Avatar of Slendy
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 2872 (0.78 / day)
  • VMs: 6
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    1. Slendy 10 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current Currently battling Sophomore year and lack of anime time!
8 yrs ago
I guess I'm back.....
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8 yrs ago
*Explodes into confetti* O(≧∇≦)O Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2!!!!!!
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8 yrs ago
Some people say J stars Victory Vs. Is a spam game XD well if you fight a spammer and loose become yourself or maybe, just maybe become better at the game so you can wreck the spammer :o *gasp*
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8 yrs ago
D: Sims 4!!!!!!


HAPPY 2000 TO ME!!!!!!!! O(≧∇≦)O

Gender: Male

Update: I've been gone for a bit and have attempted to come back. I've got college related stuff to deal with now and it's crazy for me but I'll try to be as active as my schedule will allow me to be.

Most Recent Posts

Benji missed the race which he knew was gonna happen. Him and Rus just decided to crash at this college party that a friend of Rus threw. When they got there Rus instantly disappear among the countless teens and young adults that were there. Benji just went inside of the large house and sat on a couch. To the right of him some people were making out while the left of him others were doing drugs. Benji just exhaled and continued to look around the party as things seem to get more chaotic. "Fuck this!" He shouted standing up and walking out of the house he pushed a few people out of the way to make his way to the door. Once outside he sat on a random motorcycle and smoked a cigarette looking at the sky. After a few minutes a guy walked out pissed no reason. Turns out he's the owner of the motorcycle and doesn't appreciate how Benji's chilling on it. Ben doesn't move and stays where he is smirking the whole time he was cursed and spit at. Ben just pat the guy on the shoulder and he stopped for a few seconds. There was a brief silence before Ben started beating the shit out of the guy. He was too drunk to even fend for himself all he can do is beat Benji's fist up with his face. After a few screams Ben stopped his knuckles read and the guys face bruised as if he was beaten with brass knuckles. He was out cold in a small puddle of blood that seeped from his mouth. "Respect your elders....bitch." Ben said as he checked his pockets and took the keys to his motorcycle. He drove off soon after getting the keys.

Next Day

Ben awoke under a bridge a soft cosy card board box being his pillow another his blanket. The motorcycle was gone and $750 dollars took its place in Benji's pocket. Maybe he can go halfies on a small studio apartment with someone. But he didn't know anyone and there aren't many people who friend them self's with someone like Ben. He got onto his feet and walked the city streets. Maybe some other homeless person can go halfies on a studio apartment with him. That's gonna be tough though homeless people were homeless for a reason. Ben walked through the whole city starring at every possible candidate he thinks he can share a place with that wouldn't later fuck him over.
In Metalheart 9 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
Woah haven't seen the OOC in awhile o.o but a car and a person!!!? v.v I better stop here before my thoughts and the internet starts to wounder how will it work.
In Metalheart 9 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
Birds chirping and the light from outside was the various things that counted as Matt's alarm clock. He woke up with a yawn looking around his room. "You did it..." He whispered to himself as he got up and begin his everyday morning schedule of washing up and making his way to breakfast. Over the two years Matt has done the most he's ever done for the lower class citizens. He even had his family imprisoned for their inhumane crimes against the people. Matt was becoming what you may call the people's champion. And the defacing of his families company was just the beginning. Matt had finished his preparation for the day to come and walked to the dining room of the mansion.

Matt could walk through the mansion blindfolded and get to every plalce in the house without bumping into anything. For this mansion wasn't anything new, it was his families old estate that he bought. The once safe heaven from the poor was now a safe heaven from the corrupted rich. Ever since Matt made a name for himself more and more wealthy people stopped working along side him. Some even tried to treat as if he was a lower class citizen playing to big of a role for his status. But through the criticism and threats Matt climbed the latter and became a powerful speaker of the people. He reached the dinning room and sat at the head of the table. He'd prepare his own food but someone would always stop him.

That someone was named Dawn, a young beautiful woman who was Matt's secretary. This would seem weird to others but Matt personally requested that she comes and live with him for her safety. They weren't intimate they seemed more like siblings. Not to long and Dawn entered the dinning room with two plates filled with eggs, bacon, and toast. Matt smiled. "Keep this up and the media is gonna think we're an old married couple." Dawn chuckled at the statement and sat to the left of him slowly eating her food. It was a bit of silence before she spoke. "Matt...look I know you've made it...big and all..but be careful....what if there's people like your family out there that literally aims to kill the competition."

