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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Ace of flames01 The Returned

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Rhona winced as she saw the ritual take place, but did not protest. The chant said by the humanoid was strange and foreign yet did not seem to hold any danger in it.

Rhona was then guided through the portal to a land of sand and destruction. There had been a war here not that long ago. The sands were littered with bodies, craters, and small fires. Death lingered in the air, on the ground, and in the water. Though she had never business this place, Rhona could only assume the place to be the Egyptian Underworld, judging from it's appearance.

Rhona felt as if her heart had stoped, falling to her knees as she had finally understood as to why she was brought to this place. It was Alec. He must be hurt. The first god she could call her "friend" was hurt and judging by the humanoid's actions prior, he was hurt badly. Rhona scrambled to her feet and looked up at the humanoid, her eyes filled with fear and desperation. "You brought me here because Alec is hurt, didn't you? Please! Take me to him right away!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@Ace of flames01
The humanoid nods and...picks her up. He does so to where she is piggy back riding him. She most likely will not understand the reasoning, but it is for her own safety. A widget will not attack a fellow warrior.
The humanoid breaks into a run, a run which is much faster then a human, his ears folded back to protect from flying sand. Once they reach the palace the jackal that had be guarding Alec runs forward snarling, the golden armor gleaming in the faint light. A conversation begins between the two and the full jackal walks off. In the distance a few widgets take bodies into the sand with them, their version of clean up.
The humanoid puts Rhona down near the comatose Alec. He then backs away partially bowed with his palms up. A sign of respect along with giving them privacy.
Alec's familiar looks up, yawns, then trots into a different room. This leaves Rhona and Alec alone.

Alec himself is laying on his side, several wounds cover his chest and face, the worst being from the crocodile god on his shoulder. Dried, sticky blood is pooled under him. His wounds clotted, some look like they might get infected. His human form looks generally terrible.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by rechonq
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rechonq Silver River Royalty

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


As Landon finished suggesting they should search for the cause of all this, a squirrel came into the portal with a message. Similar to Ratatoskr before, but this squirrel wasn't him. It even had a portal attachment like the last message, but this one was a crystal. Cia and Flemmings quickly stated they wouldn't be able to assist in the underworld prison. Landon was very uncertain of how many other of the merged would be there, but if there were any they would definitely need help in the enemies base. He couldn't just let the idea of the Merged slowly falling due to cowardice sit with him. He was going to end this. "Well I'm going to go. We're going to need as many of the merged in there as we can get. We are going to need all the portals we can get as well. Who knows where the gods are at now. Claire I hope you will be joining me." Landon charged himself up, imbuing the strongest armor he could by himself within and around his body.

Landon took the crystal and held it in his hand. As he gripped it a portal opened before them. The portal was not see through. Landon hoped he would at least be able to see what he was stepping into. "Well wish us luck." Landon stepped through the portal and immediately saw a spectacle that basically explained everything. There was an army of gods across this giant hall standing between himself and a being sitting on a black throne who was most likely Zeltrax. Off to his side was a being inside of a black cage, that was most likely this Amgarrack. Well then it looks like this could be the answer to all of our problems. It just looks like I'm the first one to the party. I really hope more come soon, or someone gives an order, or even both really. The display of gods before him was very impressive, and as much as Landon was suppressing it. A general sense of terror was trying to rise up in him. It was the only reaction any being would have meeting a force such as this.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Ace of flames01 The Returned

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Rhona was confused by the humanoid suddenly picking her up but did not protest, as she was tired from reviving Occus.

Rhona was startled by the jackal, upon entering Alec's room but she quickly regained her composure. Leo, curious about Alec's familiar, trotted after it. Leaving Rhona and Alec alone.

A few minutes after being left alone, Rhona rushed to Alec and frantically examined his body. "No injuries on his back... Good... " She thought as she gently turned Alec's body, laying him on his back. She placed her hands on his chest, mustering every bit of strength that remain, and just as before, the room was illuminated by a blinding light that quickly faded into a warm glow.

In a matter of minutes, Alec's injuries had completely healed. Rhona was weak and was breathing heavily as she looked over Alec's body once again but he did not stir. Something was wrong. Upon healing his injuries, Alec should've awakened.

Suddenly, Rhona had an idea. She frantically searched her pockets and took out a small vial containing a liquid of some sort. At first, Rhona was going to try to get Alec to drink it but then quickly remembered that he could drink in his current condition.

Another idea crept into Rhona's mind, one that made her blush wildly. She had no choice. She hesitated for a moment then uncapped the vial and poured the liquid in her mouth, without swallowing, then tilted Alec's head back. Rhona closed her eyes tightly then slowly.... Gently pressed her lips against Alec's. She blushed wildly, her cheeks and the tips of her ears burned a bright red. His lips were soft and warm and felt alive, in a sense, unlike his appearance. He was alive that much was for sure.

