Avatar of Slendy
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 2872 (0.78 / day)
  • VMs: 6
  • Username history
    1. Slendy 10 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

7 yrs ago
Current Currently battling Sophomore year and lack of anime time!
8 yrs ago
I guess I'm back.....
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8 yrs ago
*Explodes into confetti* O(≧∇≦)O Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2!!!!!!
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8 yrs ago
Some people say J stars Victory Vs. Is a spam game XD well if you fight a spammer and loose become yourself or maybe, just maybe become better at the game so you can wreck the spammer :o *gasp*
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8 yrs ago
D: Sims 4!!!!!!


HAPPY 2000 TO ME!!!!!!!! O(≧∇≦)O

Gender: Male

Update: I've been gone for a bit and have attempted to come back. I've got college related stuff to deal with now and it's crazy for me but I'll try to be as active as my schedule will allow me to be.

Most Recent Posts

@Ace of flames01

Yeppers :P. Just thinking on what I'm gonna have Don do after this bar scene play out.

XD Since Caezel is old and near the end of his life can Don haunt him just to f with him? Like he just wakes up from a good night rest and Don's at his bed side saying "Your time has come." And he's just playing with him just to see if he has a heart attack and die. v.v dark but good humor.
A heavy yawn roared through an umarked grave site as Don awoken. He patted a headstone that took the place of his pillow and rested his back against the stone. "Damn...." He randomly curser getting up and dusting himself off. Don opened his palm and his Scythe instantly appeared in his grip. "Why can't people stop dying...it's like every frocking day...." He murmured disappearing and reappearing in a whole new setting. It was a small home within a small town somewhere in the land of the darkness. As Don't arrived there were screams and two panicked people besides the one that was dead on the ground. "What the fuck!?" Don shouted as he witness the most dumbest of death scenes play out before him.

The guy was still alive but had a huge chunk of his forehead missing. What could of cause something like that is a mystery but Don doesn't give a shit he came here to reap the soul of the fuck up who died today. To make matters even more fantastic the guy was starting to realize he was dead and Don didn't feel like explaining his situation for the 1 billionth time. He just causal walked through the choas and decapitated the man his soul leaving his neck instantly as his head was gone. This lead to more screams and one of the two people present to pass out. Don grabbed the corpse by the collar and vanished leaving the head at the scene. It's not like he can use it anyways. He was back in the grave from before.

Walking a few feet as he returned crows and other creatures of the night can be heard screaming their heads off. Don hated them but killing them would be even more of a task which he doesn't have time fore thanks to the countless increasing screw ups per day. He soon reached a grave that was only accompanied by a head stone and a empty whole. "Here's your knew home!" He shouted tossing the corpse into the whole and looking at it for bit. Corpses are his favorite thing about this world. He'd keep one as a pet if it wasn't for it smelling like garbage and excrements after a certain amount of time. Don started to whisper a cheerful tone as he opened his palm and his Scythe disappeared.

Not to far from where he stood was a shovel, he grabbed the shovel and began to drop dirt in the grave whistling a tone that sounds like some sort of metal or rock music. From a normal perspective he just looks like the average creature of the night digging a grave....actually he's not your average creature of the night digging a grave. The average creature would probably be hiding a body or grave robbing. Don patted the dirt of the finished grave and rested one the shovel. "Man I need a drink.." He said leaving the grave site and heading to the nearest and most populated city within the Dark's territory or a popular bar that he can snag a drink in. Which ever came first he was headed in the direction of the capital, so he was bound to run into something.


