Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by rechonq
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rechonq Silver River Royalty

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Landon took a deep breath and began to share everything. "Well for one, I recently ran into a goddess named Shone-Lee. Do you know about her? It seems she has some powers over darkness and lust. She has gotten into my head somehow and now if I don't have sex, I can feel myself going mad. It's still changing me in some ways I don't understand. As long as I have you though that shouldn't be a problem." He gave her a sweet smile with his last comment.

"Another thing goes way back, to my birth. Unless I'm given an order, I can't use my full powers. I can use them right now thanks to Shone-Lee, but if she is ever destroyed, they will go away again. I'm not going to be able to use my powers unless I find my mother who put this curse on me in the first place. I know she is no longer on this world, so I would have to begin exploring the galaxy." His face turned very serious now.

I probably won't be able to kill Shone-Lee myself either. Between the lust for her and for my power, I won't be able to lose those myself. I'm going to need help."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

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@blackpanther@ace of flames01

The golden spider lowered from it's web. The current spider had already given it's poison and seemed to disappear after that. A strange brown orb appeared within the legs of the golden spider shining and dissappearing. "That was all I needed." Maria said, her voice everywhere in room they were in. "Thank you for helping me I do hope we can work with each other in the future." Maria said as she transformed from the golden spider into her normal form. "Have fun curving that appetite." Maria said before disappearing through her becoming a pile of spiders that scuttled off in all directions.

Cia listened to what Landon had to say intently before moving back towards the portal. "I will do whatever I can to help you. However there is something that you need to know about me. I've been housing a terrible side of myself ever since I was born. When it first started to surface, I almost killed my brother." Cia said looking into the portal at a plot of land she was planning to put her new race. It was a mountainous region in Tibet.

"That's all I can say about that side of me. There is a reason after all that Flemmings is so cautious around me." Cia said with a meloncholy work. "I'm not sure about how to find your mother but I will do whatever it takes to find this Shone-Lee." Cia added.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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@Cuccoruler@Ace of flames01
Alec watches in horror as rhona and leon faint. He felt himself stop. His hands going to his mouth, tumbling he stares at the golden spider. Hate filling his eyes...more hate then he has ever felt before. He stares at the spider's human form lurching trying to grab at the goddess...only to fail and fall onto the ground. He pounds a fist onto the ground then curls up, forcing himself into his jackal form. A form that is smaller...easier to get away from a person. His form shaking as he curls up as far away from the unconscious bodies as possible. Hating himself...hating that spider. For once actually wishing a certain winged menace was still in his head. Someone who wouldn't be able to use that power in the first place. More prominent though is his hatred for himself, for what he just lost control for and did. Knowing if he got too close...he might try to finish them off...hoping that they get up and flee.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by rechonq
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rechonq Silver River Royalty

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Landon became rather attentive at the mention of almost killing Flemmings. Flemmings was very powerful in his own right. He just hoped it had something to do with her envy. Although why she would be envious of Flemmings was a mystery to him.

He walked over to the portal and looked through to the Tibetan mountains. Even though she was warning him, she didn't seem to make it sound serious, so he took it a little more light-heartedly as well. He was quite happy to hear she would help with Shone-Lee. The mountains were covered with beautiful fresh snow and various splotches of greenery. "So is this where you are planning to to begin your race?" It's a beautiful area."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Ace of flames01 The Returned

Member Seen 1 yr ago


After a few minutes, Rhona was the first to wake up. She saw Alec's jackal form and walked over to him, then wrapped her arms around his muzzle. She lifted his jackal head and smiled gently. "It's going to be OK, Alec. I'm not going to lose you again." She whispered, blushing embarrassed of what she was about to do.

She then proceeded to close her eyes and place her lips on his. Alec gradually changed back to his human form. A warm, gentle glow emanated from her lips and poured into Alec, along with something else. A kind, gentle, warm emotion flowed through Rhona and into Alec. Love.

Her kiss was long and slow, all the while, she continued to give Alec her life energy and love until he no longer needed to feed.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by OtomostheCrazy
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OtomostheCrazy The Impatient Patience of Fulfilled Nothingness

Member Seen 5 mos ago


Yuki was filled with joy once Xoxi said that she'd go to her realm. Not only has few outsiders ever even think about going there, but it was a chance to make a good impression on Xoxi! And maybe...maybe...Yuki couldn't bare to think on it any further than that. It could lead to thoughts of either extreme disappointment or thoughts of extreme...joy. Yeah, let's go with that. Joy.