Rhona let the liquid drizzle down Alec's throat, then finally pulled away after he had drank all of the liquid. She wiped the corners of her mouth, removing the liquid that had dripped from her mouth with her hand, then proceeded to wipe away the liquid that had ran down Alec's chin and neck. She exhaled deeply from her mouth and looked at Alec then grined slightly, her face still a bright red. Rhona lightly touched her lips with the tips of her fingers. That was her first kiss. "So that's what it's like to kiss somebody... Huh... It doesn't feel bad...but not necessarily good either... How strange... " She thought.

Rhona sat down on the edge of Alec's bed and waited patiently. The liquid Rhona fed to Alec was the water from her mother's spring; a pancea of sorts, that could only be used for emergencies. Thanks to this, Alec would wake up in a matter of minutes. And Rhona would be patiently sitting at his bedside, waiting for her friend to wake up (tired, injured, and with her face only slightly blushed).
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@Ace of flames01
Alec's eyes slowly open. He seems rather disorientated and it takes a few moments for him to sit up and hold his head. The he realizes that he isn't alone. "R..Rhona...What?" The metaphorical gears turning in his mind are almost painfully clear to see what they are thinking. He blinks at her a bit then touches his lips remembering a soft touch and slowly starts turning red before scrambling up, uncoordinated in this form currently he trips and falls right on his face. He stays down. "ow" the sound is muffled and a bit pitiful, his normal self replaced with a rather embarrassed uncoordinated self.
That...that was not dignified at all.
with this thinking he just continues staying down, figuring that laying flat on his face he can't make it any worse. He should've kissed her again or something, but no he freaked himself out and embarrassed himself. This is what he gets for not socializing very much.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by OtomostheCrazy
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OtomostheCrazy The Impatient Patience of Fulfilled Nothingness

Member Seen 6 mos ago


The most recent problem had been solved. Hannah's wish was half-granted. All that was needed now was for Occus to awaken and return to his fae. Unfortunately, that would have to wait for another time, as the deity had to rest. The deity that returned his heart may very well be the Rhona that Yuki had heard about. Now that they had a chance to breathe, Yuki thought to finally ask for her name.

As soon as she inhaled to speak, however, some other person had arrived. Rhona was concerned, and was about to leave to help another once more. Yuki watched as the visitor cut himself, and open a portal to someplace else. He and Rhona prepared to enter.

"W-Wait! I never got to ask your-"

The goddess that might or might not have been Rhona had left. The portal closing so that her voice could not be heard, even if Yuki could finish her sentence. Yuki signed at the wasted opportunity. Formal introductions was a good way to Make friends, and with Claire being so distant to most other deities, Yuki could use all the help she could get to bring her around.

Suddenly, a squirrel appeared from someplace. With it was a message from Ratatoskr. It gave information on some things that have been going on in Yuki's absence. It seems that Earth and all that lived on it, we're at risk once again. This time by the machinations of an alien god that had restored the deceased ones to life. It would explain Hecate's presence...well. Hopefully she'd know something. By the sound of this 'Zeltrax', He may have a trick or two up his sleeve...if he had arms. There some deities that didn't have arms for some reason. Hm.

In any case, Yuki looked to Hecate, and -while hiding behind her hair and speaking in a very quiet, but audible voice- said,

"If I may, Hecate-sama...I have two requests to make of you...Would you hear me out?"



Claire blinked. If there was someone that knew where an alien thing/person called 'Amgarrack' was, it had to be an alien god of the same alien race that was looming it's/them. Of course, they'd have to beat the piss out him and force the info out first, but he was not only a bigger threat with his army of formerly-deceased gods, he was at the top of Cia's priorities list, so they'd have to get it done first anyway. With no clue as to where 'Amgarrack' is, Claire would have to settle for whatever leads she could get.

"Well, if this alien God knows anything about 'Amgarrack', I'll be happy to help out."

Though she was uncomfortable with the idea of leaving the humans and aliens with a ceasefire for longer than she'd hoped, Claire was confident that her sentinels would resolve any conflict in her absence. Yuki did spend an entire week making sure that she had the technique, with all its calculations and reactions fully programmed, down.

"Alright! Let's go kick Gilgax's ass!...I feel like I'm forgetting something."

Claire shrugged and moved through the portal. Surely it was just nothing.

Meanwhile (Somewhere else entirely)...

Miriam was ticked off and bored. Internet's out, she beat all the video games they had in the house five times over, electricity was out anyway so she couldn't play those games if she wanted to, and there was an alien invasion happening that Claire had forbidden her from taking part in. Reading was out of the question, since she had already read every book they had to the point of memorization and recitation, and crafting that Rifle Spear would be useless with nothing to shoot at!

