Avatar of Slendy
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  • Posts: 2872 (0.78 / day)
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    1. Slendy 10 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current Currently battling Sophomore year and lack of anime time!
8 yrs ago
I guess I'm back.....
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8 yrs ago
*Explodes into confetti* O(≧∇≦)O Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2!!!!!!
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8 yrs ago
Some people say J stars Victory Vs. Is a spam game XD well if you fight a spammer and loose become yourself or maybe, just maybe become better at the game so you can wreck the spammer :o *gasp*
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8 yrs ago
D: Sims 4!!!!!!


HAPPY 2000 TO ME!!!!!!!! O(≧∇≦)O

Gender: Male

Update: I've been gone for a bit and have attempted to come back. I've got college related stuff to deal with now and it's crazy for me but I'll try to be as active as my schedule will allow me to be.

Most Recent Posts

:P All the major citizens of The Imperial are named after elements and metals.
Reese walked down a hall where commotion could be clearly heard on the other end. As he walked pass mortals they'd stop whatever they were doing and salute Reese speaking the usual words spoken from by a Native Imp. "Father!" They would shout then resume their previous actions once Reese passed them. For the first time in forever Reese wore an attire that would be considered formal in fashion to his people. Although this is a new since Reese was so comfortable with loose baggy clothes. Reaching two large doors Reese knocked three times and opened it revealing 4 mortals soluting him as he entered. Reese nodded and made his way to the head seat sitting down when he reached it. Almost immediately after he sat down one of them started to speak.

"Lord Reese our Nation has grown beautifully over the years. I believe we're ready to branch off and form alliances with the other Nations." A fairly tall demonic male stood. "I'll think about it Lapis but as of now we have something more important to focus on." Reese replied. "Rubie, Emma I need you two to make a small force and go to the ocean to the east. Take as many supplies you two will need. Your missions are to retrieve 100 squids please don't fail your Father." Both of the women that sat to his left nodded and exited the meeting room leaving Reese and two of the male demon. "What the hell do we need 100 squids for!" The demons know as Lead spoke.

"Lead! That's No way to speak to the Father!" Lapis quickly shouted giving him an angered look. "No it's fine..." Reese stated. "I've decided that since we're strong enough I want to revive the woman I love is that a problem?" He asked looking directly at Lead who's was attempting to avoid eye contact. Reese continues. "I'll need human sacrifices to revive my love and I don't want to kill my own children." Lead and Lapis was completely surprised by Reese's words they only listened as it was obvious he had more to say. "Once I get the 100 squids I'll hunt down other mortals and do what is needed to get her by my side." Lapis stood. "F-father what about....us.." He asked attempting to hide his fear of the current information he just heard.

"I'm still your god but after today I'll be impeaching myself." Reese replied. "WHAT!!!" Both Lapis and Lead shouted. Reese just smiled and shook his head. "Don't worry Helium of the Noble family will become the ruler in my absence." Both of the mortals stood sadness in their eyes. "Don't worry once I have my wife to be I'll return...." Reese added on standing and exiting the meeting room. He walked along the hall and looked through the windows that showed the city heheped build. A city that looked similar to America during the 1800's. Though the technology wasn't that advance. The city was live with magic. On a hill stood Reese's home a castle that looked over the city. Reese appeared inside of his home the doors locked as if as massive weapon was contained inside. He made his way to his room and sat on his bed looking directly across the room. There it stood the red Crystal that held Cythlla captive. Reese walked to it and brushed the back of his hand against the Crystal whispering. "Soon my love...soon."
@Ace of flames01
XD No! He has a good 30 years of training while she has been dormant for those years she isn't gonna come back and abuse him. After all he can still pull a Zues and be forceful with his love (^~^) without being a pedo like Zues was.....

:O Awesome that gives me an idea! Reese will attack another Nation and kidnapped their people to revive her! Since he most likely wouldn't do that to his own children. So technically he's an evil country.... Kinda he's doing this out of love!
One last question! Does Cythlla need to be revived or something?
@Ace of flames01

:D Me! I have to feed me hunger then I'll start working on posting!
Reese could be Chaotic Neutral! XD So if a god is after Cythlla their automatically his enemies! Plus The Imperial is a Democratic Nation if anything a Dictatorship or Monarch type of Nations should be on the more evil side.

:D Sure! Is she liked sealed within something.....cause I'll just have her body hidden somewhere in the capital...which I should start coming names for....or are we using the names of countries we're taking. Anyways yeah I'd like Reese to hold her. I'll take Canada then!


:D You have yourself a deal friend!!!
Aw v.v wanted Canada! But then again I have a demon race that could be perceived as evil. Russia, o3o you all know why, Germany, Maybe Mexico or Brazil....
@Ace of flames01

O: Where!!! I love maps! Show mah!!!!!! *pops like confetti*
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