The Dance Goddess slid her way through Xoxi's arm, and off her should. As comfortable as it was, Yuki couldn't bring anyone to her realm without either making a portal or traveling via wind. Truth be told, Yuki preferred the latter. She had begun to stretch and prepare to do her dance when Xoxi had suddenly asked about Cia. It caused her to freeze in place for a moment. Would it be good to tell her the truth? What if she ends up hating everyone else? Wouldn't she be better off not knowing what had happened so long ago?

...no. It has been 30 years. If a human wanted to know, then they should know. So with a sigh, Yuki spoke.

"30 years ago, we were forced to face several threats, each one was worse than the last. Though the threats did sometimes directly attacked us, we only retaliated in order to protect the mortals that lived on the Earth. Unfortunately, one of these threats came in the form of a literal alien attack. An army of alien lifeforms had been tricked by their war god to attack the Earth in order to rescue their deity of peace. In reality, their deity had been imprisoned by the war god. The result of the attack was devastation. While Claire was able to stop one battle between humans and aliens, the rest of the earth was in a one-sided fight. Cia gathered the deities to fight and destroy the war god, but as they did, one human had found a way to join our ranks. That human used alien technology to gain powers that rivaled natural gods and deities. He then proceeded to convince other humans all around the world to throw away their faith in actual gods and deities, and attempt to conquer and destroy them."

Yuki took a moment to breathe and make sure Xoxi was listening.

"Their anger towards the gods had turned the world into a much worse place than before. Instead of peace, they sought conquest and murder. Those who disagreed with them were killed, and those with power grew mad with it. Cia...She had a choice to make. One that she didn't want to make. Her mother had built a shrine that would wipe the human race out of existence if activated. Cia activated it. She didn't want to do it, but most of the humans that were left had grown violent and insane. The shrine ended a majority of the human race."


Claire was actually somewhat weirded out at the guy's tone of voice. It caught her off guard. She almost felt sorry for the guy...Then again he was making threats about her sister and her love life, so she didn't really regret anything. In any case, Claire was not waking up. She really wanted to wake up, and she had a feeling that she would be unable to as long as this guy kept talking to her. Besides, he was getting annoying. So, with reluctance and annoyance, she decided to give a little hint.

Fine, if you'd just leave already. Here's a hint. Miriam is the Goddess of Blood. Think about it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Gardevoiran
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Gardevoiran The Forbidden One

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Xoxi listened closely to the story, and understood why Cia had to do it. There really was no other thing to do in that case, fighting would've been futile, and when she thought about it, she didn't commit entire genocide upon the human race after all. There were still some left, and she had no other option than to do it. With a large breath Xoxi hugged Yuki and backed off.

"I really needed to know what happened that day, thank you so much for telling me. There's one last thing though... why didn't it kill me? All I can really remember is a large flash and waking up under a pile of rubble."

Xoxi said that in a rhetorical sort of way, and followed up by saying.

"You just gonna stand there and look at me cutie? C'mon... we got places to go."

Xoxi was ready to see what Yuki's realm looked like, and she seemed more than happy enough to show it.


Xoxi slowly woke up from a blackout, and saw she was under a collapsed building.

"Ohh... my head... what just happened...?"

Xoxi attempted to move out, but winced harshly at seeing her own arm crushed by a beam of the building.

"...damn. The moon is out, though..."

2 blue shadows appeared and raised the beam off Xoxi's arm, however they were not the form of Xoxi, they were the form of her mother. Xoxi pushed through the rubble and saw a ruined cityscape. Fire around some of it, blood here and there, it was a disaster. Then Xoxi heard a voice, one that was very familiar to her.

"Squirt? Squirt answer me!"

Xoxi ran towards the voice and saw her mentor, clad in all black, blood staining his leg.

"Thank mother you're okay!"

Xoxi hugged her mentor carefully, softly crying into his shirt. They had gone on a mission to snag money for an orphanage when the light flashed, and it sent the city into ruins. A sign hung overhead, being burnt from the flash, and all that could be read was "__n Fr____sco".

"Thank your mom you're okay! We were split up during the flash, and when I came to I found my leg cut by a wire. I'd ask if you were okay, but your arm doesn't look good, Squirt."

"It'll be fine, let's get out of here before anything else happens."


"Now you give me an answer? I'll take note of it.. I guess I'll see you around, then, Claire."