All she needed to do was slice them all to bits before they get a shot in, and poof! No more invasion. Yeah, they'd need to build boat houses to live in while the blood seeps into the planet, but who wouldn't want to live in a boathouse for a while? The kids could play pirates. Kids love playing pirates.

Anyway, Miriam just sat in her chair, waiting for something to come crashing through the roof, so she could have an excuse to maim something. She waited...and waited...and waited...and waited until she could swear that she could hear Death itself mocking her for her inability to contribute to it.

Then a squirrel snuck into the house, and she almost killed it. If not for the fact that it had a message with it, she would've done so, but any form of difference was welcome at the moment. She read it once, and blinked. Read it again, and blinked. Then she smiled. She was going to get her wish.

Somewhere in the Underworld, mist began to gather...
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Ace of flames01 The Returned

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Rhona watched as Alec sat up, then her face turned back to a bright red when she saw him touch his lips. She is then startled to see Alec scramble to his feet, only to fall again and land on his face. She waited a few minutes for Alec to get back up. After about 5 minutes, Rhona assumed that he had fallen unconscious again. In an panic she tried to pull him up. "Come on! Come on! Come on! Come on! Please don't tell me you're unconscious again!" She grunted, then winced from the pain of her injuries. After much effort, she finally got him sitting up.

It was only after she had eyed him up and down a few times before she had noticed that he was awake... And blushing. She briefly made eye contact with him before being overcome with embarrassment, forcing her to look away. "I-I'm s-sorry..." She replied, her voice was quiet and held shyness.

It was then that Rhona noticed the squirrel a few feet away, holding a note for the 2 of them. It had seen everything. "D-don't t-tell m-me y-you-" She replied, her face turned a deep red. She already knew the answer. Rhona hid her face behind her hands, then curled up in a ball and floped onto the bed, laying on her side. She could not describe how embarrassed she was. "I was just giving him medicine...! Medicine!! That's all! Nothing else!!" she screamed in her head.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Like a gracious dance partner, Aforgomon relaxed to allow Thalios to take the leader. Choosing to contrast the starkly immense solution brought into this realm by Aforgomon, the nightmare god pursued an answer to the murderous invaders far, far tinier. When Thalios began to put his plan in motion, Aforgomon extended its own powers of realization to aid him. The virus, when cobbled together from the suppressed nightmares of the Urtoks, received a muted respect from the Great One. No living thing, however majestic and powerful, lay beyond the vile clutches of sickness. Aforgomon instinctively knew that to manifest completely in any one dimension was to risk awful demise by that world’s plagues, to which it held a certain susceptibility. In this case, the shambler was indeed playing with fire.

In frighteningly little time, the repugnant disease had been recreated and released among the aliens to wreak havoc. As the plague scoured all life from the space station, Aforgomon bowed its head. Most keenly, it despised itself for having to destroy all that its kin Amgarrack held dear. If only they had so been so stupid and bloodthirsty! Still, the thought of the betrayal that Amgarrack would almost certainly feel stung the Great One deeply. It committed to memory the Urtoks, pondering the nature of making and unmaking.

Shortly thereafter, a small, white shape could be seen approaching the two floating beings slowly but surely. On closer sensory inspection, it proved to be a squirrel in a bizarre space suit, bearing in its paws a message for each of them. With transparent digits Aforgomon took the paper, brushing its fingers across the surface like a blind man. Anything with a consciousness in five hundred meters would suddenly realize the young gods may redeem themselves yet for their beastly idiocy. Knowing that a final expenditure of effort lay in its inevitable path, the Great One accepted the artifact’s teleportation, and vanished in a radiant shower of light into the underworld to await the arrival of the band of children who would be its allies. All Landon might see was a flash of light followed by a residual form, outlined and indistinct against the underworld's infinite dark.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by rechonq
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rechonq Silver River Royalty

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Kong marched toward Gojira as well. Once they met he did swing his tree at her, but she ducked it and began to spin. This didn't surprise him much as he brought the tree back down to meet her mighty tail. It shattered the tree in half leaving giants shards out of it. What Gojira didn't expect was for Kong to have the giant rock creening for her face as she turned back towards him. He shattered the rock between his hand and her head knocking her back a few steps. He then rushed at her trying to jab the shards of the tree into her. He was sure that he had her now.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by PerseusArchean
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago


Hecate, Boreas

For a moment the magic goddess didn't answer, simply staring at the younger goddess with a weighted expression. Then she sighed, "Boreas, take my son somewhere more comfortable." She commanded. Somehow the goddess managed to have all the authority of a queen, despite the circumstances, and Boreas certainly didn't question her orders. Not that he would have, cleaning him up and getting off the cold stone floor was an excellent idea.