Matt stopped eating and smiled. He knew that he was gonna face things like this and he was ready for them. "There's nothing to worry about Dawn. If I ever do I'll just fight the best last fight I'll ever have." Dawn wasn't to excited about his response. She just exhaled heavily and finished her meal. After Matt finished his they left the mansion and went out to help himself get the lead on running for Governer. This was his next and important step in helping the lower class citizens. He just had to win the election.
In Metalheart 9 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay

Oh Crap! Thanks >_<!!!!!
Benji scratched his chin and yawned before a balled up newspaper smached him in his forehead. "The fuck!" He jumped up looking around his eyes coming across an old friend of his. For safety well just call his friend Rus. The young man possibly similar in age to Benji sat next to him on his bench and had a wide grin on his face. Ben looked at him and then at the ground. "The fuck is wrong with you!" He asked in a rhetorical manner that was obviously a tone used between best of friends. "Ya know! There's a race happening as we speak!" Rus said, his speech was fast but clear and Ben understood every word that came out of his friends mouth. "So!" Ben responded. Him and Rus clearly know that he doesn't enjoy dropping money on races. Ben was more of a scam the guy in his face kind of person. "I know! I know! It wouldn't kill you to go to one just to go!" Rus quickly responded nudging on his shoulder. "There's probably bad bitches there that'd be down to pay to sleep with them!" Rus smiled with his last statement. Ben just starred at him as if he can imagine himself slapping the living hell out of Rus. He exhaled and said. "You know damn well prostitutes don't fuck with cyclopes!" Rus laughed as Ben said this. Ben even chuckled a bit to. He stood and patted his pockets. "Welp! We'll be late but why the fuck not! Let's go see some lifesize hot wheels race like mad men!" Rus quickly jumped to his feet and followed Ben as they made their way to the racing site.

"Just fucking great."

Benji Moore



•Pick pocketing
•Good with a Switch blade
•Good shooter
•Can get a lot of things(Drugs, alcohol, guns, mainly anything that's illegal, but bombs he can't get those)

Born from prostitution: raised to cause trouble. From a young age Benji was known to get into some type of trouble each week. It was so common for him to get into trouble that people would place bets on how he got in trouble or when he got in trouble. Around the time he was 15 his home was robbed and his mother(only parent) was killed in the process. Everyone knew the people who did the crime but was afraid to speak out because it could result in their death. Benji wasn't afriad though searched for his mothers murders. Once he found them he manage to kill two out of the three of them that was apart of the robbery in a poorly planned drive by. The remaining man managed to snag a car and chase Benji. The car Benji was in came to an unsuccessful sharp turn and crashed sending him flying through the windshield. He hit a curb face first and was presumed dead. There was alot of witnesses and sirens weren't to far behind. The guy had to make a getaway in order to not be caught. The sirens were ambulance sirens but the guy couldn't take his chances and a cop plan to show up to the scene. It seems luck was on Benji's side, he wasn't dead but was in a coma for 6 months. As he awoken after several long months he was debriefed on what lead him to the situation he was in now. The doctors say when hit the curb is right was no longer useful so that gave him a glass eye that he could afford, it didn't have an iris or pupil. Strange enough Benji says he can see just fine through both of eyes, but the doctors didn't believe him and said that's just the drugs talking. Oddly he can see out of the glass eye but doesn't understand why. Another month passes and he is released. His hospital bills making bankrupt and broker than someone who has hope in the gambling system. In order to stay alive he's become "The Guy" you can get anything you need from. As of now he sleeps in alleys or park benches.
XD And everyone is nonchalant about the random boat.
Benji sat in a poorly lit alley accompanied by 3 other men. They sat in a circle in the center of them a small cardboard box can be seen. "Boom! Three of a kind!" One of the man shouted attempting to reach for a somewhat large pile of money centered in the middle of the box. "Wait!" Ben shouted with a wicked grin on his face. Angered stares and frightened looks appeared on the faces of the men as Ben slowly laid out his cards. "Full House Fuckers!" He laughed sliding all the money he won into his pockets. One of them stood reaching for his pockets but stopped when Benji stood quickly tapping his forehead with the head of a pistol. "Hey hey....calm down you snooze you loose..." He laughed running out of the alley. 50 bucks didn't seem like much to your average person but today Ben hit the mother load. He continued to run until he made it back home. By home been his park bench. He laid on the bench kicking his feet in the air like a happy child counting the money in his palms. Of course the one eyed hobo that's laughing at money like a mad man got some odd stares from the people that happened to be there or passing by. They didn't matter to him though all that matter was money and revenge. After laughing for a good five minutes straight he sat up on the bench looking at the park his facial expression dying down a bit. "Damn...." His all he was able to squeeze out. He didn't have enough money to rent a studio apartment let alone for himself. Ben clenched the money but eased up on his grip. There wasn't any other choices of income. This was the only way with someone of his particular background to survive in this cruel unforgiving world. He looked at the money again. "Prostitution... Won't work either..." He whispered to himself. People aren't into fucking on eyed weirdos so he was definitely out of the prostituton category. Ben exhaled heavily shooving his money into his pockets and leaning back on the bench looking up at the sky.

"Yeah I'll have to tell them the full story. They aren't gonna ally a race that wouldn't benefit them that much but I have this and they listen to my every word so a treaty is unavoidable." Reese gentle sat the egg down and walked up being Cythlla hugging her from behind. "I've never seen this side of the Goddess of Insanity..." A brief smile came across is face as he looked outside of the window at the inklings. His head crowded with the countless things he wanted to do when the egg hatches and the baby....hopefully a mortal appearance type of baby is born. He'd be there for it as long as he can unlike Kratos was for him and maybe Cythlla will be a better mother than his was. He exhales heavily thinking about that. Hoping that Cythlla would at least be a bit better of a mother than his was. At least becoming less greedier than she is now...
XD Damn it would be better if the child wasn't born v.v now its bout to start a war. And it doesn't even have a name!!!! (^ω^)Great!
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