. The man walks back into the place and looks for a parchment, one of finding. The egyptian magic was quite different then fae or human and required different items. Once assembled, he begins.
After an hour he nods, knowing the location of the goddess. He goes through more ancient scrolls looking for a teleportation to a found individual. He hopes the goddess knows how to get here...maybe take a portal spell with him. He tucks the spell into a protective case and hangs it over his shoulder like a messenger bag. Feeling ready he begins the spell to transport him to Rhona.
Hopefully she isn't doing anything important. If she is...the spell takes awhile to do so maybe she will be done by then.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by PerseusArchean
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago


Amgetoll Forces
North Africa

The virus was immediately effective, but the purification screens, large walls of light in door ways and vent shafts, quickly adapted to purge the infection. The screens proved useless however, for the virus slipped past the screens before they realized it was a threat and was present in every room. It never managed to kill all of them though, it didn't need to, one of the pilots collapsed on her control pad in pain. The result? The massive space center crashed headlong into the planet's surface.

Large chunks of debris stretched from Bulgaria to Sudan, from Libya to Iraq. The largest chunk of the massive space center crashed into the Mediterranean, just north of Egypt. On top of the massive amounts of damage from flaming debris ranging the sizes of small countries to the size of someone's head, the massive water displacement created a tsunami like effect, sending massive waves all across the coastline. Nearly every alien died instantly, the rest either drowned, or survived long enough to be beaten to death by angry humans.

The invasion forces immediately withdrew to their ships and took off, ordering a full retreat all the way back to Kal Repartha.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by PerseusArchean
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

@Ace of flames01


Occus did not wake immediately, instead drifting in a half-conscious state, but the others were relieved regardless.

"He will not wake today." Hecate informed them softly, "Death was not kind to him." Just like it was unkind to me, went unsaid.

Boreas nodded, and Aden was quickly dismissed. The Fae needed seeing to and somehow all of the Generals were dead or missing, so Aden suddenly found himself tasked with their jobs. "You may stay if you wish." Boreas offered the two goddesses, "It is safe here... for now. We will not tell him of your hand in this. If that is the price for his life, then consider it paid, but do not think he will be made a fool of so easily, eventually he will discover the truth." He said, directed to Rhona.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by PerseusArchean
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago



A portal loomed into sight in a somewhat-on-fire garden, but it seemed broken, switching between destinations rapidly for a few seconds. The man charged through the wall of flames after the girl with a scream of rage. He was a fire god of some sort, but as it wasn't his fire so it did cause him some pain.

He threw his hammer at the fleeing goddess, intent on smashing her to bits with it's sheer mass, but then a blonde goddess appeared, with normal blue eyes, right in the path of the hammer and threw up a shield. "Run!" She commanded the unfamiliar red-headed goddess. "I will hold off the Risen One!" Then she turned and threw a javelin of light at the now unarmed, angry god. A battle of pure star-like light and burning flames of red anger consumed the two deities.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Birth of a Modern God

Sven had spent most of his time as of recently studying the Alien's biology and technology. He may have been trying to hide from the public but thanks to his followers he was getting quite a bit done thanks to their resources. That- Not again.

Sven twisted his neck around to see Sheogorath step out of a small cardboard box. As always a strange entrance. "Good to see you mah boy!" Sheogorath said with a grin at Sven. Sven just scoffed at him before turning back to his work in studying what seemed to be a small worm like robot, about the size of a cat at that. "Don't ignore me, I do not let that." Sheogorath stated as he got an annoyed look on his face. "You gods are all useless, I don't understand why you all even try, we don't need you." Sven said with an angry look at Sheo.

At this comment Sheo had a visibly annoyed look on his face. "I must say, that is the first time I have heard such a thing from a mortal. Most of the time your worshipping us left and right, never have I heard a mortal renounce us, even say that we are useless. You ever think that we made you for entertainment instead?" Sheo said annoyed. This was an arguement that would not end well, and that went for both parties.

Sven at this point took out a gun made from the alien technology he had been working on pointing it at Sheogorath. "Humanity is better than the gods, and I will prove this by killing them, starting with you!" Sven spat out, as he pointed the gun at Sheo.

This was the last straw for Sheogorath as he finally got seriouse. He held a hand in the air, in the blink of an eye the Wabbajack appeared in his hand. He pointed it at Sven. "I WILL END YOU MORTAL!" This was Sheogoraths biggest mistake. Instead of turning Sven into a rabbit or sweet roll like he hoped the spell backfired. Sven was blasted but he was changed instead. Sven was floating in the air with his own power. "So this is the next step in evolution, I have to admit I wasn't expecting something this drastic." Sven said floating in the air. He was no long a human, he had become a God. And all Sheogorath could do was run, he opened a portal and Haskill popped out dragging him back to his own realm. This was the start of a war. And Sven was now the leader of humanities attack against the gods.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@Ace of flames01
Finally after a few dead cats and frustration the half man was able to get to rhona. A large portal opened near her and out stepped the 5 foot 8 man with a chocolate colored jackal head and green eyes. He stands there for a few moments before spotting rhona and rushing to her. He starts speaking in Egyptian not knowing that she may not understand him and his English is most likely not the best. He is guesturing wildly with his arms as he speaks desperation clear in his movements and his eyes. He then kneels before her his head bent down in his form of pleading. Something not done very often by this species.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Ace of flames01 The Returned

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Rhona was about to respond to Boreas when suddenly a tall jackal man appeared, speaking what Rhona could only assume was Egyptian. She was frightened by the humanoid's sudden appearance and intimidating structure, but as soon as it kneeled down; Rhona understood. Someone was in trouble.