Boreas lifted Occus' still form from the ground and hastily made to exit. "And Boreas?" she stopped him at the door as she stood and brushed her dress off. She hesitated a moment, conflicted about what to say, "Don't think we won't be having words about your relationship with my son."

Boreas grimaced and continued out the door, deciding not to acknowledge the goddess. "Now then," Hecate said, facing Yuki and clasping her hands in front of her, "for aiding in the restoration of my son's life, anything you want my dear."


Scott Rutherford, Jakob Frisk
Jotunheimen, Norway

"One portal to Cairo then." Scott said aloud, mumbling an incantation under his breath and laying his hand over a bowl of... mushy stuff. A murky portal appeared in the room, hovering over the floor and revealing a dusty alleyway. Instantly the smell of smoke drifted in from the portal, it looked as if a fire was casting strange shadows on the alley wall. "Are you sure about Egypt?" Scott asked after a moment, "Because we can totally do..." he paused to think, trying to come up with someplace safer, "Er, well, are you sure?" He couldn't think of a safer place, but that didn't mean Egypt was the only option.

Still focused on Belle, Scott didn't turn his attention even as he threw a small stone onto the floor, which immediately conjured a second portal. Golden grass and a camp against a cliff face came into view. "That's you kid," Jakob hesitated before stepping through the portal, which he now knew to be to Wickedeisos.

Scott leaned back against the table of invredients and crossed his arm as he waited for a response from either one of them.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


For those who entered underworld they would be met by the Gatekeeper, dead. The Gatekeeper has his body crusified, he was one of the many vicitems of this war, and there would most likely be far more to come to come. As the merged entered more of the old gods noticed them. Then they were set upon by the old gods. Trees roots coming out of the ground to attack them. These tree roots were thanks to Johnny Appleseed, his eyes glowing red. Never had a kid with a pot on his head looked more terrifying. John Henry meanwhile set to go after them with his mighty hammer. He rushed at Claire with his mighty hammer bringing it down towards her head.

Landon was set upon by Scylla, the terror of the deep. Her wolf heads going after each of this limbs. She was a bit more terrifying compared to Johnny Appleseed, due to her being a small girl with wolf heads coming out of her dress certainly would make any man feel uncomfortable.

Aforgomon was set on by Dionysus who thanks to the madness could see him. Dionysus attempted to bodyslam Aforgomon using his own weight to his advantage. Poseidon also went after Aforgomon trying to stab the creature with his pitchfork.

They were all also being attacked by Johnny Appleseed, Ymir was ready to back up anyone he deemed to be a threat. This was a battle and if more backup didn't get there soon they would all most likely meet the same fate as the Gatekeeper.


Cairo, Egypt

Sven in the meantime had used his new found powers to start creating robots that were armed with anti god weapons. It was like a factory built out of metal, all of this created within a matter of hours. It would be battle after battle for the merged. Though Sven was far from ready at the moment. He was still trying to figure out how to turn swords he was given by Cythlla into bullets that could kill the gods. There were many of his followers helping as well to try and create bullets from the metal they were given. All the while Cythlla could be found outside of warehouse digging. Thanks to her madness and some of her powers she was creating more of the metal as she dug, though the metal was created through her madness. She fully believed that they were where it was originally buried despite the fact that she was creating it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ArkmageddonCat
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ArkmageddonCat That One Guy

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Ariakami's face perked up to the sight of a portal in front of her as she continued to run, but as soon as she realized that it appeared to be broken the doubts started to consume her thoughts. Would that be safe? Will I survive that? Isn't there any other portal nearby? Will...wait...what was that? Her mind was racing, but halted quickly once she heard something sounding like a warcry behind her. Slowing down and turning her head to look back, she saw a flaming hammer flying straight toward her. The sight made her freeze for a moment, overwhelmed by a burst of fear. But then, out of nowhere, before Ari could regain control of her body and move, a blonde-haired goddess appeared and deflected the incoming hammer with her shield. The blonde-haired goddess shouted for Ariakami to run, then proceeded to engage the red-eyed attacker. Ari took a few steps in preparation to turn and run, looking at her protector for a few seconds more before returning a small gesture of thanks.

"Anaki suul'aahm..." Ariakami spoke softly, slowly backing up all the while. "Thank you." Her translation quickly followed, completing the gesture of thanks. Turning around to continue running, Ari was caught completely off guard and unaware as she suddenly fell into the portal she had been heading for. There was a moment of complete silence and utter weightlessness as Ari closed her eyes, leaving her alone with only her thoughts to listen to...her heart plagued by fear, her mind clouded by confusion...