Tlevran stopped communications with Claire and proceeded to go kill off monkeys and innocent animals, collecting fuel for his powers and overall filling up on genocidal power.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

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"Yeah I'll have to tell them the full story. They aren't gonna ally a race that wouldn't benefit them that much but I have this and they listen to my every word so a treaty is unavoidable." Reese gentle sat the egg down and walked up being Cythlla hugging her from behind. "I've never seen this side of the Goddess of Insanity..." A brief smile came across is face as he looked outside of the window at the inklings. His head crowded with the countless things he wanted to do when the egg hatches and the baby....hopefully a mortal appearance type of baby is born. He'd be there for it as long as he can unlike Kratos was for him and maybe Cythlla will be a better mother than his was. He exhales heavily thinking about that. Hoping that Cythlla would at least be a bit better of a mother than his was. At least becoming less greedier than she is now...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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@Ace of flames01
Alec kisses her back, feeling the warmth from the kiss. He also feels the pain from the need to feed on energy slowly dissipate. As rhona pulls back, Alec ends up passing out. It seems his body decided that passing out is the best way to deal with the situation he is in. That and to avoid the possibility of the urge to some back. Trusting that the twins will leave...hoping that they will to keep themselves safe until he is certain the urge is gone. He doesn't want to hurt them. He doesn't want to hurt anyone. Quite ironic considering the spheres of influence he rules over.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Rhona felt Alec kiss her back and couldn't help but feel happy. As he fell, she held him in her arms and smiled gently, then brushed strand of hair off his face and kissed his forehead; another warm glow emanated from her lips. She then pressed her forehead against his and sighed. "Please. Be safe. What I am about to do is horrible. You will probably hate me for it. I may never see you again and I am sorry... But I must do this. Know that I love you very much, Alec. I hope you can one day forgive me." She whispered to him then kissed him on the lips softly, and gently laid his head on the ground.

Leon immediately opened his eyes and glanced at Rhona with an arched eye brow. Rhona blushed and helped him to his feet. "You're not going to Flemming anymore?" He asked.

"No. He won't help us." Rhona replied shaking her head.

"Ya realize tha' we are about ta start a war, right? There won't be any turnin back from here on out." Leon asked. Rhona nodded in response. Leon sighed then smirked. "Alright. Let's give 'em hell!"

Rhona gave him a disapproving look then opened a portal to where Shone-Lee said Cia and Landon might be. They had already decided their strategy. Leon would distract and take care of Landon, while Rhona would take on Cia.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

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Cia smiled to Landon as she opened the portal wider. Once she stepped through the portal though, her race seemed to just appear within Tibet. They were known as the Anglic. A bird like race that had the ability to fly. They had even dispersed at this point and formed their own tribes. Not much else had happened aside from that though. "Such a beautiful race." Cia said with a smile as she leaned against Landon holding onto his arm.

Cythlla looked over her own people again then back to the egg. "I guess I should see how this one turns out." Cythlla said. (One month timeskip for them and everyone else not included in the conflict between Cia, Landon, Rhona, Leon, and Shone-Lee)
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Ace of flames01 The Returned

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Upon laying eyes on Cia, a burning rage equivalent to that of the sun, exploded in Rhona. Her eyes glowed bright orange-yellow, which quickly subsided, and a giant inferno engulfed the surrounding area. Shone-Lee had appeared with her Kree. She sent her hoard after Cia, while she assisted Leon against his assault on Landon. Little did Cia and Landon know, the twins had made a temporary alliance with her.

Shone-Lee attacked Landon and seemingly Leon, that is, until Leon managed to get close to Landon. With his guard lowered, Leon restrained Landon, then sent billions upon billions of volts of electricity throughout Landon's body, giving him quite the nasty shock and some burns. Even after the initial shock, Leon continued to restrain Landon and send more electricity into his body.

Meanwhile, while Cia was busy with dealing with the Kree, Rhona appeared seemingly helping Cia against the Kree. However, once she got close to Cia, she too turned sides. She took her dagger and plunged it into Cia's stomach. She then proceeded to cut open Cia's stomach, then cut out and riped her uterus from out of her body. She held Cia's uterus in her bloodied hand, with the most cold, cruel, unforgiving, and terrifying look in her eyes, then set the uterus ablaze in a burning inferno until it was nothing but a pile of ash which then scattered in the breeze. "For your crimes of the murder of 3 innocent Dej women, you will atone with the destruction of your own uterus. You shall never be able to have children, be it with Landon, or anyone else. Now you can have all the sex you want you filthy whore." Rhona said, her voice and expression where cold and unforgiving. Their actions; a declaration of war.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by rechonq
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rechonq Silver River Royalty

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With the arrival of Rhona, Landon was still calm and ready to warmly greet her, but as Leon and Shone-Lee came as well, he immediately put up his guard. Quickly rushing after the two as he saw them. Rhona ignored him and went after Cia, but Landon thought Cia could handle herself against her. He drew the runic sword of the Valkyries, which glowed with green lines coursing it.