Rhona smiled warmly then kneeled down and gently lifted the humanoid's head. She gave him a a reassuring smile. "Somebody is in trouble, aren't they? OK. I will help you. Take me to them." She replied as she held the humanoid's hand in her own and gave it a gentle squeeze.

As they both stood up, Rhona looked at Boreas and smiled. "The act of saving Occus was more than enough payment, but I thank you for respecting my wishes... I know that it won't be long for him to figure out what happened but... I want his opinion of me to remain as it is, even if it is only for a little while longer... Truth be told , he actually scares me a bit." She replied chuckling a bit. She then sighed and smiled again. "While I would love to stay, I am afraid that I am no longer needed here. I have to go but I hope that we can meet again soon... Perhaps on better terms, yeah?"

Rhona looked at Occus' body one final time, part of her wishing that he would wake up and look at her, and smiled, then turned to the jackal humanoid and squeezed his hand gently once more. "Shall we go?" Her voice was warm and gentle.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Sun Wu Kong and Hunbatz turned their attention to the giantess known as Gojira fighting the king of the jungle known only as King Kong. "I'm afraid we can't go with you. This jungle is taking too much damage and we need to work on damage control." Sun Wu Kong and Hun Batz both nodded, this was a jungle of monkeys after all, they had to protect their own after all.

Once the group two had made it there Ratatoskr was waiting. After recieving the message from them he nodded, at this point he had to summon the other squirrels under his control to carry the message. This message went out to everyone of the Merged. All of them warning of Zeltrax, also they were to prepare for a fight, one that would end this trouble of the old gods rising up.

@Ace of Flames01@otomosthecrazy@BlackPanther@PerseusArchean@Zelosse@ArkmageddonCat@LmpKio@Rechonq@Lugubrious

The message stated:

The source of this uprising of the dead gods has been found.
His name is Zeltrax and he comes from the same planet as the aliens that are attacking earth.
He is a god of Corruption, and can make even the gods corrupt.
We ask that those who are able come to the underworld prison, we believe he is hiding there, possibly guarded by many more deceased gods.
This will be battle, most likely it will end this conflict.
He is also believed to hold this Amgarrack that is worshiped by the aliens.

The message had a portal crystal attached to it. It would teleport anyone who was willing to the underworld. They would find their fight there.

After recieving the message Cia gave a sigh of relief they had found the cause, now all that was left was to eliminate it. "You should get going then." Cia said opening a portal to the underworld through use of the crystal instead of her own power this time. "We can't go with you all I'm afraid. We need to keep the Nexus available to teleport other to the underworld. We also need to protect the Nexus." Flemmings stated looking at the doors that were currently closed.

Flemmings and Cia had a valid reason for staying behind. They would need to continue the protection of the Nexus, however Cia would be watching them. Flemmings on the other hand had been monitoring earth when he had the chance. Mostly he was realizing how much damage had been done to the planet so far. It was becoming irreversible.

The Underworld Prison

There was a force of dead gods gathering within the underworld prison. Some just now breaking free of their bonds, others setting up in a battle formation. Zeus was standing before Zeltrax who had made a throne out of the obsidian used to imprison the dead gods. Zeltrax was only smirking on his throne, he knew exactly what was coming and he was prepared. Amgarrack was currently trapped within an obsidian prison, he was the only one that he could not corrupt.

Multiple gods were there. This included those from all pantheons. Zeus was the main one, but so was Johnny Appleseed, and John Henry of the Yankee Pantheon. Dionysus, Scylla, Bastet, Poseidon, even the titan Gaia was there as well as the frost giant Ymir. Then there was one more behind all of them, this was King Ghidorah of the Godzilla pantheon. There were many others there as well, all with glowing eyes as at this point the seeds of corruption had gone too deep to pull out.

So far, Zeltrax had what he wanted, and that was chaos, something that apparently even Cythlla wanted. She was not there now, infact she was now working with the god known as Sven. What she was working on would most likely kill her, but she didn't care so long as she got to see the chaos that was spread by it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@Ace of flames01
The jackal headed man proceeded in pulling out what looks like a ritual dagger. He starts chanting as he slices open his palms and raises them upward. He then smears blood on the scroll and his chanting seems to get louder. The scroll seems to be covered in blood, but as the chanting continues it absorbs it. A portal shimmers into view showing the vast desert landscape. Once the portal holds the man wraps his palms, rolls up the scroll, then gently guides Rhona through the portal.
Once through they stand in sand where with every step they increase the chances of finding a now slumbering widget or corpse. Statues litter the landscape and rocs that were not injured fly through the sky. The crocodiles have seemingly gone back to where they belong, wherever that it. Generally, the landscape is not a good one. The only place standing out is Alec's home. A place that looked like it belonged in a painting, and also most likely where the crocodiles swam. A place that showed luxury and yet seemed strong enough to hold out against attack.
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