Suddenly Ariakami hit the ground rather hard, landing on her stomach as she dropped out of the portal. A few moments went by as her body remained there on the ground, slowly starting to move her arms and legs towards the idea of rising up onto her feet. She hadn't the faintest idea where she was now, but it must be a safer place than where she had just come from...or so she hoped...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@Ace of flames01
Alec sees the reaction and felt a bit hurt. With a head shake he walks over to the squirrel, easily resisting the urge to chase it, takes the letter and reads it. With a look at Rhona he takes a deep breath then finishes reading. With a rather odd look he morphs to his god form, grabs his weapons puts the chocolate jackal headed man in charge then teleports to the prison in the underworld. His two scythes glimmer on his hips, his clawed hand holds his appear, his cloak somehow looks more interesting with the tears in it. His eyes hold determination even though his mind is thinking of rhona. He thought of her as a friend, but he hadn't been expecting a kiss. Most likely she hadn't meant anything by it like what she said, but she did seem a bit more embarrassed then someone just giving medicine. He shakes his head, now is not the time to be distracted. His ears rotate as he tries to listen for anything out of the ordinary.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Ace of flames01 The Returned

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Rhona followed closely behind Alec and wanted to tell him that of why she was embarrassed but decided that now was not a good time tell him. "We can talk about this later if you want... But we don't have to if you don't want to.... I... I'm sorry..." Was all she could manage to say, trying to not make it anymore awkward than it already was.

Rhona looked horrible. She was covered in stab wounds and cuts, some were her own and some were from healing the injuries of others. Multiple beams of light shot out from her body, her escaping life force. Not only that, she was exhausted, and she clearly showed it. It was a miracle that she was standing at all. However, it was clear that Rhona was not going to stay behind while the other gods fight.

Leo trotted up to Rhona and supported her with his own weight. The though the other could not see it, she was in much worse than she was letting on.

They found themselves in a place that was similar to the Egyptian Underworld, yet very different at the same time. The feeling of death lingered in the air. A few minutes after entering, Rhona noticed something in the distance. A pair of glowing red eyes and an ominous aura, sending shivers down her spine.

Rhona quickly grabbed Alec him into the shadows and covered his mouth. "Sh... Be quiet... I sense danger ahead..." She whispered quietly. She then released him, having a calm expression. She was no longer embarrassed, rather she was focused on the threat that was in front of them.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by rechonq
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rechonq Silver River Royalty

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Landon was pleased to see at least a few more gods had arrived. Some came from behind him, some came next to him, some came from above? And some didn't come at all? Any way they came was fine with him, the fact they were there would be invaluable. Landon did notice a flash of light as he assumed it was one of the gods entrances, but there wasn't really anything there. Was there some sort of god of invisibility? Hopefully he was helpful, he noticed it's aura as the some one at Asgard, and since Thalios wasn't around this guy must have been there as well.

There wasn't much time if any for the Merged to group up and strategize before the old gods began to attack. Landon managed to cut down, Appleseeds roots as a wolf head came right for his. He barely managed to dodge it and noticed the origin of the wolf head. It was certainly a strange sight. A little girl in a dress but instead of legs she had multiple appendages like a snakes body. To make it even weirder the snakes bodies ended in wolf heads. Did this girl even know what she was? It didn't really matter she was very eager to kill him. He found himself struggling to avoid the attacks. He was able to cut the snakes and even cut a head off as well, but there were so many it didn't matter much. He didn't have much time to get uncomfortable about where these attacks were coming from. He was trying to figure out how he would go about fighting her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by OtomostheCrazy
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OtomostheCrazy The Impatient Patience of Fulfilled Nothingness

Member Seen 6 mos ago


Yuki watched as Boreas took Occus to another place, where he may be even safer. It was good to know that Hecate cared so much about her son. She may even care about him like a human mother does, worrying about the relationships between him and his friends...or subjects? Minions? Fae. Occus' fae. Still, that did leave Yuki to wonder what type of relationship those two had. Questions for another time, she supposed.

Yuki smiled when Hecate agreed to hear her out. She seemed nice. Why she was dead was beyond her, but Yuki made it a point not to ask about such things should the occasion arise. It would be rude, after all.

"Thank you, Hecate-sama. Though, you might regret that last part." said Yuki, giggling a bit.

"You are a goddess of magic, correct? Have you any knowledge of Corruption magic? If so, I would very much appreciate it if you would share it with me. I might have to deal with a user of such magic in the near future."



Claire had expected an ambush, but she wasn't expecting it to be so blunt. Neither literally nor in its execution. The music goddess tried to step out of the way, but a tree root from the creepy-looking kid a small distance away had caught her ankle. More popped out to immobilize her so John Henry's hammer could smash her flat without any difficulty. She grit her teeth at how early s*** hit the fan, and prepared to feel the brunt of the hammer swing.