Leon was the fighter of the two and he ended up fighting with him first. Several exchanges of dark ice and lightning, bounced around the two, but with Landon's armor and prosthetic the lightning didn't do much, and Leon's shocking skin melted the effects of the dark ice. Soon Landon saw an opening for an attack on Shone- Lee, but right as he was about to plunge the runic sword through her, he stopped. He wanted her dead, but he wanted her and this power as well. She blew a kiss at him as Leon came from behind and began to shock Landon directly. Fortunately, ice is a terrible conductor, but Leon's strength and the sheer power being pushed was still pretty effective.

As he struggled to escape his grip, Landon watched as Rhona fell Cia. He saw her cut into her and he lost it. As Rhona cut Cia emotions flooded Landon like a broken dam. Love, hate, trust, betrayal, disgust, respect, lust, power, curse, confusion ; all of these coursed through him in disorienting amounts. As Rhona burned Cia's uterus, the sword's green glow turned purple. Landon's skin turned gray. His prosthetic stopped flowing and solid veins of darkness could be seen in his arm. Black embers coursed off of him, like a black flame. His pupils began to dilate, until his eyes were fully black. His face developed a blank look. His mind had broken and become blank. He wanted nothing other than emptiness. No heat, no light and no energy, and anything that created or held any of those was a problem.

As Leon continued to hold Landon, a shadow grew over him and drew him into the ground, sending him to Landon's dark realm. A black tear opened up behind him. He stepped through it and came out behind Shone-Lee. He grabbed her shoulders, and yanked her flat on the ground. Ice picks were spawned and shot into her wrists and ankles pinning her to the ground. He stared at her upside down. "Love?"

He caught another glimpse of Rhona. This bright, warm existence was a scourge in his eyes. He rocketed toward her with incomprehensible speed. He thrust the sword into her shoulder and an ice pick through the hand that held Cia's uterus. "Love?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Ace of flames01 The Returned

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Rhona had seen Landon coming, yet did not move. She took the blow directly to her shoulder, however, instead of light shooting out from the cut; it was fire. The steel of Landon's blade turned a hot white in a matter of seconds. Rhona grabbed the blade of the sword tightly. With a speed that rivaled Landon's, Rhona removed from her shoulder, swung around, then stabbed Landon's shoulder with his own sword. "Love? You don't know a damn thing about love! You want to know love?! Start by telling Cia the damn truth!" She roared angrily. A sudden large, bright light emanated from Rhona's body and the Earth shook under the immense power given off by Rhona. A crator formed around them and the flora burnt to immediate ash as the grew brighter, growing brighter and brighter, and even brighter still, until everything was nothing but white, then disappeared altogether and Rhona, Leon, and Shone-Lee had disappeared along with the light. The only thing that was left was the scorched earth and a massive crator; any life that once inhabited the area had either fled or perrished.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by OtomostheCrazy
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OtomostheCrazy The Impatient Patience of Fulfilled Nothingness

Member Seen 5 mos ago


A month had passed since the event of Claire's rampage. Yuki brought Claire and Xoxi to her own realm, where they would be given a chance to rest. For 'no particular reason', Yuki had also given Xoxi access to her realm, should she ever wish to visit. Yuki secretly hoped that she'd visit her frequently, as she couldn't help but have feelings for the demigod.

Over the course of a month, Claire had been living with Yuki. The music goddess was still trying to find a way to apologize to both Xoxi and Cia. At first, she thought a party would have been good, but then thought that her presence would probably sour the mood. Then she thought that making music for them would help some, but realized that it may not be a good idea either, if they knew it was her. Claire was stuck trying to figure out what to do, and she spent many sleepless nights thinking of it.

Claire also had her friend, Miriam, to worry about. That voice said he was searching for the blood goddess, and given what he tried to influence the music goddess herself to do, Claire was confident that a meeting between those two would end in disaster. She had to find a way to stop such an event from happening.

Today, Claire was in her bed, picking up where she left off, thinking on what to do on both situations. That is, until her sister called out.