Child of:





Relationship Status:
Single ^-^ waiting for someone to touch his tralala


Undertaker :P

•The way someone is positioned when they're dead
•A Challenge

•Sour Foods
•Old People
•Tough Guys

•Getting a limb chopped off and losing it
•Getting head chopped off and losing it
•Basically losing a body part that is cut off

Don is a seriously nonchalant guy. Turning most of his situations into a playful scene were everyone can participate in his schemes. He's often described as a crazed maniac and a guy you should avoid. Instead of hiding his face like most of his race he expresses his emotions, smiling and laughing at anything that tries to bother him. Being already dead makes him a super care free spirit which often gets him into situations that being dead would be helpful to have as a perk. He does comes off as a serious person but it's actually just a trick to catch people off guard. He's nice for a creature of the dark and is friendly to everyone he meets. Sometimes he can even change his mind about reaping someone.

Don doesn't quite remember his past but he did know he died a horrible gruesome death some hundred years ago. Maybe by murder or something. The only thing he's positive about is that he fell to his death remember fast winds and a quick and painful collision. As a reaper though he floats around like a majestic god mother and reap the souls of the dead. Sometimes even hanging out with them or drinking with them. He occasionally see dead spirits of the souls he doesn't want to reap or keep around as friends. When he first became a reaper he was a living...well he thought he was alive, skeleton. At first he wore a cloak that hidden his face but then figured out away to use his dark magic to snatch himself a humanish form. He often wears an all black suit to indicate that he's death or The Grim Reaper. Which to some degree he is. After having a busy day of 52 pick up at the war zones between the light and the dark he sometimes slips between sides to cause minor trouble or to relax from a longs day work.

Don's 6'2" and has tattoo's covering his whole upper torso. He uses a Scythe that allows him to float or fly without it he can't do either.

%50 Chance that this song is about rape I know it's about sex though. XD if you don't believe me listen to it!


Child of:





Relationship Status:
Single ^-^ waiting for someone to touch his tralala


Undertaker :P

•The way someone is positioned when they're dead
•A Challenge

•Sour Foods
•Old People
•Tough Guys

•Getting a limb chopped off and losing it
•Getting head chopped off and losing it
•Basically losing a body part that is cut off

Don is a seriously nonchalant guy. Turning most of his situations into a playful scene were everyone can participate in his schemes. He's often described as a crazed maniac and a guy you should avoid. Instead of hiding his face like most of his race he expresses his emotions, smiling and laughing at anything that tries to bother him. Being already dead makes him a super care free spirit which often gets him into situations that being dead would be helpful to have as a perk. He does comes off as a serious person but it's actually just a trick to catch people off guard. He's nice for a creature of the dark and is friendly to everyone he meets. Sometimes he can even change his mind about reaping someone.

Don doesn't quite remember his past but he did know he died a horrible gruesome death some hundred years ago. Maybe by murder or something. The only thing he's positive about is that he fell to his death remember fast winds and a quick and painful collision. As a reaper though he floats around like a majestic god mother and reap the souls of the dead. Sometimes even hanging out with them or drinking with them. He occasionally see dead spirits of the souls he doesn't want to reap or keep around as friends. When he first became a reaper he was a living...well he thought he was alive, skeleton. At first he wore a cloak that hidden his face but then figured out away to use his dark magic to snatch himself a humanish form. He often wears an all black suit to indicate that he's death or The Grim Reaper. Which to some degree he is. After having a busy day of 52 pick up at the war zones between the light and the dark he sometimes slips between sides to cause minor trouble or to relax from a longs day work.

Don's 6'2" and has tattoo's covering his whole upper torso. He uses a Scythe that allows him to float or fly without it he can't do either.
@Ace of flames01
:P Could I be a reaper? If not I'm still going to join!
:P Alot of peeps! I'll just stalk in the background until more space or something happens don't mind me! ^-^ *pulls out large binoculars and stares at everyone* Yep! Not noticeable at all!
:P I'd like to join...
So what I'm reading there's evil/good versions of everyone and everyone's alternate has taken the form of a member of their originals races! :D Sounds awesome as fuck!!!!

Numbah 2 Everyone stop what you're doing! v.v This many sex puns was LEGEND.....wait for it....DARY!

Numbah 3 :P u can go back to what you were doing my friend
:D Interested!
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