Of course, something unexpected happened. Instead of completing his downward swing, John Henry and his hammer were pulled into a thick, red fog. The clashing of thin metal against a thicker mold was heard for a moment, before the corrupted version of a legendary African-American was thrown near Appleseed. Claire knew who just helped her out

The thick mist surrounded Claire, and a voice whispered in her ear.

"Hey, Claire. Let's play a game."

"Try to keep up with the music this time, Miri."

The roots were cut, and the mist began to spread. Music began to emanate from Claire's body again. As the beat of the drums started it off, Claire emerged from the fog, riding a cloud of darkness.

John Henry looked to Appleseed, who nodded as if they had crafted a plan. Mr. Henry charged again, jumping up to feint a swing of his hammer. Claire did fall for the feint, and was rewarded by a bunch of tree roots sprouting and heading for her. Appleseed grinned, thinking that the music goddess wouldn't escape this time. However, his roots never caught her. The boy with the bucket on his head looked to see what had happened, and found a woman with a scythe standing in the cut up pieces of his tree roots.

She had a small smile, and white/silver hair. Appleseed assumed that she was the one who saved the Merged girl from Mr. Henry. The woman began running toward him. Realizing that he had found his own opponent to fight, Appleseed pointed to her. Guided by their master, the roots of his apple tree began rising, and whipping at the woman, only to be cut away.

Miriam was giggling. After all these years, Johnny Appleseed was still a child, after all. He probably thought that a bunch of moving roots would be able to stop her advance. Still, he was learning. He had stopped and switched tactics. His pointed finger reformed into an open palm. From it, he shot seeds as fast as bullets, and just as deadly. Miriam would have fun with this.


Claire's movement and attacks were not necessarily pattern-based. But they were music-based. The better the moment, the stronger the impact. Unfortunately, due to Miriam's request, Claire was stuck using a song that toyed with the opponents, hurting them, hitting them a barrage of light energy, impeding them with restrictive blobs of darkness, but always holding off on the heavy hits. Thus, Mr. Henry was able to fight on more than just equal ground.

Sometimes, she would get too close, and he'd get a swing in, cutting her with the speed that his hammer was swung at. That's not to say that he'd be easily defeated had she put on some other music. He had a few tricks that she never thought he'd have. He'd smash his hammer down on the ground with enough control and force to cause a tremor, while forcing earthen spikes to shoot out from beneath Claire. In a way, the music was helpful, as it was meant to mock them for not being able to do much.

It was more akin to that of a chase scene. If the chase scene involved a crazy Earth-bender with a hammer, smacking boulders and bigger pieces of stone at a girl riding on a cloud, shooting beams of light that twitched to the sound of a guitar. Of course, sometimes Claire would shoot with her pistol, like an actual chase scene would involve, but considering that the guy she was shooting at was a deity, she had to question how useful the mundane bullets were.

As the music continued, Claire recognized how far along it had gone, and smiled. She stopped in place, and began moving her arms about when the low notes of a piano began to sound. John Henry didn't what she was doing, but he was intent on stopping her before she was finished. He sprinted up to Claire, Hammer raised, and was immediately set upon by wild shadowy strings. He tried to bash them away, but they clung to him and his hammer like spiderwebs. The more he struggled, the more they gathered together. By the time he was fully immobilized, the dark strings had formed into a shadowy arm and hand that gripped him tightly.


Johnny Appleseed was FAST. Kids were inherently energetic, but he was a low-end speedster. He was able to dodge and keep his distance from Miriam as she pursued him with her scythe. Every chance he got, he launched a small volley of seeds at her, only to miss. The passed by each other a great many times, each one missing their attacks. Then Miriam changed it up, and kneed the boy on one of those passes. Finding an opening, Miriam sliced off one of his arms, and kicked him a fair distance away.

Appleseed got up, anger clear on his face, and red eyes shining more menacing than before. He spat out a seed from his mouth, and placed his wound over it. His blood began to surround it, and the seed melted into the ground. A moment passed, and the ground began to quake on its own. Johnny was elevated into the air, as a giant apple tree sprouted from where the seed was. It's bark parted in three spots, and a face was revealed. The ground shook some more as the tree's roots began to uproot themselves.

Johnny Appleseed had summoned a grand treant to fight alongside him. Miriam continued to smile her small smile. Its branches were many, and acted as arms that attempted to grab or bash Miriam as she tried to make her way up to her true opponent. She suffered many minor scratches from the leaves, but she continued to dash up to the child. When she made her way up to him, Appleseed grinned, swinging his only arm to signal a branch to hit her. She was flung away.