"Claire! Breakfast is ready!" said Yuki.

Claire sighed, and got up.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Gardevoiran
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Gardevoiran The Forbidden One

Member Seen 5 mos ago


Xoxi walked in from out of the shadows and sneakily hugged Yuki.

"Hello there lovely!"

In reality, Xoxi basically moved into the realm. Gyro kept the Mycelings governed very well, to the point where very simple motor vehicles were created. The only major thing said by Xoxi was that she didn't want any religion involved with government and politics, and so the Mycelings kept level headed about it, not really starting new religious orders or believing any other. They established Xoxian as a religion and kept that as the main one. Television was invented, and bundled with internet access, provided this was a Myceling internet, and most human pages were wiped when everyone died. Mycelings were generous and shared their knowledge to the other peaceful races, but kept the theory of nuclear power to themselves. Armageddon was the last thing the world needed at this point.

"Still as cute as ever, might I add. I just realized I never told you that your realm was beautiful."

Xoxi sat down in a stool as Claire was arriving in the room.

"...hello Claire."

Xoxi was on a neutral ground with Claire. She wasn't fond of her, but she didn't really care if she was around. She actually reminded Xoxi of a long lost ex of hers.


Xoxi woke up from a weed-induced nap and heard a very loud fight. Humanity fell into anarchy, unsurprisingly, and so her mentor, father, and herself left where they were staying home at and went eastwards, they picked up a small group as they traveled. Xoxi met a lover in this group, named Saph, and they basically spent all their time together. Xoxi never told her she was a demigod though, her powers were not to be abused by others.

Xoxi's powers, meanwhile, took a purple shade with them, and slightly were morphed to look like Xoxi. Her mother was still very much present in the form, but it had a slight Xoxi look.

Xoxi looked outside and saw a bunch of bandits attacking where the group was held up currently. She thought for a minute before seeing her mentor with a noose around his neck, a bandit holding the other end of the rope. She ran outside and intervened.

"What's going on here?!"

As she finished her sentence, a club connected to the base of her leg, knocking her to the floor. The head bandit spoke.

"You are impure and have not seen the true path of the god Shya, the mother of conflict. We have come here to take you with us and teach you the ways when these men started attacking us. We were simply going to make you females our wives."

Xoxi's mentor struggled around, trying to free himself. He was beaten into submission shortly after.

"We haven't done anything to you! Let us go!"

"Silence female! We will leave in peace after taking you and two lives. These two."

Saph and the mentor were the only two in nooses. Her mentor spoke before the nooses were tightened.

"Squirt! Remember I'll be with you! You need to live for the both of u-"

The nooses were tightened as they were both restrained. As much as they both struggled, neither made it out of the nooses.

They were both dead.

Two bandits went to pick up Xoxi as she stopped moving. It was a harsh thing to watch.

Then, she giggled, and said:

"You're gonna pay for that!"

Shadows were risen out of the ground and were all armed with daggers. The two bandits carrying Xoxi were hastily slain on the spot, while the other bandits were reduced to a small group in the middle of the area. All the other travelers made it out of there, as Xoxi's father grabbed Xoxi and left.

A large shadow formed under the group of bandits, as they were ported 200 feet into the sky. They hit the ground and were immediately slain.

Xoxi retired to sleeping in her father's arms as he carried them off. The shadows were gone at that point.


Tlevran built a small fortress in San Fransisco, and worked on creating a race that wouldn't talk shit about him. He needed an army if he was going to commit total genocide on the world, and this was the only way he'd get that. A small idea was formed, where a bunch of other races in the world would be combined into a hideous amalgamation of a body. He prototyped these and called them "the Deformed". None were created yet, and the ultimate design was being worked on, but it looked alright so far.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@ace of flames01@rechonq
Cia was in so much shock over what was happening that she didn't even move. When it was finally over Cia found herself using a portal to her healing realm. She would be gone for about a month to heal the wounds. Though when she came back she would hunt down the ones who did this. And her race would follow along with her to kill these gods. For now the Anglic took to the skies hunting from Rhona, Leon, and Shone-Lee. Cia would know if they left them selves out in the open for too long.

It had been a month since the events of the Seven deadly sins coming to light. A huge tear had just opened in the sky. Marie was below it laughing as what looked like spirits exited the tear. Each of these spirits were evil versions of the good gods, and good versions of the evil gods. The Spirits put themselves inside of members of each of the races. These beings would start to wreck havoc within their own societys. Some starting up civil wars within the races. How this effected each race however was not what the gods them selves would want their races to do. For now though, the spirits hid themselves within the bodies of each members of the races.