As she descended from the great height, the mist began to redden, and gather around her. Miriam swung her scythe again, and the mist rushed to the tree, mimicking the same sharpness. It cleaved through the treant, causing it to topple, and Apple seed to fall. He was met with Miriam again, and she took his other arm.


John Henry had been caught in Claire's trap. He was immobilized by two dark hands that spastically tightened their grip to the stressed beats and organ. John struggled to get free, but then heard the music change a bit into a softer melody that involved a violin, a piano, and a chorus of sorts. His attention was then turned to a bright light that slithered from where Claire was standing. It was beautiful. It was serene. It, for a moment, calmed him down.

The light entered his body, and began to shine even brighter. So bright that it could be seen escaping from his eyes, ears, nostrils, and mouth. His body began to disappear, subtly disintegrating from the inside out.


While that was happening, Miriam was finishing up with her own fight.

With the apple truant dead, Miriam could see that Appleseed was at his limit. His breath was labored, and his body was fully armless now, with no living tree providing him branches to replace them. He was about to lose, and in a game like this, losing was bad.

As a sort of last resort, he opened his mouth and began shooting seeds in bunches at a rate that was comparable to a gatling gun. Still, Miriam managed to sidestep and dart to the side, circling him, and slowly inching closer and closer as the barrage of seed bullets continued. When she got close enough, she swung her scythe upward, forcing Appleseed to shut his mouth to avoid the cut.

The blade of the scythe detached from the staff, and Miriam began a dance of blade and stick, playing to the music, and only slashing and bashing the boy. with a swipe of her leg, Appleseed was on his back on the floor. She came up (uncomfortably) close to him, and whispered in his ear,

"You're time's passed, kid."

The music ended, and her fog gathered and thickened around them. He tried to attack her again, but Miriam disappeared from his sight. The boy had no idea where she was.


Miriam's voice echoed in his mind for what seemed like ages, before he fell apart. First his left side, then his right. The sound of two halves of a bucket clanging on the floor emanated from the impact of the armless, bisected pieces of its owner.

Miriam swung her sword, dispersing her fog while flinging off the child's blood from her scimitar. She smiled a moment before laughing out loud at how easily the blood of an old deity had left her blade, as if it was sharp enough to scare even that.

Claire bonked her on the head to shut her up and get her ready for the next fight.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by PerseusArchean
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Hecate hesitated again, she had been second guessing herself since being given form again, but she had promised. "It is not so easy to break a corruption curse, and the dead and weak are more susceptible to such things. Even after the spell is broken, it only ceases further corruption, you would need to mend the mind and reverse the damage also." She covered up her frown by biting her lip, "But... there is something you could do instead. It's dark magic though, crafted with ill intentions. You could cast a counter curse, corrupt the corruption. It would be havoc on the target, but it is much safer a way of eliminating enemies."

She gestured with her hand and a book materialized from thin air and hovered within Yuki's reach. "This will tell you all you need to know about creating and unmaking corruption spells." She gestured again and a floating torch appeared on Yuki's other side. "Nothing can hide from the light of my torch, it will protect you from unseen attacks and reveal helpful courses of action to you."

She then focused inward and concentrated intensely. "A crossroad nears, and dark are it's pathways, there is no good outcome, and yet a brilliant light of hope is in the distance. Fight hard my girl, and weather the coming storms, when the light returns... they will cheer for you." Hecate's eyes cleared, "This turmoil clouds my vision, I'm afraid that is all I can do there. Is there anything else my dear?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

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No sooner than the unending gloom of the underworld come into view, the battle begun. Moving away from the group of the Merged, whose side it regrettably took, Aforgomon found itself assailed by the Greek god of wine and revelry, Dionysus. The face of the typically jolly deity twisted and contorted itself in a boundless anger, but the Great One knew that the hatred that consumed him originated from another, insidious entity altogether. Dionysus threw himself forward, growing larger to match his foe as he did, seeking to crush Aforgomon beneath him. Ever wily, it shifted into another dimension, allowing the drunken god to fall through him. It stepped to the side then and faded in again, swiping its noisome claws in the direction of flailing Dionysus. The shambler knew already that I would not seek to end the lives of these corrupted beings, if such a thing could even be done. An unknown period in places beyond might serve to cool them off—to distance them from the dark god whose power held them in his grip. A rift of light tore open beneath Dionysus, and he plummeted into the empty world where Artemis resided.

Next, the god of the seas attacked it, attempting to penetrate its body with steely tines. Aforgomon could not react quick enough to prevent a wound, but its already diluted presence prevented the attack from spilling its vital fluids and pushing it into a rage state. The Great One stretched out its hand to send Poseidon to a similar fate, but even in this form the brother of Zeus commanded great power and cunning. He buoyed himself up on a fount of water, easily resisting the pull of dimensions. Poseidon lashed out with his trident, sending miniature, sharp-edged waves to cut into Aforgomon's manifestation. Displeased, the Great One hopped backward, its ungainly stature unaccustomed to sudden, manic movement. Poseidon, knowing the necessity of getting a proper hold of the elusive shambler, tapped the butt of his trident into the ashy ground. Pools of water formed instantly, from which stretched the barbed tentacles of his favored leviathan: the Kraken. Aforgomon responded by cutting into the gaps between dimensions and releasing from those radiant wounds tentacles of its own, gelatinous and writhing things to contend with the limbs of Poseidon's beast. Each being devoted their full strength to their respective creature, attempting to grapple the other. More and more water flowed around Poseidon, however, and Aforgomon's presence only waned in a protective instinct. The tense duel favored the god of the seas more by the second.

Never would any kin of the cosmos be alone, however. Even as Poseidon's Kraken ripped the sinews from its own tentacled horror, Aforgomon's jagged mouth yawned open, and the whirling void within cast a rippling, chaotic luminescence into the murky dark. In its memory arose foul, starving beasts, neither quite doglike nor quite sluglike, whose tireless hunts emanate from the angles of time. A nearby outcropping of rock that sported a sharp edge began to pour forth a smoke even more noxious than the fumes of the underworld. Then, from that corner, a head poked through. It seemed oddly like a closed flower, though pitted by holes, through which the crimson glow of vicious lust could be seen. The body emerged then, its four limbs askew, and like a nighttime predator the Hound of Tindalos attacked. Poseidon cried out as a veined proboscis pierced his body, draining the ichor. His focus died, and the Kraken retreated, but before he could suffer any more Aforgomon banished him to the empty world. Confused and disappointed, the Hound turned about to crawl back into the corner, ready to hunt its target across time and space. Aforgomon, however, lashed out with a foot and crushed its spine. As long as it could move, a Hound would never cease its hunt, so to preserve the life of Poseidon the Great One deigned to kill its own servant.

The Hound grew still and melted away into smog, leaving Aforgomon alone.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by rechonq
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rechonq Silver River Royalty

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As Landon struggled to survive the attacks of Scylla, a sound came to him. It was music. Who is playing music here and now? He didn't have time to contemplate what could be the cause of the music as more attacks relentlessly came for him. The back forth between him and Scylla was never going to end. The two mortals could have gone on forever like that, but fortunately for Landon he began to feel rejuvenated, and even a little stronger. The music coursed through him, making him stronger. The musics effects didn't work on the controlled. They had to feel it for themselves, and they certainly weren't themselves right now. Landon's moves began to flow and ebb with the beat now. As it calmed and soothed Landon felt rejuvenated, as the beat picked up he found himself getting ever closer to Scylla herself. During the bass drops he found an inner power that was different from the curses seal. Heads flew off left and right as the beat pushed him to act without hesitation. Landon had become unstoppable.

He finally made it through the seemingly endless tentacles to Scylla's body. He found an opening in the attacks and reared back plunge his blade through her. At that moment a head came up from behind and latched onto his arm. It tried to pull him back, but he froze himself to the floor. As the wolf bit and pulled harder Landon yanked himself forward again and stuck Scylla with his other arm. The wolf bit down terribly at that and ripped Landon's arm completely off and crushed it in his jaws. Scylla would have probably survived his attack, but he kept his blade and arm inside of her and began to spread a deep freeze throughout her. As the freeze spread throughout her, the parts it touched stopped. Soon her body was immobile and the tentacles froze in awkward shapes as it seemed they tried to futily escape it's progression. Landon had won, but it was at a cost.

A large pool of blood had formed at the base of where his arm was torn off. He released his feet again and walked a paces away from it. A steady stream was running from his shoulder down his body. An idea came to him from his previous practices. Dark ice began to grow out of his wound and stretched out down the side of his body. It began to take the form of an arm as it completed it's process. When his new arm and hand was created he tried moving it about. It looked awkward as the limb made of ice and darkness swirled and coursed as he moved it about. Well it certainly feels weird, but I guess I'll have to get good at working with this from now on.]He moved it around a bit more trying to adust to the feel and swung it about as if stretching his muscles. Landon began to notice the other gods fighting and felt ready enough to continue the fight.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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@Ace of flames01
Alec gets his jackal mouth covered by Rhona. He turns and looks at her his ears flattening a bit. "Why did you come, you are in no shape to be here" he sounds concerned, but something attacks him. The attack causes him to snarl, spin and stab at it with his spear. He notices an ice armed landau and makes his way over there. "are those...tentacles...with wolf heads" he is staring at the now frozen scylla with a face of confusion. His jackal face making the expression much more interesting.
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