Cia had come out of her healing realm to see the giant tear in the sky. "W-What?" Cia said watching as spirits came out of the portals. Even Dejor was not sure what to make of this. He had been biding his time recently, he had been deciding what side to take on this war, and ultimately decided to side with Cia, and Landon.

Flemmings had seemingly gone into hiding. He wanted no part in this war amongst the gods. He was meant to be a judge, yet he had failed in his job by refusing to punish his own sister. Though he could easily be swayed if one were to come find him within the Nexus.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Alec had gone back to living among his people. That being said he watches the sky along with his race as spirits come from the sky. They all remained silent as they watched not knowing what this would mean for them. Alec doesn't like this....feeling that this does not bode well for his people.

The plantoids seem like they could care less. Being an inherent neutral race that isn't close together they are more weed like with the bonus of being meat eating. So really if any spirit enters a plantoid it would be a disadvantage to the spirit.

Axis seems to have developed a feral wolf dog pack that he cares for. The canines seem to adore him and he loves raising the puppies. That being said he doesn't notice the spirits as he is too busy inside caring for his dogs. Among them a new breed....well...not entirely.....it's Cerberus mixed with regular dogs. So some dogs are about horse sized. hes been a bit busy.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Ace of flames01 The Returned

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After their attack on Cia and Landon; the twins knew that they had started a war with one of the most terrifying goddesses in existence, along with her lover. As far as they knew, everyone was against them, hunting them down; they couldn't go to anyone, not even those they trusted the most.

During the past month, the twins had recreated their pocket realm. They had sealed themselves away in their new realm, training rigorously until either tired or was unable to continue fighting. During the periods of rest, they watched over Earth, keeping up with their godly duties as healers, and watching over the other gods from a safe distance.

The twins didn't dare ask for help from the other gods. This was their fight; they didn't want to involve anyone else.

During that time, Rhona refused to sleep. She was afraid that if she fell asleep, she would telepathically connect with Alec through the dreamscape. Rhona loved him dearly and didn't want to put him or Leon in danger. However, after a month with little to no sleep, she was at her limit and had finally fainted. Leon, who had slept just fine had already connected with Alec and informed him of what they had done, yet didn't ask for his help nor did he tell him where they were. As much as he trusted Alec, Leon did want to risk his twin's life, even if it meant her happiness.

Leon watched as Rhona slept amongst the field of wildflowers that blankets their realm. He grinned then chuckled. "Ya miss him, don't ya? Yet ya desperately try to stay away him.... I think... I think it's time ya talked ta him, sister." Leon bent over and kissed her forehead, a light blue glow emanated from her forehead. He had sent her soul to Alec so that they could finally meet in the dreamscape.

An empty grassy plain as far as the eye could see, except for a single giant tree in the exact center of the field, a clear blue sky hung above, and a gentle breeze blew through Rhona's hair. Rhona wore a white sundress and was barefoot. The dreamscape was blanketed in a veil of silence, except for the rustling of the tall grass. It was peaceful and relaxing, a true heaven. Rhona looked around and wandered a bit, making her way to the giant tree, where the grass was shorter. She sat at the base of the tree and leaned against it, then closed her eyes, listening as the grass and the leaves rustled in the breeze.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Gardevoiran
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Gardevoiran The Forbidden One

Member Seen 5 mos ago


Gyro stared into the tear in the sky, and figured it was an end of days.

"Generals, I order you to enact plan A."

A large dome appeared around the city of New London, and it had been constructed for a very long time. The portal connecting to Dej was sealed off as best as it could've been, and the glass within the dome allowed for light to enter the city.

Over an intercom, Gyro spoke to the people within New London.

"This is president Gyro. This is a very much needed plan within the current situation of the world, and I advise all Mycelings to stay controlled. The world will return to normal as fast as it can."

Gyro turned of the intercom and spoke to himself.

"I hope so."


Tlevran saw the tear and figured it was time to consult with Marie on what to do. He teleported over to her location and spoke to her.

"I guess we did it? Am I of anymore use to you, Marie?"

He had his cleaver drawn. He didn't trust Marie since the start of this all, and his trust wasn't going to change right now. As he thought about it, he actually questioned whether or not a change of fates was needed from him soon. It would have to be settled by what Marie was going to do next, whether it be a fight between the two of them, or an alliance formed on the act of slaying everything.
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